Sins of the Undead Patriot (19 page)

“Time to say goodbye.” She lifted the picture to her lips, kissed him and put the frame on the rack in her closet.

She stripped out of her dress and stockings and set them over her dresser to deal with in the morning. Between her thighs throbbed with need for Vaihan. She pulled out her largest vibrator from her nightstand pleasure drawer–not that she thought much work would be needed. A few strokes of her fingers might do the trick, but she wanted to savor her climax, and the build-up that had started with a man she was increasingly interested in.

The hot pink penis didn’t come close to Vaihan’s width. Light seeped in from the hallway, as she lifted her covers and slipped underneath them.

With the toy on the low setting, she pressed the tip to her clit. God, how she needed relief! Back arched, thrusting her breasts forward, she withdrew then reapplied pressure, moaning from the delight. She pinched her nipple between her thumb and index finger. Vaihan. That was who she needed inside her.

The light from her phone shone in a flash as it rang. Who the hell could be calling at this time? V. Louchian, the caller ID said. Excitement filled her then fear that he could have changed his mind.

“Hello,” she said, gasping.


“Yes.” She was breathless as she turned the vibrator off.

“Are you all right?” Concern laced his tone.

Her heart fluttered at his concern. “Yeah, I was...”

“You were what?”

His question was her doing. To lie or not. “Working on alleviating the state our evening left me in.” The truth was out. The part that wanted and needed him had won.

She could almost swear she heard a smile in his exhaled breath. “What kind of state would that be?”

Should she go down this path with him? Yes, she wanted him to know what he did to her–how he made her feel. “Aroused.”

“Seems we have something in common.” And yet he sound poised and in control. Did he ever lose himself?

It would be an interesting challenge for her to break through the cool demeanor. “Where are you?”

“I’m lying on my bed. I wouldn’t have slept a wink if I didn’t find out how you are.” His breathing deepened.

“Thank you. That’s very sweet of you.” She switched the phone to her other hand and let out a soft sigh. “I’m in need of relief.”

“I echo the sentiment.”

Did he? When they were together, at no point had he tried to see to his own release. “Will you?”

“Will I what?” The hint of amusement in his voice was warm.

He wanted her to ask him a direct question. If she didn’t, the sexual nature of the conversation would end. She was sure of it, given what happened earlier tonight. Yet, she wanted him to need her as much as she was coming to want him. “Relieve yourself?”

“Yes.” He lowered his voice. “Hopefully, once will be enough.”

The idea that he might need multiple releases after their encounter had excitement rushing all over her body. “How?”

“How what, Leera?”

No way was she backing off now. “How will you relieve yourself?”

“You want me to provide a detailed account of how I’m going to get off?”

She swallowed. “Yes.” Moisture pooled between her thighs. “And I want you to do what you are saying.”

“Interesting. If I do so, what will be my reward?”

“I will get off with you.”

“And will you do things I instruct you to do?”

Her clit pulsated. “Yes.”

“What are you wearing?”

He wanted to picture her. “Nothing.”

“I like that.” He groaned. “Were you using your fingers or a toy?”

“A toy.” Nothing that measured up to him, though.

“Is it inside you, filling you as I would?”

Hot thrills rippled through her at his words. “No.”

“Are you wet, as you were for me?”

She remembered how slick her opening got as he’d pumped his fingers in and out. “Yes.”

He groaned. “Good, I want you to work your vibrator or dildo in for me.”

“Vibrator.” Leera spread her legs, brought the head to her opening and pushed it inside. A gasp escaped her. With quick in and out motions she worked the phallus in, further each time.

“That’s it. I want the vibrator deep inside you.” The need in his words elevated her torment. “I’ve pulled my cock out.”

“What are you going to do with the python?” Where had that come from?

“What would you like me to do?”

At this very moment, she wanted the toy to be replaced with him but for now... “I want you to get it all wet then stroke from the base to the head.”

Movement created static in the phone. “Mmm, Leera.” A deep breath blew in her ear. “I’m stroking slow, just as I would if I were working my cock inside you.”

Her inner muscles tightened at the thought. She slowed the motion of the toy’s entrance too, in then nearly out, to deep inside. Her breathing sped up as she heard the motion of his stroking through the phone.

“Am I all the way in yet?”


“Mmm. I want you to take two fingers, place them one on each side of your clit and circle.”

Accelerating, a rush of sensation pulsated through her legs. This was madness. Why did she keep losing herself when with him? Panic traveled through her. This wasn’t right. Barton was either watching or soon would review the footage. What the hell was she doing?



Chapter 18


Vaihan knew something wasn’t right by the minute deceleration in her breathing. He couldn’t risk her withdrawing once more. Was it him? “Leera?”

“Yes, Vaihan?”

How could he give her an out and ensure in no way he came off as if he didn’t wanted this to end? “I don’t want you to do this, if you aren’t a hundred percent sure. I couldn’t bear you shutting me out again.”

“I want to but,” she gasped with the hint of a giggle, “if I do what you asked of me, I’m going to come.”

Wasn’t that why they were sharing this? It was a safe encounter. She wanted permission to let go with him. Tonight, he wanted to be that male. The one she needed him to be.

He smiled. “I wish I could taste your release.” When he’d licked his finger earlier, coated with her juices, a hint of sweetness had remained. As he stroked his cock faster, fluid beaded the tip. “I want you to come for me.” Shared relief would bring a new attachment to her. What hope did he have when she worked him up like this?

“Are you close?” she said in a breathy voice.

