Read Sin and Desire Online

Authors: Carol Swan

Sin and Desire (39 page)

Her hands began to work at the button on his jeans, and soon she had them open wide enough to reach down and grab his cock in her hand. She marveled at the warmth and the size of it, the way it curved differently than Noah’s, how it sat in her hand.

“I want to suck your cock,” she whispered.

“Too bad,” he said. His lips closed over her right nipple and he sucked hard. Emma felt her pussy clench around his fingers moving inside her. “You promised I could taste your pussy.”

“I didn’t promise,” she objected, trying to maintain her playful aloofness despite the way her clit began to beat at the thought. She whimpered as Ethan’s mouth moved from her breast, leaving her nipple wet and cold. He began to travel down her stomach, stopping to press a light kiss over her belly button. He deftly unzipped her jeans and slid them off with her panties. Emma pouted as he withdrew his hand, but he didn’t leave her unattended for long. His mouth traveled lazily down the stretch of skin below her navel, and when at last she felt his tongue parting the lips of her pussy, she gasped and buried her nails in his scalp.

“Fuck,” she whispered, unable to stay still as Ethan’s tongue drew from the base of her labia upwards, stopping just short of her clit. She could feel the blood pulsing in her clit and tried to pull his head towards it, but he resisted. It wasn’t until she was whimpering and bucking against his face that she finally felt his tongue on her clit, wet and surprisingly cool. She moaned as he began to lick in steady strokes, and when she begged for it, he slid two fingers back inside her. Her breath became ragged and she tugged ineffectually at his hair, grinding against him, bucking and moaning until she thought she couldn’t take it anymore. Just as she was about to topple over the edge, he removed his fingers and moved his lips back to her nipple, circling it with his tongue and sucking fiercely. His fingers dug into her ass hard enough that she was sure he would leave bruises. Just as she was about to take matters into her own hands, Ethan pressed his cock against the entrance to her pussy and slowly slid inside her. She gurgled with surprise, but it quickly turned into a moan. She folded her legs around his waist and moved with him as he drove into her, rocking her entire body. His lips on her nipple began to slacken as his mouth hung open, and he began to make sounds as well.

“God,” he said, his voice heavy with arousal. He pushed into her faster and faster until his head was arched all the way back. Emma took the opportunity to sink her teeth into his throat, making him jerk. Emma rocked with him until she couldn’t keep up with his rhythm any more, and then she let her own head roll back as her body let go. The pulsing sensation in her clit expanded to cover her entire body, and she arched her back and flexed her toes. Above her, Ethan groaned and shook, and Emma struggled to watch as he came, her own body wracked with waves of pleasure. It all happened shockingly fast, and once it was over Ethan moved her hair out of her face and kissed her.

“So that’s swinging,” he said, and Emma giggled.

“I think I like swinging,” she said.



Sharing Friends – Part II


“I came fucking hard.”

Emma traced circles on Noah’s bare chest as he told his story. She was entranced by the swirls of hair, imagining she could detect the scent of Amy lingering there. Listening to Noah describe his experience brought back memories of her own recent adventure.

It was the day after the party and the couple was snuggling on the couch, the television off and Netflix the furthest thing from their mind.

“I’m still sore,” she admitted. Noah pulled away and looked at her, alarmed. “The good sore,” she assured him, sealing it with a quick peck on the cheek, “It was quick and rough. I liked it.”

“He didn’t just stick it in and go to town, did he?” Noah asked with a grunt. Emma giggled.

“Of course not.”

“So what did he do?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Noah pretended to glower as Emma giggled. The living room was completely cleaned up, the sitting pillows returned to their place in the corner and the bowl of condoms depleted or taken home as souvenirs. The board games were stacked on the shelf below the television. The only hint of the party was the faint smell of sex in the air, which Emma realized she was probably imagining.

“Come on, Em,” Noah said, nuzzling her neck, “Tell me how you fucked the guy.”

“I didn’t really fuck him,” she said. “He fucked me.”

Noah sat straight up, eyes wide. “Seriously? You played the submissive?”

Emma stuck out her lower lip and tilted her head. “Somebody jealous?”


“And lost for words, too.” This time she planted the kiss on his lips, turning his face towards her with a hand on his cheek. His strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her close, and his kiss back was aggressive.

“I think I want to see this,” he said when she broke the kiss, “I don’t quite believe it.”

“Maybe you’ll get the chance. We could invite them over for dinner.”

