Read Sin and Desire Online

Authors: Carol Swan

Sin and Desire (30 page)

"Because I live in the country. I've got to drive. If I get caught drinking and driving I'm fucked. Totally, totally fucked. Without wheels I can't work, I can't get groceries, I can't get wood supplies."
"Hmm," she seemed to understand.
"And how does that work in a singles bar, 'another glass of wine for this young lady and I'll have a Shirley Temple please'?"
She giggled, "You have a point."
"I was engaged once." I offered.
"What happened, did she quit or did you?"
"She did. Sally. Really cute and very nice. I fell for her right away. I met her the same week that I put an offer on this place. The sale didn't go through for three months and at that point I still had six and a half months on my apartment lease. The bottom line was that she liked the Sam Rockwell that lived in the city, but not the one that lived and worked in the country. Being the country squire's wife was not something that appealed to her."
"That's a bit shallow isn't it?"
"That's the same conclusion I came to. She wanted me to sell this place. I'd just bought it. She wasn't even willing to give it a try."
"That's awful."
"Yeah it was. It was literally 'it's either me or the country shop and house. Take your pick.'"
We sat in silence for a while.
"What about you," I asked, "why aren't you married?"
"You're kidding?"
"No. Why would you say that?"
"Look at me. Who the fuck wants to go out with me?" she said, then continued, "I'll tell you who. Losers, nerds and assholes."
"Come on."
"It's the body I was born with."
"What does the body have to do with it?"
She didn't answer at first, then said, "Everything. When I was younger, I'd go to the school dance. Do you think I was ever asked to dance?"
"Of course you were," I answered.
"Yeah," she laughed, "by losers, nerds and assholes."
"But you're none of those things. You're pleasant, you're a good worker." She turned her head and glared at me. "You're intelligent and you're pretty. She glared again. "Except for the face metal and the tats, but that's just me."
"I thought we weren't going to talk shop here," she said.
"We're not."
"I'm hardly pretty. I have a big ass, I don't have a waist and my friend Carly had bigger breasts when she was twelve than I do now."


"You're getting all fixated on the body again."


"I'm fine with my body."


"Then why do you say things like that?"


"Like what?"


"That you're not pretty and you have a big ass and small breasts."


"Because it's true!"


"You have a lovely smile and beautiful green eyes."


"And a big ass!" She brought her feet up onto the couch, curled her arms around her knees and stared into the fire, still wrapped in her blanket.


I wasn't going to win this.


She put her feet back onto the floor, reached for her wineglass, gulped down the last third of the glass, almost slammed it back on the coffee table in front, then curled her knees back up.


What low self-esteem she had of herself. I wondered if that was why she felt compelled to get herself tattooed and pierced. Did she need that 'Goth Look' to make herself different? Does looking different make you feel different? Is she that insecure?


"You're a lovely person." I said.


"Shut up."


Did I really say something that wrong? That she's pretty?


"Can I pour you some more wine?"


"Yes," she answered in a huff. I did.


"Emma, I know we're not supposed to talk about this, but think of it this way, I'm telling the girl sitting next to me about my new employee." She said nothing, just stared into the fire.


"I have this new employee. She had virtually no woodworking skills when she came to my shop a few weeks ago. When she showed up, I was completely shocked to find this Goth chick standing there. Nevertheless, I was in such a bind, I hired her anyway. I really wasn't expecting too much from her."


She pulled her knees down, took a sip of wine while taking a quick sideways glance at me.


"I'm over the moon with this girl. She's an excellent employee. A great worker. Great with her hands. Very talented. She learns fast, she works quickly, and I can tell she puts a lot of pride into her work. Her workmanship is excellent. She's pleasant, intelligent, witty and funny too. I hope she stays with me for a long, long time."


She stared at me for a few moments without an expression on her face. "I have to say Sam, that I really enjoy working in the shop. For the first time in my life, someone seems to appreciate what I do. In college I'd always have criticisms 'you could have highlighted that curve a bit more', "what are you trying to say with that piece?', 'I know you can do better than a B'. In the clothing store the manageress would say 'you could have made that sale'. All my life I've never been quite good enough. And I was never good enough for my parents, either. Do you think they like my tats and metal?"


