Read Sin and Desire Online

Authors: Carol Swan

Sin and Desire (53 page)

“On one condition,” his voice came from behind her.

“Anything!” She gasped, turning around to try and plead with him.

“You need to suck Ethan’s dick while I fuck you. I don’t want anyone left out tonight.”

So desperate was she to feel his dick inside her, Anna leaned forward and pulled Ethan towards her, groping at his pants as she did so. Ethan gently brushed her hands away, unzipping himself and pulling out an eight-inch hard-on.

Hungrily, Anna leaned forward and opened her mouth, swirling her tongue over the head of his erection. As she did so, she felt Sam push into her, his thick cock pushing open the entrance to her pussy. The feeling was indescribable; servicing these two men with both her holes, Anna felt like a wanton hussy, in the best possible way. Using her hand, she guided more of Ethan’s dick into her mouth, pushing her head as far down as it would go and using her tongue to stimulate the underside of his cock.

Sam picked up the pace behind her, pounding into her pussy hard enough that her whole body shuddered with each thrust. Arching her back so he could get a little deeper, Anna felt an orgasm building deep down inside of her. In between licking and sucking on Ethan’s cock and feeling Sam shoving into her, her body was a mess of different sensations from head to toe and she loved it. She vowed that she would never sleep with just one guy after this, and that she would make a point of engaging at least two men to pleasure her properly.

Ethan had begun a slow, leisurely thrusting into Anna’s mouth, brushing her hair back from her face as he did so. She looked up at him, and the desire in his eyes sent another spike of arousal through her system. She knew she wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer, and she had a feeling that these men wouldn’t be too far behind her.

Slipping her hand between her legs, she began to play with her clit once again, and that was all she needed; letting out a muffled moan against Ethan’s cock, she felt her pussy tighten suddenly, and a burst of relief and pleasure wash over her. At that moment, Sam thrust hard and deep into her, savoring the feeling of her pussy around his dick, and came; letting out a cry and slumping down across Anna’s body, kissing her gently on the back as he slid his slowly deflating cock out of her. And the sight of Anna’s orgasmic face was the last thing that Ethan needed, as Anna felt his dick harden in a moment, then spurt out ream after ream of cum into her mouth, all of which she swallowed dutifully.

Ethan was the first one to speak. “Sam, we have to take her up to the cabin.”

“The cabin?” Anna interjected, curious.

Ethan grinned down at her. “The cabin.”

Anna sat in the back seat of the taxi, trying not to sink her teeth into her bottom lip in anticipation. The blindfold was tied tight around her head, and she’d had to rely on Ethan’s voice, and his hand on the small of her back, guiding her through everything. They’d explained to her on the way over that their “cabin” was a nickname for an apartment they held on to in Manhattan, in secret. But why was it secret? Anna had enquired. Because, of course, this was the place they bought their conquests. Together. The realization that she was not the first woman they had put through this kind of treatment sent a little spiral of pleasure and jealousy through Anna; well, at the very least, they knew what they were doing. Not that she was left with any kind of doubt after their encounter in the library. Her pussy clenched at the thought; God, what a night that had been. And to think, it was far from over yet.

She had spent a long time getting ready for this date; a turquoise shift dress that was on just the right side of business-like—no panties, of course—her long, dark hair curled slightly so it tumbled in waves down her shoulders and breasts. With a slick of vanilla lip gloss, she had heard the doorbell ring, and, when she went to answer it, there they were—both dressed impeccably, in the sort of evening suits she could never convince her boyfriends they would look good in. She had barely blurted out her overheated greetings before Ethan had held up one of his ties and wrapped in round her head. It was beyond exciting, beyond erotic, and Anna couldn’t wait to see where the story lead them next.

The taxi pulled to a halt, and Anna heard the rustling of money as it changed hands; she imagined a large tip had been handed over to make sure the driver wouldn’t ask any question about the blindfolded woman they had with them. Tucking a hand under Anna’s elbow, Sam led her out of the car, quickly hustling her through some doors and into a room that was silent except for the sound of their feet tapping on the wooden floor. Her body felt like it was on fire, as if every single nerve ending was begging to be touched. Her ears pricked up at every sound, and her nipples hardened every time Sam or Ethan brushed her with some seemingly casual or helpful touch. She was trying to keep her cool, but it wasn’t working very well.

