Skin Walkers: Gauge (2 page)

Read Skin Walkers: Gauge Online

Authors: Susan A. Bliler


“This is it?” Gauge scowled up at King before flinging the handful of papers he held across his desk.  “I could’
ve found more on Google!”

“Doubtful,” King scoffed.  “I ran a full check, Gauge.  She’s an awfully flighty little thing.”  Sitting on one corner of Gauge’s desk,
King leaned across to pull one of the papers to the top of the pile and pointed at it.  “She’s moved nearly a dozen times in the past five years.”

“I don’t want her flight history, I want some damn facts.”

King sat back and crossed his arms over his broad chest, “Well, she graduated from the University of Northern…”

“Christ!” Gauge shoved back from his desk to plow a hand into his sandy
-colored hair.  “Why does everyone keep trying to give me her resume’?  I’ve read it!”

“Why don’t you tell me what it is
that you’re looking for,” King’s tone was laced with amusement.  “Maybe if I knew what you wanted, I’d know where to look.”

didn’t want to explain himself.  How could he tell the Chief of Security that he had suspicions about his assistant simply because he’d heard her talking to herself?  “What do you know of the father’s child?”

King shrugged his massive shoulders.  “Nothing.  I can’t find any birth records.  For all intents and purposes, Ms. Garret is not on record anywhere as ever having given birth to a child.”

“How old is the kid?”

“She’s five,” King replied. 

“Where was Ms. Garret five years ago?”

King frowned, “
The closest records to that time-frame we can find show Ella in D.C. five years ago, but no birth records for Ella or for her child, Alysa.”

“Could she have
had the child elsewhere and fled shortly after the child was born?”

“Possibly,” King’s eyes narrowed.  “Is there something I need to know? If you’ve got valid concerns about the woman I should be informed.
  Have you scented any deceit?”

Gauge growled, not willing to divulge too much.  He wanted information, but not at the cost of StoneCrow’s Chief of Security hounding Ella. 

“Tell her you’re allergic,” King suggested.  It was a common lie used be Walkers
especially those who worked closely with humans.

“I did.  She keeps wearing the damn perfume.”

“Hmm,” King rubbed his jaw.  “Sounds like she either doesn’t value her job, doesn’t give a shit about your reaction, or…,” he let the sentence die off.

  Gauge had thought the same thing and put voice to King’s suspicions, “Or she knows about our heightened senses and is attempting to disguise herself.”

“But that’d mean,” King dropped his hand to pin suspicious eyes on Gauge.

“That she knows about us,” Gauge finished for him.  “And don’t look at me like that because I have done
to arouse suspicion.”

“You sure,”
King crossed thick arms over his solid chest with a smirk.  “According to Crow, you have no qualms about
where your staff is concerned.”

“That was in the past.” Gauge stood with a growl.  “Things have changed.  I have changed.  I haven’t laid one finger on Ella.”

“It’s been two days.  Give it a minute,” King teased. 

A growl was the only response Gauge made. 

“Ella?” King’s brows hiked as his smirk broadened into an outright smile, “Suddenly so informal.”

“Drop it, King.” Gauge reached for his suit
jacket before jamming his arms into the sleeves. 

“Hey,” King threw his hands up in mock surrender, “no way in hell am
judging your penchant for secretaries.”  His smile broadened as he winked, “Got a thing for one myself.”

Gauge gave King a bored look.  He might be new to StoneCrow, but even he was aware that King was mated to Monroe StoneCrow’s personal assistant, Lilly.  “I don’t have a penchant for secretaries,” he ground out as he cleared his desk and locked his drawers.  “I d
on’t have a thing for human women at all.”  He stood tall and straightened his collar and buttoned his jacket.  “They’re too weak, too needy, too…

“Unadventurous?” King snorted
, the implication not lost on him.  “Clearly, you haven’t met the right woman.  Perhaps Ella will…”

“No,” Gauge cut him off, his temper beginning to flare, “She won’t.  I’m looking for a Walker mate.  Not a widowed human with baggage who also happens to be my subordinate.”  He stalked toward the door as if to end the conversation.

“I don’t know,” King followed behind, “Crow swears by a subordinate female.”

The comment had Gauge stopping so quickly that King actually slammed into his back.  Turning he eyed the Chief of Security in incredulity.  “Subordinate?  Have you even met Eden?”

King laughed, lifting a hand to rub at the back of his neck.  “I said he swears by it.  Didn’t say he actually lived by it.  Eden’s the least subordinate female I’ve ever met, well except for Aries Drago that is.”

Gauge shook his head and exited his office
, strode through the reception area, and stopped with the door open.  “Leave well enough alone, King.  I don’t need you making my job any harder by shoving your nose in where it doesn’t belong.”

King’s strong hand caught Gauge’s arm.  “A word of warning then.”

Gauge’s eyes flashed dangerously as he frowned from the arm restricting him to the Walker who owned it.

“Crow makes it his business to shove his nose where it doesn’t belong, especially when it comes to Walkers and our angels.  If you truly have no interest in Ella then I suggest you let this ride.  Digging around
Ella’s past will draw Crow’s attention and once he even catches a whiff of interest from you it’ll be all over.”

“What will be all over?”

“He’ll mate you to Ella, Gauge.”

angrily jerked his arm free as he scowled at the nearly-identical-in-height Chief of Security.  “
man is forcing my claim.  Walker or otherwise.  I require no assistance in finding my angel.”

“And I’m not saying you do.  I’m
just saying that Crow’s sole purpose of building StoneCrow was to create a community where we could not only live freely, but flourish.  He wants Walkers mated and breeding.  If you truly have no attraction to Ella, then stay the hell away from her.  You might think that no man could force your claiming, but Crow is more powerful and relentless than anything you’ve ever gone up against, and I am speaking from personal experience.”

