Read Skin Walkers: Monroe Online

Authors: Susan Bliler

Skin Walkers: Monroe (16 page)

Ransum!”  King’s head snapped up and he reached for Ransum but the child was already mere steps from Monroe.  King’s eyes shot to Monroe’s bowed head and he quickly set Cole on the ground and peeled a still laughing Peyton off his leg before he raced for the third child.

Boys,” Monroe sobered, looking up as if he hadn’t been violently afflicted seconds before.  “Isn’t someone supposed to keep an eye on you?”

climbed into Monroe’s lap without waiting for an invitation.  “Our mama watches us but she’s sick.  Lilly said we could only go see her if you said it’s okay.”

Dumbfounded, King could only gape as Cole raced to climb up on Monroe’s desk
, knocking over a cup of coffee and drenching paperwork as he began to swing his legs wildly.  The boy planted both hands on the edge of the desk and leaned forward to beam at Monroe.  “If you take us to see mama you can have my red car.”

Peyton wrapped herself around King’s leg as his eyes stayed fixed on the pool of black coffee that was soaking into the invoices Monroe had to sign and mail out by day’s end.

Oblivious, the CEO smiled at Ransum and rumpled Cole’s hair.  “Tell you what.  We’ll all go see mommy together
,” he reached up to chuck Cole under the chin, “you can keep your red car.”  Smiling eyes searched the room and landed on Peyton, “Hey pretty girl?  Do you wanna go see mama?”

Peyton shrieked and wiped a slobbery mouth on King’s pant leg before unwinding her limbs and teetering toward Monroe’s desk. 

King couldn’t believe his eyes.  The coldest, most merciless Walker he knew was smiling and carrying on with three small children like he was Santa Claus.

Crow,” King began, “I can get Lilly to take the kids to Eden.”

“NO!” A quick flash of sharp teeth and a fierce growl had the children gasping and recoiling before Monroe composed himself and smiled.  “I’ll take the children to see their mother.”

“Yay,” Cole scrambled off Monroe’s lap.  “Come on sissy.” He picked up the nearly-identical-in-height Peyton and attempted to carry her a few steps before Monroe stood and raced forward lifting the girl over his head to place her on his shoulders before he bent and gabbed Cole from the floor with one arm and Ransum from the desk with the other. 

“Mind the fort,” he barked at King as he stalked
out of the room.

Alone in the office, King stared numbly at the door before shaking his head clear.  “Oh shit!”  He raced to the de
sk and grabbed a handful of invoices, lifting them to let the coffee run off before he shook them and called to Lilly through the mist,
“I need you my queen.  Get to Monroe’s office quickly.”

Eden was delighted to see the kids.  When Monroe walked into the room carrying all three, her heart gave an involuntary somersault at the sight.  He looked like a proud father. 

“Mama,” both boys squirmed in Monroe’s arms wanting to be put down and Peyton kicked her legs excitedly. 

Once on the ground both boys rushed to her bedside but didn’t touch anything or attempt to climb up on the bed as she’d expected.

“Hi babies!  I missed you.”

“We missed you,” Cole spoke first.  “But we have to be careful
‘cause you’re still hurt.”

Ransum piped in, “we can’t climb on you or hug you yet but,” his smile broadened as he pointed at Peyton who was now being held in Monroe’s arms.

The CEO stepped forward and Eden smiled at t
he large bouquet of red roses that Peyton thrust forward then dropped on Eden’s lap.

“Oh!  How beautiful. Thank you

Cole shrugged, “Monroe said we should get beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady.”

Eden felt herself blush, her eyes darting up to lock with Monroe’s before she dropped her gaze.

“No Micah?”

“He’s still mad,” Cole answered.  “But Lilly told us that what happened wasn’t anyone’s fault and that sometimes accidents happen.”

“You know, just like you always say.” 
Ransum reached up and linked a pinky with one of Eden’s. 

“It was an accident, and I’m okay. 
When you see Micah, tell him everything’s okay.”  She lifted sad eyes to Monroe and he nodded once.

Tugging on her small finger,
Ransum asked merrily, “Did you know we get to live here?”

