Read Sister Katherine Online

Authors: Tracy St. John

Sister Katherine (25 page)

Katherine stared at Simdow.  He loved her.  Perhaps he was only infatuated, but she could see in his eyes he believed it.  She closed her eyes and pushed against him.

The action opened her to him, allowing his slickened finger to pass through the tight ring of muscles that guarded her rear entrance.  Katherine sucked in a breath as he forged deep inside, but she felt no pain.  The ship did not break apart around her.  A hundred bishops and police officers did not batter down the door and take her in custody.  All that happened was the strangely arousing sensation of being filled in a place she’d never considered good.

It was nowhere as exciting as feeling him inside her sex, but it was pleasantly erotic in its own way.

She opened her eyes to see Simdow’s waiting face still hovering over hers.  “All right?” he asked.

“I’m okay,” she affirmed.  A sense of relief stole over her.  She
okay.  This was not awful in the least.  “I’m okay,” she repeated, her tone more wondering.


His kiss was long and lingering, settling her disquiet even when his finger moved in and out and around, gently stretching the taut opening.  With her fears vanquished, the bliss of his earlier bite returned.  She relaxed into a wash of contentment and discovered Simdow’s attentions felt even better.  Her trust had not been misplaced.

When he pressed a second finger inside, Katherine didn’t flinch.  Simdow was taking care of her, exactly as he’d promised.  He loved her.  She had nothing to fear.

His thumb found her clitoris and rubbed over it.  She moaned against his lips, her ardor returning quickly as he tantalized that responsive nub.  Her hands drifted over his shoulders, chest, and abdomen.  She felt starved for Simdow, desperate to feel every inch of him she could reach.  When she found his cocks, so avid and engorged that they curved close to his belly, she grasped them with eagerness.

Simdow’s groan rang in her ears.  Katherine stroked him with the firm grip he seemed to like best, making him groan again.  His thumb pressed her clit and massaged it, making her squeal in response.  The air came alive with their calls of pleasure as they worked at each other without mercy.  Simdow’s mouth found her breasts and he was once more animal in his treatment of them, sending molten need roiling through her. 

“Oh, please,” she whimpered.

“Are you ready for me?” Simdow asked, his breath gasping loud between each word.

Katherine felt desperate for him to give her completion.  She no longer cared what that entailed.  “Yes, my Dramok.  Claim me.”

With an animal growl, his fingers moved out of her.  He rolled them so that his body covered hers.  Another maneuver had her knees bent over his forearms, taking her butt off the mat’s surface.  Katherine’s weight lay on her upper back and shoulders, pinning her to the soft bed.

“Place me,” Simdow told her.

Katherine still had hold of his penises, her grip on them slippery as he lubricated as freely as she.  She positioned them so that the tips nudged her sex and anus.

Simdow shuddered.  “Katherine.  This is your first time, so there will be some discomfort at first.  But I will be gentle.  When you need me to halt so you can adjust to me, just say so.”

“I trust you,” she told him.  “You are my Dramok and you will not let me be harmed.”

“That’s right, my love.  You are the center of this clan, and you are always my priority.”

With that, he pressed carefully against her.  The tips of his cocks eased inside, taking her virtue to make Katherine belong to him forever.  She singsonged a welcome, accepting her destiny once and for all.

The tapered tips were painless to manage, crossing her thresholds made slippery by both their sexes.  As Simdow became broader the further in he went, an ache announced itself.  The ache became throbbing, and she caught her breath painfully.  Simdow immediately halted.

“Easy,” he whispered, stroking her hair.  “Relax and take deep breaths.  It’s all right.”

“I’m sorry,” Katherine said.  “I’m not being a very good wife, am I?”

Simdow kissed her.  “You are amazing,” he said.  “You are more than I ever dreamed possible.”

The ache was passing already, and the sensation of being joined to another person was a heady fulfillment Katherine had never imagined in her life.  She basked in the adoration of the man looking down at her.  She wondered if perhaps sex, purported to be a painful thing to endure, was actually supposed to be beautiful when it happened between people who loved each other.

But she hadn’t fallen in love … right? 

“We’ll try a little more now,” Simdow said.

He watched her face as he delved deeper.  When a sharp pain made her cry out, he peppered her face with kisses, wrapping his arms around her to hold her close.

