Southern Seduction (87 page)

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Authors: N.A. Alcorn,Jacquelyn Ayres,Kelly Collins,Laurel Ulen Curtis,Ella Fox,Elle Jefferson,Aly Martinez,Stacey Mosteller,Rochelle Paige,Tessa Teevan,K. Webster

Tags: #Boxset

Is he kidding me right now? This guy is older than dirt, and reminds me of Albert Einstein. He's tall, skinny, and has snow white hair sticking out all over the place. He's also wearing glasses, khaki pants, and a white dress shirt with what looks like suspenders underneath a tweed jacket. This entire semester has gone to shit. Putting my head in my hands, it's all I can do not to weep, until I hear the low chuckle coming from the asshat sitting beside me.

I turn to glare at him but he doesn't back down, just gazes back at me like he can see all my secrets. I feel laid bare and it makes me uncomfortable, especially when his laughter cuts off abruptly and it looks like he's going to say something to me. I don't want to hear whatever he thinks he needs to say, so I face the front of the room again, intent on ignoring him. Pulling the sleeves of my pale pink Cashmere sweater down over my shaking hands, I attempt to ignore him. It's not easy. He's sitting beside me completely relaxed, and I can feel the heat of his body. I try to repress a shiver, but fail. When I feel him turn to face me I expect him to make some comment about how his nearness gives me chills, but he says nothing. After studying me for a few moments, he shrugs out of his light jacket before placing it over my shoulders.

Leaning over, he whispers, "You're welcome," before turning his attention back to the front of the class.

I spend the remainder of the class trying to ignore him, but I fail miserably. All I can concentrate on is the scent of his cologne on his jacket. The fact that he's spent the class doodling instead of listening to the professor explain the class agenda and his expectations doesn't help either. As soon as the professor dismisses us, I shrug out of his jacket and dart out of the room successfully avoiding anything else he might want to say to me. Having conversations with a guy I'm trying not to be attracted to is much harder than I thought it would be.

The guy doesn't show up in any of my other classes, and he doesn't say much to me the following Monday or Wednesday. But, as soon as I sit down on Friday morning, he starts in on me.

"What are your plans this weekend?" he asks, sounding genuinely interested in my answer.

Shrugging, I reply grudgingly, "Not much, going to my parents for the weekend tomorrow."

He nods, "I bet that will be fun."

"Not likely," I say with a snort, "they aren't exactly the normal, loving family." Not even close. I was having a good day, until he mentioned this weekend. Seeing my parents is not going to be a good time. I know I sound like an even bigger bitch when I cut him off. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to pay attention to the professor."

Kat's friend looks as though he wants to say something, but after seeing the expression on my face he must think better of it. He only nods before turning back to the front of the room, ignoring me for the rest of the class.

When class is finally over, I can't leave the room fast enough. However, I barely make it out before he grabs my elbow, steering me away from the crowd of students leaving our classroom. He pulls me into a small alcove down the hallway, and I'm trapped between him and the wall.

"Are you okay?" he asks, sounding concerned.

Folding my arms across my chest, I don't answer right away. He makes no effort to move. In fact, he crosses his arms too, perfectly content waiting me out.

My shoulders slump, and I tell him, "I'm fine. Can I go now?" When he says nothing, I attempt to go around him, but he presses me further against the wall. He's got at least six inches on me, and he's so close now that to see his face I have to tip my head back. Once I do, I'm wishing I hadn't. Instead of the holier than thou look he gave me earlier in class, he's looking at me with what appears to be sincere concern and that's the last thing I want.

"Seriously..." I trail off, pretending I don't remember his name.

He rolls his eyes, not believing that I "forgot" before he fills in his name, "Wyatt. My name is Wyatt. And you're Peyton."

"Yeah, I know my name, jerk." I say, rolling my eyes. "Anyway, I really am fine, and I'm hungry. I'd like to get to the cafeteria before all the decent food is gone." As if on cue, my stomach growls, loudly, and he smirks at me.

"Alright, let's go get lunch then." He grabs my elbow again, holding it firmly, but not in a way that causes me any pain, and leads me down the hallway and out into the bright winter sun.

When we enter the campus cafeteria, he stays beside me as we move through the line picking out food. He piles his tray high with pizza, a cheeseburger, fries, and so much more that I can't watch anymore. I grab a salad and water and continue to the front to pay. Wyatt follows quickly behind me before leading me over to where Scarlett is sitting with Kat and the rest of the guys. Groaning inwardly, I let him lead me over. It's either that, or sit by myself and that will draw too much attention to me.

Setting my tray down across from Scarlett, I take a seat. Wyatt sits beside me and with a nod at the table, digs into his mountain of food. I know I'm gaping at him when Max's brother laughs loudly, "Don't mind him, it's basketball season. He's always starving during basketball."

So he plays sports. Interesting. I wouldn't have pegged him as athletic. Especially compared to his friends. Max's brother and other roommate, I can't remember either name, are both much stockier. They look like the type who would play sports, while Wyatt is muscular, but not overly so. The brother is wearing a white henley that's taut across his chest while the roommate is wearing a black sweater. Wyatt's wearing a button down shirt tucked into jeans. Like yesterday, he looks like the sophisticated one of the three, and I wonder where he's from.

