Southern Seduction (95 page)

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Authors: N.A. Alcorn,Jacquelyn Ayres,Kelly Collins,Laurel Ulen Curtis,Ella Fox,Elle Jefferson,Aly Martinez,Stacey Mosteller,Rochelle Paige,Tessa Teevan,K. Webster

Tags: #Boxset

When we walk inside, there's no hiding the fact that it's Wyatt's room. There's one of those kid's basketball goals hooked on his closet door, a basketball uniform balled up on the floor in the corner, and his bed is made, but it's obvious by the mussed covers he, or someone, has been laying on it at some point since he made it. His dresser has a model of the Seattle Space Needle on one side, and the Eiffel Tower on the other. Both are made out of Lego's. In the middle of his desk, instead of a computer, is a half-built model of something else, although I'm not sure what it is. Walking over to get a closer look, the instructions say it's the Sydney Opera House.

When I turn back around, Wyatt's leaning back against the door with his arms crossed. His blue eyes are darker than normal and he's watching me carefully. Trying to lighten the mood, I say, "I thought only little kids played with Lego's."

One side of Wyatt's mouth lifts and he shrugs, "I guess I'm a kid at heart. I'm an Architecture major Peyton. Building things comes naturally."

"Why the Space Needle? Or the Eiffel Tower?"

He continues to hold my gaze, "They're amazing buildings, and places I've never seen, but want to. Remember, my family is poor. I've never been outside of Tennessee. In fact, Nashville's the furthest from my hometown I've ever been. I want to do more, go more places."

This conversation has gotten way more personal than I thought it would. I get it, and more than that, I get
. I understand what he's saying. He doesn't want to be forever branded as the son of an unwed mother. I may not have any experience with how he grew up, but based on how snobby my parents are, I have an inkling of how he was treated growing up and it makes my heart squeeze. I don't say anything else, and finally Wyatt sighs before crossing the room to sit on his bed. When he reaches over, I think he's going to grab me so I step back. He sighs and shakes his head before he grabs the desk chair and pulls it out. He motions for me to sit.
. Well, now I feel stupid.

Once I'm sitting, Wyatt takes my hand in his, "Will you please do me a favor?"

"What favor?" I ask warily, not sure at all where he's going with this.

He takes a deep breath before saying quickly, "Stay here during Spring Break.

Huh? Where did this come from? Oh yeah, it came from our conversation earlier. He's still worried about me being alone. "You must be joking. I'm
staying here. What about your roommates?"

Wyatt shakes his head, "Clay and Max are both going home like Kat. Emmett and Olivia are going to Gatlinburg, and I know Scarlett and Annabelle are both heading home too." I start to shut him down again, but he interrupts me, "No Peyton. Either you stay here, or I'm staying in the dorm. I'm not trying to fuck you; I'm trying to make sure you're safe, so you have two choices. You can either sleep here, and I'll sleep on the couch, or I'll sleep in Kat's bed in your dorm room."

Forceful Wyatt is something new. He's normally pretty laid-back and easy-going. As much as I like him being bossy and caring about my safety, there's no way I'm staying here. It's just asking for trouble. I don't hesitate to tell him that either. "You're not sleeping in my dorm room Wyatt, and I'm sure as hell not sleeping in your room. I told you before; I'm a big girl. I don't need you to babysit me." By the end of my little tirade, my eyes are narrowed, and my arms are crossed over my chest, which pushes my boobs up and together. When his eyes drop to the cleavage now showing out of my v-neck top, I hurriedly drop my arms.

Wyatt leans forward to grip the arms of his desk chair, pulling me closer until his legs are on either side of the chair. With his hands still holding the arms of the chair, I'm effectively trapped. With a determined and serious look in his eyes, he states, "It's not about baby-sitting you Pey. You live in a co-ed dorm, and the majority of people are going to be gone for an entire week. You're also kind of a bitch, and I know how you are. You'll smart off at someone and end up getting yourself in trouble. I'd just feel more comfortable if you were here. I swear, I don't have any ulterior motives." He stops talking, obviously trying to think of a way to convince me when he suddenly brightens, "And, we can spend the week studying your math. By the time Spring Break is over, you'll be all caught up. Hell, maybe you'll be ahead, and you won't even want a tutor anymore."

