Read Snare (Delirious book 1) Online

Authors: Clarissa Wild

Snare (Delirious book 1) (7 page)


Accompanying song:
“My Song” by Nova Heart



Summermount Psychiatric Hospital – April 19
, 2013, 10 p.m.



In my room, I gaze out the window. There’s no one to be seen. I know he’ll come to me, eventually. Sighing, I lie down on my bed and listen to my roommate snore. I hate the sound. I hate everything about this place, which is exactly the reason why I’m making sure I won’t be here tomorrow.

As I turn around on my side, I notice the snoring has stopped. I blink a few times before checking. My roommate has disappeared again. I don’t have time, nor do I care, to wonder where she’s gone. Someone’s right beside my bed. Sleek, dark pants accompanied by shiny, leather shoes. My eyes trail up from his feet to his sleeves, which are being pulled neatly in place. Surprised, I gasp, but Sebastian places a finger on his lips, causing me to shut my mouth again.

“You know the rules.”

I nod. I can tell he doesn’t want me to speak when we’re still in this hospital. Don’t want to alarm anyone. He doesn’t need to say anything for me to know what he wants me to do. It’s like I can see into his mind.

As our eyes meet, my lips part, and my hunger shows. His lips curl up into a devious smile. He looks beautiful down from where I’m lying. His blond hair gently falls down the sides of his face. His eyes are warm and inviting. Like a guardian angel, he watches over me.

He takes off his black jacket. It slides down his arms seductively. His movements are smooth like a velvet blanket as he unbuttons his shirt achingly slow. Getting up, I bite my lip and sit in front of him as he stops unbuttoning.

“Why are you stopping?” I say, placing my hand on his stomach.

He grabs my hand and takes it off, squeezing my wrists. “No touching, Lillith.”

I roll my eyes but like his coyness anyhow. I’ve never had a man deny my hands, so this is something new. “Tell me, Mister Brand, why are you here?”

One half of his lip moves up in a tentative smile. “Because I’m supposed to be here.”

“Great answer.” I grin. “Avoiding the truth.”

He adjusts his tie. “It’s what we do best, don’t you agree?”

“Hmmm … no.” I brush away my hair as he leans in and hovers close to my face. I feel intimidated, but he won’t make me feel uncomfortable. I won’t allow it to happen. I know he’s trying to make me change my mind. It won’t happen.

“You deny that you’re in love with a fantasy. Except, we are both spinners of lies, so it’s not love that you feel, but you will deny the truth for as long as it will make you happy.”

“Then what does it matter, if it will make us both happy? Unless you’ve suddenly changed your mind on making me feel better.”

“Good point.” He tilts his head and winks, making my body heat up. I don’t understand why he has this effect on me, but he does. Whatever it is that’s going on between us, I don’t want to stop. Not ever. I don’t want to stop thinking about him, because then I’ll forget to breathe.

He moves back, leans sideways, and turns the key in the lock so the door is closed. I can’t help but zoom in on how graceful he moves, and how his clothes fit so neatly that I can see his muscles through it as he twists his body back to me. I lean back on both hands, admiring his statute appearance from further away. His legs are wide, his hands loosely hang on his hips, and his eyes glide over my body, lingering on my spread legs and pushed up breasts. Like a powerful man, he stands before me—Sebastian—the man who saved me, the man who captured my heart, the man I know next to nothing about. The man I want to fuck so badly I’ll forget I’m even in here.

“Are you ready for me to take you?” he asks.

“Yes,” I say. “Do with me what you wish.”

The fulfillment that settles in his eyes is hard to ignore. “All right, Lillith. I will give you what you want. You want me to make you feel better? Then you will do as I say.”


“Sit up straight.”

Immediately, I respond to his command, sitting up on the bed right in front of him. His hand drifts toward my face to caress my cheek, and I lean into the palm of his hand. I close my eyes and smell the scent lingering on his hand. A small slap against the cheek pulls me back to reality.

“I am in charge now.”

