Skin Walkers: Monroe (18 page)

Read Skin Walkers: Monroe Online

Authors: Susan Bliler

Her fists curled into the grass and she could feel it tearing free from the earth as shocks continued to rock her body.  Instinctively, her legs tried to slam shut when the orgasm
tore through her, but Monroe’s broad shoulders kept her spread wide.

When her body’s quaking finally began to subside, she felt
the long, thick, length of Monroe’s odd tongue sliding out of her with torturous leisure.  The friction sent her into another orgasm and she screamed his name, releasing the grass to fist his hair.  “Stop baby,” she barely breathed.  Sweat glistened her body and her chest was heaving from spent passion.  It was too much, she couldn’t take another one.

His tongue finally free of her, Monroe smiled and kissed her pussy lips farewell before he rose above her to smile down at his angel.

She expected him to prop her open and fuck her hard to find his own release, but he didn’t.  He dropped t
o her side, pulled her still-shuddering body into his arms, and kissed the top of her head.

Mmmm,” she moaned against his chest.

“I was
supposed to be teaching you to take what you want from me, not the other way around.”

Her voice was still a little breathy.  “If you’re still offering, I know what I want.”
  He’d said it, she had to trust him.  She loved him.  Forcing back her fear, she waited.

He pulled back to stare at her with a replete grin.  “Name it.”

Staring up at him, she held his gaze, “What I want is for you to claim me.  Mate me fully, Monroe.”  Her eyes dipped to his halo, “Bind me.”

The hand caressing her bare hip stilled and he sobered, “

smiled demurely from under sooty lashes. “I love my garden, but when you said you had a gift for me,” she reached up and locked slender fingers around his halo.  “I thought it would be this.”

His expression hardened.

“Why Monroe?  Why haven’t you given it to me?”  Delicate brows furrowed, “I know you want me.”

He was silent so long she didn’t think he’d respond when he finally said, “It feels like a trap.”

Whatever she’d been expecting him to say, that certainly wasn’t it.  Her hand dropped and she recoiled as if she’d been slapped.  “What!”  Arms crossed over her chest as she sat up and curled her legs trying to hide her sex.

“Stop,” one large hand gripped her forearm.  “That’s not what I meant.”
  He forced her back beneath him and used his naked body to pin her beneath him.

Eden refused to meet his gaze.

“Look at me!” 

She did, not attempting to blink back the tears that flooded her eyes.

“What I mean is that I couldn’t have ever done anything in this world to deserve you.  You’re so pure Eden, so true and I’m…” he sighed wearily.  “I’m a merciless bastard.  I’ve killed and I’ve done so gladly and I will again.  There’s no way in hell a gift like you and those kids could ever be meant for me.”  His voice lowered, “I’m fucking terrified.  What if I claim you and something happens?  What if you’re taken away?  What if you leave? What if the kids don’t accept me?  I only ever go into situations that are a sure thing, where I know with all certainty that I’ll come out on top.”

Sincerity shone in her chocolate eyes, “Those are the same risks I take.  You could get bored with me, sick of the kids.”

His eyes flashed dangerously, “

She smiled, “Well, you get what I mean.  Love is a risk.  You just have to decide if…”  She looked down, uncertainty flashing in her eyes.

A strong hand gripped her chin and forced her eyes up, “What?”

“If,” her voice was so soft it was barely audible, “I’m worth it

His hand slid from
her chin and strong fingers clasped the halo at his throat.  Pulling it off slowly, Eden’s eyes jerked down to watch as the halo branded his throat a second time.

“Don’t worry, it only brands the male.”
  He stopped just short of placing the halo around her neck.  “Eden StCloud, will you do me the immense honor of becoming my angel until my life on this earth ends?”

She swallowed hard
and his face blurred when more tears flooded her eyes then slipped free.  Her lower lip trembled as she confirmed on a whisper, “Until the end.”

His lips sealed over hers as the halo clicked in place permanently.  Her eyes rounded and she gasped against his lips as her body was sapped of all energy and went lax.  Her eyes fluttered close
d to the sight of Monroe StoneCrow, her mate, smiling down at her with love misting his eyes.

Chapter 18

The next few weeks for Eden were paradise.  She
and Monroe shared his suite at night and their days were spent with the children in the living quarters that had since been attached to his office suite with a private door.  The family’s living quarters now took up nearly the entire third floor of StoneCrow and the kids absolutely loved it.  They also loved that they were enrolled in the classes taught by the Skin Walkers on the estate. 

All three of the boys thrived on having classmates and taking up general studies as well as being taught how to hone their Walker gifts.  Little Peyton, still too young for school, spent a great deal of time on play dates with Walker women and their young daughters.  Eden laughed whenever she saw Peyton being carried around the estate by King.  The Chief of Security had all but abandoned his position as Monroe’s personal Sentry to become Peyton’s.  

Micah was following the Sentries around
like a star-struck fool, with a particular idolization of RedKnife, who to Eden’s relief, didn’t seem to mind being badgered by her teenager.  When Monroe had originally told her that RedKnife didn’t speak often, she’d worried that Micah would provoke his wrath.  On the contrary, Cindy KillsPrettyEnemy had assured her.  RedKnife was reportedly enjoying the attention and was supposedly harassing Cindy about a son of their own.