“All right, all right,” he soothed.  “I think that must have been the virgin barrier.  It’s over now.  No more pain like that.  Easy, little one.  I’ve got you.”

The abrupt shock passed, and Katherine learned to breathe again.  The feeling of belonging returned.  She blinked up at Simdow, who was looking at her with wonderment.

“What is it?” she asked.

“I’m your first,” he said.  He swallowed hard.  “No one has ever given themselves to me like this.  Trusted me to–”  He stopped and shook his head.  “Thank you, my Matara.”

Simdow said it as if it was the greatest gift he’d ever received.  The feeling in his voice brought tears to Katherine’s eyes.

He filled her with slow deliberation, taking care as if Katherine was the most fragile creation in existence.  She reveled in his compassion.  The Kalquorian made her feel precious.  Priceless.  Simdow had said she was the center of his world, and she thought perhaps he’d been truthful.

At last he smiled down at her.  “I’m inside you, my Katherine.  We are utterly joined as man and woman.  Mated.  How do you feel?”

Katherine’s first instinct was to evaluate the physical.  She felt incredibly full with Simdow tight in both nether passages.  There was still a slight ache, though he’d been so very meticulous in his taking of her.

She also felt a sense of fulfillment.  Rightness.  This was not the insane, climax-building excitement of their preparation, but contentment buzzed through her just the same.  They were puzzle pieces interlocking with perfect accord.  With Simdow smiling hopefully at her, his body a comfortable weight on hers, she felt good.

“I like it,” she told him and giggled.  “It’s not terrible at all.”

He bellowed laughter at that, and Katherine heard snickers in the background.  Dear God, she’d forgotten all about Miv and Vadef being in the room.  She couldn’t see them for Simdow’s broad shoulders and beautiful face blocking the view, however.

Simdow pressed his forehead to hers, still laughing.  “I’m glad to know I’m not terrible.  My ego is intact.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Simdow.  I just meant, it’s not what I expected.  If you heard the horror stories about how awful sex is for women, you’d understand.”

“Why would they tell you such things?  Why would they keep this joy from you?”  His merriment disappeared, replaced by confusion.

Katherine sighed.  So many things had changed for her in only a few days.  “They probably did it to keep us from wanting to sin.”

“They did it to control you.”  Bitterness entered the Dramok’s tone.  “I do not wish to speak against your beliefs, but it’s damned hard sometimes.”

Katherine smiled and kissed his frowning lips.  “You are a patient, kind person.  Now make love to me, since it’s not so terrible.”

That brought his smile back.  “With great pleasure, my love.”

Simdow drew back, slowly emptying Katherine of himself.  His exit was faster than his entrance had been, and the steady friction woke her body again.  Tingling heat lit in her passages, bringing a startled exclamation from her.


Simdow froze.  “Are you all right?”

Katherine clutched at his shoulders.  “Don’t stop.  Please don’t stop.”

One side of his mouth quirked in a smile.  “I won’t.”

He pressed back inside, moving a bit faster.  The feeling of boiling delight returned to Katherine’s belly.  When Simdow’s groin met hers, it ground against her clitoris, sending sharpened slivers of delight through her belly.  She cried out.


“Good girl,” Simdow breathed.  He kept moving, pulling out and sliding in with more speed and force.

He found that spot inside.  Katherine’s toes curled and she kicked her feet in the air.  Her choked cries grew louder with every thrust.  Each time Simdow shoved in, he pounded that one place that made her hair stand on end, setting off small explosions of ticklish fire, that sent pressure ballooning in her belly.  Katherine tried to shove against him, wanting more and wanting it harder.  Her position, rolled up onto her upper back with her legs scooped up in Simdow’s arms, didn’t allow her to do so.  Simdow was in control of her body. 

Fortunately, he moved faster with more power behind each thrust.  His loins smacked meatily against her, each plunge driving desperate cries from her gut.  The orgasm was in sight now, teasing her, tantalizing her with its nearness.  Her body seethed with scorching want.

“Please,” she begged.  “Please, my Dramok.”

“Do you wish to come for me, my Matara?”

“I want to.  Please.”

Their bodies met with pistol-shot cracks.  Simdow rode her powerfully, driving her closer to the end, but in such small increments.  She needed release.  She needed it so bad it hurt.  The craving devoured her every thought save the one that said she must climax.