So that’s what they did. Noah called Ethan up that very night and promised wine and fine dining if he and Amy joined them for the evening. Just knowing Ethan was on the other end of the line was enough to make Emma antsy. When they hung up, she threw her arms around Noah. “This is gonna be so much fun,” she said, bouncing up and down like a child. Noah grinned and kissed her.

“I vote we get started without them,” he said, bending down so his face was right next to hers.

They’d had sex last night after everyone had gone home, and it had been one of the most intimate moments of their life. They barely spoke, only held and rode each other until they both tired, and even then they would resume in a few hours. Not much sleep was had. Emma wondered if the other couples had a similar experience.

“But I’ve gotta cook,” Emma said, kissing the tip of Noah’s nose. “You promised fancy steak.”

“How about I cook?” he suggested.

Emma laughed and swatted his chest. “You don’t cook.”

“I could be persuaded.”

Noah took a moment, and then grabbed Emma as though for a waltz. “Together,” he declared, and Emma giggled in assent.

Two bottles of wine sat on the counter, one white, one red. Emma had pulled her mother’s old, tall candles from the bottom drawer and set them in the candleholder. There was a salad mixed sans the dressing, and the steaks sat marinating in the fridge. Emma fiddled with the lights, trying to find the perfect dimness setting. Noah smiled to himself as the lights went down and up and down again. “Potatoes are done,” he called. “Pass me a bowl?”

Satisfied with the lights, Emma grabbed a large porcelain bowl from the cupboard beside the microwave. She passed it to Noah, who scooped the mashed potatoes into it. He then passed it back to Emma and she placed it delicately on the table.

“Did we forget anything?” Emma asked, peering around the room. Noah sighed and put his arms around her from behind. He kissed the top of her head.

“Nope. Everything’s perfect. Relax, sweetheart.”

“I can’t relax,” she blabbered. “I’m all jittery. See?” She held up a hand for his inspection and, true to her word, it was trembling slightly.

“Aw,” Noah said, covering her small hand with both of his. “Poor Emma.”

“Why are you so calm?” she demanded, leaning into him, “Aren’t you excited?”

“Of course I am.”

“Why am I always the one freaking out?”

“Dunno, babe. I’m just a rock. Nothing phases me.”

“Nothing, huh?”

“Nothing. I could wrestle a shark in the middle of a gladiator pit in the midst of a tsunami and you know me, I’d be steady as a rock.”

“Really? There’s nothing at all that could get you worked up?”


“Not even this?”


Emma had let her hand wander down to the front of Noah’s jeans and she was slowly stroking him through the denim. Noah cleared his throat and Emma delighted in having shut him up. He began to get hard at her touch, his cock straining against his jeans.

“Can’t wait ten minutes for our guests to arrive, huh? Want a good fuck now, just to remind you why you’re coming back to me at the end of the night?” His hands crept up under her shirt, and she quickly pulled it off. Noah inhaled sharply as he covered the bare skin of her breasts with his hands.

“So presumptuous,” she mused. She slid her hand inside his jeans and closed her fingers around his cock, feeling it swell as she squeezed. He continued to massage her breasts as she put her lips to his neck, kissing down the side of his throat.

“You’re pretty hot,” Emma told him. “Like, a little bit hot. Just a tad.”

“Only kinda,” he agreed with a sarcastic smirk. He removed his shirt. Emma began to kiss down past his collarbone, past his chest. Her lips trailed down to his stomach and she lingered near his belly button, planting small wet kisses all around it. She let the denim of his jeans tickle her nose as she sank lower. She pressed her closed lips against the bulge.

“You want to suck me off, don’t you, Em?” It wasn’t a question, because they both already knew the answer. The words, though, sent a warm shudder from the crown of Emma’s head down to her toes.

“Yeah,” she said, hooking her fingers in his belt loops, “Yeah, I do.”

Emma had just taken his cock into her mouth when the doorbell rang. Noah groaned. “They can wait, right,” he asked, without much hope. Emma’s lips curled up around his cock and she giggled. She pulled her head back and placed a quick, wet kiss on the head.

“Jeez, Noah, make yourself presentable.” She scooped her shirt off the back of the dining room chair and pulled it over her head. Noah tugged at his hair.

“Augh,” he said. Emma, suddenly much too busy to coddle him, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and breezed towards the door. Noah cursed and pulled his boxers up from around his ankles. He finished buttoning his jeans just as the door opened wide.

