Slay (Storm MC #4) (17 page)

Read Slay (Storm MC #4) Online

Authors: Nina Levine

Tags: #Motorcycle club, #biker romance, #mc, #motorcycle romance, #biker erotica, #biker, #sexy, #love story, #thriller

We were silent except for our heavy breathing.  And then he murmured, “Fuck, Layla.  I need more.”

I do too

“I’ll be there soon.  Tell me your address.”

He gave it to me, and I ended the call so I could deal with the stuff I had to do.  I needed to get to Donovan as fast as possible.


An hour later, I entered the warehouse at the address Donovan had given me.  Looking at it, I realised I didn’t even know what Donovan did for a living.  Time to fix that.

A beefed-up guy met me at the front door and escorted me up to Donovan’s office.  We passed lots of offices, but their doors were all shut so I had no clue what they held.  When we got to the end of the corridor, the guy knocked on the door.  “Blade, Layla’s here.”

I waited silently.

The door opened and Donovan stood on the other side, a formidable force staring back at us. 

At me.

His eyes didn’t connect with his staff member’s at all; they came straight to mine.

“Thanks,” he said to the guy, and stepped aside to let me pass through.

My body brushed against his as I moved past him, and my pussy ached with desire. 

I needed him. 


He closed the door and fixed his gaze on me.  The intensity rolling off him today was something new.  He’d always been fairly intense, but
...this was orgasm-inducing. 

He wants me.

His eyes flashed hunger. 



“Come here,” he growled.


I walked to where he stood.

“Take your clothes off,” he commanded, and I did as he said.

He watched every piece of clothing come off, until I stood naked before him.  I didn’t say anything, and I didn’t move to take his clothes off.  I sensed Donovan needed to be in control of this.

After he inspected every inch of my body, he stepped closer to me and curled his hand around my neck and brought his lips to mine in a long, rough kiss.  His other hand went straight to my pussy and a demanding finger thrust inside me.

My body jerked.  I hadn’t been expecting that, but it was so very welcome, and I pushed my pussy into his hand.  He pushed another finger inside and rubbed my clit with his thumb.  Donovan’s expert touch caused a rush of lust to shoot through me.

I placed my hands on his hips and softly moaned into his mouth, “Fuck.”

His fingers grew more insistent as he chased an orgasm for me.  It wouldn’t take long; I was still worked up from our phone sex.  Keeping his hand firmly around my neck, he pulled his mouth from mine and moved to take one of my nipples between his lips.  His teeth lightly grazed against my breast and I begged for more on a moan.

He growled at my need and worked his fingers harder while he sucked my breast further into his mouth.

Oh fuck me

I cried out as the orgasm tore through me.  My hands moved to his head at my breasts, and I threaded my fingers through his hair and roughly pulled.

That set him off, and he let my breast go and pulled his fingers out of me.  Feral eyes looked at me, and I gulped for a breath at the sight of his wild need.  Donovan’s carnal hunger for me was something I’d never experienced from a man before.  It unleashed my matching hunger and we lost ourselves as we fought for what we needed from each other.

“I want you on your hands and knees,” he growled, and waited for me to do as he’d ordered.

I did as he said and he grunted his pleasure.  Then he stripped his clothes off while I waited on my hands and knees for him.  I was turned on just knowing he stood above me.  I knew he wouldn’t be able to tear his eyes from me.

I heard the crinkle of foil and I squeezed my legs together, knowing he was closer to being inside me.  His body pressed against mine, and he leaned over me to speak in my ear, “I haven’t been able to think of anything other than your fucking pussy for the last hour, baby.  You shouldn’t get me this fucking worked up.  It’s gonna be hard and fast.”

I moaned, and he thrust his cock inside me.  His loud grunt echoed around us, and I bit my lip as the pleasure gripped me.  Fuck, I loved this man’s dick and his talent at using it.

We fucked like fucking animals. 



He gave me everything I needed, and I devoured it and begged for more.

As he drove me closer, he grunted, “You close, baby?”

I squeezed his cock as he slammed into me again.  “Yes,” I panted.  My orgasm surrounded me, and I could reach out and touch it, but I struggled to catch it.  It teased me, and I cried out for it. 