That is a good point. Wyatt's been tutoring me in Math for the past month, but I'm still struggling. At least if I'm here for the week, we'll get some solid tutoring in. In addition to basketball practice and games, he also has a job, so he doesn't have a lot of spare time for tutoring. But, that brings up another issue. "What about work? Won't you have to bartend this week?"

Wyatt nods, "Yeah, I'll have a few nights I'll have to work next week, just Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I'm off Saturday and Sunday though, so we'll have plenty of study time before you'll have to go back to the dorm. Just promise me you'll think about it, okay? Please?"

I don't know why I'm even considering it, but finally, I concede, "I'll think about it. But that doesn't mean I'm going to do it." Wyatt just grins, confident that he'll be able to talk me into it before everyone leaves this weekend.

After I agree to think about staying with him, we head back out to the party. Wyatt and I have spent entirely too much time alone in his room, and I shudder to think what everyone will assume we've been doing. Sure enough, when Wyatt opens the door so I can walk out first, Clay, Emmett, Max, Scarlett, Annabelle and Kat are all standing in the living room. As soon as Wyatt closes the door, they all turn to look at us. I stop immediately, causing Wyatt to bump into me, pushing me forward. His hand lands on my hip to steady me making things worse. The girls all have questions in their eyes that I don't want to answer, and of course Emmett lets out a "Woot" and fist pumps the air. Wyatt laughs softly, and I quickly elbow him cutting him off with a gasp.

"Ass," I mutter.

Leaning over, he whispers in my ear, "Damn girl you have bony elbows. Maybe I should fatten you up while you're here next week."

Shaking my head, I say nothing else. I couldn't even if I wanted to. By the time he's finished speaking, the group has made it over to us, and Clay makes a smart-ass remark. "Hey Wyatt, did you get a piece? Maybe a good pounding is just what Super Bitch needed."

Whirling around, I open my mouth to show him just how "Super Bitch" I am when Wyatt steps up. Shoving Clay, he snarls, "Shut the fuck up Clay. Say something like that about her again and I'll kick your stupid ass." Clay starts to say something back, but shuts his mouth when Wyatt advances on him. Based on the look in Wyatt's eyes, shutting up is a smart move. I've seen Wyatt irritated, but this is something totally different. He's defending me, and that's something no one has ever done before. I can practically feel the walls I use to keep people from getting too close shatter.

Emmett's quick to get between them, putting a hand on each of their chests and pushing them apart. "Both of you need to back the fuck up. I don't know what the problem is here, but Clay, that shit was uncalled for." Then, to Wyatt he says, "And you, man, y'all are friends. Don't let some girl come between that."

Wyatt's head snaps up to stare at him in disbelief. "Seriously? You're not seriously going to tell me that if some guy said that shit about Olivia you'd be okay with it!"

"Hell no, I wouldn't! But, Livvie's my girlfriend. Peyton's just a girl you're tutoring." Emmett looks at me in apology, but he's right. It is a different situation, but I'm glad Wyatt stood up for me.

Shaking his head, Wyatt says, "Whatever Emmett. That's bullshit and you know it."

After studying Wyatt, Clay nods, agreeing, "Wyatt's right." Then, he gives me an apologetic look, "Sorry Peyton, I was out of line."

Before I can say a word, Clay claps Wyatt on the shoulder and leaves the room. Wyatt's still pissed, and after glaring at Emmett again, he goes back into his room without another word. Emmett looks at all of us before shaking his head and walking away. Kat's standing off to the side with Scarlett, biting her lip and looking worried. Once Clay leaves, she and Scarlett walk over to me and she asks, "Are you okay?" When I nod, she continues, "What were you and Wyatt doing in his room anyway?"

Blowing out a breath, I tell her, "We were just talking. He's worried about me staying in the dorm over spring break by myself, so he wants me to come stay here."