“Hello,” Emma said, kissing Amy on both cheeks, “Nice to see you again. So glad you could make it.”

“Thank you for having us,” Amy answered, taking Emma’s hands and smiling. Ethan, standing beside her in shorts and a raggedy T-shirt, nodded his greeting. All three stood smiling at each other until it was almost awkward.

“Oh, right,” Emma said, stepping to the side and gesturing to the hallway. “Come on in. Noah’s in the kitchen.”

“I’m right here, actually,” he said with a smile. Emma glanced meaningfully at the bulge in his pants. Noah held her gaze for a second and then turned to their guests with a grin. “I hope you guys like kale. Emma’s on one of her super food kicks.”

“One of
super food kicks,” Emma corrected, “Our loving, team-building super food kicks.”

“That sounds lovely,” Amy said as she helped herself to a hanger in the coat closet. “We love kale, don’t we, honey?”

“Absolutely,” said Ethan with the straightest face of his life.

Ethan helped Noah with the steaks on the barbecue while Amy hovered in the kitchen with Emma, putting the finishing touches on the dessert cake. It was already perfect, but Emma needed something to do with her hands.

“I make you nervous.” Amy’s voice was demure, unthreatening. She took the onus off of Emma. All she had to do was nod.

“You don’t have to be. This is all great fun. Ethan hasn’t stopped talking about you.”

Emma’s face flushed bright. “I--I’m sorry,” she stammered. “I’m sure he doesn’t mean anything by it.”

Amy held a finger up to her lips, as if holding in a knowing smile. “Don’t worry, Emma. We’ve done this before. It’s about having a good time, getting in a little extra fun. Ethan getting his rocks off with you doesn’t make him love me any less. Just like Ethan giving you the best orgasm of your life tonight won’t change the way you feel about Noah.”

“I’m not worried about Noah,” Emma mumbled. It was a lie and Amy knew it. Instead of pushing the matter, she smiled at Emma and changed the subject. Emma’s hands gradually stopped shaking as they made small talk about herbs and seasonal vegetables.

Noah and Ethan entered the kitchen from the back porch with a rush of cool air. Emma wrapped her peach cardigan tighter around her shoulders. “Chilly, babe?” she said.

“Yeah, but look at these steaks, Em.”

While Ethan and Noah admired the rare steaks they had arranged artfully (maybe) on their silver platter, Emma noticed Amy admiring Noah. Amy’s eyes started with his face, but inevitably wandered, and Emma’s heart began to race as she watched Amy bite her lip. Noah and Ethan were too absorbed in their conquest of the barbecue to notice, but it was all Emma could think about.

Over dinner, they talked about pets and hobbies and their favorite times of the year. Amy: height of summer, Ethan: his birthday, Emma: the beginnings of the falling of autumn leaves and Noah: Halloween. Emma took an extra-long time to finish her salad, and when it was time for dessert, she lingered on that too. She stared at her plate, pushing the falling walnuts around with her fork, occasionally looking up through her eyelashes at her husband or their guests. She spoke softly when spoken to and every time Ethan used her name, she blushed.

“That was excellent, Emma and Noah, thank you,” said Amy as she delicately wiped the corner of her mouth with her a napkin. Ethan nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, it was great. I haven’t had a good meal like that in weeks.”

“Amy doesn’t cook?” Emma blurted. Amy’s mouth curled up into a wry smile.

“I can’t cook for shit,” she said. “It’s a wonder Ethan’s stuck around.”

“You’ve got other talents,” Ethan said. Amy shrugged as Noah shifted in his chair and quietly cleared his throat. Emma smiled shyly.

“Well,” she said, “I think that’s a wrap.” She leaned forward to blow out the candle in front of her, and the other three followed suit. The kitchen darkened and the four of them sat silently. Emma got the feeling that Amy and Ethan were perfectly comfortable, amused and perhaps a little smug at her awkwardness. Eventually, Amy pushed her chair back and grabbed the opened bottle of wine from the counter, along with four glasses.

They all gathered in the living room. The couch had a blanket draped over it, and the large floor pillows had been arranged beside it. The coffee table was pushed against the wall. Emma had, of course, agonized over the room set-up, and she anxiously watched Amy and Ethan survey her handiwork. Ethan gave her a goofy thumbs up and she—
god fucking dammit
—she blushed. Noah came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“The guy really gets you going, doesn’t he?” he murmured in her ear. Amy offered her a glass of red wine and she gladly took it. She gulped down a mouthful and then set the glass on the table. She laced the fingers of her right hand through Noah’s and leaned her head back for a kiss. She guided his hand gently over her breast and down her stomach, then under her jeans. His fingers pressed lightly at her vulva, easily slipping between her wet lips.

