Read Slay (Storm MC #4) Online

Authors: Nina Levine

Tags: #Motorcycle club, #biker romance, #mc, #motorcycle romance, #biker erotica, #biker, #sexy, #love story, #thriller

Slay (Storm MC #4) (16 page)

“You look like you’ve been to hell and back,” she whispered against my skin.

“I’m still dealing with shit, Layla.  I’m not gonna be an asshole and walk away again, but I need you to know it could get rough.”

“I can handle rough.  But you’ve gotta let me in.”

“I’m barely keeping my shit together at the moment, and I have no fucking clue how to let someone in on that.  I don’t even know if I want you having to deal with it,” I admitted, and then added, “Fuck, it’s like I’m in a million fucking pieces and I don’t even know where the fuck to start to fix it.”

She shifted so she was propped up on her elbow.  “Donovan, sometimes you have to shatter to find strength, and sometimes you have to let someone in to help you put the pieces back together.”

I held my breath for a moment, and as I let it out, I cupped her cheek.  “I don’t fucking deserve you.”

Her hand came up to rest against mine.  “Yes, you do.  We all deserve someone who sees us, and accepts us for who we are.”

I shut my eyes and focused on my breathing. 

This is too good to be true.

My body buzzed with a concoction of emotions.





My mind was like a racetrack with the emotions racing through it.

Fighting for recognition.

Fighting for domination.

When will the madness end?

Her warm lips pressed against mine.

A balm to my chaos.

“Open your eyes,” she whispered.

I opened them.

Caring eyes stared back at me.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she said.

“Not now.”

My chest tightened. 

“Our parents taught us to expect rejection.  We have to unlearn that, baby.”  She brushed her lips against mine again.  “Together,” she whispered.


The ghosts of my childhood circled, fighting for their place in my soul.  I always let them in, but not tonight.  Tonight, I clung to Layla. My lifeline to a new place in the world. 




She fought her attacker.  Frantic hands clawed at his face, drawing blood.  He grunted and punched her.  She fell to the ground.

I struggled to run to her, my legs heavy and unable to move fast enough.

She kicked her attacker, but her frantic efforts were useless.  He towered over her and ripped her dress up, panties down.

My heart almost exploded in my chest. 

Terror filled me.

I can’t get to her.


Her scream froze my blood. 

Ice slithered down my spine.

She turned her face to me.

Ashley was gone.

The horror of my life pressed hard against me.  It crushed me, flattened me, and squeezed me until I could hardly breathe.

I gasped for air.



I sat bolt upright in bed.

Pain shot through me at the sudden movement, but I pushed through it.  I reached across the bed to find Layla.  I had to touch her.  Had to know she was okay.

“Layla.”  My hand pushed against her, shaking her awake.

“Donovan . . . what . . . ” She sat up and bleary eyes stared back at me.  Questioning.

I cupped her cheek.

“Thank fuck,” I breathed out on a choppy breath, and laid my forehead against hers.

She reached for me.  “What’s wrong, baby?” 

I roughly pulled her close.  Enveloped her in my arms.  Didn’t even feel the pain as her body connected with my bruises.  Layla wasn’t capable of inflicting pain on me. 

“Just a bad dream,” I murmured.

Her arms came around me, and we cradled each other for what seemed an eternity.

I never want to let you go.

I won’t ever let the evil take you from me.

Not this time.

Chapter Fifteen


The smell of coffee drew me away from my bed and into the kitchen. 

Holy shit.

Donovan stood, back to me, in my kitchen, muscles shifting under his skin as he moved his arms.

A happy sight first thing in the morning.

He heard me and turned.

I ignored the bruises on his body. 

Smiling at him, I murmured, “Morning.”

Heat simmered in his eyes.  “Come here,” he ordered.

My tummy fluttered.

I did what he said, and he pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

I could get lost in his kisses.  Rough to show his passion and need.  Soft to show his tenderness and care.  And the way he injected rough and soft into the one kiss made my knees weak. 

When he ended the kiss, he said, “I didn’t know what you like for breakfast but I figured the bacon and eggs I found in the fridge were a sign.”

He made me breakfast.

His eyes narrowed.

“What was that look?” he asked.

