Skin Walkers: Gauge (4 page)

Read Skin Walkers: Gauge Online

Authors: Susan A. Bliler


The next morning, Ella stood in the dingy bathroom of the motel and eyed her bottle of perfume. 
Dressed in form fitting black slacks and matching silk blouse, Ella smirked as she used a finger to sweep the long fall of her bangs behind one ear.  Contrary to Gauge’s command, she’d opted to pull her hair back into a sleek ponytail that hung in flowing, amber waves down her back.  The pants were also a dig at him, knowing he’d been opposed to the concept.  Paired with a strappy heel and bright red lips, the outfit was very professional in a hell-on-heels sort of way.

Grabbing the bottle of perfume
with one hand, Ella lifted the thumb of the other to trap it between her teeth before replacing the perfume on the shelf and staring at it in indecision.  She’d thought long and hard all night and had decided that she could try for one day to tell the absolute truth and forego the perfume. 
How hard could it be?
  It’d been a week and no more personal questions about her had come up.  She’d skip the perfume and in a few days she'd start wearing it again—in lesser quantities—pretending to have forgotten.  Surely, she could manage two days without the need for a lie.  Decided, she turned and exited the bathroom, sans perfume, and bundled up Alysa for their trek to StoneCrow.  She was really beginning to hate the motel with the leering manager.  Even though her room was large and had a separate sitting room and bedroom, it still didn’t change the fact that she desperately wanted residence at StoneCrow.

Nearly an hour later, she delivered Alysa to the daycare with no problems.  The workers, Mel and Anne both instantly noticed her lack of perfume, and thanked her for it. 

“Oh!” Mel caught her as she was about to leave, “We are taking some of the kids on a field trip today.  If you’re not opposed to Alysa coming, you’ll need to sign this permission slip.” Mel hurried forward with a form and Ella felt her belly drop.

“Field trip?  Where?”  She wasn’
t about to let Alysa leave the Estate without her.

“Well it’s not a
field trip
, field trip.  We’re taking the kids down to the stables to meet the vet and to see some of the animals.  Only tame ones!” she tacked on quickly.  “You know ducks, sheep, cats, puppies.”

?” Alysa’s head snapped up and Ella knew it was all over.  She smiled and signed the permission slip knowing Alysa wouldn’t have any problem seeing her mother walk away today.  She kissed Alysa, “Have fun with the puppies okay?”

Alysa nodded with huge eyes, unable to hold back a smile.

Ella laughed as she stood and ruffled the child’s hair. “Okay,” she eyed Mel.  “Call me if anything comes up.”

“She’ll be fine,” Mel promised.

Ten minutes later and Ella was behind her desk listening to voice messages when Gauge entered.  He was breathtaking in his sharp suit and pale blue shirt that perfectly matched his eyes.  Sandy, blond hair was tousled and still damp from his shower.  The thought of him in the shower had her biting her lower lip to keep an appreciative smile from forming.  It had been so long since she’d had the opportunity to admire a gorgeous man.  Her heart rate kicked up and heat began to pool low in her belly.  As he sauntered toward her, she imagined beads of water clinging to his torso with a fluffy white towel slung low on his hips…very low!

“Morning,” was his crisp greeting as he stalked by her desk.  When he passed, his feet slowed and she could’ve sworn she saw him lift his nose in the air and sniff before he turned to face her.

She buried the phone in her shoulder, “Mr. Alexander?”

“Come to my office when you’re finished.”

Oh shit!
  She shifted uncomfortably in her chair and focused on the message she was supposed to be taking down. 
He knows I’m not wearing perfume!
  Fear shot through her with the thought that he’d been waiting for this opportunity to grill her. 
she self-admonished,
you’re just being paranoid.  Knock it off!

She had to re-play the message three more times before she was able to focus enough to take down any information, and then she hung up the phone and turned to stare at Gauge’s office door with dread.  Giving up on her original plan, she seized her purse from her desk drawer and dug frantically searching for perfume or body spray or anything scented.  She pulled out a small bottle of cucumber scented hand sanitizer and frowned at it. 
  She knew time was wasting so she dumped half the bottle into one of her palms before clapping her hands together and rubbing the potent alcohol scented concoction on her hands and arms.  She slapped some on her neck and chest for good measure and stood to make her way to Gauge’s office.

Heart thundering in her chest, she knocked and entered knowing he was waiting.

Gauge sat behind his desk, both hands gripping the arms of his chair as he frowned at the door as if he’d been waiting on her for hours.

“Sorry,” she offered, “There were
a lot of messages.”  She stepped forward and watched as his nostrils flares slightly as his eyes drank her in from head to toe. 

“Ms. Garret,” his scowl deepened
as his gaze slid to hers, “have you been drinking?”

What?  Shit, no!
  “NO!”  She held up her hands lamely, “It’s hand sanitizer.  Alcohol based,” she held a palm to her nose and sniffed before nearly passing out from the overpowering chemical scent.  “It…it’s supposed to smell like cucumbers.”

His scowl relaxed.  “It doesn’t smell like any cucumbers I’ve ever


He motioned toward the door with his head, “Would you mind washing that off and returning once you’ve finished?”

“No.  I mean yes.  I mean…” she shook her head and backed toward the door.  “I mean no, I wouldn’t mind and yes, I’ll return in a few minutes.”  Her face was flaming when she finally exited the office and mumbled to herself, “What is wrong with you?”


In his office, Gauge couldn’t help but chuckle at his flustered little assistant.  The humor was short lived.  Why had she felt the need to mask her scent when he’d summoned her?  He knew she was perfume free the second he’d entered the office, but then when he asked her to come into his office, she’d deliberately attempted to mask her scent.  That could only mean one thing.

