Speechless (Pier 70 #3) (16 page)

Read Speechless (Pier 70 #3) Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards


WHEN HUDSON DISAPPEARED into the bathroom, Teague collapsed on the couch, trying to act as though he hadn’t been fucked within an inch of his life. More so than he’d ever been before.


Hudson was a damn stallion.

Holy shit. That had been incredible.

As he lay there sweating on the leather sofa, trying to catch his breath, Teague watched the closed bathroom door. After a couple of minutes, he started getting worried. What was taking Hudson so long? Was that Teague’s cue to leave?

He wasn’t sure how this was supposed to go, but he knew that Hudson had been holding back for a reason. It would’ve been fucked up if Teague simply walked out right after.


Or maybe that was what Hudson expected.


Teague managed to sit up, brushing his hair back off his face as he debated what to do next. There was a bit of discomfort in his ass, so he eased over a little, the memories of that fucking flashing in his head. God, he hoped they got to do that again.

But not now.

Not tonight.

No, he really needed to go.

Or stay.

Shit. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do.

Before he could make a decision, the bathroom door opened and Hudson stepped into the room. A look of sheer relief passed over his obscenely handsome face but quickly disappeared.

So Hudson hadn’t wanted him to leave.

Which meant Teague had made the right decision.

That was possibly a first.

Unsure what to say, Teague watched as Hudson went to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water before coming over to the couch. He snatched a hand towel on his way and tossed it toward Teague.

Smiling, Teague managed to clean up the mess he’d made. Thankfully, the couch was leather.

Surprisingly, Hudson didn’t sit; instead, he crawled toward him, forcing Teague to fall backward again. Then he was staring up into Hudson’s beautiful face looming over him.

“I take it you didn’t want me to leave?”

Hudson shook his head, then leaned down and kissed him. It started out as a simple grazing of lips, but Teague wrapped his arms around Hudson’s neck and pulled him closer, taking the weight of Hudson’s big body, along with the warmth, on top of him. He had no idea what had come over him or why he was seeking some sort of intimate connection, but he needed it. Obviously, Hudson had knocked him for a loop during that thorough fucking. That was his only excuse.

But he was going to let it last for as long as it could.

Teague had no intention of staying the night, but there was no reason he couldn’t bask in the glow of an incredible orgasm for a little while.

When Hudson pulled back, Teague took the water bottle and forced Hudson to roll off him.

“So what now?” he asked before taking a long drink.

Hudson shrugged.

“I’d say we could watch a movie, but your selection is rather limited.” Teague noticed the pornographic movie was over.

Hudson grinned, then took the bottle from Teague’s hand and set it on the table. The next thing Teague knew, he was being pulled against Hudson once more. Another blistering-hot kiss consumed him, and he gave in to it. This time, though, he felt his panic setting in.

He’d been wondering where it was. Although he hated the feeling, he was familiar with it. It was as reassuring as it was disturbing. It meant he wasn’t doing something stupid, like getting attached to Hudson.

As much as he was enjoying this, he knew he couldn’t get too caught up in it. Sex was one thing… This—whatever this was—couldn’t happen. It was too intimate, and no matter what, Teague did not do intimate. As it was, he’d already let this go on for too long.

He couldn’t stay much longer or he’d give Hudson the wrong impression. The last thing either of them needed was for this to get complicated.

Sex was sex, period.

Two bodies coming together for the sake of pleasure. Emotions shouldn’t be involved. People got hurt when that happened.

People did stupid shit when that happened.

Teague had no intention of ever becoming one of those stupid people.

HUDSON FELT THE shift in the air around them.

He realized the moment that Teague had disconnected. One minute they were kissing; the next Teague’s body went rigid, his hands pressed against Hudson’s chest, signaling he was trying to get away.

Sure, he’d been expecting it, but it bothered him just the same. He had hoped that Teague wouldn’t freak, but unfortunately, that was getting ready to happen.

