Siren Song (27 page)

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Authors: A C Warneke

She bent forward to give Ashley a hug and her ass – good God her heart-shaped ass! was accentuated by the stretch of black leather. He had to manually adjust to ease the tension of his erection against his too-tight pants. There was no way in Hell he was going to let Lexi know the effect she had on him and if that meant he stayed behind the pillar until she was gone so be it.

It was a fine line between cowardice and self-preservation, one Duncan Tremain never had to tread before. Damn. Lexi Darling was twisting him up inside and there was nothing he could do – wanted to do – to stop it.

As the pair passed his hiding spot she turned her head and their eyes met. Her lips parted in surprise, even as her eyes darkened in awareness. Powerless to resist, they each took a step towards one another. Her companion wrapped his hand around her upper arm, stopping both of them. Duncan watched as she looked up at the artist and they spoke without words.

Her body tensed and she turned away from where he stood and he knew that she was not going to come back to him. Disappointment roared through his blood – she was his, damn it! But then she looked back at him and he could see the longing in her gorgeous hazel-green eyes, as well as the resignation. On a sigh, she turned and let her keeper lead her out of the restaurant.

Duncan watched her go, momentarily forgetting why he was in the restaurant and not going after her. But then it all came back and he inwardly winced. He had to deal with Ashley and her lover; a man who had known Lexi intimately. Straightening his jacket, he took a breath and joined her at the table, sitting in the seat just evacuated by Lexi in her tight leather pants.

Ashley,” he smiled. God, he could still smell Lexi, the subtle scent that was pure seduction; pure Lexi. Having to force himself to not get lost in the elusive scent, he asked, “How are you tonight?”

Anxious,” she murmured, offering him a wry smile as she twined her fingers with the blond man sitting next to her. “I want to introduce someone to you.”

The bartended from
,” Duncan ground out, feeling an animalistic rage that the man existed. Surprisingly, his wolf was unnaturally quiet.

Lexi’s obsession,” the man bit out with just as much venom.

After a moment of uncomfortable silence as the two men sized each other up, Ashley smiled brilliantly, “Duncan, I’d like to formally introduce you to Dima, who has not slept with Lexi by the way. Dima, this is my….”

Ashley’s words trailed off and she looked to him for help. Knowing that Dima hadn’t slept with Lexi eased Duncan’s tension and he decided the bartender could live. As long as he kept his hands off Lexi. “Advisor.”

Friend,” Ashley corrected with a warm smile. “Duncan, I would formerly like to ask for permission to discuss our nature with Dima.”

Do you think it wise?” Duncan asked, watching Dima’s bewildered expression as the man glanced back and forth between the two wolves.

Ashley looked at Dima with her heart in her eyes and smiled even more brilliantly than before, “I do.”

Duncan bowed his head, “Then you have my permission; you may welcome him to our community.”

What the fuck?” Dima growled, pushing out of his seat and looking at Duncan with anger. “Who died and made you the fucking king?”

Ashley?” Duncan arched his eyebrow as he continued staring dispassionately at Dima.

Ashley put a restraining hand on Dima and pulled him effortlessly back to his seat. At his dumbfounded realization that she had so easily handled him, she said softly, “Duncan is the Alpha of my pack, well, the son of the Alpha, Dima. I needed his permission to tell you what I am if we are to get serious.”

The color drained from the man’s face and Duncan almost felt sorry for him. Standing up, he exchanged a glance with Ashley and then left the bar, needing to run. Seeing Lexi, being so close to her when it had been almost a week since he had ravaged her, was destroying even the illusion of self-control. Loosening his tie as he headed into a dark alley, he glanced around to see if anyone was looking.

Behave yourself,
he warned.

As you wish, my most noble and stoic lord.

The wolf didn’t wait for Duncan to strip before he changed form, tearing the expensive suit to shreds as bones shifted and muscles realigned themselves. Relishing the night air against his muzzle, the feel of his legs as they moved in perfect harmony, the wolf ran. It was good to be a wolf.

Chapter 13 (Friday)




Having successfully avoided Duncan for almost two weeks, except that little blink of an eye instant at the restaurant the week before, Lexi was appreciating the man’s mind even more from dealing with him through e-mails, text messages, and memos. At first, his emails had been very business-like, very professional but sometime after Saturday he flirted back and the texts turned into the electronic version of their verbal banter, digital foreplay. The last exchange still made her chuckle.

Are you out of the hotel yet?

Yes; I moved into my house a few days ago but I will always have fond memories of the room where I almost had you the first time.

Aw, Duncan; you could have had me if you had only woken me up.

But you looked so peaceful sleeping there.

You just wanted to horde all of the little chocolate that the housekeeping staff leaves on the guests’ pillows.

You know me so well. I miss those little personal touches.

If you give me the key to your house I’ll leave a little something on your pillow every morning. You won’t even have to unwrap me.

There was a long wait before he replied late Thursday afternoon
You’re killing me here, Lexi. Since I was out of the office today; what crazy outfit am I missing?

She had described the outfit in loving detail, from the crimson-colored wig to the fuchsia colored body suit, right down to the five inch heels
I was a sight to behold.

You’re always a sight to behold. What color are your panties?

What panties?

You’ve officially killed me; good night, Lexi. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Good night, Duncan.