She heard the ping of an elevator as a hand found her waist and gently pushed her forward; stumbling a little, she made her way into the small, airless space and stood, waiting. She felt a movement behind her, a rustling, and then the blindfold fell away just as the elevator started to move.

“Okay, I think you’re allowed to see what you’re getting into now.” Ethan grinned at her, his eyes shining with a mixture of pride and anticipation. The elevator doors pinged open, and Anna tried to stifle her gasp.

The place was amazing—a penthouse apartment with giant windows that allowed the glimmer and glow of the city to pour into the room, gently lighting the wooden floor, which was scattered artfully with carpets and rugs. It was old-fashioned in the best possible way, looking like the kind of weekend hunting lodge the British nobility might have stolen off to for a casual weekend’s debauchery. But maybe that was just Anna’s bookishness talking-whatever the design had been for this place, they had pulled it off. All gilded golds, rich reds, and polished mahogany, this was the kind of place that was built for fucking. She giggled at the thought, the notion alone making her giddy with excitement.

“Well, I’m glad you like it.” Sam laughed, amused by her childish glee. “Can I get you a glass of something?”

“Sure.” Anna nodded, trying to catch her breath as she took the place in. “A glass of white wine, please, if you have it.”

Sam exchanged a look with Ethan. “If we have it. What does she take us for, Ethan? A pair of terrible hosts who can’t take care of their lady’s utmost desire?” Anna looked up at him, readying a witty comeback, but the look in his eyes snatched the words from her. Damn. If there had been any question about where this night was leading, the look in those eyes should have permanently put paid to it.

While Sam wandered over to the kitchen, Ethan extended a hand to Anna and led her to the lounge area, where a bunch of luxurious sofas and loveseats were scattered artfully around a fireplace. Ethan lifted a remote control, pressed a button, and the fireplace roared into life. He looked at Anna, seemingly apologetic. “Only electric, I’m afraid. We’re busy men.”

“Of course you are,” breathed Anna, taking a seat a few feet away from the roaring flames. Even sitting this close to the fire, she still felt a shiver run down her spine as she considered what the evening was going to bring.

Sam appeared from the kitchen, clutching three glasses that he distributed amongst the guests before him.

“Scotch for you, Ethan, Merlot for me, and a glass of Montrachet for Anna.” Sam sat down next to Anna, leaving a few agonizing inches between their legs. “So, what were we talking about?”

“I was just admiring the view,” Anna explained, gesturing at the luscious cityscape that lay before them.

“Yes, it really is something, isn’t it?” Sam nodded, taking a sip of his wine. “Ethan and I decided on this place specifically because of the view. There was something about watching the city, and being watched by the city, that we found quite appealing.”

“I can see why.” Anna smiled, her heartbeat picking up pace.

Ethan picked up where Sam left off. “We’re not usually into places that are quite as… blatant as this. But there was something about having a really decadent place to come and fuck that sounded like such a neat idea.” He and Sam exchanged a look, their eyes glinting as they met. “You should see some of the stuff we’ve got in here.”

“What kind of stuff?” Anna inquired, sipping on the chilled wine.

“There’s a BDSM dungeon just past the bathroom, a mirrored bedroom down the hall-you know, so you can watch yourself fucking…” Sam explained, attempting to seem nonchalant but evidently excited to be talking about it.

“How very modern of you,” Anna replied, trying to steady herself. What kind of things were these two men planning to with her tonight? More importantly, what did she want to do? As she took another sip of wine, her mind spun—what had happened in the library was beyond erotic, and she knew that she wanted more. But what would be expected of her?

Sam seemed to read her mind as he placed a hand on her knee and reassured her. “But tonight, we won’t be doing anything out of the ordinary.”