When Teague tried to pull away, Hudson held on for a second longer, then released his hold. Rather than push him for more, he managed to let Teague go, then dropped back on the couch and took a breath. When Teague got up and headed for the bathroom—to evidently get his clothes—Hudson didn’t flinch. He was actually surprised Teague had made it this long. Hell, it was a miracle that Teague had been there when Hudson came out of the bathroom. If he had to guess, Teague was used to shouting a “thanks for the orgasm” as he headed out the door, not sticking around for cuddling afterward.

Hudson should’ve been grateful that he’d stuck around as long as he had.

But he wasn’t.

And despite the fact that he didn’t want Teague to leave yet, he had to admit they were making progress. If Teague thought this was a one-time thing, he would be sorely mistaken, that was for sure. But Hudson would gladly show him the error of his ways tomorrow when he took him again. Because he would definitely be claiming him again. No way was he going to let this end now.

Just as he expected, Teague returned from the bathroom completely dressed. He never met Hudson’s eyes as he moved toward the front door. It looked as though the kid wanted to say something, but he never did.

Hudson didn’t try to stop him, either. It wouldn’t have made a difference.

Once Teague was gone, Hudson forced himself up from the couch, turned off the lights, and made his way over to his bed. He fell face first onto the mattress and closed his eyes.

His body was sated, his mind not so much. It’d been an emotional day for him, and he hoped tomorrow would be better. Now that he’d fucked Teague, things should get easier. He wouldn’t be spending all of his time thinking about it, that was for sure.

Then again, Teague could fall back to his old routine of running, pushing Hudson away.


Rolling over onto his back, he put his arm over his eyes.

He couldn’t help but wonder how Teague was going to react tomorrow. It was always a surprise when it came to him. He could be mellow or pissy, but he was always unpredictable.

Sometimes he wondered whether or not Teague suffered from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. He’d read up on it years ago when someone accused him of having it. Turned out the asshole had merely been being an asshole. Hudson had never exhibited signs. Then again, Teague had an uncanny attention to detail when it came to working on engines, so he doubted that was the case.

Was it something else? The mood swings made him think there was some underlying reason.

Not that he was putting on a psychiatrist hat, but he had to wonder.

Releasing a breath, Hudson relaxed his body and his mind. There was nothing he could do about Teague and his mood swings now, and tomorrow would be a new day. He’d figure it out then.

One way or the other.


Saturday, July 23

BY THE TIME the afternoon rolled around, Teague was hyper. He wasn’t sure what had caused it, whether it was spending the morning on a boat with a small group of people from one of the local churches, forced to do nothing but sit there, or if it was due to assisting Dare with a couple of the Jet Skis. They’d gotten caught up, racing on the water and being carefree for a little while, and damn did it feel good to let go like that. It’d been a rush Teague had been looking for.

Unfortunately, it hadn’t lasted nearly long enough.

Whatever it was, he couldn’t seem to sit still.

Which was the reason he was headed to the repair shop. He had a couple of hours left in the day, so he figured he could help Hudson. The guy usually cut out early on Saturday in the event he did work, and since he was still there, Teague figured he had a lot to do.

For the first time in what felt like forever, Teague wasn’t running the other direction. After last night … after Hudson had fucked him into oblivion, Teague hadn’t been sure how he was going to feel this morning. Sure, he’d slipped out rather quickly, but he’d needed that time to get his head on straight.

When he’d woken up, he’d lain in his bed for a few minutes reliving the memory of last night. The panic had abated, reassuring him that he’d made the right decision by leaving. They’d agreed on sex and that was exactly what they’d done. Thankfully he’d come to his senses before he did something stupid like spend the night with Hudson.

But now, he wanted to get fucked again.

Only he wasn’t about to tell Hudson that.

When he stepped into the shadows of the building, he heard someone talking. He went toward the small office, where he found Hudson and Dare standing just outside of it, while Dare rambled endlessly at Hudson. For a moment, Teague contemplated turning around and letting them chat, but then Hudson’s eyes slid over to him, and he knew he couldn’t slip out unnoticed.

“What’s up, man?” Dare greeted cheerfully, fist bumping him when Teague joined them.

For some reason, Teague had a difficult time looking at Hudson, so he kept his focus on Dare.