I grinned and laid a palm to his face.  “
was happiness.  And pure fucking amazement that I finally found a man who knows how to use kitchen utensils.”

He returned my grin, and fuck me, there needed to be more of that shit in my life.  Smiles from Donovan lit my world.  “I’m domesticated, baby.  My mother taught me well,” he said.

“I look forward to meeting her one day.  The wonderful woman who produced a man as good as you.”

His eyes widened, and his shoulders tightened.

I pulled his face down to mine to get close.  “I don’t mean right away.  When you’re ready,” I said softly.

He nodded.  “Yeah,” he said, gruffly.  “She’d like you.  She’s always asking me when I’m gonna find a woman and settle down.”

“She sounds amazing, and I have no doubt she is.  I mean, any woman who can teach their son to look after a woman the way you do must be a good woman.”

a good woman.  I just wish she’d met a good man to share that with.”

He still seemed a little uncomfortable with this conversation so I reached around and smacked his ass.  “I’m hungry.  Feed me.”

The grin returned to his face, and he gave me another quick kiss before moving into action.  He’d found everything he needed and a couple of moments later had food on plates and coffee in mugs. 

I eyed all the food he’d cooked.  “Are you really hungry?”

“No.  I made enough for Annie, too.  Wasn’t sure if she’d want any, but figured I’d make some in case.”

My heart fluttered in my chest.  “Thank you,” I whispered.

He nodded.  “Yeah.”


Confused eyes came to mine.  “What?”

I walked to where he was, placed my hand gently on his chest, looked up into his eyes, and said, “No, I’m not thanking you for cooking breakfast.  I’m thanking you for being you. For being so good, so kind . . . so thoughtful.  I’ve never had that from a man in my life, not even from my father.  I know this thing between us is only new, and what I’m about to say might not be what you’re ready to hear . . . fuck, I’m not sure it’s what I’m ready to say, but I have to say it.  I need you to know it.”

He stared at me, waiting for what I had to let him know.  I couldn’t read his emotion.  It didn’t matter anyway; this was more for me than for him.  He could do whatever he wanted with it.

I took a breath before continuing.  “I feel stuff for you I’ve never felt for a man.  And I want you in my life in a way I’ve never wanted anyone.  I don’t know what the future holds, but I’m going to fight for this, Donovan.”

He stood, unmoving, his breathing rapid.  When his hand came to my face, it was firm but gentle.  He grasped my cheek, and when he spoke, his voice was rough.  “There’s only been one woman in my life who meant the fucking world to me, and I’ve never wanted anyone since.  Then I found you, and fuck, baby, you’ve turned my whole fucking world upside down.  I wake up in the morning thinking about you, and you’re the last thing on my mind before I go to sleep at night.  We’re gonna fight for this together.”

My heart soared. 

I moved into his space, put my arms around his neck, and I kissed him.  His lips welcomed mine, and he proved his words with his mouth.  Our souls joined in a kiss that began to wipe away the damage of our pasts.  A kiss that promised we would meet the future together and fight for the love we both so desperately needed.


Later that day, Damian burst my happy bubble when he resigned.

“I’m sorry, Layla, but I can’t pass up this opportunity.”

I couldn’t blame him.  He’d been offered a job as a lighting technician for a band, and since that was what he’d been trained for, I would say goodbye with happiness. 

“You better get me tickets when they come to Brisbane,” I said.

He grinned.  “Absolutely, boss lady.”

“When do you leave?”

“In a week.  I can work right up until I leave if you want me to.”

“Do you know anyone who wants a job?  Who could actually do as good a job as you, I mean?”

He contemplated that.  “No, but if I think of anyone, I’ll let you know.”


“Have you heard from Dale?”

“No, and I don’t think I will.  That fucker is long gone.”  The anger I’d felt towards Dale had shrunk a little.  Enough, so that if I saw him again, the first thing I reached for wouldn’t be his balls.

“Yeah, I think you’re right.  I’m sorry he screwed you over.”

“He will be, too, if I ever catch up with him again.”

He laughed.  “I don’t fucking doubt it.  Lord fucking help him.”

“Sounds about right,” I said with a smile. 

