Read Something Scandalous Online

Authors: Christie Kelley

Something Scandalous (16 page)

Will glanced around the room and found Somerton in a darkly lit corner playing cards. Unlike Richard, Somerton seemed to be winning a large amount of money. He looked up as Will came closer.

“Might I have a word?” Will asked.

“Of course, Your Grace.”

Somerton tossed his cards into the pile in the middle of the table, collected his winnings, and stood. “Is there a problem?”

“Let’s talk outside.”

They walked to the doors that led to the small garden. Will found a private corner to talk.

“What do you know about my cousin Richard?”

“The Baron Humphrey?”

Will nodded.

“I have never had the need to learn anything about him,” Somerton replied.

“I was told you are a man who can find out anything about another person.”

Somerton laughed. “Who told you that? Selby?”

“Exactly.” Will waited to see if Somerton would say more, but as usual, he did not. “Can you find out what the man is about?”

“What do you want to know?”

“Everything. His finances, his love life, anything of importance.”

“Very well, Your Grace. I will see what I can find out about him.”


Somerton frowned. “Do you think there is a reason he would hurt you?”

The thought had briefly crossed his mind. Though he suspected Caroline pulled the strings. She might be the one to want him dead.

“I doubt it. But he was upset that I became duke over him.”

“That is the way these things are done.”

“Still, I don’t trust him.”

Chapter 16

Elizabeth looked around the ballroom and suddenly wished everyone would just leave. The pressures of the last few days had finally caught up with her, and all she wanted to do was retire to her room. Or better yet, Will’s room. What was she thinking?

Ever since she spied him in his formal attire, she wanted nothing else but to strip each article of clothing off him one piece at a time. She closed her eyes and tried to remove the images of him standing naked in front of her.

“Elizabeth, are you all right?”

Please don’t let that be Will, she pleaded to herself. Without opening her eyes, she knew it was him. Please don’t let him be naked!

She slowly opened her eyes to find Will staring at her with his head cocked slightly.


“I am well, Will. Just a little tired.” And suddenly, she wasn’t tired any longer. His presence seemed to invigorate her.

“Shall we dance, or are you too weary?”

“I am not too tired for a dance.”
With you,
she added silently.

She took his arm and tried to ignore the shock of desire that raced up her limb. This yearning was so wrong. She had tempted fate when she made love with him the first time. It was pure luck she was not with child. A second time would be asking for trouble.

As the waltz started, she told herself to pay attention to the music, not the man next to her. While she tried, her attempt failed miserably. She couldn’t help but notice the aroma of his soap that had a hint of vanilla and cloves. His gloved hand burned through her own glove.

“You are very quiet tonight,” Will said softly. “Is something on your mind?”

She couldn’t tell him. “No, I am hoping everyone is having an enjoyable night.”

“I’m quiet certain they are.” Will stared down at her with a small smile. “Though I am slightly concerned about Ellie.”


“I cannot discuss it here. Meet me in the study after the dance. We can talk in private there.”

A private conversation with him. In his study. Alone. This was such a bad idea. “Very well,” she answered.

For the rest of the dance, she tried to think about the music and not the fact that they were going to be alone in the study where she could kiss him, caress him, strip him of his clothes. When the waltz ended, she looked up at him and said, “We cannot go to the study together.”

“Why ever not?”

“People will talk.”

Will sighed. “Very well, you go ahead. I shall meet you there in a few minutes.”

Elizabeth nodded and as she walked away, she made her excuses to her friends, telling them she was going to the ladies’ retiring room. Once she reached the study, she poured herself a glass of sherry to calm her frayed nerves. As she drank it down, she realized what a mistake that was, since she’d eaten very little this evening. But as she finished her first glass, she poured another. A little dizziness couldn’t be a bad thing.

After ten minutes, Will finally entered the room.

“Lock the door,” Elizabeth said.

He raised one eyebrow at her and then did as she requested. “Exactly why am I locking the door, Elizabeth?”

“Not for what you think.”
Or I want.
“Sometimes during parties, people will search out a place to be alone with another person. If anyone were to come upon us alone in the study, they might think the worst.”

“And the worst would be…?”

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at him. “I think you know exactly what I am speaking of.”

His smile turned positively lecherous. “I believe I do.”

“Tell me why you are concerned about Ellie,” she said to get them off the subject that had been on her mind all evening.