Simdow reached between her legs and seized her swollen clitoris.  “Now, my love.”

His touch sent a bolt of lightning through every cell of Katherine’s being.  She flew up, up, higher still until she must touch Heaven itself.  Then glorious light sang its piercing tone, scattering everything in its white-hot beam.  Katherine threw herself into the sweet dissolution.

Pulsing rapture.  Boundless ecstasy.  She glimpsed eternity and disintegrated into it over and over.

She reluctantly fell back into the clutches of the mundane world, descending once more into the everyday.  Except now Simdow was in the throes of his own paradise, his body straining over hers, his flesh pulsing inside to fill her with his passion.  Seeing his face slack with release brought renewed tremors to her own body, tiny glimpses of the glory she’d just experienced.

Simdow released her legs to fold over her, his arms closing around her still shuddering body.  They lay quiet for perhaps a minute, their gasps easing as they resumed their place in the ordinary.

Katherine thought that though she’d come back to the commonplace, she’d never see the world as anything besides extraordinary again.  Not after what she’d just experienced.  Not after she knew what now lay within her grasp. 

“Not so terrible?” Simdow whispered in her ear.

She laughed.  And laughed.  And laughed until her stomach hurt.  “Magnificent, my Dramok,” she finally said when the hilarity eased.

He grinned, pride beaming.  “That’s what they all say.”

There was a snort from the corner of the room.  “I don’t recall ever saying that,” Miv said.

Simdow twisted around to scowl at his Nobek.  The change in position allowed Katherine to see Miv grin at him.  “Okay, okay, you’re pretty good.  You certainly made our woman happy.”

“I’d like to see you do better.”  The challenge in Simdow’s tone was unmistakable. 

“I intend to.  But I’ll wait until Vadef has had his chance to impress, then show you both up.”

“One ups-manship, boys?” Katherine asked.  “Your youth is showing.”

She smiled to show she only teased.  In truth, she was so satisfied, she couldn’t imagine her sweet Vadef or strong Miv making her feel any better than Simdow had.

“Are you sure, Miv?”  Vadef sounded surprised.  “I can wait.  Nobek needs tend to be stronger than most.”

Miv smiled at his clanmate.  “Go to your Matara, my Imdiko.  She will appreciate more gentleness at this time.”

“I guess that means I need to move,” Simdow said with a sigh.  He kissed Katherine lingeringly.  “Thank you for trusting me to be your first.”

“You were wonderful,” she said, meaning it with all her heart.

Simdow slid free of her and moved to the corner of the mat opposite Miv.  Vadef crawled up to take his place.  He yelped as his Dramok swatted his naked backside a couple of times.

“Show that Nobek of ours he’ll have to work hard to outdo us.”

Vadef shook his head with a weak smile.  He looked a little uncertain despite the eager exclamation points his sexes resembled.  Seeing him like that, so fresh and sweet and a little hesitant, but still obviously aroused by her, brought fresh warmth to Katherine’s stomach.

“My Imdiko,” she said.  She sat up and held her arms out to him.

Vadef’s face relaxed into a real smile, one of wonder and delight.  He knelt between her spread legs and pulled her up so she sat, straddling his thighs.  There was nothing childish in his kiss, delivered with passion and fire.

Katherine tangled her hands in his long, silky hair as she returned his strong embrace.  Since they were close in height, sitting on his folded legs actually placed her head higher than his.  She had no illusions about who possessed the strength, however.  Her arms and legs were matchstick thin compared to his.

Still, she’d seen his unease at Simdow and Miv’s challenge, knew his uncertainty.  That he’d give of himself without holding back, Katherine had no doubt.  However, she wanted to give too.  She was Vadef’s wife.  His Matara.  She wasn’t sure that it meant she should serve him as mindlessly as what the Church taught, but she was willing to fulfill his needs.  She needed to, in fact.  Making Vadef confident in his place made perfect sense to Katherine.

She kissed Vadef, rubbing her body against his with delighted abandon.  He might have been the smallest of his clanmates, but he still possessed a gorgeous, solid body.  A body that felt wonderful against hers.  Katherine planted her feet on either side of his hips and braced against his shoulders.  She brought her abdomen close to trap his stiff cocks between their bodies.  She writhed to make him moan in pleasure at the contact.

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