“What do you think?” she whispered. Noah pressed his lips firmly against her hair and she felt his heavy breathing on her ear. “Are we doing it right?” she asked, locking eyes with Ethan while Noah moved his fingers inside her panties. She parted her lips and closed her eyes. It didn’t take long for Noah to get hard again, and Emma pressed her ass against his erection.

“Not quite,” Amy said, her voice slightly lower than earlier. “I thought I was the one who got to fuck your husband tonight.”

“So what about me?” Emma asked. Noah’s lips trailed gently along her collarbone, and she shuddered as he ran a calloused finger over her clit.

Emma’s eyes snapped open as she was grabbed by the arms and roughly yanked away from Noah. Ethan shoved her into the wall by the couch, being sure to cup the back of her head with his hand so it wouldn’t crack against the drywall. Emma stared at him, eyes wide. He had her pinned against the wall by the wrists and was silently staring into her eyes, obstructing her view of Noah. She heard her husband moan and struggled to see around Ethan, but he pressed her between the wall and his body. Ethan didn’t move, only waited. Emma’s eyes wandered down to his lower lip and she recalled gently tugging on it with her teeth the night before. She descended into the memory and it made her squirm.

From out of her line of vision came another moan from Noah. Hearing him like that seemed to drain the last of her inhibitions, and she leaned forward to catch Ethan in a kiss. He kissed her back with fervor, and she tasted his tongue hot against her own. Ethan released her wrists and held her by the waist. She buried her hands in his messy dark hair and kissed him hard, grinding her hips against his growing erection. She fumbled with her shirt and Ethan laughed lightly as her hair got caught in the collar as she tried to pull it off. His laugh was caught short as he cupped his hands around her breasts. His head moved down to take her nipple into his mouth, and the room opened out before her. She saw Noah with his shirt off, Amy kissing her way down his stomach. He was pulling her hair away from her face and holding it in a rough ponytail. He groaned and leaned his head back, eyes closed. Emma held Ethan’s head to her breast as he traced circles around her nipples, first one, then the other, with his tongue. Emma reached behind her and found the wall with her hand and leaned back against it, her bare shoulder blades digging into the cool surface. Ethan’s hand started at her ankle and slowly traveled up her bare leg, his fingers barely brushing the back of her knee and coming to rest gently under her skirt. She was acutely aware of how close his fingers were to her pussy, and her clit pulsed with the need to be touched.

“Amy,” Emma said. The other woman looked up from where she’d been kissing the line of Noah’s hip. Noah looked at her too, though his mouth was slightly open and he seemed to be having a difficult time focusing on her face.

“Amy,” Emma said again, forcing Ethan’s head down with hands in his hair. “Suck Noah’s cock.”

Amy’s smile was immediate and wry. “With pleasure,” she said, and with that Ethan slid his fingers past Emma’s panties and inserted them into her pussy. She gasped louder this time.

“Oh my god,” she said. Ethan moved his fingers slowly inside her. She watched Amy unbuckle her husband’s belt, a painstakingly slow process. Noah couldn’t stand still, massaging Amy’s scalp with his fingers. He and Emma locked eyes. Amy tugged Noah’s jeans down and Noah took a deep breath, but he didn’t look away from Emma. Emma felt her nipples pucker all over again as Amy pressed her soft lips to Noah’s boxers. Amy slowly, gently pulled them down to expose his cock, hard and swollen.

Ethan removed his hand from Emma’s panties to pull them down with her skirt, and then he grabbed her ass in the same bruising way as the night before. Emma watched her husband, mouth hanging open, as Amy wet her lips with her tongue and pushed Noah’s cock into her mouth. Noah shuddered and his eyes closed, and Ethan’s tongue flicked over Emma’s clit. She nearly collapsed, catching herself on his shoulders. Noah met her eyes again and they each watched the other, every moan or wince of pleasure transferred between them. As Amy’s head began to bob in a rhythm, taking Noah’s cock into her mouth and then sucking on it as she withdrew, only to plunge forward again, Ethan pressed his mouth against Emma’s pussy more aggressively. He licked her long, from the opening to the tip of her clit, where he pressed his tongue against her and began to suck. Emma felt the pressure building inside her, every tingle gathering in her clit. Her knees began to wobble. Ethan pulled away for a moment, much to Emma’s disappointment.