Knowing that today she was going to see him, she wore a dress in the form of a tailored blouse, lengthened almost to her knees. It flared out slightly at her waist, buttoning all the way down the front. Her wig was chin-length and baby blond, and her shoes were four-inch strappy things that accentuated her calf muscles. Of course, dressing properly negated getting to work on time, despite Cole’s efforts of breaking inner-city speed records.

Wobbling only a bit on the heels as she rushed through the atrium to the elevator bay, she saw her possible salvation just ahead: an elevator with doors just shutting. If she caught this one, she’d barely be late at all. It was strangely reminiscent of the first day Duncan started there. “Hold the elevator, please!”

A hand shot out, a hand she’d recognize from anywhere. As the doors slid open, she saw Duncan standing there looking sexy as hell in his black suit, his legs spread in self-assured, alpha-male dominance. Her heart tripped over itself to get to him, though her rationale brain said it would be a bad idea to just run and jump into his arms. Twelve days, dozens of e-mails and texts, and she was crazily infatuated with him.

So she smiled radiantly, put a little extra swing in her step and walked towards him, watching how his eyes never wavered from hers. How they darkened, even though he didn’t look at her body in its form-fitting dress. When she stepped into the elevator, she realized it was probably a good thing she didn’t fling herself at him; there were three, no four, other riders.

Smiling at the people she just noticed, she turned and took her place next to Duncan, her heart racing in her chest, her blood boiling through her veins. Her soul sighed in relief at once again being near him, as if she was finally home. “Mr. Tremain.”

Miss Darling,” he said, his voice low and so inadvertently seductive, her knees trembled. God, just imagine if he tried to seduce her!

Unintentionally, or perhaps slightly intentionally, she brushed an arm against his and even that minor contact shot tingles through her. He was staring straight ahead and she thought he was ignoring her but then his fingers brushed against hers and she smiled. Her body was vibrating with excitement, with being near him again. He was a drug and she was finally getting some after a too-long absence. With a covert glance, she saw that his erection was straining against the front of his pants and her smile widened.

Not a word, Miss Darling,” he whispered darkly, softly, so only she could hear it over the annoying music.

She looked up and saw the laughter in his silver eyes, “I wouldn’t dream of it. Well, actually, I would and I have. But I won’t say anything.”

The familiar low growl rumbled from the back of his throat and it just made her burn hotter. Lowering her lashes, she whispered, “That is so sexy.”

Miss Darling,” he warned again.

As the elevator passed each floor, the other passengers departed and Lexi’s skin began to hum even louder with excitement. Finally, the final intruder, er passenger, got off a floor before Lexi’s and Duncan’s. Turning her head, she looked up at him and every cell in her body throbbed; his look was dark and heated and full of promise. She fell backwards, weakened by all of the latent sensual promises coming from him. Her back hit the wall and she stopped, unable and unwilling to go any further.

Lexi,” he rasped, his heated silver eyes boring into her, and she knew what he was asking.

Yes,” she whispered, drowning in silver flames.

The corner of his mouth curved upwards in a seductive smile as he reached his hand out and pushed the stop button between floors. He kept moving until he stood directly in front of her and she smiled up at him, “Hey, there.”

Hey,” he murmured.

I’ve missed you,” she admitted breathlessly.

I’ve missed you, too,” he whispered, bending his head and softly kissing her mouth. His hands went to her waist, his fingers curling into her flesh. He stopped kissing her, swallowing thickly as he rested his forehead against hers, “If we do this there has to be some rules.”

She tried not to but a hearty laugh came out, making Duncan smile reluctantly as well. “You and your damned rules, Duncan. Okay, lay them on me.”

One, I cannot marry your.”

I’m not looking for marriage.”

Two, this cannot interfere with work.”

Only if you can keep your hands to yourself when we’re at the office.”

And finally, it can only last a few days; a week at most.”

Why?” she asked, concentrating on unbuttoning his shirt to get to all of that glorious skin.

His fingers played with the ends of her wig as he admitted, “I don’t want to get addicted to you and I don’t want to fall in love with you. Or you with me.”

Too late,” she breathed, standing up on her toes and running her tongue along his neck, tasting the familiar and wonderful midnight woodsy taste of Duncan. “I’m already addicted.”

Lexi,” he breathed, sealing his lips over hers, filling her mouth with his tongue.

She whimpered softly in pleasure of once again feeling his mouth on hers. Grabbing his shirt, she pulled it from his pants and spread it open, slipping her hands against his stomach to feel the heat of his skin, his masculine chest.

A hum of appreciation came from the back of her throat as she leaned forward and ran her tongue over his hard nipple. He tasted of wildness and midnight runs, of warrior, of Duncan. Scraping her teeth over the pebbled flesh, she ran her fingers over his muscled stomach, inundating her senses with the taste, the smell, the touch of Duncan. If only she could crawl into his skin and live inside of him.

Don’t move,” he whispered against her ear, his breath hot against her skin.

She stood still as he groaned, fisting his hands briefly before he quickly unbuttoned her dress. His hands trembled slightly as he pealed the shirt-dress open, revealing her body. His breath caught in his throat as his eyes roamed over her curves: breasts encased in gold lace, her hips in teeny, tiny gold bikinis. And garters that held up silk hose on long, slender legs bound in mile-high slave sandals. “I wore them for you.”

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