Uhhhh,” she knew her eyes rounded and heat stole across her cheeks.  She hadn’t agreed to anything and for Monroe to have already informed the children without discussing it with her was more than infuriating.

kay,” Monroe spoke briskly as if sensing her anger.  “One at a time, let’s kiss mommy and go.”

Awww, we just got here,” Ransum pouted as he was lifted until his little lips touched Eden’s.

“I love you baby,” she whispered trying to tamp down her anger long enough to lavish some affection
on her kids.

“Love you too.” 
Ransum’s kiss was loud.

Cole was lifted next.

“Be a good boy and take care of Ransum and Peyton.”

“I will
, Mama.”

, Peyton was lifted and Eden was shocked when Monroe used the crisp white sleeve of his business shirt to swipe the drool from her little lips before leaning forward to present Peyton for a kiss.

The door opened
and Aries poked her head in, “Alright boys, you ready to go make some Jell-O?”

Peyton shrieked and raced
as best she could to Aries while Ransum chased her and Cole grumbled, “Oooh, I

The voices faded as Monroe closed the door.

“Thank you for bringing them to see me.”

“Anytime,” his eyes met hers and h
e braced, scenting her anger.

“You shouldn’t have t
old them that we’re staying.”

He shrugged negligently, “Why?  You are.”

“You don’t get to make that decision.”

“You’re my angel
, Eden.  I’ll never let you go.”

Shock hit hard, “What?”

“The night we were discussing my halo.  You thought I was injured and called out for King.  It was the affliction.  You are mine, Eden.”

She shook her head as her mouth opened and closed with a flood of too many questions. 
“You must be mistaken.  It was probably a result of our conversation.  It hit too close to home.”

Monroe smiled and it was his turn to shake his head.  “It doesn’t work like that
, sweetheart.  A Walker is
afflicted by meeting his mate.  There are no exceptions.”

“But we already met.  We’d met a dozen times before that night.”

“I know.  The affliction isn’t always instantaneous. 
Leto was determined to kill Shy before he was ever afflicted by her.”

supposed to make me feel better?”  She should have checked her words.  She saw him straighten his shoulders, his lips thinning in indignation.  “I’m sorry.  I’m not trying to offend you.  I just think that you’re…wrong.”

, I’m many things Ms. StCloud.  I’m the CEO of StoneCrow Industries.  I’m the Dominant Skin Walker in North America.  I’m charged with ensuring the safety and
of my people.  But one thing I am
is wrong about an affliction, and certainly not about my very own.  Had I told you sooner and explained what I wanted, then you wouldn’t have been injured a second time.” 

“W-what do you want?”

He stalked closer with a fluid grace that had goose bumps rising on her flesh.  “You
are mine,
and my affliction is somehow enhanced.  I am a danger to my own kind until we complete our binding and claiming.”

“Our what?”

“I thought I could wait, give you time, but I can’t.  I require your sweet submission, angel,” he answered flatly. 

Perfect brows arched as she gave a lady-like snort.  “Submit?  Now I’m certain you’ve got the wrong lady.”  She held out her hand, “Hi, I’m Eden
StCloud.  Don’t believe we’ve met.”  She tried to tamp down the image of her offering herself to him in his quarters.  Hadn’t she submitted already?

As if sensing her uncertainty, he clarified. 
“You need to accept what we are.”  Monroe frowned at her sarcasm but took her small hand into his and held it while he simply stared at her.

After long moments of simply staring at each other, Eden was embarrassed by the pool of heat that fluttered in her lower abdomen.  She tried to pull her hand free as she dropped her eyes
but Monroe held firm. 

Uhhh, you said.”  She blinked rapidly trying to remember what she’d been about to say.  “Danger.”  Her eyes found his, “You said you’re a danger to your own kind?”  Worry shot through her as she flicked a glance at the door.  “All Walkers?”

“I know what you’re thinking and the answer is no.” 
He smiled warmly as he brought her hand to his lips and kissed two of her knuckles.  “I am no danger to the children.  I couldn’t harm them anymore than I could harm you.”  He stopped kissing her hand to pin her with eyes that had suddenly gone cold as steel.  “I’d die to protect you and I’d kill to ensure your happiness.  The children are a part of you and you are mine; therefore, they are mine as well.”