“She’s only danced with three men. And one of them twice.” Will sat in the chair nearest the fireplace. “I’m worried about her, Elizabeth.”

“Ellie is not like Lucy. She’s shy and quiet and prefers a smaller group of friends. Lucy will always have friends and men around her.”

Will frowned. “I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”

Elizabeth laughed and took the seat across from him. “Lucy is a very smart girl. She knows she’s pretty but doesn’t use her looks to gain attention. She lets her personality do that.”

“And Ellie?”

“I think Ellie will be all right. As the Season continues, she will find some friends with whom she has a lot in common. They will help her through the next…”

She trailed, realizing that Ellie might not be here next year.

“Next what?”

“They will help her through for as long as Ellie is here.” Elizabeth looked away from him to the empty fireplace. She didn’t want to think about how lonely it would be here without him and his siblings.

“We should get back,” she whispered.

Will nodded and stood at the same time Elizabeth did. With only a step between them, Elizabeth couldn’t move. One step and she would be back in his arms where she yearned to be. One step and she could kiss him. One step and she might make the same mis—

Suddenly, he moved and brought her into his arms, kissing all thoughts of mistakes out of her head. She wrapped her arms around his neck, desperate to get closer to him. His tongue lashed across her lips, forcing her to open for him.

The velvety roughness of his tongue scraped across hers, sending warmth to her belly. She moved her hips against his, eager to feel his rising manhood. As she moved her hands to his cravat, he clasped her wrists to stop her.

Pulling back, she felt heat scorch her cheeks. How could she have thought he wanted her like this again? She was a foolish woman.

He brought his forehead against her. “You have no idea how much I want to continue this right now. But we cannot.”

Oh, God, he was being the logical one. That was supposed to be her responsibility…and one she had been quite remiss at lately.

“Of course not,” she whispered.

“Elizabeth, if we didn’t have a house full of people”—he paused and looked down at her—“you would be flat out on that sofa right now.”

Her mouth gaped. She swallowed down the lump in her throat.

“We must get back to the ball.”

Elizabeth blinked and understood. People might realize they were missing. “Yes. You go first. I’ll wait here for a few more minutes. Go to the gaming room. Then people in the ballroom will see you leaving there and assume you were in there all along.”

Will gave her a half smile. “You are quite decent at coming up with believable excuses for misbehavior.”

“Just go,” she said, pointing to the door.

After Will left, Elizabeth sat back down in the leather chair. The sound of a throat clearing forced her to look back at the door. Caroline stood in the threshold with a haughty smile on her face.

“You really should be more careful with your reputation, Elizabeth. It is the only thing you have to offer a husband,” Caroline remarked and then turned to leave.

“Caroline, wait!”

Caroline stopped and turned back. “Yes?”

Elizabeth rushed to the door, pulled Caroline fully into the room, and closed the door. “Nothing happened, Caroline. You must believe me.”

Caroline rolled her eyes. “Indeed, Elizabeth. You were alone with a man in a locked study for several minutes. Anything might have happened.”

“Please. Do not tell a soul.” Now she was pleading with the devil.

“I won’t this time. But you must never let this happen again.” Caroline turned on her heels and walked away.


Will closed the door to his bedroom and untied his cravat. Finally, as the first pink rays of dawn stretched forth, the party was officially over. While he should be exhausted and want for nothing more than his bed, he had other things on his mind. He couldn’t forget the image of Elizabeth’s face as he forced himself to push her away this evening.

After kicking off his shoes, he removed his jacket and tossed it on the chair. His valet had retired hours ago at Will’s request. He stopped his movements and glanced at the door. Did he hear a soft footfall outside his room? Or was his mind playing tricks on him?

He strode to the door and flung it open only to find an empty hallway. Damn. The door across from his slowly opened, revealing Elizabeth in her ivory nightgown.

“Is everything all right?” she asked softly.

“I thought I heard something out here.” Will watched as a pink flush tinged her cheeks. Either she had been outside his room or she was just embarrassed at being seen in her nightclothes. He didn’t care. Seeing her standing with the dim candlelight behind her, he wanted her.

And he wanted her now.

Determined to be done with pretending they felt nothing toward each other, he shut his door and walked toward her. Her green eyes widened with each step he took.


“Step back into your room, Elizabeth.”

She blinked and then moved into her room without a word.

Will walked inside, shut, and then locked the door. He turned toward her, praying she wouldn’t turn him away. Unable to move, he stood with his back to the door, transfixed by her beauty.