“I love you, Amy,” he said, his voice low and husky. Amy moaned in response and did something that made Noah swear. Then Ethan pressed his lips to Emma’s pussy again and his tongue stroked her clit until she was bucking against his face, holding him by his hair hard enough to hurt. Her moans got louder and more high-pitched and Noah looked right at her, his eyes wide and mouth twisted in pleasure. He ate up every sound as Emma arched her back and let the waves of pleasure wash outwards from her clit.

“Oh god,” she said, her voice high and small. “Oh god, oh god, oh god!”

She came hard with another man’s mouth on her pussy, and Noah looked as though he was about to die from arousal.

“A—Amy,” he stuttered. “I’m going to… I’m going to come…”

Amy’s rapidly bobbing head slowed to a crawl, and then she kissed the tip of his cock as she withdrew. “No you’re not,” she said, producing a condom from her back pocket. “You’re going to ram your cock into my wet pussy and come inside me while my husband fucks your wife like a dog.”

“Yes, please,” Emma whimpered, still heaving from her orgasm. Ethan stood up and grabbed a fistful of her hair, then forcibly bent her forward over the arm of the couch. She felt tears gathering in the corners of her eyes as she waited for Ethan to undo his pants. “Please, please fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

Amy had torn off her own shirt and Noah was on his knees, kissing her through her jeans as he worked to undo them. He pulled them down and put his hand between her legs. It came away wet.

“Lay down,” she ordered him, and he lay back on the pillows. She knelt over him and then looked at Ethan, whose cock was hovering dangerously close to Emma’s pussy, occasionally brushing it with the tip as he tried to stand steady. “Are you ready?” Amy asked him.

“So fucking ready,” he said. Emma watched Amy straddle Noah and slowly, slowly slide herself down onto his cock. At the same time Emma felt Ethan entering her from behind, filling her up and going in deep. Ethan reached around to grope her breasts and voraciously kissed the back of her neck, his teeth occasionally scraping along her skin. Her knuckles on the arm of the couch were white, and she groaned at every thrust. She watched Noah’s hands as they gripped Amy’s hips. Emma caught glimpses of Noah’s cock, red and glistening, between thrusts. He slipped a hand between Amy’s legs to play with her clit as she rode him.

“Oh yes,” Amy said, tossing her head back. Her mouth was open and her eyes closed. She braced her hands on Noah’s knees as she rode him harder and faster.

“Bet you want to fuck her next,” Ethan growled in Emma’s ear. Emma tried to respond, but the sounds she made didn’t form words. “She’d love to taste that pussy. Maybe next time we can share…”

Amy leaned down and whispered something to Noah, but Emma couldn’t hear. Whatever it was pushed Noah over the edge. He threw his head back in spasms and dig his fingers into Amy’s hips, slamming her down on his cock so he could come deep inside her. The view was enough to get Emma there too, and she writhed and spasmed as Ethan came as well, trembling above her. Amy started out with a moan and ended in a scream before collapsing on top of Noah, her hair strewn over his chest. Emma’s bangs were stuck to her forehead with sweat and she could feel Ethan’s slick chest resting against her back. The only sound was their panting, which slowly evened out as they caught their breath. Into the silence, Emma spoke.

“Next time,” she agreed.





My breath quickens as his hands run up my thigh. For the first time, he touches my skin. I feel his warm breath against my chest as my imagination runs wild with animalistic thoughts of sexual desire.

There’s a blindfold over my eyes and a loose ribbon around my hands. He knows I won’t run but whether or not I know the same is a different story.

You see, earlier today I was taken by this man. I’ve seen him in magazines. He’s the guy driving the Porsche, the Lamborghini, the “my entire salary for 10 years” car. He’s the guy with all the women flocking around him day and night. He’s… a billionaire playboy so to speak. Everyone in the city knows who he is.

David Monroe.

The name resonated through my mind as his soft hands slid up my skirt and pulled at the sides of my panties.

His soft hands. I’m sure they’ve never worked any sort of manual labor a day in their entire life.

Peeking from under the blindfold, I could see him kneeling in front of me. His lips were pursed into a kiss as he ran his mouth up my leg. Not kissing me, but just ever so above my skin. Enough to tease and tempt.

The room is dark, but light enough to make out his clean shaven face. He’s so close I could smell his aftershave wafting around me, mixing with the sensual energy within the room and enveloping my body.

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