Read Soul Sweet Online

Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Soul Sweet (26 page)

Her eyes widened. “Say that again?”

“I’ll say it as many times as you need. I love you. These past months have been hell without you. I wasn’t ready to acknowledge my feelings for you in Seattle.” Cameron’s fingers skated along her spine. “I told you that maybe things were going too fast for you, but when I got home, I realised I was struggling with the lightning speed in which we connected. Our white-hot sexual chemistry, although amazing, made me think maybe I was just missing amazing sex in my life. I was reminded of how Jess refused to let me help her through the darkest part of our lives together when you didn’t trust I’d help you through yours.”

“I’m so sorry. I was scared.”

Cameron brushed his lips on her temple. “I know. So was I.”

Misha splayed her fingers over his heart. “What changed?”

“More like what grew.” Cameron smiled. “Talking and texting you became the highlight of my days and nights. My need for you, my love for you has been consuming me.” He tightened his grasp on her. “I want and need you in my life, Misha. I love you so much.”

Tears filled her eyes as he bent his head to kiss her. She put her arms around him and his jacket slipped to the ground unheeded, as he parted her lips with his tongue. Misha slumped against him with a hungry moan when he pulled away. “I love you so much too, but how is this going to work? You’re so far away.”

“Shh…” Cameron pressed his finger against her mouth. He bent down to retrieve his jacket and snapped it once before placing it back around her. He grinned at her as he grabbed the mimosas. Misha took hers from him with a curious look. “Let’s toast.” He waited until she’d raised her glass to lift his own. “To delicious experiences.”

Misha frowned. “Didn’t we already toast to that?”

“Drink up.” They both took a sip and Cameron cleared his throat. “You know you’re right, we did use that toast before.” He winked at Misha mischievously. “That means we have to do another one. If you’d allow me?”

“Of course.” Misha put her glass close to his.

“A toast, to us.”

“To us,” Misha repeated.

to the gorgeous place I just closed on, located on the Magnificent Mile. It’s time I moved back home.”

Her glass slid from her fingers and shattered on the cement as she gasped. Cameron placed his drink back on the table, took hold of her hand and moved her away from the broken glass. Misha touched his chest again. “Really? You’re going to move back here?” She squealed with joy, rushed back into his arms and laughed when Cameron lifted her off the ground.

“Yes, I am.” Cameron reached down to take hold of her hand. “After all”—he placed her palm on his chest—“home is where the heart is and
heart is here with you.”

Misha stared up into his eyes, saw the love shimmering in the emerald depths and blinked back the tears of joy as she cleared her throat. “That’s so sweet.”

“Mm-hmm. It is.” Cameron brushed his warm lips against the side of her mouth. “

Misha lifted her face to his and Cameron kissed her. She moaned with need as his lips hungrily crushed hers, ready to savour the strength and spice of their love.

Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

Ample Delights

Nichelle Gregory


Chapter One

“Terrah, can you add a few more sparkles to Jocelyn’s eye makeup?”

“My pleasure. Can you look up for me?” Terrah asked Jocelyn. She ignored the model’s bored sigh as she began to apply more blue rhinestones around her eyes.

The blonde bombshell could be a pain to work with, but today she was worse than usual.

Biting back a sigh of her own, Terrah dusted her brush on her hand before applying more of the smoky bronze eyeshadow to highlight Jocelyn’s blue eyes.

“How’s this?” Terrah asked, turning to Michelle.

The art director had been instrumental in helping Terrah build her portfolio when she’d first started by recommending her to other clients. Terrah had snagged some of the best jobs of her career because of Michelle’s confidence in and praise for her work.

“Perfect!” Michelle looked at her watch. “We start shooting in twenty minutes.”

“Perfect,” Jocelyn muttered as she scrutinised her appearance in the mirror. She got up from her chair, stunning in the couture evening gown that clung to her slender form, and walked away.

Michelle frowned. “She’s in a mood today.”

“I couldn’t tell.”

Her sarcasm wasn’t lost on the art director, and they both chuckled as Terrah stored her brushes.

“You’d think she’d be in a great mood”—Michelle shook her head as she fiddled with her iPad—“especially since she’s working with Nick today.”

Nick Tasso.

Everyone in the world of fashion knew his name. He was one of the most sought-after male models in the business. Tabloid pictures of Nick and Jocelyn kissing in a club had circulated in entertainment news for months. Today would be Terrah’s first time working with him.

“Speak of the

Terrah glanced up from her makeup case to see Nick approaching them. Her heart skipped a beat as her gaze skated over the Greek model.

Lawd, have mercy.

Nick Tasso was beyond gorgeous. Dressed in an elegant tux, he was positively lethal to any female with a pulse, and Terrah’s was racing. He was sexier in person than on the magazine pages she’d never admit to having stared at before arriving at the studio. His thick, dark brown hair gleamed almost black in the studio. He had beautiful…no,
green eyes framed by long, sooty lashes on a profile the gods had surely chiselled with love, by hand. Terrah loved the way his olive skin contrasted perfectly with the pristine white tuxedo shirt, which he wore open, revealing taut abs beneath. His dark good looks
on the glossy pages of magazines, to be seen and adored by women all over the world.

Adored and ogled.

Terrah cursed under her breath, annoyed by her thoughts. She was used to working in close proximity with beautiful females and males. It was her job, and not once had she been physically attracted to a model.

Until today.

“Ready for me?” Nick asked, flashing them both a brilliant smile before turning his green eyes on Terrah.

His deep voice reminded her of warm leather, strong and soothing to the senses.

“I am.” Terrah patted the chair beside her. “Have a seat here.”

“You’ll be in good hands with Terrah.”

