Sleeping with the Enemy's Daughter (5 page)

"Jacob," she screamed throwing her head back, her hair brushing against her shoulders.

"That's it baby. Ride my cock." Her breasts jiggled wildly as he forced her down on his dick, ploughing his stiff erection through the tight muscles and tender flesh of her pussy.

Her cunt was so wet from all of the sensations of being fucked by him and his brothers that her juices dribbled all over his bare cock.

With Jacob's rough stabbing strokes up into her pussy and his steel length scraping against her clit with each thrust, she could feel another orgasm approaching.

"I'm coming. I'm coming," she rasped out. Her body trembled and her channel pulsed around Jacob's pounding length. Clenching her eyes shut, she stiffened above him as her climax roared through her body like a raging fire. Pumping her hips wildly, she bounced on his cock as she came in a blinding rush that was so powerful it sent her hurling forward against his chest.

Lying spent against Jacob's torso, she panted while he reached around to cup the full globes of her ass. Clutching her ass, he jerked her down on his cock at the same time he rammed his dick up inside her. He pounded into her still spasming pussy so hard, that the sounds of his flesh slapping 41

Sleeping with the Enemy's Daughter

by Nadia Aidan

against hers echoed off the walls. Holding her tight, he impaled her on his shaft with deep, stabbing strokes before he suddenly jerked beneath her.

"Shit, Camille," he growled, his warm breath tickling her ear.

With his eyes clenched shut and his muscles corded tight, he released a loud roar as he dug his fingers deep into her ass.

She worked her inner muscles, clenching and unclenching her pussy around his cock.

"Camille," he growled out on a strangled groan just as she felt his dick jerk inside of her and erupt, spurting loads of hot cum deep into her cunt.

He came for a long time, his cock shooting endless jets of cum into her pussy until some spilled from her hole. She remained still against his chest, limp as a rag doll, while he panted beneath her. Exhausted and thoroughly satiated, she closed her eyes then and drifted off to sleep with Jacob's cock still nestled deep inside her tender sheath.

* * * *

Jacob lifted a sleeping Camille off of him for just a moment to hop down from the table and gather her into his arms before padding on bare feet to her bedroom where he gently laid her on the bed, and tucked her under the covers. He stood there watching her as he experienced a moment's hesitation before he shucked aside his reservations and slipped under the covers beside her.


Sleeping with the Enemy's Daughter

by Nadia Aidan

His eyes widened in surprise when she instantly rolled over into his arms. He lifted a shaky hand to push back a curly tendril of hair from her forehead as he held her against him.
What was he doing?
As soon as he tucked her into bed he should have gotten up and left, just as his brothers had done. But here he lay, wide awake with Camille snuggled in his arms.

He released a long sigh and let his eyes drift closed, although he knew sleep would elude him that night. Too many disturbing thoughts brewed inside his head to allow his mind to settle into slumber.

For starters, he felt like an ass. For some reason, he'd never considered that there was a softer, vulnerable side to Camille. When they were younger, she'd always come across as confident, possessed of a quiet dignity. And when he saw her again, weeks ago, and the beautiful woman she'd grown into, he'd been sure that she still possessed that same confidence. How could she not? She was a wealthy, beautiful woman. Who wouldn't fall at her feet to do her bidding? And then he'd glimpsed the fiery spirit inside her when she'd stormed in and out of his office days ago like a summer hurricane, but tonight she'd shown him another side of herself. A side he'd never seen before.

He'd almost called the entire thing off when he watched moisture gather in her eyes as she protested removing her clothing before them. She was a beautiful, sensual woman. He'd never suspected she was insecure when it came to her body. Her figure was lush and feminine, just the way he liked his women. He loved how her soft thighs had cushioned him 43

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by Nadia Aidan

as he rode her and that her round hips had been supple as he held her above him while she bounced up and down on his cock. She had no reason to be ashamed of her body, and yet he'd seen it on her face, and in that moment he'd cursed himself for putting that look of fear in her eyes. She was vulnerable and that knowledge both surprised and pleased him. Dumb as he was, he'd placed Camille on a pedestal of sorts. In his eyes, she was the haughty and conceited Douglas girl. For so long that's what she'd been to him that he'd allowed himself to forget that she was a woman, who had her insecurities just like any other woman. It was easy to hate her when she was just his enemy's daughter, but to see her as Camille the woman, made it harder to hold onto his anger towards her.

She mumbled softly and snuggled deeper into his embrace, and he stroked his fingers up and down the bare skin of her shoulder, holding her close. He ached to roll her beneath him and ride her lush body again, but he did his best to tamp down his growing arousal. She'd had a long day. This was a huge adjustment for her and he knew she needed to rest. Besides, he didn't quite trust himself at the moment with his lack of control.

As part of the contract, they'd all verified their sexual health with their medical records and agreed to use protection at all times. Although Camille was on birth control, they'd just felt it was simply in all of their best interests to use condoms as well. He'd insisted on that point and then agreed to it, but when he'd settled between her warm thighs all thoughts of that one stipulation had flown from his head. 44

Sleeping with the Enemy's Daughter

by Nadia Aidan

He hadn't forgotten to use protection with a woman since his early days in college. He dragged in a deep breath.
the hell did you forget to use a condom, you jackass?
It just didn't make sense to him, given his pragmatic diligence when it came to these things. And yet, he didn't even think about using one until the moment he felt himself exploding deep within her, but by then it had been too late. His lack of control and complete loss of willpower almost shocked him more than what he'd actually done.

She suddenly shifted against him to toss her leg over his. He stiffened when her thigh brushed against his hardening length, causing his erection to poke out against the white sheet. In that moment he knew he should have done what any gentleman would do. Drag himself out of her bed, and run to the nearest cold shower. But he was no gentleman, and yet at the same time he would like to think he wasn't a complete jerk either.