  Soft brown eyes rounded in incredulity then Eden swung her legs off the bed and made to get up.

Strong hands gripped
her shoulders and kept her on the bed.  “What are you doing?”

  She attempted to brush Monroe’s hands aside. 

“You can’t leave.  You’re injured.”

“It was a scratch Monroe.”  She frowned at his hands then up at him, “Move!”

“A scratch?”
  A low growl escaped him.  “It was
a scratch angel, and you are

Tilting her head to the side, Eden licked her lips before she spoke.  “Look, something is obviously wrong with you.  You should…get help.”

He visibly forced himself to relax and
only when he appeared calm and in control did Eden recline back into the bed.

“Jenny’s letting me out tomorrow,” her voice was soft and she was suddenly tired.  “Can we…discuss this then?”  She was
stalling and asking him to allow her to do so.

He watched her, his gaze narrowing suspiciously before he shrugged.  “There’s nothing to discuss, but yes.  I’ll give you
that small window of time, angel.”  He strode to the door, walking out while tossing over his shoulder, “Not a second longer.”


The following night, Eden
was cleared by Jenny and permitted to return to the suite she shared with the children.  

They’d sat around the
fireplace and visited until bedtime before Monroe put all the children to bed while Eden readied herself.

She had checked on the kids and bid Monroe good night before escaping to her own room.  She’d just shimmied out of her satin robe and was climbing into her bed when Monroe entered her room without bothering to knock.

“What are you doing in here?”  Her satiny, thigh-length, spaghetti strap, negligee did little to hide the bandages that covered her chest and shoulder.

Wordlessly, Monroe approached and grabbed her gently before lowering his lips to hers and searing her with a passionate, fiery kiss.
  Her response was instantaneous.

Small hands lifted to fist into his hair but couldn’t hold him in place as he pulled back.

“Just wanted to say goodnight, angel.”  His eyes were sultry as he drank her in.  “And I wanted you to know that I’m looking forward to us sharing a bed again…

Then he
simply left her standing in her negligee, staring at the door, with wet panties.


The next morning, Eden shuffled into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee, but her eyes snapped open and her heart contracted at the scene laid out before her.  All four of the children were seated at the dining room table with Monroe beaming at Cole as he waved a fork-skewered sausage in the air as he spoke loudly, “An then Micah turned into a big dog and…,” his word died off as Ransum burst into hysterical laughter while Peyton squealed and clapped her hands. 

The scene looked so homey and comfortable that she felt like an intruder. She faltered a moment as she considered
retreating to her bedroom.

“Oh good,” Monroe spoke loudly as he stood, “Mommy’s up.”

“Mama!”  Peyton shrieked as both Cole and Ransum scrambled from their chairs and raced to her.

“Easy boys,” Monroe admonished as
he rose to stalk toward her, “Don’t forget mommy’s still sore.  Be careful.”

Both boys stopped in front of her and smiled.  “We’re having pancakes.  Want some,” Cole asked grabbing her hand.

“Pancakes?  Yummy.”

Monroe pecked her on the cheek as if it were the most normal thing in the world before he turned
Ransum and swatted Cole playfully on the backside.  “Back to the table boys.”

Both boys dashed back to the table as Monroe gripped her elbow and led her to a seat.  He pulled out her chair and she noticed that Micah still refused to look at her.

“Good morning, Micah.”

Finally, he tore his eyes away from his I-phone. 
“Morning.  Umm, happy birthday.”

Monroe stilled behind her.

“Thank you.” She was touched that he remembered.  Reaching out she grabbed Micah’s hand and instead of pulling it away as he typically did, he let her hold it. 

“Happy birthday
, mama,” Cole beamed.

“Yeah, happy birthday,”
Ransum spoke around a syrupy bite of food.

Peyton clapped her hands and chanted, “Birthday, birthday,

“Okay,” Eden laughed, “it’s just another day for me.  Let’s finish our breakfast okay.”