"Did you do that just to piss them off?"


"No, but it was a nice side benefit."


I said nothing.


"What I'm saying I guess," she continued, "is thank you for not being a fucking asshole. You make me feel good about myself."


"No Emma, it's not about me. Everything I said is true. It's all your doing. It's your attitude, it's your skills and it's your work ethic. Plus I think you're pretty."


She smiled. "But I still have a fat ass."


"Doesn't matter it's still sexy." I wished I hadn't said that but it came out anyway.


"Oh, you think I'm sexy too." It wasn't a question.


Oh boy. Employee sexual harassment. Fuck.


"Emma, I..."


"Well I think you're sexy too," she cut me off.


"I'm sorry I said that."




"I don't want to lose my employee because of sexual harassment."


"I'm not your employee here."


"I'm sure the courts would understand that."


"Sam, don't be a jerk. You're not sexually harassing me. 'Give me a blow job and you get to keep your job,' that would be sexual harassment."


"Ah, just a little."


"Well you're not doing that are you?"


"No. I'm not. I would never do that. And I will never do that." I said.


"It can work the other way around too."


"How so?" I asked.


"If I said, 'I'm not coming into work tomorrow unless you eat my pussy right now.'"


She was certainly not shy.


"But you're not doing that are you." I said rather than asked.


"No, I'm not."


"Good." I thought that was the end of it. We both reached for our wine glasses and took a sip.


"So will you do it?" she asked.


"Do what?"


"Eat my pussy."


I nearly dropped my wine glass.


"Not if it's sexual harassment I won't." I was relieved to have found a quick out.


She turned to me with a grin on her face.


"It won't be."


Did I just agree to eat her pussy?


"Emma, how will you feel in the morning, in the shop?" I was hoping to backtrack.


She turned on the couch and wrapped her left hand around the back of my neck, leaned towards me and said, "Sexually satisfied I hope." She was grinning at me.


I felt my cock twitch.


"Emma, if we do this we can't extend it into the shop."


"You're damn right we can't. There you're my boss. Here you're the country squire with the roaring fire and fancy dinner." She waved her hand over the spent chip bag.


I couldn't keep the grin off my face. Neither could she. She took my wine glass from me and set both on the coffee table.


Then she pulled her red t-shirt off again.


Her breasts certainly weren't big, only a handful really. Her areola were small too, almost non-existent. But her nipples were huge. The rings were gold, probably three quarters of an inch diameter. The nipples almost filled them. The rings shimmered in the firelight.


"Do you like the rings?" she asked. Clearly she caught me staring. She flipped them with her index fingers. The nipple skin reacted to the movement of the rings.


"Yeah, they're kind of kinky actually."


She pulled on her nipple rings. The nipples followed and some of her breast flesh too. I wondered if that hurt. "I hate my breasts, but I love my nipples." She twisted the rings a bit.


"I love your nipples too."


"Then give them a little suck." She pulled my head towards her chest.


I gave one a suck, then the other. The rings felt funny in my mouth. There was certainly a contrast between hard rings and soft nipples. She made a kind of purring sound while my tongue and lips played with her nipples.


"Do you like that?" I asked looking up to her green eyes sparkling in the firelight.


"What do you think?" She pushed my head back down to her breasts.


As I pulled my mouth away from her breasts, my t-shirt was pulled off me, over my head. Her hands were all over my chest, shoulders and arms. She pushed the side of her face against my chest, then pushed me back onto the couch and climbed on top of me. She looked down at me from above, straddling my waist. The light from the fire only illuminated half of her face. The tattoo on her right side danced in the firelight.


What an exotic creature she was. My cock certainly thought that too. It was rock hard.


She arched herself down to kiss me. Her lips were warm, soft. Her tongue darted out, pushing my teeth apart. Her tongue found mine. I pushed back into her mouth. Her breath was warm. I ran my hands down her arms. The tattooed side was warmer from the fire. Her nose ring bounced off my nose as we kissed.