Scarlett's eyes widen, "He wants you to stay
?!? In his apartment? I thought Emmett and Clay were leaving for the week."

"They are. It would just be the two of us. He said we could work on Math when he isn't working."

Kat and Scarlett exchange a look that says things I don't even want to think about before Scarlett says, "Are you going to do it? I thought you didn't really like him..." She trails off, studying me closely.

Groaning, I bring my fingers up to massage the headache that's starting to throb at my temple. "I haven't decided. He says if I don't stay here, he's going to sleep in Kat's bed -"

Kat's eyes widen and she's quick to interrupt with "I didn't say he could stay in our room Pey! Please believe me."

"I know you didn't Kat," I sigh. "If you had, I'd kick your ass from here all the way back to the dorms." When she looks at me in alarm, I grin at her. She looks like she really believes I would, but while I may be a bitch, I'm not the girl who fights with her fists. Words I can find, strength? Not so much.

Scarlett shakes her head before snorting, "Don't worry Kat, Peyton talks a good game, but that's it. She's all talk, no action." Then, linking arms with both Kat and I, she heads for the kitchen, "Come on, we haven't had
enough alcohol tonight." Kat giggles, and I realize that I'm actually glad she's my roommate. I haven't felt bitter about having a roomie for a while now, and I'm beginning to regret the way I treated her that first day. Deciding not to dwell on thoughts like that, I let Scarlett lead me, choosing to just have fun for the rest of the night. I can worry about Wyatt and his offer tomorrow.

It's been three days since Wyatt asked me to stay with him during Spring Break. After discussing it with both Scarlett and Kat, I decided to take him up on it, if only to avoid having him try to stay in my dorm room. I'm trying to keep him at arms length, and having him spend a week in the same bedroom will absolutely
help with that. Staying in his apartment for the week, in separate sleeping areas will. At least, I hope so.

Wyatt told me to text him when I got to his complex, but when I pull into one of the parking spots he said I could use he's standing outside, pacing back and forth in front of the steps. Huh. Maybe he's as nervous as I am about staying in the same living space for a week without a buffer. Hell, I want to knee him in the balls at least as often as I want to kiss him, so this could end in a seriously bad way.

I don't make any move to get out of my car, content to watch him pace in front of me, although it doesn't take long for him to look up and notice me. When he does, a wide grin spreads across his handsome face. He looks so happy that I can't help but smile back. Mine is nowhere near as bright as his is, but it's there nonetheless. By the time I take my keys out of the ignition and grab my purse, he's opening my car door and his smile has been replaced by a frown.

"You should keep your door locked Peyton," he starts to scold me.

Working to keep the smile on my face, when I really want to scowl at him I reply, "It locks automatically when I start it Wyatt. It also unlocks when I take the key out." I'd really like to know who told him about Annabelle, because it's obviously affecting him. He's being seriously overprotective, and it's unnecessary. He hasbeen tutoring me for the better part of a month, so we've spent quite a bit of time together, but I don't need a protector. I feel like an ass for feeling that way too, because I also
like the fact that he wants to protect me because it's not something I've had from other people in my life. I come off as uber-independent, and it tends to make people think I don't ever need help. I know it's my own fault, but it's still nice to have someone care enough to
to protect me.

Wyatt snaps me out of my thoughts when he says, "Did you bring a bag?" Before I can respond, he says with a smug grin, "Not that I'm opposed to you not bringing one."

"Jerk," I snap before hitting the button that opens my trunk. Just when I was thinking he's this sweet guy, he reminds me that just like every other 21-year-old man, he's a horn dog.

He chuckles, and reaches in to grab my bag before I can and starts up the stairs to his apartment. He leaves me to follow behind him. When we walk in, I'm struck by how
the place is. The other night it was a wreck. Even though they were having a party, I figured that a house with three guys wouldn't be very clean on a non-party day, but everything is picked up. There isn't even any porn lying out in plain sight. Having spent time around Clay, I figured there would be, just to mess with me.

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