Gauge’s lip curled back derisively,
“You let him force your claiming of a human?” 

It was King’s turn to let his temper flare.  He stepped forward until his nose nearly brushed Gauge’s.  “
Watch your fucking mouth when referencing my queen.  She is my angel, my one.  You’re a damn fool if you’re willing to overlook a human female simply because of
inability to express your needs in the bedroom.  A true Walker, a true
, breaks his woman’s headboard, not her heart.  If
can’t make that happen, don’t blame

The two Walkers were nose-to-nose, neither backing down.  The loud crunch of an apple had both men swiveling their head
s to eye CEO StoneCrow as he leaned causally against the wall just outside Gauge’s office.  He studied his apple while he chewed, not bothering to look at either of his Walkers.  “Gentlemen,” he took another bite of the crisp fruit.  “Do we have a problem?”

Gauge turned back to King in time to see a spark light in the other Walker’s eyes before a grin tweaked the corners of his mout
h.  “We were just discussing Ella.”

“Ella?”  That caught the CEO’s att
ention and had him lifting his clear, blue eyes to the men.  “You mean Ms. Garrett?  Is there a problem?”

King shrugged and smiled at Gauge knowingly, “Nah, Gauge was just curious about her.  Wanted me to do some digging.”

CEO StoneCrow shoved off the wall before dropping his half-eaten apple in the nearest waste basket as he stalked toward the men, studying Gauge intently.

“It’s not like that,” Gauge explained.  “I’m not interested in her, I just…,”
Christ!  I just what? 
“I was curious about her background is all.  I don’t want her, Monroe.”  He paled slightly when the CEO’s nostrils flared.  He
want Ella, and Monroe would scent the lie.  “I mean I don’t want a relationship with her,” he attempted to clarify.

Monroe’s eyes narrowed.  “You just want to fuck her?”

Gauge jerked an angry scowl to King as the Chief of Security chuffed a laugh and exited the hall leaving Gauge to explain himself to the CEO while simultaneously trying to convince the dominant Walker that he had no desire to be mated to Ella.

“She’s a beautiful woman
, but I want a Walker mate.”  There.  He couldn’t explain it more simply than that.

“Female Walkers are hard to come by.
”  Monroe appeared contemplative before turning to head back down the hall.  “I’ve got a few.   I’ll see what I can do.”


The CEO stopped and looked over his shoulder. 

“I don’t mean right now, and I don’t need your help.  I’ll find my own angel in my own time.”  He waited with baited breath for the CEO’s response. 
Shit, King was right!

“Fine.  I’m just delighted you’re actually looking.  Most of the Walkers here have to be forced to find the source of their happiness.  It
’s a daunting task, and yet I find pleasure in the hobby.”

Hobby?  He actually considers his interference to be a fucking hobby? 
“They ask for your assistance?”

Monroe leveled his gaze on Gauge, “I am their Dominant.  They don’t need to ask.  It is my gift.”

“All due respect, Monroe, but you can keep your gift.  I don’t want
, or need, your interference in my personal life.  Am I clear?”

The CEO’s face remained
blank; no hint of emotion gave insight to his thoughts.  Finally, his brow furrowed as if he’d come to some conclusion.  “You’re sure you don’t want Ella?  She’s smart, beautiful, and more importantly, she’s available.”

“As I said,” Gauge ground out through clenched teeth, “I’ll find my own angel.”

“I just wanted to make sure before I found her another.”

“Another what?”

“Mate,” Monroe answered impatiently.  “I’ve got dozens of unmated Walkers on this estate with more coming in every day.  Do you know the havoc an unclaimed female can cause to beings who are more animal than man?  Hell, her first ovulation around unmated Walkers is likely to cause a damn stampede.  If you’re sure you don’t want her, I’ll find her other options.”

thought of Monroe attempting to farm out Ella had Gauge biting back a growl.  He shouldn’t care, but he did.  “She’s my assistant, and I don’t want her fucked with!”

“Why?  You’re not willing to
fuck with her.
  Let another Walker have the chance.”

Gauge’s reaction was the exact opposite of what he wanted to display.  He wanted to appear indifferent, but the attitude refused to come forth. 
Instead, he looked possessive and…
His palms began to sweat as he realized why King had laughed upon his departure.  King had been trying to warn him of Monroe’s proclivity for interfering.  Instead of being grateful, Gauge had challenged King, and the Chief of Security had thrown him to the wolves…or
, for the affront. 

Is it lost on you that perhaps Walkers flock to your Estate because of this, because you incentivize them?”  Gauge attempted to be tactical, “Besides, shouldn’t you ask Ella what she wants?  You know, she does have a say in the matter.”

For some reason, Monroe looked disappointed.  “
Of course I incentivize them.  Most Walkers, if they’re willing to admit it to themselves, can acknowledge the fact that they not only need an angel, but they
one.  I give them that opportunity.  And to answer your second question, any Walker male would be a valued mate to a woman like Ella.  We are fiercely loyal, protective, and put our female’s needs before our own.  My Eden even informs me that we are all deflatingly handsome.”  He grinned.  “What wouldn’t Ms. Garret like about a Walker?”

“Perhaps she’s still mourning the loss of her husband.”

“The child is five.  The time for mourning is over.”

“And what of the child?  Do you think a Walker male will simply claim it?”

”  Monroe’s expression darkened dangerously and Gauge knew he’d fucked up.  The CEO and his angel, Eden, had a family of five adopted Walker children.  It was common knowledge that the only chink in Monroe’s façade of impervious callousness was revealed when he was in the company of his family, whom he cherished with vicious allegiance. 

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