Read Sin and Desire Online

Authors: Carol Swan

Sin and Desire (60 page)

“Lie still.”

I tugged and pulled at the restraints on my arms, shaking my head. He moved again, this time his cock brushing over my stomach.

“No! Not like that. Please...” My frustration was palpable, a thing between us. I wanted him, and I wanted him now.

“I said to lie still, and not to talk.”

The warmth of his body started to move away and I pulled harder, banging my heels on the bed. “This isn’t fair. It’s not fair.”

“It’s not meant to be fair. It’s meant to be something else.”

“What? What do you want?”

“I want you.”

“Then have me. Please... I want the same thing.”

He was silent for a long time, long enough for me to think he’d given up. But then he was pulling the blindfold away from my eyes, tugging it over my head. I blinked up at him, eyes adjusting to the light.

“This isn’t me being mean, or unfair. This is me trying to show you how to let me take control, to let me take you someplace you’ve never been before. But you’re fighting me.”

Tears gathered in the corners of my eyes, trickling down onto the pillow. “I don’t know how to do that. I only know what I want. I want you.”

He settled back between my legs, his body against mine. “Maybe you’re not the right girl for this.”

I shook my head. “I am...or I can be.”

He kissed me, lips moving over mine. His hips flexed forward, his cock sliding against me, then into me, slowly... achingly slowly. I shifted as much as I could, rolling my hips up to meet him.

Lifting his head, he cradled my face in his hands, eyes searching mine. “You’re not what I expected.”

“Neither are you.”

At that he smiled. “Fair enough.” He pushed further into me, exhaling slowly, and eyes never leaving mine.

“I want you... I really do.” He dropped his head. “I wanted you on my terms, but I’ll take you on yours.”

I had no chance to ask what he meant. He thrusted hard, his cock filling me, stretching me. He was a stranger, and this was new, but there was something beneath that which was oddly familiar. It felt as if he were coming home.

After that, there was no time to think of anything other than the sensations and feelings he was creating in my body. Skilled, yes? Gentle? Not quite. There was an aggressive, almost primal quality of his body moving over mine, his cock moving inside me.

His breathing grew labored, harsh, rasping against my neck. I ached to hold him, wrap my arms and legs around him. The bed rattled as I tugged at the restraints.

I had no control over him, or myself, as I arched and bucked beneath him, as he moved faster inside me, thrust after thrust of his cock hitting every part of me, setting a fire inside me that raced through my body.

When I came it was sudden and unexpected, a rush of heat consuming me. I cried out, arms and legs pulled taut against the restraints, back arched, hips rising to meet him. He met me fully, his cock buried to the hilt, his body reacting to mine.

With a low moan, I felt the first stream of his hot cum filling me. I cried out at his release, almost sensed how he felt, the exhilaration he felt, mirroring mine, as we moved together. I felt every pulse of him inside me, the throbbing power of him taking me higher than I could ever imagine Wave after wave crashed through my body, slowly faded, and slowly subsided.

Michael rolled away, head resting on my arm, one hand resting casually on my stomach. I lay looking up at the ceiling, waiting for my body to return to something like normal. Finally, he sat up.

“We need to get you out of these.” Slowly, gently, he undid the ties at my wrists, then moved down to undo my ankles. I sat up, rubbing my wrists. Michael reached up, taking one hand in his.

“You have marks.” Slowly he rubbed his thumb over them. I was surprised by his gentleness.

“Do you tie women up very often?” I watched him as he took my other hand, gently chafing my skin. Without looking up, he spoke.

“I don’t tie women up to be mean. That’s not it.”

“You don’t need to tie them up to keep them from running away.”

He looked up, grinning. “Not in the least.” Then the grin faded. “I wanted to test your limits, to show you that you can give up control and get so much more in return.” Letting go of my wrist, he shook his head, climbing off the bed.

“Maybe it was too soon. I thought you were ... different, I guess.” He picked up his clothes, started getting dressed. “I’ll drive you home.”

“No.” I picked up the end of one of the silk ties.

He turned around, half dressed. “No, what?”

“No. I don’t want you to drive me home. Not yet.”

I held out the silk.

“I want this. And I want you




The Billionaire in the Library – Brad

Aubrey placed another book under the scanner, barcode-up, and added it to her cart. It was already brimming with books of every size – comics, children’s counting books, mystery’s, how-to books, bibles, and dictionaries were all stacked together. Aubrey kept the lines straight and sturdy, but she didn’t bother to organize them by section. The Pines Library was a small one, only just recently considered a two-room because of the small children’s section the town had added last summer. She could easily sort and replace each book back on its shelf within the hour, even if she had to double-back to the same section a few times.

This load would be her third today, but she didn’t mind. If anything, she was grateful for something to do. People just didn’t stop by the library anymore, especially after the funding for the new computers had fallen through last year. Even on a good day, Aubrey still spent most of her time with the books alone.

Stopping before the cart became too heavy to push, Aubrey grabbed the metal bar and began her rounds. One by one she dropped off each book, placing this one here and making room for that one over there. It really didn’t take very long at all, and soon she was back at her desk, reaching into the Book Return Bin to do it all over again.

After two more trips, Aubrey put the cart away and placed the empty bin back under her desk. She sighed, eyeing the clock. It was seven, meaning only one more hour until closing time. Honestly, she missed the winter when they closed at six rather than eight, but she knew the late nights would only last for a few more weeks while the summer reading challenge was going on.

Aubrey glanced around, mentally checking off her closing list. She’d dusted, shelved all the returned books, reorganized the books already on the shelf, and straightened up the children’s area. What was there left to do?