We worked quietly to get the bar ready, and as I walked to the door to open for business, he said, “You seem happier today.  Did you sort stuff out with Blade last night?”

I turned and nodded.  “Yes.”

“I’m glad.  You deserve that in your life, Layla.”

I opened the door and let the few customers, who were waiting outside, in, and walked back to where Damian was.  “I’m gonna miss you, dude.”

“Yeah, I’d miss me too,” he joked.

I rolled my eyes at him.  “I’m not sure how the fuck Jess and I will cope without you.  I mean, you spend half your time checking guys out and the other half annoying the crap out of us.  It’s gonna be so hard to replace you,” I said, cocking my head and winking at him.

“Yeah, fuck you, too, boss.”

I grinned.  “Right, I’ll leave you to it for a bit.  I want to check on Annie and pay some bills.  Call out if you need me, yeah?”

He nodded.  “How’s Annie doing?”

“She’s retreated a little back into herself after doing well to begin with.  I need to find ways to draw her out and get her involved in life again.  She wouldn’t get out of bed this morning, not even for bacon and eggs, which, I’ve gotta say, I would never say no to.”

“Has she started seeing that psychologist?”

“Yeah, she had an appointment last week, and I think it went alright.  She’s got another one tomorrow afternoon, so fingers crossed it goes well, too.”

“I think you’re doing all you can, and I also think what you’re doing is amazing.  I know people who wouldn’t do half the shit you’re doing, not even for their closest family members.  You’re good people, Layla.”

I shrugged.  “I guess my family showed me how
to love people.”

“Yeah, sad but true.  And I guess at least you have one thing to be thankful to them for.”

“That’s one way to look at it.”

I left him and headed upstairs to find Annie.  Deep in thought about my shitty family, the ringing of my phone startled me.


“Hey you,” I murmured into the phone, my tummy fluttering.

“Hey.”  His voice was soft, and that caused my tummy to progress from flutters to somersaults.

“How’s your day going?” I asked.

“Yeah, getting through stuff.  Just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

“I was until one of my staff quit on me.”

Silence, and then, “You want me to help you find someone new?”

Oh god, could this man get any better?

“Sure, thanks.  I don’t know anyone I would ask.”

“Leave it with me, I’ll ask around.”

“I owe you.  Come over tonight and you can collect.”  I bit my lip thinking about how I could repay him.

“Fuck, baby,” he growled.  “It’s only lunch time.  You can’t say that shit to me this early in the day.”

Oh, this is gonna be fun.

“Sorry,” I said, sweetly.  “I guess I also can’t tell you that I’ve been imagining your mouth on my pussy all morning.”

“Jesus,” he muttered.  “How the fuck did I find a woman with such a dirty mouth?”

“Just lucky, I guess.”

“Depends how you look at it.  I’m sitting here with a fucking hard-on at eleven thirty in the morning and no way for it to be taken care of.  Doesn’t sound fucking lucky to me.”

“Baby, you’ve got a hand, haven’t you?” I breathed into the phone.

“Fuck, Layla, don’t fucking tempt me,” he rasped.

“Wrap your hand around your cock and imagine it’s my hand.”  My voice was husky with the desire consuming me.

The only sound I heard was his heavy breathing, and then the sound of his zipper in the background.  His breathing picked up a second later, and he grunted something unintelligible into the phone.

“That’s it, baby.  Now shut your eyes and picture my tits, naked in your hands.  I’m pumping your dick in my hands while you’ve got your hands full of me.”

“Fuck,” he groaned in between ragged breaths.

My pussy clenched, and I walked into my bedroom and closed the door behind me.  Leaning against the door, I unzipped my jeans and reached my hand into my panties.

“I’m touching myself.  Imagining it’s your hands on me,” I told him as I fingered myself.

“Tell me how wet you are,” he grunted.

Oh fuck

I ran my finger through my wetness, and squeezed my eyes shut at the intense pleasure I felt.  “I’m so fucking wet for you, Donovan.  I wish it really were your fingers in me.  Wish your mouth was down there, eating me.”

“Fuck!” he roared, and I knew he’d come.

My fingers frantically worked to give me the orgasm I craved, and a couple of moments later, I cried out his name as I came.

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