Sophie's Playboy (37 page)

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Authors: Natalie J. Damschroder

  • Parker didn't answer. She followed his gaze and saw Biff the
  • Sophie sighed. "Never mind."
  • After a few minutes of silence, Parker said, "I know what yo
  • "Fear of pain is a common trait in your family," Sophie obse
  • "Fawn's been talking about my grandfather."
  • She leaned against the cushioned back of the bench and cross
  • "Isn't that a common trait in the whole human race?" His ton
  • "Sure. But there are different ways to handle that fear. Not
  • "I don't go to extremes." He interrupted her when she starte
  • He was right. "I'm sorry." She leaned against his arm, resti
  • She'd hit a nerve, she saw, when his eyes got suspiciously b
  • * * * *
  • Parker blinked and swallowed to get himself under control. B
  • He stood, drawing Sophie up next to him, and turned so they
  • "You're welcome," she whispered next to his ear.
  • He relaxed his hold and looked down at her. She looked so sw
  • Her mouth met his softly, tenderly, as if trying to soothe h
  • He wrapped his arms tighter around Sophie and dipped his hea
  • A burst of laughter from the up the hill brought them both b
  • "Oh, Parker," she breathed.
  • "Oh, yes."
  • * * * *
  • They tried to escape the party, but Biff the Senior wouldn't
  • Parker didn't complain. He felt Sophie rebuilding the barrie
  • At least he could pretend they were on a date while they sat
  • Timmy and Josh rushed over shortly after they'd settled onto
  • Parker grinned and reached to tickle Josh. "Soon, guys." Tim
  • "Stop! Uncle Parker, I'm too old for that."
  • "Okay." Parker let him stand. "But you're not too old for th
  • Biff and Fawn settled into Adirondack chairs behind the blan
  • Boom!
  • Parker turned to the sky and hoped the confusion didn't show
  • He should have stayed away from Sophie.
  • Timmy leaned against Parker's side, absorbed in the display
  • Longing warred with panic. He wanted this, but had known for
  • He had to put the brakes on. Immediately.
  • * * * *
  • Sophie was grateful that Parker didn't try to kiss her when
  • "I'm not disappointed," she muttered as she locked the door
  • "I would be."
  • Sophie yelled and tossed her bag into the air, but automatic
  • "My God, Brianna! What the hell are you doing here?" She ben
  • Brie leaned against the doorjamb of the living room entryway
  • Sophie straightened and glared at her sister. "I hope scarin
  • Brie grinned. "Oh, yeah, it was." She followed her sister to
  • "You've still got Darcy Langlais, don't you?" The Realtor—an
  • Sophie ducked into her bedroom and quickly changed into loun
  • "Darcy moved back to Texas last week."
  • "What, did she fail at the McDonald's thing?"
  • Brie shrugged and stroked Hippo, who was cuddled next to her
  • "What do you want me to do about it?" Sophie narrowed her ey
  • "I want you to find me a Navy SEAL."
  • "Ha!"
  • "I'm serious! Kira got Jake, you got your playboy, now I wan
  • Sophie shook her head. "First of all, Brie, I don't have my
  • "You can't tell me you don't want the traditional crap. You
  • "Well, maybe I want it, but I don't crave it, and I don't ne
  • "Then why'd you skip a family event to go to Parker's party?
  • That one didn't have an easy answer. "I work with him. We're
  • "And he couldn't find a date. Right," Brie scoffed.
  • Sophie refused to get defensive and tried not to think about
  • She stopped, though, realizing she still didn't know why Bri
  • Brie didn't look up from the dog. "No. I took the week off.
  • "Why?"
  • "Because I'm a great bookkeeper," Brianna tried.
  • "No, why did you take the week off? Why are you here? And do
  • "I just needed a break, okay? I'm flying to L.A. tomorrow an
  • Sophie stared at her sister. Despite being the youngest, Bri
  • "Why L.A.?"
  • Brie stood and tried to grin impishly again. "I want to see
  • Sophie just looked at her.
  • "All right. It's just a city with lots to do, okay? I've nev
  • Sophie watched the door slam and wondered about the hurt in
  • "No."
  • Sophie heard running water and the scrubbing of teeth being
  • Spit. "I don't know. It's an open-ended return ticket."
  • Whoa. Sophie didn't know what else to say, so she went to he
  • She was mad at Parker for being scared and wary yet drawing
  • She yanked clothes out of the dresser and stomped into her s
  • That was it. Connection. She took a corner too fast and lift
  • No reason at all.
  • She pulled into a parking place at the station and grinned.
  • Parker had better watch out.
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