I lick my lips because I’m unsure what to do with myself and with him, but I said yes, so I accept that he’s leading now. My cheeks glow. Not because of his hand, but because of my embarrassment. I am ashamed that I want more of that—more of his domination.

He cups my chin and lifts my head. “You will call me Mister Brand. You will please me however and wherever I desire.”

“Yes, Mister Brand.”

“When this night is over, you will beg me for more, and I’ll give you nothing.”

I frown. “Why?” I don’t want ‘nothing’. I want everything from him. It’s never enough.

“Shhhh …” He dips his thumb into my mouth, preventing me from speaking. He pushes inside, circling over my tongue. “Tonight these lips are not for talking but for my pleasure.”

My panties are damp from his husky voice and dirty words.

“Suck,” he commands gruffly.

Even though he didn’t answer my question and interrupted me when I wanted to say something, I still do as he says. For some reason, all I want is to please him. To make my savior happy, so that I feel good again. God, I’m so hopeless, and I don’t want anything else, either.

While I suck on his thumb, my eyes drift down to his pants. A bulge is obviously growing, and I love the sight of it.

He moans softly. “Next time you choose to question my actions or commands, you’ll get a cock in your mouth instead of my finger.”

I nod as he takes his thumb from my mouth, dragging it over my lips to make them wet. “Good, Lillith. Nice and wet, just how I like them.”

I smile from his comment. I don’t know why it makes me feel good to be so appreciated by someone I barely know, but it does. The opinion of someone unfamiliar with your weaknesses isn’t muddled by unconditional love. It’s pure honesty.

With a wicked smile, he arches his back and starts unbuckling his belt. The sound it makes as it is pulled from the loops is as intimidating as it is enticing. “Lift up your arms and keep your hands together. Now, Lillith.” His words resonate in my ears as the belt is removed from his pants, and he flicks it between his hands. I raise my arms and watch him as he lowers his head and smirks. He’s staring at my breasts. My nipples perk up at the sight of his tongue licking his lips. Heat fills my cheeks … and my panties.

He folds the belt and then snaps it a couple of times. “Sturdy material, don’t you think?”

I nod swiftly, anxiety building up in my body. I struggle to keep my arms in the air. I have the sudden urge to cover up my body.

He makes a flicking motion. I close my eyes to prepare for a blow, but it never happens. I hear him chuckle, and when I open my eyes again he’s just watching me with devilish eyes.

“That was cruel,” I say under my breath.

With his arms crossed behind his back, he takes a big step toward me and bends over. “No, it wasn’t. Cruelty is torture. You are not in pain. I am merely testing your response. Your ability to cope with what’s coming. Your aversion and … arousal.”

I swallow as he steps back again, his firm back to me. “This is not my usual routine, but sometimes something comes along that’s just too hard to resist.”

With that
I’m guessing he means me. “Why? What is your usual routine, Mister Brand?”

He turns his head toward me, flashing me a smile. “I take on the sinners, Lillith. Those who tread on the edge where the lines between what’s right and wrong have long been blurred.” He cocks his head as he turns back around to face me, the belt wrapped around his fists. “And you, Lillith, don’t tread on the line of morality, but on the line of sanity. I appreciate that difference. I enjoy new challenges.”

“Well, I’m glad I can be of as much use to you, as you are to me.”

Suddenly, he grabs my hands that were still in the air. The surprise move catches me off guard, and I’m left gasping for breath as he sniffs my hair. “Do not
tell me I am useful to you, Lillith. I am not your savior. I am merely a piece of your puzzle, which you’ve yet to unravel. Don’t take me for a kind man, Lillith, because I am not. Contrary to what you may believe, I do not care for people. I take what I want, when I want, and that’s it.”

I’m not buying his story. “Oh, really? Is that why you’ve come to visit me

His hands are swift and rough as he reaches forward and wraps the belt around my wrists, carefully but harsh. Like he’s angry. I guess I struck a nerve.

“Don’t make me regret it.”