After a few more minutes, Aubrey finally gave in, and reached down to drag her oversized purse out from under her desk. Sifting through the mass of papers, rubber bands, and cosmetics, she pulled out her book. At least, it was shaped like a book – the plush cartoon cat book cover concealing it could easily have someone mistaking it for a rather flat pillow.

To anyone who had ever seen it, it was a comical thing, and the most they’d do was joke or grin. But although they’d laughed, they certainly hadn’t ever tried to see what she was reading – just the way Aubrey wanted it.

Ripping away the Velcro fastener around the front, Aubrey opened her book and relaxed, resuming from where she’d stopped last night.

Anderson unlocked the door, ready for anything as he stepped into the room. His heart lifted when he saw Diane simply resting on the bed, her eyes open as she stared out the window into the dark sky. “My dear,” he greeted, moving to sit beside her.

Diane’s eyes flicked to his, and she whimpered, “Need… more…” As she spoke, her fangs glinted in the starlight, extending past her full lips. Anderson cupped her face, and allowed his own fangs to grow as he bent down to kiss her…

“I told you they’re still open!”

Aubrey jumped as a voice boomed with laughter in the quiet library, and she jerked her head to see who had entered. Two men were walking in, one of them sweeping his hand to indicate the room before them. “Why, it hasn’t changed at all!”

Her heart sank in her chest as she recognized them. The ‘Billionaire Best Friends,’ everyone called them. They’d earned a terrible reputation as children, being sons of the two wealthiest families in town and free from any real consequences. They’d only gotten worse as teenagers, and the town had silently rejoiced when they’d finally moved away to New York together to start a firm. She hadn’t realized they were back in town.

“I don’t know, Brad,” one of the men glanced at her and she immediately looked away, staring at the book in her hands. She snapped it shut when she absently read,
He pinned her, holding both her wrists in one hand
, and hid it behind her computer with a blush. “I’d say the view has gotten considerably better.”

Without another word they waltzed over to her, both men propping themselves up against her desk like they owned the place. Which, now that she thought about it, they probably did.

“I didn’t realize there was a new librarian in town,” Brad said, looking her up and down.

The other one – Ethan – leaned over the counter, and smirked, “Or do you prefer to be called ‘Media Specialist?’”

“Librarian is fine,” Aubrey said in a small voice. She wondered, stupidly, if they remembered her. They’d gone to the same private school, even shared a few classes, but had never really interacted. Regardless, it hadn’t stopped her from forming a ridiculous crush on the both of them, as most of the girls in their year had done. 

“I like that. We—” Ethan motioned to his friend. “Like that. Old fashioned, very nice.”

Aubrey could only imagine what she must look like to them. She’d fixed her hair in a bun this morning, but hadn’t dealt with it at all throughout the day, and her sister had only just made fun of her bulky glasses last night. Ethan and Brad, on the other hand, were wearing suits and matching ties, probably by some designer she’d never heard of.

“So, Madam Librarian,” Brad began, unwrapping one of the butterscotch drops from her candy dish and popping it into his mouth. “I don’t have a library card, but can I check you out?”

It took a moment for her brain to register what he’d just said. “E-excuse me?” she asked, bewildered.

“Pardon my friend,” Ethan rolled his eyes, and Aubrey watched in horror as he sashayed around her desk to join her, taking a seat on the arm of her chair. “He’s very uncultured.”

“Oh, you’re one to talk,” Brad laughed, and sunk down to his elbows so his chin was resting on her desk. Aubrey wasn’t sure who to ask to leave first – Ethan, elbowing in on her personal space, or Brad, inches away from her own face.

“Hold on, what’s this?” Ethan snatched a white object from behind her monitor, sticking out against her dark oak desk and black computer. Her book.

“What is that thing?” Brad asked, clearly amused.

“Wait!” Aubrey yelled, but when she tried to take it back Ethan jumped up and started slowly pacing the room, flipping the book open a random scene.

“The vampire grabbed her,” Ethan started reading out loud. “Dominating her with his superior strength. He… He ripped off her blouse?” Ethan finally seemed to catch on to what he was reading and stopped, mouth closing but eyes still moving as he quietly read on.

Brad looked from his best friend to Aubrey. “Just what
you bringing to a public library?”

“Give it back!” she fumed, her face red. Of all the people to catch her, it had to be these two. She stood, making a grab for it, but Ethan wrenched it beyond her grasp.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” he told her, quite serious. “It’s perfectly normal. Honestly, your boyfriend’s lucky to be dating someone with such a sexual inclination.” Aubrey paled at his words, and he raised an eyebrow. “Husband, then?”

She looked at the ground, praying for it to swallow her up already.

Brad whistled. “All by your lonesome then, Miss Librarian?”

This had to be a nightmare. She’d fallen asleep reading again, that was it. There was no possible way the Billionaire Best Friends had come into her library and found her book, let alone care enough to tease her with it. She wasn’t that important – she never was. She hadn’t been good enough to be a writer, so she’d become a librarian, safekeeping the words of others, and she certainly hadn’t been good enough to catch their attention, so why would they be here now?

Aubrey just wanted them to leave.

Stiffening her shoulders, she held out a hand. “My book, please.”

She was still staring at the ground, so she missed the way Ethan and Brad looked at each other. “You can have your book,” Ethan began, but didn’t move. “Or, you can have your reality.”

Aubrey glanced up at him. “What?” What nonsense was he spouting now?

“I’m saying,” he said, leaning closer and swiftly moving the book behind his back. “That we like you, Brad and I. You’re not one of the sheep littering this little town. And we’d like to give you something.” He was close now, so close she could cologne on his neck.

So close, that he kissed her.

“What—” she pushed against him, and he let her go. She jumped when she bumped into someone behind her.

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