“I’d say fucking a pair of kinky billionaires in their upscale Manhattan apartment is pretty out of the ordinary,” countered Anna, all too aware of what Sam’s hand on her knee was doing to her. She couldn’t help but notice that Ethan had been quiet for a while, apparently watching the scene unfold.

“Well, when you put it like that…” Sam leaned in towards her, pressing his lips against hers in a familiar kiss, and she melted into him. Her body arched against his, her tongue opening his mouth and exploring in scenes she had imagined while she played with herself ever since that night at the library. She was practically purring as he ran his mouth up her neck, stopping to nibble on her earlobe.

“Mmm, I think she likes that, Sam,” Ethan commented, standing up and coming towards her. “But I think I know what she’d like more.”

Anna opened her eyes just in time to see Ethan kneel down before her and part her legs, using his hands to spread her knees. He looked up at her. “It’s the one thing I didn’t get a chance to do in the library, and I intend to make up for it twofold right now.”

Anna thanked her lucky stars that she had chosen not to wear panties. As soon as he made it clear that he was planning to go down on her, she felt every nerve in her body respond, and she needed his mouth on her pussy right now. Distracted, she moved her head away from Sam so she could watch as Ethan peppered kisses along the inside of her thighs, running his tongue closer and closer to her pussy.

“Oh, so it’s like that, is it?” Sam scolded with a smile, pulling away from Anna’s neck and moving behind her. Positioning himself so his legs were on either side of her waist, he sat up behind her and pushed at the straps of her dress, revealing her long neck and shoulders. “Well, if you’re going to ignore me so callously, I suppose the best I can do is make sure that Ethan gets you properly soaking by the time I fuck you.”

Anna shuddered at his words, feeling his hands come down on her shoulders as he began to gently massage the muscles, sending shivers all the way to her pussy. Or maybe it was just tingling in anticipation because Ethan’s mouth was so close; the man between her legs stopped for a moment and looked up at Sam. Is this what he meant? Was Ethan waiting for instruction? Then Sam’s voice cut through her confusion.

“Ethan, push up Anna’s dress and let me see her pussy.”

Ethan did as he was told, pushing the dress high enough that her pussy was on display for anyone who cared to see it. The cold air acted as stimulation in and of itself, and Anna moaned gently, desperate for some real relief.

“Good. Now, flatten your tongue, and lick from the very bottom of her slit to the top of her pussy. Slowly. Do it slowly.”

The sound of Sam’s commanding voice describing exactly what she could expect from Ethan’s hungry mouth was almost more than Anna could bear, and she let out a long, relieved groan when she felt Ethan’s tongue on her pussy. He indulged her with long, lazy licks that stimulated every single inch of her sex, waking up any nerve endings that were not already standing to attention. She could hear Sam’s breathing getting heaver behind her, and she remembered what he’d said about fucking her. She squirmed at the thought. But she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold back her orgasm this time, as the pressure began to build deep inside of her.

“Spread her lips open with your fingers and suck on her clit. Hard. Make her scream.”

Sam seemed just as into the activity as if it had been him knelt between Anna’s legs. Ethan looked straight into Anna’s eyes, which were slightly hazy with arousal, as he salaciously spread her pussy wide open, then dove in. His mouth was hard and relentless on her pussy, sucking the small bead of flesh into his mouth and using his tongue to slide all over it. Anna couldn’t hold back her reactions any more, and she threw her head back and moaned, loudly. The feeling was exquisite; Sam’s hands waking up every muscle and inch of skin on her body, while he dictated in no uncertain terms exactly what needed to be done to Anna’s horny pussy. The sight of Ethan—enthusiastic, passionate, hungry—was good enough on its own, but his occasional selfish moans sent vibrations up her pussy and all the way to her nipples, which by now were straining at the material of her dress. Sam leaned down to tweak them, hard, and Anna let own a cry—she knew her orgasm wasn’t far away.

“You want to come now, do you?” Sam asked, leaning down to her ear so that his hot breath tickled her.

“Yes!” she gasped, unable to think of a witty retort as all the blood in her body seemed to rush down to her pussy.

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