The younger children on the other hand harassed everyone indiscriminately.
  Peyton spent hours on end with Shy, Leto, and their young Lyon.  Shy had jokingly told her that Leto was convinced that Peyton was little Lyon’s angel even though the girl was three years older.  The thought was worrisome, but when she’d informed Monroe he’d told her with fatherly authority that no Walker would be claiming his daughter.

Sitting in his office now, she set aside her magazine to frown at him as he cursed into the phone. 

Typically, while Micah, Cole, and Ransum were in class and Peyton went down for her mid-day nap, Eden spent the lunch hour sharing a light meal with Monroe at the Crow’s Nest or in his office.  Today, she’d been waiting for him to finish his business before they could find sustenance. 

When Monroe slammed the phone down and curled his hands into tight fists, emitting a low feral growl, Eden knew something was wrong.

“What is it?”

The door behind her opened and King stepped in followed by Bishop and
Leto.  King’s expression was tense.  “Crow?”

“That was York,” Monroe bit out as Eden turn
ed back to face him.  “Seems he’s had some
in the Philippines.”

“What kind of trouble?” Bishop asked.

Monroe’s eyes locked on Leto.  “He’s found Shy’s sister and something else.”

“Is she safe,”
Leto rushed to ask knowing his angel would kill him if he didn’t find out at least that much.

“She’s safe.  She’s not the problem.  York’s encountered a new...
!  He’s invited their Alpha to accompany him here.”  Hard eyes glinted as they narrowed on King.  “Prepare the estate and inform the Sentries.  Whatever is coming with York isn’t human, it isn’t a Skin Walker, and it sure as hell isn’t Megalya.”

“What is it?” Eden prompted, suddenly terrified.

His expression softened when his eyes touched on her.  “Don’t be afraid, angel.  They call themselves Keepers.  They’ll not get near you or our children.”

”  King prompted.

Something else.  Apparently they project a lone spirit animal they refer to as their Soul Sentry.  They want to form an alliance.”

“Alliance?  Why on earth w
ould they need an alliance with us?” Bishop asked.

“It seems the
Megalya followed Shy’s sister to Asia.  The Keepers were unaware of the existence of Walkers and Megalya.  Understandably, they don’t want to chance that once the Megalya learn of their existence that they’ll be left in peace.  According to York they’ve only just now revealed themselves, come out as it were.  They are more aggressive than Walkers and are still learning to socialize and assimilate with society.  To say they’re rough around the edges is an understatement.”

“When do they arrive,” King questioned.

Monroe waived a hand dismissively in the air while his eyes darted nervously to Eden then back to the papers that sat on top of his desk.  “We’ll discuss the matter later.  Right now, there are more pressing issues.”

Eden watched him warily.  Why did she suddenly feel an impending sense of doom?  She rose slowly from the buttery softness of the leather sofa that sat in front of Monroe’s desk to face him. 

As if sensing the sudden vibration in the air, King, Leto, and Bishop inched closer to stand beside Monroe’s desk.  The CEO never took his eyes from Eden.

“I found our children’s
mothers.  They are all human.  Most are disinterested in reunion and are willing to sign paperwork terminating their parental rights.”  He stalled a moment before forging on, “Peyton’s mother, however, would like to see her.”

His tone was firm, but the way he dipped his head at the end of the statement indicated to Eden that he was worried about her reaction. 

He should have been.

Suddenly, it felt like the ground
beneath her opened up and she was falling.  Her heart constricted painfully, and for long moments she could only stand and stare at Monroe in dazed shock.  Finally, she lifted a trembling hand to her chest and asked a breathy, “What?”  She was certain she’d misheard.  She
to have misheard him!  Panic, anger, fear, sadness, and betrayal all bloomed within her and fought for dominance.  She was in turmoil and her eyes glassed as tears flooded her eyes.

!”  He shot out of his chair to lean over his desk. “Angel, I did what I had to do.  This isn’t an attack against you.  You’re taking it personal when it’s not.”

“Not personal?” She ground out in incredulity
as she fought to slow her breathing.  “
children are as personal as it fucking gets!  Not personal just means it’s not personal to
!”  Her voice cracked at the end as she stared at him accusingly.  “You swore you wouldn’t do this.”

“I didn’t swear,” he amended
as he slowly rounded his desk.  “I said I’d protect you and the children.  That’s what I’m doing.”

“How!” she demanded angrily, forcing down her agony, “How did you find them?”

He paled slightly.  “Jenny ran blood work.”


“When I discovered you were my mate.”

“You sneaky fuck!”
  The words came out on a sob that she tried to control.  She’d been betrayed!

he took a step toward her but she backed up just as quickly.  His tone grew angry.  “I did nothing wrong!”

“Are you certain,” her eyes glittered with undisguised fury
as it fought to the fore, “because I’m still moved by the whole ‘eat a bullet before every using or lying to you’ thing!”