Her hand reached down under my waist band. "Nice," she whispered as she found my stiff cock.


"Sam, before we go any farther I want you to know I don't have any funny diseases and I'm on the pill. How about you?"


"I'm not on the pill," I said.


"Don't be an ass."


"No funny diseases," I said grinning.


"Good." She got off me and pulled my sweatpants off. My cock sprung up. "Very nice," she said as she grabbed a hold of it. She lowered her mouth to my cock.


My brain swirled in sync with her tongue on my cock. Lightly she stroked my shaft as she licked the underside, then she pushed my cock way down her throat and held it momentarily before pulling back up in a pool of saliva.


Where did she learn how to do that?


Emma let go and my cock flopped onto my belly. She stood up and pulled her sweat pants off. I could see her pussy hairs in the firelight. There wasn't a lot and they weren't black. My hand reached out to her puss as she raised her left leg and put her foot on the couch next to my hip.


Metal! "Whaa?"


"Yeah," she said as her hands slid down to her crotch, I could barely make out in the light that she was pulling two rings, one on each inner labia, "I've got rings in my lips."


My finger slipped right into her. It was warm, tight and very wet. She let go of the rings, I could feel them against my knuckle. I pulled my finger out and played with the curls of her soft pussy hairs, her soft pussy lips and the contrasting hard rings. I gently twisted everything I could touch with my fingertips. I could see a smile on the side of her face that was illuminated by the firelight as she looked down on me from above.


I slid down the couch to make room for her knees. She straddled me and lowered her pussy to my awaiting mouth, my hands cupped her ass. All at once I smelled her pussy, tasted it and felt the softness of her lips and the distinction made by the two rings. Sensory overload. Bliss. Divine female nectar made my brain swirl.


My lips and tongue went everywhere. I couldn't get enough. After a few content moments I became aware of her fingers against my tongue and lips. With the index and thumb of each hand she pulled on the rings, splaying her puss wide open and exposing her clit.


"Lick gently," she whispered. I did. Right on her clit. "That's it," she cooed. Her hips rocked slightly to meet my tongue. I slipped my index finger into her hole, "Yeah," she whispered as she exhaled. Her rocking motion increased. Each exhale of her breath became throaty. I slipped a second finger into her. I could feel the tightness of her muscles as I fucked her with my fingers. She continued to pull on her rings. The tempo of her husky breathing increased. Her thighs were trembling. I gently sucked her little clit while flicking it with the tip of my tongue.


I splayed my two fingers into a vee as I slowly pulled out, nearly to the end of my fingers. A bridge of moisture glistened between my knuckles in the firelight. I licked it off. Pure Emma heroin. Right then and there, I became an addict. I plunged my fingers back inside her and sucked directly onto her clit.


She let go of the rings and pulled the back of my head into herself. "Ggaauuughh Fuuuck meeee!" Pussy muscles clamped onto my fingers and bulged to my knuckles, loosened, then clamped again. Her hips jerked. Pubic hair tickled my nostrils as I attempted to take in air. Guttural sounds emanated from above me. Muscles clamped again and again before she released the pressure from the back of my head.


I gasped for air. Looking up I saw half of her face illuminated in the firelight, contorted, looking down on me. Her belly button piercing glistened in the light. Something dripped on my forehead.


I pulled my fingers out. My hand was soaked. I licked my fingers and hand.


She wiggled her way down the couch straddling me. She reached between her legs and picked up my cock. She angled it towards her pussy as she wiggled her bum, as I continued to lick my fingers. I could feel my cock head being enveloped in warmth. And then I was in. All the way.


"Ahhhh," she gasped, "Fuuckk...oh yeah," she said to herself, I think.


Her pussy was tight. Wet too. She rocked her hips gently as she rubbed her lower belly with her fingers.


" good," she gurgled, "so full." Her head fell back, her mouth was open.


"Fuck me Sam." I could feel her pussy muscles clamping down on my cock.


I rolled my hip upward forcing myself in as far as I could go.