He kept going, fucking me harder and deeper.  I knew he was barely holding his release in by his grunts and ragged breathing.  “Fuck, Layla, not gonna last much longer . . . ”

I worked harder.

Fuck, I needed this.

Sweat slicked our skin as we moved together, and my hair stuck to my face.  The feel of his body against mine, and the feral sounds surrounding us as we both fought for it, collided in my mind to create a brilliant explosion of light and bliss.  Pleasure scattered throughout my body, hitting every single nerve ending.  The sensations were so intense, so fucking pleasurable, and I tumbled into an abyss of ecstasy.

“Fuck!” he roared and came.

He thrust one last time and then stilled, his body tense against mine as his own pleasure consumed him.

I dropped my head and concentrated on getting my breathing under control.  My heart beat wildly in my chest and the last jewels of pleasure fluttered through me.  I sagged under him, but he moved one arm to hold me up. 

“You okay, baby?”  His gravelly voice was tinged with the softness I loved from him.


His strong arm around me caused my brain to scramble again.  I loved his arms, and I especially loved being held in them.

He moved so he could lay kisses softly along my spine, and a shiver ran down my back.

Oh god.  No more.  I can’t handle any more pleasure today.

He pulled out of me, and pulled me up with him.  When we were standing, he cradled my face in his hands and kissed me.  “I’ll be back in a minute,” he promised.

I nodded, and he walked into what I figured was a bathroom.  He didn’t waste time and came back to me a moment later.  I could hear water running and gave him a questioning look.  He jerked his head towards the bathroom.  “I’m gonna clean you up.”

I shook my head.  “Fuck no.  I think I might explode from the pleasure if you come anywhere near me in the next few hours.”

He grinned and held his hand out to coax me.  “I promise not to touch you inappropriately.”

I raised my brows.  “Jesus, Donovan.  Every time you touch me, it’s inappropriate.  Every time you look at me, it’s fucking inappropriate.  You don’t know any other way.”

Heat flared in his eyes.  “Okay, baby, you clean yourself up.  I’ll keep my hands and eyes away from you for a bit, but I’m warning you now, I’m only giving you a few hours.  After that, you’re fair game again.”

“Shit.  We need to add to my earlier statement, that every time you talk to me, it’s inappropriate.”

He nodded at the bathroom.  “Go,” he growled.

I left him and spent the next fifteen minutes enjoying the heat of the water on my muscles.  Sex with Donovan was almost an athletic experience, and my muscles already ached.  I wouldn’t have it any other way, though.

When I re-entered his office, I found him dressed and on the phone.  He looked up at me and let his gaze roam over my body.  I loved the desire in his eyes that he didn’t ever try to hide from me.  His gaze got stuck on my breasts and I bit my lip as he abruptly ended his call and stalked to where I stood.

“Fuck, Layla, I fucking want you again,” he muttered as his hand came to my breast.

Oh god.

I took a step back so that his hand fell from my body.  “You said a few hours, and I’m holding you to that.” 

A scowl fixed itself on his face.  “No, I’m holding
to it, baby.”  He checked the time on his clock.  “I’m coming to you at five o’clock and you’re going to let me fuck you.”


I didn’t respond.  My tongue was tied in my mouth at his dirty words.

“Tell me you understand,” he demanded.

I nodded.  “Yes.”


As I stood there, my bossy man ordering me around, and my body in a state of bliss, I decided I’d never been happier in my life.

Chapter Sixteen


After Layla left, I spent the afternoon dealing with shit Merrick kept dumping on my desk.  Construction jobs we were in the middle of needed issues dealt with, and jobs we were considering bidding for needed some details sorted out.  The security side of our operation required my attention at the moment as well.  Ben’s job was to keep an eye on our competition and ensure our business was clear of threats.  The construction game was a ruthless business to be in and dirty tricks were common.  He’d recently come across some things that needed to be further investigated.

At three thirty, Merrick stepped into my office, and Ben followed after him.  Fuck, this couldn’t be good.  I closed my laptop and stood.  “What?” I demanded.

“We’ve had a mass walk-off on the job we’re doing in the City at the moment,” Ben informed me.  “Union officials convinced the workers to strike, and although we’re working to fix it, I think we’re in for a rough ride with this one.”