Michelle winked at her as Nick sat down. The art director walked off, and Terrah ignored the flutter of butterflies in her stomach as she fished around in her makeup case for the right powder for Nick. She selected a sponge for application, then pivoted on her heels to find Adonis looking right at her.

And that would be because you’re right in his face.

“This won’t take long. Can you take off your shirt? I don’t want to get makeup on it.”

“No problem.”

Terrah stepped out of his way as he stood up to shrug out of his tuxedo jacket and shirt. Her pulse quickened as her eyes swept over hard, defined muscles. She met his eyes and knew, finally knew, what it meant to be spellbound by a man.

How could she have thought his eyes were simply green?
They were aqua green.

Like the ocean.

Terrah straightened her back, annoyed by the flash of heat running up her neck to her cheeks. She prided herself on being a seasoned professional, unaffected by the plethora of male goodness she often found herself surrounded by. Besides, she refused to mentally moon over a pretty-boy model, especially one dating someone as vapid and annoying as Jocelyn. He was obviously into boring, bone-skinny blondes.

Terrah pressed the sponge to Nick’s face and quickly blended the foundation into his skin. It took all of her energy to focus on her task and not the strong line of his jaw or his ripped abs she lightly dusted. She was almost done when Jocelyn rounded the small partition in front of Terrah’s workspace.

“Nick, we need to talk.”

“Not now, Jocelyn.”

Terrah sensed rather than heard the steel in Nick’s voice. “It’s okay, I’m all done.” She stepped away from him, hoping they’d leave her area to have their lovers’ quarrel.

“Thank you,” Nick said with a warm smile.

“You’re welcome.”

Terrah returned his grin as he got up, grabbed his jacket and shirt and strode past Jocelyn. She couldn’t help watching the two models as they walked out of earshot, speaking in hushed tones. It was clear they were at odds about something from Terrah’s vantage point. Jocelyn was pissed off, and Nick seemed unconcerned about whatever was bothering her as Michelle effectively ended their little tête-à-tête by calling the models to their places.

Terrah moved toward the set, feeling the familiar surge of adrenaline rush through her as the photo shoot began. With a critical eye, she looked at her work beneath the bright lights. She admired the breathtaking design of the shimmering magenta gown moulded to Jocelyn’s willowy frame. The blonde looked amazing, leaning into Nick’s sculpted body with her hand pressed on his smooth chest. This shoot was going to catapult Jocelyn into the supermodel stratosphere.

And I did the makeup.

Terrah grinned. She was pleased with her work and the direction her career was taking. Her smiled faded a little as her gaze wandered over to the photographer, who was busy snapping frame after frame.

Aidan Marks.

He still looked the same, carried himself in the same self-assured manner that had drawn her to him when they’d first met, almost five years ago. She’d been impressed by his drive and talent, unable to resist a dinner date when he’d asked her out. In retrospect, she’d been a little star-struck when the up-and-coming photographer had taken an interest in her. Dinner had led to a weekend spent mostly in bed. Terrah could admit to herself now that she’d been bowled over by the older man’s attention. She hadn’t allowed her heart to get involved with their little fling, but she hadn’t forgotten him, either.

Terrah watched Aidan work, captivated by his ability to get the models to give him the shots he wanted. Learning he was going to be the photographer for the photo shoot had been a surprise. She hadn’t known exactly what to say to him when she’d planned to say hello. Thankfully, there hadn’t been any time to approach him beforehand and she hadn’t seen him on the set when she’d been doing the makeup. Terrah was certain he’d long forgotten about their little tryst that had taken place many years ago.

Since then he’d become one of the most critically acclaimed photographers in the business, jet-setting all over the world, working with the most promising models. Whether he remembered Terrah or not, landing her current job with him was a huge accomplishment. Just adding his name to her list of clients was going to open even more doors for her in the future.

She’d been in the business eight years, and it hadn’t been an easy road to get to the level she was now. The constant rejections, criticisms and the effort needed to continually prove she was the best at her craft had forced her to grow a thick skin. She took pride in every modelling gig she acquired, maintained her cool in the craziest and most stressful environments and had earned a solid professional reputation.

Her line of work required self-confidence, stamina and the patience of Job. The hours were ridiculously long, the clients could be just as outrageous, and being around beautiful, stick-thin models day in and day out tested one’s insecurities daily. But Terrah knew the modelling world inside and out. She saw the models refusing to eat anything but rabbit food, and those were the
diets. The standards for models became more demanding every year, and many stressed over staying on top by being the thinnest. Terrah had witnessed the meltdowns of fatigued models and knew how isolating being in the business could be for many of the girls.

Most people didn’t have a clue about all the insanity behind the perfect pictures presented to the mass media. Modelling could be a cut-throat, sometimes
business, but Terrah respected the process and the people involved.

did an amazing job! I love the colours you used.”

Terrah turned to Ginny, a production assistant she’d worked with before, and smiled. “Thanks. I think the colours I chose complement Jocelyn’s dress perfectly.”

Ginny nodded, staring at the models. “She looks incredible and I
that gown. I’d have to eat nothing but celery sticks for six months to make that swathe of material look good.”

Terrah watched Ginny bite into a celery stick. She hated celery. Even the smell of it bothered her.

“Want some?”

Ginny offered her a plastic baggie filled with the one vegetable Terrah couldn’t stomach.

“No, thanks.”

“What does that chick eat? She’s so freakin’ thin.”

Terrah shrugged. She’d learned to be comfortable with her own body, which wasn’t always easy, especially being a size twelve around single digit-wearing females. Her voluptuous curves stood out all the time on set, in a sea of skinny models.

But skinny didn’t mean happy

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