"Oh yeah," her voice was low, breathy.


Her fingers found her nipples, she tugged at her rings. She rocked her hips to match mine.


I could feel wetness and her pussy rings at the base of my cock as we slowly fucked. My breathing became heavier.


Hers too.


She leaned forward, looking down at me in the half light. She placed her left arm on the back of the couch and her right foot on the ground next to the sofa. Then slowly withdrew my cock almost all the way out and then slammed her pussy back down. The fingers of her right hand found her clit and she rubbed furiously while thumping down on me again and again. I could hear the sticky collisions over the crackling fire.


I fucked her right back, matching her furious tempo. Her lips were withdrawn baring her teeth. Hot breath flushed my face. Green eyes that sparkled in the firelight were locked onto mine.


My fingers found her nipple rings. I held them in position so that her nipples and breasts were pulled by the action of her hips crashing into me.


I'm sure my face was contorted. I struggled for air.


"Fuck!" she screamed, "Yeah!"


I could feel her fingernails working madly at her clit.


Her right leg started to shake. Her whole body trembled.


I kept jamming into her with all my strength. My heart was pounding in my chest. I knew I was going to cum soon.


She pounded down onto my cock and ground down. "Grraauuugh!" she gasped through open mouth. I could feel her muscles clamp down on my cock as her body jerked. She clamped again, "Auughh," she groaned through her exhale. Her forehead glistened in the firelight. Her fingers still worked away as her body jerked again.


My teeth were clenched as I tried to hold off cumming. I knew it was a losing battle. My chest was heaving in need of air.


She slumped forward, "Auugh" she heaved a sigh into my left ear. Her hot breath whistled in my ear. I felt another contraction. Then another. Then one last one.


We were motionless save for our breathing. I could feel her rapidly beating heart racing with mine.


"I'm going to cum," I whispered, barely hanging on.


Only her breath in my ear responded.


I did. Spurt after spurt plunged deep inside her pussy. My hips jerked involuntarily as I came. My voice was reduced to a gurgle of air.


"Ohhhhh!" she gasped pushing down harder as I came, but staying motionless.


"Fuck!" together we huffed.


We lay there hot and sweaty searching for air for a few moments. I could feel my cock, slip inside her as it started to shrink.


"I could feel you," she said as she drew a breath, "coming inside me."


I nodded a hot breath at her.


"I could feel your cock swell." She whispered.


"I'm sure I'm still oozing cum into you," I whispered back, still searching for air.


My cock slipped some more from shrinkage. It was wet and hot in her pussy.


She pushed herself up. Her right hand was on her crotch as my dick slipped out from her and flopped on my pelvis. The fingers on her right hand slipped into her mouth then quickly went back to her pussy.


I was shocked at what I had just seen her do. She did it again. Then again. Before I could react two fingers from her pussy were pushed into my mouth.


"Taste," she said.


I did. I was in even more shock at the unexpected intrusion. It was salty. It tasted of sex.


"I love the taste of Sam Rockwell," she cooed as she dug her fingers deep inside her. After taking one more thorough lick of her fingers she squatted next to me and slipped my glistening cock into her mouth. She licked it clean and sucked on my peehole to make sure it's all out.


Wow! In my wildest dreams, I'd never imagined a girl licking the cum out of her own pussy. Could it be that Emma really enjoyed the taste of cum that much? And what about that 'taste of Sam Rockwell' bit? Was she serious?


"Cuddle me," she said as she lay back on me, which her weight shifted to the back of the couch. She slipped the blanket over us and nuzzled her face into me neck.


"That was nice, thank you Sam," she whispered.


"Thank you Cate." I whispered back as I brushed her back and shoulders under the blanket.




We woke up on the couch the next morning, cold and hungry. The freezing rain had stopped but the power was still out. We simply peed, didn't flush, dressed ourselves and jumped into my pick-up truck in search of food and heat.


On the way to Jimmy's Diner we passed a crew of linemen fixing power lines.


By the time we got back, the power was on.


We opened up the shop and went to work as if nothing had happened.

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