A light knock sounded on the door and she entered.  Gauge struggled to hide his appreciation of her appearance. 

She made her way to the chair in front of his desk and was about to sit when he stood and offered, “I’ll take your jacket.”

He was around the table and helping her out of the article before she could even formulate a protest.

“Uh, thanks,” she offered with uncertainty.

“So,” instead of crossing back to his seat, he sat on the edge of his desk, hoisting a leg up and folding her jacket across his lap as he stared down at where she sat in front of him.  He saw a slight sheen of sweat forming on her nose.  “We haven’t had the chance to get truly acquainted and I’d like to rectify that.  Tell me about yourself.”

Ella’s heart was racing so fast.   The room had suddenly grown inexplicably hot.  “Uhh, my name is Ella,” her eyes shot to his as her mind raced for some detail that would be true and satisfactory.  “I like…bees.” 
  She knew she’d screwed up when Gauge crossed his arms to frown down at her. 
Why does he have to be so damn distractingly handsome?

“Where are you from?”

Oh God no!
  The last thing she wanted was direct questions and certainly not about her past.  There’d be no hope of deflection that route. 
Stop drooling over him and think, damn you!  THINK! 
A moment of silence reigned before she began, “I’ve been practically everywhere.  Lived in North Carolina, New York, Tennessee, Arizona, Texas.” 
Yes!  All truth, keep it up.

He opened his mouth to speak, but she just kept rambling.

“I came to Montana because I was invited.  I’ve never been here and it’s so beautiful.  My little Alysa likes it too.” 
What in the hell did you bring HER up for?  Shut up! 
“Well, it is beautiful and Stoney…my friend,” she looked up at him hoping the fact that she was friends with a Walker would buy her points. 
till frowning.  No go there.
  “She and I went to school together; we’ve been best friends for years.”  As soon as she spoke the words she second-guessed them.  Was she incriminating Stoney? 
Just tell him facts! 
“I’m twenty-three years old.  Both my parents and my only sibling are deceased.  I don’t like to talk about myself.” 
Okay, good.  Keep this up.
  “I’m…I’m really uncomfortable,” she shifted nervously and turned imploring eyes on him, “Have I done something wrong, Mr. Alexander?”

“No,” his response was clipped.  Arctic blue eyes found hers, “but I like to know about the people who work for me and I don’t know anything about you.”

“Well, I like to read and,” she began but halted when he held up a hand.

“I’ll make this easy on you.” He
placed her jacket on his desk before he leaned forward to grip the sides of her chair and turned it.  Standing, he grabbed the second chair that sat in front of his desk and turned it so they were facing each other with only mere feet separating them.  He claimed the seat and his knees brushed hers with the proximity. 

Ella plucked at the front of her blouse, hoping to get some cool air onto her
suddenly fevered flesh.

“I’m going to ask you a series of questions,” Gauge began, “and you’re going to answer with as few words as possible.  Understood?”

Ella nodded and prayed someone would call or come through the door to save her.

Gauge partially shifted, knowing his eyes darkened drastically when Ella inhaled and leaned back in her seat.  He thought of his questions and realized this was going to be harder than he thought.  How did he question her without giving too much away himself?

“Ella Garret,” he began, “That’s a lovely name.  Is it a family name?”

She shook her head and when he frowned she squeaked out a, “N-no.”


“Where were you born?”

I can’t tell him that!  He’ll be able to trace Alysa there.
  She opened her fisted hands hoping there was still a trace of scent on them. 
Come on cucumbers!  Please, oh please, oh please. 
“Uh, Kentucky.”  She prayed the one word wouldn’t be scented.


“How close are you and Stoney?”

“We’re best friends.”

“Best friends?  As in the kind that share

“Yes.  NO!  Well, I don’t know.  I tell her everything.  I wouldn’t know if she told me everything or not, would I?”

“Where is Alysa’s father?”

“I told you already.”

“I apologize, I forget.  Please tell me again.”

” Aaaagh
!  That’s the problem with lying; I never remember which lies I’ve told to which people. 
“He’s gone.”

“Gone as in dead?”

She could barely hear for the pounding of her heart in her ears. “He’s…he’s…” 
I’ve got it!
  She dropped her head and let her terrified tears spring forth.  When she looked up her eyes were brimming with tears and her lip trembled as she responded with an honest, “I don’t want to talk about this, Mr. Alexander.”  She blinked and the tears slid down her cheeks just as she’d hoped.  “If I’ve done something that you question,” she stood and shoved the chair back, “you’ll need to take it up with Mr. StoneCrow.  I don’t want this to come out wrong, but your line of questioning borders on harassment and I won’t answer any more personal questions from you.  If you need me for anything
related, I’ll be at my desk.”  She turned and stalked to the door, relieved that he didn’t try to stop her. 


Gauge felt guilt bite hard.  He’d made his assistant cry and it was only her first week on the job, “Hell!”  He plowed a hand into his hair and thought over their conversation.  She’d lied about where she was from, she’d evaded him on her closeness with Stoney, and she’d successfully deflected him when he’d asked about her husband.  Perhaps the memory of her lost love was too much, but he doubted it.  He hadn’t scented sadness, only fear.  But fear of what? 

He focused on the door and let his mind seek out what it wanted. 
  He called through the mist.  The Walker nurse responded almost immediately.

“Mr. Alexander.  What do you need?”

“I was wondering if you were free this afternoon.  I’d like to speak with you if at all possible.”


He knew he’d have to play it cool.  Getting answers from a human was one thing, but getting them from a Walker was on a whole other level. 
“I’ve got some medical expenses here that need explanation.  Dr. Arkinson deferred to you.  Seems our resident Surgeon is far too busy for my inquiries.”

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