She raced toward him and then kissed him soundly. “I didn’t have the courage to come to your room,” she said breathlessly. “I wanted to. I walked into the hall but I just couldn’t—”

He cut her off with a searing kiss. Denying his feelings for her for the past week had been hell. As he kissed her, he moved them back toward the bed. He had to get some control before he tossed her on the bed and plunged right into her.

She slowly drew away from his kiss. Staring into his eyes, she whispered, “I want to remove your clothes. I want to see you.”

So much for self-control tonight. “Yes,” he answered, and then stood still waiting for her sensual fingers to touch him.

She started with the buttons on his shirt. As each one popped through the hole, his heart beat a little faster. She reached down to pull his shirt from his breeches. He clenched his fists as her hand innocently brushed the bulge in his trousers.

Closing his eyes, he lifted his arms for her to tug the shirt over his head. She gasped slightly. He opened his eyes to find her staring at his chest. Tentatively, she skimmed her soft hand down his shoulders, down his chest and his stomach, until she reached the first button on his breeches. She stilled her hand for a moment as if uncertain she should continue.

He gave her a smile for encouragement. She pressed her lips together and released the first button. Quickly, all the buttons were undone and he tensed as she slipped his breeches down his legs.

“Oh, my,” she mumbled.

He shook his breeches and undergarments off his ankles and took a step back. “Well?”

Her gaze burned through him, igniting a fire that needed dousing immediately. “I want to touch you,” she whispered.

He grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest. “Then touch.”

As he stood there praying for control, her hand slowly brushed across his nipples. He released a small groan. Encouraged, she slid her hand down until she reached his erection.

“May I?”

“God, yes,” he answered, putting his hand over hers to show her how to touch him.

Her hand slowly stroked him until he knew he had to stop her.

“Elizabeth,” he said softly against her ear. “You need to stop what you’re doing.”

She pulled back. “Am I doing something wrong?”

“No, darling, far too right.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her night rail off until it landed at her feet.

Her rosy nipples were waiting for his mouth. He lifted her up and carefully placed her on the bed. She moaned as he brushed his tongue across one of her nipples. Feeling her hips move under his, he knew she wanted this as much as he did. He brought her nipple into his mouth and suckled until she squirmed under him.

“Will,” she moaned.

He wanted to hear her moans, feel her writhe, and taste every bit of her. Trailing hot kisses down her belly, he slid between her legs. She stiffened slightly before letting her legs fall apart to him.

Elizabeth almost jumped out of her skin as his mouth stroked her folds. When his tongue slid across her nub, she moaned. How could this man she barely knew touch her in such an intimate manner? And she didn’t mean physically. Only a week ago, she told herself that she could not possibly love him. But now, she wasn’t so certain.

His tongue continued its assault on her, sending her passion soaring. Gradually, the pressure built, the need increased, and she wanted him now.

“Will,” she pleaded. “Please.”

He chuckled softly against her fold. “No, Elizabeth. I want to feel you come against my mouth.”

And as he stroked her again, she did just that. She shook with pleasure, moaned his name, and still wanted more. He shifted his position and gave her exactly what she desired—him. Plunging into her, she gasped with the fullness of him.

“Are you still sore?” he asked.

“No,” she groaned as he slid back out again.

“Elizabeth,” he moaned.

She lifted her legs higher on his hips sending him deeper in to her recesses. Never had she felt something as incredible as being with Will. She wanted this to go on forever. But now she recognized the feeling of pressure building inside her. She closed her eyes and let passion take over.

Digging her fingernails into his back, she was overcome with the sensations. She let go and felt him tremble as his release washed over him. Slowly, he lowered his body down on hers. She felt his erratic breathing on her shoulder.

She knew then that she loved him, and the thought scared her to death. He wasn’t staying here. How could she leave her country? Her friends? The life she had known forever? The words she had said to him replayed in her mind.

If she truly loved you, her father’s wishes would not matter.

And if that were the truth, if Elizabeth loved Will, she should be willing to go wherever he needed to be. No matter how much she wanted to be, she wasn’t a strong woman. Having been raised with servants to tend to her needs all her life, she had no idea how to perform tasks some would consider simple. She couldn’t cook her own meals. Oh, God, she didn’t even know how to light a fire.

She had given herself to a man who needed a woman that she could never be.

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