“But you admit that you do care?”

He looks me in the eyes as he says, “Not one bit.” And then he picks me up by the shoulders and throws me on the bed. I yelp as I land on my cushion, and Sebastian immediately crawls on near my feet. Being trapped in here with him is nerve-wracking. In a good way. I think.

As he kisses my feet, he gazes up at me with his big, blue, dangerous eyes. “I am simply checking up on what is mine.”

His words should alarm me, but all they do is make me feel at ease. It’s strange, the way the mind reacts to trauma. How a person clings to another when there is nothing left, even though neither knows the other. And especially the way neither is willing to declare this ‘relation’ to be anything more than lust and an escape from reality.

He kisses my lower leg, which makes me weak to the knees. Unexpectedly, he wraps his fingers around my ankles and spreads my legs. “Don’t close your legs from me, Lillith. Open up wide. Keep them spread, or else…”

“Or else what?”

A quick slap to the thigh jerks me right up.

“Do not push my limits, Lillith.”

The palm of his hand presses down on my stomach. I can’t breathe.

“Calm down, Lillith. Let me take charge. Trust me with your body.”

I whimper as his fingers, which were spread on my stomach, slip down to my pussy.

“Do you feel this?” he asks.

“Hmhm …” I close my eyes, trying to control my breathing.

“Focus on the pleasure, not the fear inside your heart. Focus on me and my promise that I will make you feel better.”

“But you just slapped me.”

“Do not forget who you gave yourself to, Lillith. I will discipline you when needed. A slap will bring your focus back to what’s important, which is listening to my commands. You shall do what I say. No ifs. No buts. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mister Brand.”

He smirks. “Good. You’re learning.”

His lips drag all the way up my leg, making me moan. “If you only knew the things I could do to your body.”

“Do it, then.”


I groan in frustration.

“I do not abide by your rules, Lillith. You are mine, not the other way around. Now, spread and let me come closer.” He comes up to his knees, towering above me as I spread my legs. I feel vulnerable, but at the same time, I trust him with my body. I can’t explain why, not to anyone, not even to myself. It’s foolish, and yet I do exactly that.

“Do you have any idea of the thoughts going through my head right now?” he says, sliding just one, single finger down my body, avoiding my pussy on purpose.

“Enlighten me,” I say.

Suddenly, he comes crashing down, hovering just one inch above me. He holds himself on the bars of my bed, steady and calculated, like a master of control. “I want to suck on your lips, but not the ones that speak.” He breathes hot air into my ear, making me all hot and bothered. “I could bind you to the bed and make your skin rosy red from my belt.” His fingers drift down my chest as I hiss. “I would make you kneel and touch yourself while I spoil myself with your pretty mouth. Would you like that, Lillith? Have you dreamed of licking my cock and sucking my cum out of me?”

He bites his lip, so deliciously naughty that I want to press my lips on his. But I don’t, because I know he wouldn’t want me to. I don’t know why I listen to him the way I do. Why I’m so inclined to do as he pleases. There is something innately feral and raw about being obedient to someone you barely know. Like some kind of primal fucking session. As long as it takes my mind off being here, I’m perfectly fine with anything he does. As long as it involves pleasure, I’m good.

“Oh, God …” I murmur.

He chuckles into my ear, the sound creating goosebumps on my body. “You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you?” While his fingers curl under my pajama shirt and crawl up slowly, pulling the fabric with it, I squirm underneath him. “But only for me.”

“Just for you, Mister Brand,” I whisper.

“Good.” He lifts my shirt up to my breasts. “I’m curious how much of a filthy girl you really are, Lillith. Perhaps, I’ll find out.”

Suddenly, he binds the belt that’s around my wrists to the bed, trapping me underneath him. My heart rate immediately picks up. He leans up again. “Don’t be scared, Lillith. I’m not going to hurt you … at least not in a way that you won’t like.” He grins as he hooks his fingers around my panties and tears them down roughly. “Not yet, though.”

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