Wordlessly Monroe leaned in from behind her and stacked a mountain of pancakes on her plate with an equally impressive mound of scrambled eggs and a pile of bacon.

She snorted, “I hope you
’re not expecting me to eat all this.”

“Happy birthday,” his gaze held hers and had her feeling warm all over.

She tore her eyes away, “Uhh, thank you.”

Reclaiming his seat to her right and coincidentally at the head of the table, he simply watched her as she cut into her cakes.

“I wish I would have known sooner, we could have done something special today.”

“It’s okay.  It’s just another day.”

“That’s not what you say when it’s our birthday,” Micah surprised her by setting down his i-pod to stare at her.  “You tell us that our birth is significant.  You say that the world is lucky to have us, and that such special beings deserve a special day.”

Her cheeks flamed.  “Well you do.”

Micah looked at Monroe, “She always makes a big deal.  Cake, ice cream, balloons, and presents.”

“Daddy, w
e didn’t get Mama a present,” Cole looked at Monroe in shock.

Eden choked on her coffee. 
The children stared at her worriedly as she dabbed a napkin to her mouth, ignoring the laughter she read in Monroe’s eyes.

“We’ll have to fix that then, won’t

Relieved that Monroe didn’t admonish the child for the endearment,
she struggled to fight back the warm and possessive emotion the simple word called forth.  She wondered for a moment if it would be like this every day if they were a true family.  Pushing the thought away, she made a mental note to talk to the children about Monroe’s role in their lives.  She’d also have to apologize to him for Cole’s indiscretion. 

Drawing her mind back to topic she
soothed, “
are my present.  All of you,” she eyed each of the children in succession, “are each my own special gift and I couldn’t want for anything more.”

“Come on,” Monroe scoffed, “there’s got to be something you want.”

She looked at him and her eyes dipped to his sensual mouth. 
You have no idea.
  Suddenly, the room was too hot and a yearning so strong for the man sitting next to her shot through her system with such force that she set her fork down and tore her eyes away to fight to control her breathing. 

“You can have
anytime you like, my angel.”

Her gaze slashed toward him and back just as quickly. She would
have this discussion in front of the children.

“You broke mama’s heaven.”

Monroe’s gaze jerked to Cole at the declaration before slowly returning to Eden.  He could tell by the flush that stole across her cheeks that she was embarrassed by the admission.  He kept his eyes riveted on her but asked, “Broke her heaven? What do you mean, Cole?”

“It’s nothing,” Eden st
ood but Monroe gently grabbed one of her hands and stood before pulling her into his chest.  She dropped her head to stare down at Cole.

“We had a park.  Mama called it our heaven and you ruined it.”  Cole’s bottom lip pouted out as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Yeah!”  Ransum copied his brother’s posture and stared accusingly at Monroe.

“Boys, that’s enough,” Eden whispered.  Her face was titled
down when Monroe used a strong finger to lift her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes.  Her chest tightened at the regret she saw reflected in the gorgeous, blue, depths.


She rolled her eyes, feigning that the matter wasn’t that serious.  “It’s nothing.”

,” he demanded more firmly.

There was a field of wild flowers that bloomed every summer on the west end of your new site.  I took the kids there every year for a picnic.”  She looked down at his shirt and shrugged as if it didn’t matter, “I called it our own piece of heaven.”

“If it’s on my property then it’s yours.”

Her eyes met his, “The construction ruined the field.”  Emotion clogged her throat and she was surprised to realize the place had meant so much to her, “It’s…gone.”

Monroe held her gaze and leaned forward until their faces were a breath apart. 
“Every angel needs a heaven.  I am sorry.”

She could tell by the way it soun
ded that he didn’t say those three little words often.  Smiling she shrugged, “It’s alright.  It was just a field.”

“It’s not alright.”  He turned to the
boys, “Don’t worry.  I’ll find mama a new heaven.”

Satisfied the boys uncrossed their arms and smiled. 

“Can it have a slide?” Cole asked excitedly.