“Holding at the edge.” Without her satisfaction, he would find none. “And the sound of your climax will push me over.”

“I want that.” She whimpered in his ear. Soft fast gasps followed. “God, Vaihan.” She screamed out, followed by grunts of delight.

As he sped the motion, come poured from his cock onto his hand. “Leera.” He shuddered with relief. A few more pumps fulfilled his body. If someone had told him tonight would end with her coming as she cried out his name, he would not have believed them.

“No need to call me God.” What did this mean to her? Modern women were much more open to casual encounters than he was, than he could be, given his role to the president.

“Noted.” She chuckled, and her breathing leveled.

If she never spoke to him again, he would always question whether what they’d just shared was the reason why.

“Vaihan?” Her voice carried a note of panic.

Would this be a quick exit on her part? “Yes?”

“I really enjoy being with you, but–”

The word held such weight, he could only lie there unprepared, with his erection dwindling.

“But if I don’t see other men while being sexual with you, I need the same from you. Do you understand what I’m asking?”

Another wave of relief came over him, and a strange sense of awe. Did she really think that females lined up for him? Those who chased him wanted one of–or all of–a few things: money, power and or the toxin. None of which he wanted to be pursued for.

“You want exclusive rights to my body as a playground.”

“Yes. Please, don’t get me started up again.” The sultry heat lacing her tone warmed him.

He was tangled up in her. “I don’t know. When you put it like that, the challenge becomes very tempting.”

“I won’t withhold pleasure from you, other than to elevate your arousal level.” She sighed. “So, can you promise me exclusivity?”

“Until one of us tells the other one, otherwise we are a couple, or an item, if you prefer.”

“A couple is perfect. You know what you remind me of? A Flame calla lily. Striking, complex and intriguing.”

The mix of red and orange with the lily shape did make for a unique flower. That she saw him as something other than a monster gave him a glimmer of hope. Maybe, when everything settled, he could pull what they built through the deception.

“Thank you, Leera, for a night filled with unexpected turns.”

“I appreciate your patience and understanding with me. I look forward to what awaits Monday night. Good night, Vaihan.”

“Sleep well,



Chapter 19


Rowley got out of his car and slammed the door. Her blue Fit sat in the driveway covered with snow. She hadn’t left home in days or at least, not in her own vehicle. The walkway was icy and unshoveled. He’d send someone to clear it. He banged on the door. How would he fix what happened the other day? Not by pushing her sexually, even though that part of their relationship was simpatico. What could he say in defense of his actions? Nothing. He’d been an asshole. Of course, she didn’t want to face that her marriage had been some sick attempt at making him pay. Yet it had been, and he had paid. Where did that leave them now?

The door opened. Leera wedged herself in the entranceway.

Not a good start. Guess she wasn’t going to invite him in. “Can we talk?”

“Not now.” She crossed her arms. “I need space.”

Wasn’t that what he’d said to Devin? “How much and for how long?” The questions were to the point, but time had slipped away on him once with her already. He wasn’t willing to let that happen again. He ached to be with her. For good, this time.

“I don’t know, Rowley.” She shrugged. “At least another week or so.”

“That’s vague, Lee-lee.” He reached for her and she stepped back, shifting from one foot to another. Not improving either. “I’ve made reservations to take you out for your birthday.”

“I appreciate the thought, really, I do, but I’m not up for it.” She pinched the bridge of her nose.

A pretty, flowing burgundy dress hugged her chest, accentuating her breasts. “Where are you going?”

“Huh?” Avoiding responding.

His sexy Lee-lee was dolled up for one of those things. For it. “You’re dressed up, so where are you going?”

“Vaihan is taking me out.” With her hands to her side, she leaned her back on the wall.

“Right.” He nodded. “So if I got this straight, you won’t give me the courtesy to speak with me about what happened last Sunday, but you’re going on date with that thing?” How could she? She was the one who wanted honesty. Evidently, she couldn’t live with her own truths. He wasn’t the only one to blame for how screwed up things were.

“I hate when you call him that.” She shook her head.

“What else am I to call a dead thing?” He crunched his hand into a fist. “Are you fucking it?”

“Why do you have to be so crude? No, I haven’t slept with him.” She rubbed her forearm.

“But you’ve fooled around with it? Does it know about us? That you were with me recently and what we shared?” How she’d come for him.

She lowered her gaze, and shook her head. “I didn’t intend to let things get as out of hand as they did.”

“With me, or the dead thing?” Was that what she called coming for him or for it? She was keeping secrets from the creature.

“Both.” She rubbed her forehead.

“However, you’ll see it again, but not me. Where did I go wrong? I let you come.”

“You can be such a jerk.”

Didn’t he know it. “Did the creature get you high?”

“He isn’t like that.”

“Like what? Cunning, able to do what’s needed to survive? Is it claiming to have been a vegetarian for the centuries it lived prior to cloned meat coming along? Don’t you get that it’s playing you?

“No, of course he hasn’t made such a claim. Some might say the same thing about you. Just because you think you’ve kept me in the dark, doesn’t mean I don’t have suspicions about what you do.”

“If you have something to say, go ahead.” What was she implying?

“I read the newspapers, Rowley.” She shook her head. “Stop pushing me. I don’t want to argue.”

What did she think she knew? That the Coalition of the Living was more, or that he was the leader of the Army of the Living? “But you’ll see it. When you know how I feel about them. What they did to...while I...” He wouldn’t open up that wound. No one outside the case knew he’d watched what had happened to his mother, and he didn’t intend for anyone to find out.

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