Feeling my gaze on him, he turns toward me with a grin, "Take a picture sweetheart, it'll last longer."

Oh, he makes me so mad
! My face flames, and I lose control of my mouth, "I don't need a picture jackass. You won't leave me alone."

Instead of getting offended, the jerk tips his head back and laughs! Deciding to ignore him, I go back to eating my salad, listening to the other conversations at the table. Max is teasing Kat while her face turns as red as Scarlett's hair, Clay and Emmett are alternating between competing for Scar's attention and talking to Wyatt about the team he's playing this week.

While they are discussing Wyatt's teammates and upcoming game, Scarlett leans across the table to whisper, "What's up with the sexual tension?"

?" Sexual tension? She must be crazy.

Scarlett rolls her eyes, "You know, the sparks that are flying between you and Wyatt!"

"That's not sexual tension you idiot, it's loathing." She snickers, and I narrow my eyes at her, "Stop it! I'm serious!"

Giving me a knowing look, she says, "You're such a liar Peyton. I guarantee you'll be all over each other before Spring Break. Hell, maybe even before Valentine's Day!" She goes back to eating for a few minutes before continuing, "By the way, we're going out with Kat and her friends this evening. A bar in downtown Nashville that's really popular."

Before I can respond to that information, she gets up from the table, grabbing her tray. I take my half finished lunch and start to follow her, when Wyatt grabs my tray, "Where are you going? You've barely eaten a thing."

Pulling it away from him, I snap, "I'm going to my next class. Dickheads don't do much for my appetite."

I instantly regret my words when the smile disappears from his face and his eyes darken with anger. He turns away from me without another word, and oddly, I feel bad for what I said to him. I don't even want to analyze that, so I take off after Scarlett. I finally catch up to her at the door, and as I walk out behind her, I chance a look back at the table. Wyatt's watching me with an unreadable look in his eyes, and the cold weather isn't the only thing that makes me shiver.

"I just don't understand what your problem is with Wyatt," Scarlett complains, as we get ready to go meet the guys. While it takes me all of thirty minutes to change clothes and get ready, she's still going through her closet looking for the "perfect" outfit an hour later. "He's a nice guy Pey, and he's really into you. I'd tap that in a heartbeat!"

I groan, "Scar, you know better than anyone that a boyfriend isn't part of the plan. I just want to get my degree before my parents decide they aren't going to pay for school anymore. I'm not here to tap anyone." My parents think that majoring in anything to do with music is a waste of time, and they demand a major change every time I speak to them. When I didn't bend to their wishes during winter break, they began threatening to take away funding which would mean getting a job along with a bunch of student loans or dropping out of college.

Scarlett pops her head out of the closet to glare at me. "Admit it Peyton, if it wasn't for the shit your parents keep pulling, you'd go out with him in a heartbeat." When I start to protest, she comes out of the closet holding the outfit she's finally decided on. Holding up a hand she states, "Just stop. I've seen how you stare at him when you think no one is noticing. You're just as attracted to him as he is to you. Yes, you hide it better than he does, but it's there."

Dropping my head in my hands, I mutter, "I am not. He's so annoying, and not my type at all."

Scarlett's hands pull mine away from my face as she gives me a sympathetic look. "Uh huh, sure sweetie. You keep telling yourself that and let me know how it works out for you."

I don't respond to that statement. What's the point? Instead, I ask, "Are you going to be ready at some point tonight? At this rate, we're never going to get there."

She raises an eyebrow as though she's challenging me, "Well, since you don't like him and aren't attracted to him, shouldn't you be excited about that possibility?"

"You're such an ass." The girl makes me so mad, but she's one of only a few people that I can't really stay mad at. I don't let people in easily, but she slipped past every wall I put up.

Scarlett's checking herself out in the mirror, turning from side to side to make sure the outfit looks the way she wants it to. That doesn't stop her interrogation though. Pulling her shirt down and her skirt up, her eyes meet mine in the mirror, "Seriously Pey, the world wouldn't end if you gave a guy a chance. I'm not even saying it has to be Wyatt. But, you need to put yourself out there or you're going to end up as an old, lonely cat lady. And when you have fifty cats I will not be visiting you. That's just gross. Really, by finding a man you'd be doing me a favor, because I'd hate to stop being your friend over the cats. That would suck." Flopping back onto her bed, I pull a pillow over my face and scream into it. "Oh. My. God. How did we go from I'm not attracted to Wyatt to I need to date someone or I'm going to be a cat lady. Jeez Scar, I'm only nineteen! It's not like I'll be a spinster on my next birthday. It's 2014, not 1814!"

Ripping the pillow out of my hands, Scarlett leans over me rolling her eyes, "You're such a dork. Just give it some thought okay? I think Wyatt could be good for you."

"Whatever. Can we please drop this subject? And would you get ready to go? I have to go home tomorrow, so I'd like to get back here kinda early tonight."

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