Two days later, Eden stood in Monroe’s office frowning at the handsome Walker that had come to present himself.  Long, straight, black, hair—much like her own—tapered down to the behemoth’s waist.  His shoulders were broad and his skin tone was much darker than Monroe’s, as were his eyes. 

warned that he would only give her until she’d been released from the infirmary to accept their bond and he hadn’t lied.  He’d imposed himself on her family and it was such a seamless transition that she hadn’t felt the need to protest.  When she’d attempted to apologize to him for Cole having called him ‘daddy’, he seemed genuinely offended and asserted that he was in-fact the children’s father now.

Somewhere she’d stopped bringing up the topic of going home and was relieved when Monroe had revealed that their belongings had been brought to the estate, including her old, black, lab,

Life was getting comfortable, and while Monroe made no more attempts to sleep with her, Eden’s own need increased in intensity every day.
It was difficult to be around him without aching for him, and she began to wish he’d claim her fully as he’d threatened.

“This is
Leto Reigns. He’s Shy’s mate,” Monroe explained, rising from his desk and circling it slowly as he typically did to stand at Eden’s side.  He was uncomfortable when other males were near her.

Eden eyed
Leto’s proffered hand before crossing her arms over her chest, jutting out one hip and scowling up at him.  “Leto.  I’ve heard of you.”

Over the past week, most of the Skin Walkers on-site had made an effort to
schedule an appearance in Monroe’s office to introduce themselves.  He’d claimed it was their form of acknowledging her as his mate.  She had no idea the huge number of men, women, and children that resided at the estate.

Uhhh,” Leto dropped his hand as his eyes darted from Eden to Monroe then back.  He hated the smirk that tweaked Monroe’s lips.  “I understand the claiming can be difficult to understand.  Walkers are a rare breed, we have many…confusing customs.”

“Oh don’t get it twisted,” Eden’s eyes narrowed on him.  “It’s not
Walkers I have a problem with.”

tensed.  He understood the reaction now.  Many of the women at StoneCrow had difficulty liking him due to his harsh treatment of his angel prior to his claiming.  “It’s just me then.”

Eden uncrossed her arms, “I’m glad we understand each other.  It’ll save us the unnecessary need for pleasantries.”
  She didn’t like men who mistreated women, especially women who didn’t deserve it.

gaze jerked to Monroe and his expression darkened when the CEO’s lips turned up in a beaming grin.  How in the hell the man had managed to find an angel that was so much like him was impossible to know. 
Life at StoneCrow was about to become fucking impossible.  Unless…

eyes slid back to Eden, “Did Monroe tell you that he knew Shy carried my scent because she carried my child days before he ever revealed the information to me.  As a matter of fact he let me hunt her while I was burdened with the affliction and still under the illusion that she was Megalya.”  Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Monroe’s smile fade.  “You don’t have to hate me for my treatment of my angel.  I detest myself enough for it, but just know that had I been provided with all the facts, things would have been handled differently.”

Eden’s jaw bunched in anger as she slowly turned to frown at Monroe. 
With her back to him, it was Leto’s turn to smile at the CEO.

“Leave!” Monroe commanded.

Leto stalked to the door but couldn’t help himself.  Turning he smiled, “Welcome to StoneCrow, Eden.  Your presence is highly needed,” his eyes flitted to Monroe, “and more highly valued then you’ll ever know.”

“Wait!” Eden turned to face him and crossed the room
quickly, unaware that Monroe was mere steps behind her.  Extending her hand, her delicate brows knitted.  “I misjudged you Leto, and I apologize.  If I too had all the facts…” she let the sentence linger.

accepted her hand with a smile but shook it quickly when Monroe’s expression darkened at the mere touch of his palm to hers.  “Thank you, Domina.”  He exited the room quickly.

Pulling his eyes from the now closed door,
Monroe allowed them to settle on Eden as she turned to glare up at him.

“Let’s get one thing straight right now!”

Shit, here it comes. 
He braced for it.

“If you ever even consider playing any of your well-known games with me
Mr. StoneCrow, I will make sure you regret the decision.”

Before he could stop himself, Monroe reached out and collared her throat with his hand. 
His grip wasn’t rough, but possessive, dominant.  He pulled her into him and kept his hand locked in place.  “You needn’t ever worry about that angel.  I’d eat a bullet before ever using or lying to you.”

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