I raked my hand through my hair.  “Fuck.  Phil Deacon’s behind this, isn’t he?”

The motherfucker had a reputation for bribing union officials into shit like this.

Ben nodded.  “I suspect that, yes.”

“Jesus,” Merrick muttered.  “If that job isn’t completed on time, we stand to lose a lot of fucking money.”

I eyed Ben.  “What do they want?”

“New negotiations on Enterprise Bargaining Agreements.”

“Fuck, if that goes through, it pushes the final cost up at least thirty percent.”

“Yeah,” Ben said. 

Tension smashed through me.  Phil fucking Deacon had been a thorn in my side for far too long.  “It’s time to teach that motherfucker a lesson,” I declared.

I knew I’d made the right decision when both Ben and Merrick gave me their agreement without hesitation.

Pointing at Ben, I said, “Get the guys together.  This shit goes down tonight.  I’ll let you know the details.”

“Will do,” he agreed, and left Merrick and me to it.

“We should have dealt with Deacon years ago,” Merrick mused.

“Yeah, well, he’s about to wish he’d never fucked with me.”

“Good.  I always thought you were too soft on him.”

He was right; I had let Phil get away with a fuck load more than other people.  We’d had a good relationship once, and with loyalty being one of my strong points, I’d struggled to deal with him once he’d started pulling away from me.

“I have,” I agreed.  “I won’t make that mistake again.”

My phone rang, interrupting our conversation, and Merrick left me alone to take the conversation.


“Hi,” I answered it.

“I had a missed call from you.”  He cut straight to the chase.  Pure Scott.

“I know who Blue is.”

“Fuck.  Who?”

“Your uncle.”

Silence.  And then, “What the fuck?”

“Had a visit from your mother, and she mentioned his name during our chat.  Blue is her brother.  I got out of her that he has something over Marcus from years ago.  He used that to blackmail Marcus into pulling Storm out of drugs, and then he left.  Went into hiding from what I can make out.”

“Fuck,” Scott muttered.  “Uncle Dan.  Haven’t seen him in ten years.”

“How the hell did you not know he was Blue?”

“I never called him that growing up.  Must be Mum’s nickname for him.  Red hair and all.”  He paused before adding, “Why are you telling me this?  I heard you were out, brother.”


“I was, but I’ve reconsidered.”

“Thank fuck, Blade.  Shit’s going down in the club at the moment with divided loyalties.  We need to expose Marcus and get that support back before we take him out.”

“Is he still spreading shit about you?”

“Yeah, but at least some of the guys have a fucking brain and can see through him.  Just need to get the rest of them to see it.”

“What’s the split at the moment?”

“About sixty to forty, I’d say.”


“Yeah,” he muttered.

“We need to find Blue and get him to come back.  I’ll protect him until we sort Marcus out.”

“I saw the results of your run-in with Marcus.  Good job, brother, but thank fuck you stopped.” 

We talked a bit more and then ended the call, and I contemplated what had been said.

It was the longest conversation I’d ever had with my brother.


At exactly five o’clock, I walked through the front door to Layla’s.  She was at the bar serving customers.  I looked around and realised she had about double the number of customers in here that she usually had.  Narrowing my eyes on the far corner, I also took in the band she had playing.  Live music. 

As I walked to her, she looked up, and I caught her eye.  I also caught the rapid rise of her chest when she saw me. And the bite of her lip.

I waited at the other end from where she was serving, and once she’d finished with her customers, she came to me.  Leaning across the bar, she pressed a quick kiss to my lips.

I shook my head when she pulled away.

“What?” she asked.

“I didn’t come for a kiss,” I said, my eyes firmly on hers.

Her heated gaze told me she’d been waiting for five o’clock.  “I know,” she breathed out, “but I’m too busy to leave the bar.”

She was right, but fuck, I was a greedy bastard.  I needed to find her a lot more fucking staff members.  “Go back to your customers.  I’ll be waiting.”

“Do you want to wait upstairs?”


I pushed off from the bar and headed upstairs after one last look at her.  She was wearing a short denim skirt tonight.  I’d never seen her in a skirt, and fuck, I never wanted to see her in anything but a fucking skirt from now on.

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