So while he suffered most of the night in a painfully aroused state, he kept his small promise to himself and did not make love to her again that night.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Sleeping with the Enemy's Daughter

by Nadia Aidan

Chapter Three

Jacob sat on the couch in the family sitting room with the television channel tuned to ESPN. The screen might as well have been blank, and the sound on mute, for all the attention he paid the programme.

Jason was visiting with Camille at the moment, and while the thought of his brother making love to her still left him unsettled, the sight of them upstairs laughing together was even more disturbing.

Driven by some compulsion to see her for a third time that day, he'd entered her apartment and had been shocked to see her and Jason sitting at her kitchen table playing Scrabble.
He should have been happy he hadn't walked in on them making love, but he wasn't happy at all. Over the past few months of their arrangement she'd opened up to his brothers. Somehow in the short time, they'd gone past the point of being just lovers and now seemed as if they were fast becoming
That is everyone except him.

When he and Camille weren't making love, their time together was awkward and tense. He knew he was partially to blame. Unlike his brothers, he just didn't put the kind of effort they did into getting to know her, although it wasn't because he didn't want to. He'd seen her with his brothers, how she interacted with them. She was different around them. He didn't make the effort to get to know her because when she was with
she put up a wall between them. He frowned at 46

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by Nadia Aidan

that thought. Why the hell was he the only one she kept at arm's length?

"What are you mad about now?"

He'd been so deep in thought that he hadn't heard anyone come in. He dragged his gaze to Jackson's face as his brother strolled into the room to plop himself down on the other end of the couch.

"Who says I'm mad?"

Jackson grinned. "That sour look on your face kind of clued me in." He leaned back against the couch and folded his arms across his broad chest. "So, what's up?" He shrugged. "I don't know. Nothing really," he lied. Jackson arched a single eyebrow and studied him. Jacob frowned under the weight of his brother's intense scrutiny. "What?" he finally snapped unable to take the silence any longer.

Jackson curled his lips into a small grin. "I think your woman upstairs is to blame for your bad mood."

"She's not my woman."

"But you want her to be."

He glared at his younger brother, and opened his mouth to protest, but Jackson didn't let him get a word out.

"Why don't you spend more time trying to get to know her?"

He scrunched his face up into a frown. "Because she doesn't want me to get to know her."

"That's not true and you know it. I just think it's hard for her to let her guard down with you. You still blame her family 47

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by Nadia Aidan

for dad's death and she knows it. I imagine it's hard for her to trust you."

"Did she say that?"

"Not in so many words."

But she
said something to the effect, which proved his point. She had no interest in getting to know him better. He shoved a hand through his hair as a sigh escaped his lips.

"It's hard for me to just let go of the past, Jackson. Her parents, each in their own way, destroyed dad. I don't think I can ever forgive them for that."

Jackson stood to his feet, placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly.

"No one's asking you to forgive
, but it's not fair to Camille that you continue to hold her responsible for her parents' mistakes."

His gaze shot to his brother's face. "So you want me to terminate the contract then?"

Jackson's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Hell, no. We're all having way too much fun, Camille included. I just want you to
to put aside all of that bitterness you carry inside of you long enough to get to know her better. I know you want to," he said softly before he quietly slipped out of the room. He grimaced at Jackson's departing back. His brother was right, but Jackson just didn't understand. As the oldest, he'd been the one to shoulder the burden of raising his brothers after their father's heart attack. He'd wanted to go away to college to become an attorney, not attend the local university and take over his family business, and the raising of his teenage brothers, but at eighteen he'd done it. 48

Sleeping with the Enemy's Daughter

by Nadia Aidan

As Jackson had so bluntly pointed out, he was attracted to Camille and wanted to peel away her layers to reveal the woman that his brothers were starting to see, but it was difficult to unlearn years of bitterness and resentment. No, Camille wasn't responsible, nor was she to blame for her parents' mistakes. Yet it was as if a tug of war raged inside him. He wanted to hate her for what she represented, but he couldn't.

He released a ragged breath, stood and clicked off the television. Tonight he would get some sleep—alone. He didn't need to wander back to Camille's bed right now, not with all the conflicting thoughts swirling around in his head. As he stalked off to his bedroom, he promised himself that he would at least try to take Jackson's words to heart. He would be the first to extend the olive branch.

* * * *

Camille was typing away on her computer trying to get her column in by her deadline when she heard the key rattle in the lock, before the door swung open.

They were insatiable—
of them! Not a day went by without one or all four of them visiting her. She rarely slept alone at night, and now her days were filled with random visits such as this one.

At first, she had been just as hesitant and wary of them as they were of her. The feud between their families was so ingrained in them that it was hard to let down their guards. Yet somehow in the past three months she'd managed to establish a tenuous truce with all of them—no take that 49

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by Nadia Aidan

back—all of them, except Jacob. Like the rest of them, he visited her regularly but where Jason loved to play board games, Jeff enjoyed watching football with her, and Jackson liked to simply talk about any and everything, Jacob remained sullen and distant. Yet when they made love, there was always something there, something lingering in the air between them that demanded acknowledgement but both of them refused to give voice to it.

Thoughts of Jacob always gave her a headache. He was an enigma and the longer she spent trying to figure him out the less she actually could. Sighing, she closed her laptop and stood to greet whoever had just entered.

She turned the corner from her living room to come face to face with the very object of her thoughts. He looked wild eyed and confused, as if he didn't quite realise what had driven him to seek her company. That was the look she saw often on his face when he visited her.

"Are you busy?"

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