Her anger and pain were so great that King,
Leto, and Bishop fidgeted nervously, beside Monroe’s desk, wanting to leave the room.  Walker men hated the scent of pain and tears, especially those of a woman, child, or angel, and especially when steps could have been taken to avoid causing them.

“Eden, I…”

“No!” she held up a shaky hand and then used it to quickly swipe the tears that slipped free.  She was so hurt and betrayed that fury came swift and had her trembling with the need to hit something.  “You’re not going to explain this away.  You’re not going to fucking lie to me!”  Her eyes narrowed on him and she crossed the office quickly to poke him in the chest hard as all three of his Sentries took a step back.  “You’re going to fix this!”

He sighed in frustrated resignation. 
This wasn’t what he’d wanted.  He expected her anger, but not to this extent and worse, the scent of her soul wound caused by what she interpreted as betrayal was fucking killing him.  “It’ll be done.”

“No!” she barked again.  “You
going to farm this out to one of the Sentries. 
fucked this up.  You brought…,” her voice broke and as hard as she was fighting, she nearly lost the fight to push her emotions aside.  She wanted to cry.  She wanted to scream at him and beg him to undo the pain and betrayal gripping her, but it was too late.  The damage was done and no matter what, there would be residual consequences forever. 

He’d done the one thing she could never forgive him for; he’d gone behind her back and with the help of Doctor Jenny
Arkinson, he’d found the mothers of her adopted children.  As she’d suspected all along, most of them wanted nothing to do with their kids, except Peyton’s mother.  She wanted to see the little girl and Eden knew once she saw the child it would be the first step in the mother’s attempts to reclaim her, to take Eden’s baby away from her.

Dipping her head she took a moment to draw in steadying breath
s.  When Monroe reached for her, she slapped his hands away and sucked back her tears and pain.  When she spoke again, her voice had gone eerily calm, her expression had gone blank.  She stared up at him and out of her periphery she swore she saw the three Sentries back up another step.

You brought distrust into our home, into our
.  You’re going to fix this Monroe StoneCrow.  You’re going to turn around, walk out that fucking door, and fix this right now because if you don’t…”  She turned to the Sentries.  “Leto, gather my children and have them brought to me.”

Monroe’s heart slammed into the wall of his chest and he forgot to breath
e.  Was she leaving?  Was she taking his children and his heart and walking out on him?  “Angel, don’t.”

She didn’t blink as her stoic gaze found his and she frowned.  “I said

Swallowing hard, he curled his hands into tight, white-knuckled fists. 
Stepping around her, he stalked out of the room and when King turned to follow him he was halted by Eden.


Turning, the Chief of Security eyed his Domina.

“He got himself into this,” she explained
evenly.  “He’ll get

Nodding once, King closed the door after both
Leto and Monroe had exited. He didn’t think things could get much worse for Monroe.  He was wrong!

“King, secure me a vehicle. 
Bishop, contact Aries.  Tell her I need her.”  She spun and stalked to the door that led from the office to her and Monroe’s adjoining suite.  “My children and I are leaving!”

“Eden,” Bishop
spoke, “he didn’t mean to hurt you.  You can’t ask us to do this to him.”

She stilled at the door, her back
going rigid as she turned to sneer over her shoulder.  Monroe had warned her of the power her role as his angel would garner.  She was mate to the Dominant Walker making her the Domina to all Skin Walkers in their domain.  She would be obeyed!  “I’m not asking.  I’m

The door slammed behind Eden
as she exited the room and Bishop turned to King.  “I’m all for seeing Monroe suffer but this is fucking nuts!  We can’t let her go.”

“We can’t stop her,” King ground out as he
turned to race to the hall door.  “You get Aries.  Make it look like we’re following Eden’s orders.  I’ll get a detail together.  If she leaves, she’s going to be guarded like she's the fucking queen!”

“Isn’t she?”
Bishop scoffed.

King ignored the comment knowing how close to the truth it was for the Walke
rs.  “Have Aries find out where Eden and the children are heading and contact me through the mist ASAP.  I need to secure the perimeter before Eden gets there.  Fuck,” he growled.  “I’m calling in all teams!  When you find Aries, send me Conn.  Monroe’ll fucking kill us all if anything happens to his family!”

“Should I contact Monroe?  Let him know what’s happen
ing?”  Bishop raced to keep up.

!  He’ll turn around and come back and that won’t solve anything.  He needs to fix this so she can forgive him.”

“You sure,” Bishop challenged.

“Fuck no!”  And with that the two Sentries raced off to respectively do Eden’s bidding and to secure her family.


Monroe stalked from the suite allowing his angel to do something no one else had ever dared…she’d dismissed him.  He knew she’d be upset by his actions, but the hurt, anger, and betrayal he’d scented in her was unexpected and terrifying.  She hadn’t even given him a chance to explain.  What if he’d just pushed her away for good?

  He had to fix this…he
fix this!  Eden’s anger was clouding her judgment now, but once she got the chance to cool down, to think about it, she’d see that he was protecting them.  She’d see that he was right.  Wouldn’t she?  For the first time in his life, Monroe was terrified of being wrong, of having made the wrong choice, of having made a mistake.

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