Dare kept right on talking as though nothing seemed odd. “I stopped by to see if Hudson would be willing to help out with our move. Think you’d be game?”

“Of course,” Teague told him. He didn’t even need to know when, because he had absolutely no plans for the foreseeable future.

“Thanks, bro. I’m hoping to get the majority of our stuff moved all in one day while Noah’s at the station. All his shit’s in storage right now, so that’ll make it easy.”

Moving was never easy, but Teague kept that to himself.

“Just tell me when and I’m there.” Teague still couldn’t look at Hudson, but he could feel the heat of his stare on him.

Dare must’ve sensed the tension, because he glanced between the two of them briefly, a slight crease marring his forehead, as though he was trying to determine if something was different. It was clear he was trying to figure out what—if anything—was going on between them. Considering Teague usually made an effort to avoid Hudson, Dare should’ve been used to it by now.

Luckily, Dare didn’t say anything about it, instead jumping right back on topic. “All right. The plan is to move the stuff on August fourth. It’s a Thursday, but it’s also the first day we can move in. I talked my landlord into giving me a few days, but that’s about all he’s willing to offer. Keith and Holly agreed to handle the front office so Cam and Roan can help, as well.”

Teague nodded.

Once again Dare studied him and Hudson, making Teague even more nervous.

“Oh,” Dare said, snapping his finger. “I brought that book with me today. It’s in the main office under the counter if you wanna grab it.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Teague felt his face heat. He’d already told Hudson that Dare had offered to lend him the sign language book, but still it made him feel awkward.

“Alrighty then. August fourth. We’ll knock it out in one day.” Dare’s hazel gaze jumped between the two of them again.

Okay, so this was getting really weird. It was as though Dare was keeping up a running monologue to ease the strain. In case he hadn’t noticed, it wasn’t working.

“Cool.” Dare started backing away. “I’ll just let the two of you get back to it.”

Teague watched as Dare’s eyes went to Hudson’s hands. Unable to help himself, Teague looked over.

Close the bay door on your way out.

Dare nodded, then grinned, a knowing gleam in his eyes. “Yeah. Sure. No problem.”

With that, Dare turned and left, hitting the button to lower the door on his way out.

That left Teague and Hudson and the awkwardly strained silence hovering between them.

He was trying to come up with something to say, but before he could form words on his tongue, Teague was stumbling back as Hudson grabbed him and pushed him toward the wall. He didn’t have time to react or even to take a breath when Hudson’s mouth was on his, hot and fierce. The kiss obliterated all the tension, and Teague found himself grabbing for Hudson, holding the back of his head, keeping him in place while the man fucked his mouth with his tongue.

His dick instantly went hard.

Although he’d given some thought as to how their first encounter after last night would go, not once had he thought it would be like this. For one, he figured Hudson would space things out, make Teague wait for a while. And two, they were at work, out in the open, where anyone could walk in at any time.

Then again, he damn sure wasn’t complaining.

FROM THE SECOND Teague walked through the door a short while ago, Hudson had been ready to jump on him. He couldn’t pinpoint why that was, but he’d been counting down the seconds before he could kick Dare out and do exactly what he was doing now.

Holding Teague in place against the wall, using his own body, Hudson devoured him. All day he’d thought about kissing him, stripping him naked, and fucking him into oblivion, and now he had that opportunity.

Admittedly, he’d been trying to home in on Teague’s emotional state as soon as the kid had walked in. Hudson hadn’t seen him all day, but he knew immediately that Teague hadn’t been avoiding him on purpose like he’d originally thought.

Thank fuck.

“Hudson…” Teague groaned into his mouth, his fingers tugging on Hudson’s hair as he tried to get closer.

Sliding his hand into Teague’s shorts, Hudson fisted his cock, stroking roughly while Teague continued to moan in his mouth. He hadn’t had a plan for what he would do when he got his hands on Teague again, so he was winging it here.

Teague’s hands slid beneath Hudson’s shirt, roaming over his chest, then around to his back. The kid was eager, there was no doubt about it. But then again, so was Hudson. He needed to be inside Teague, and he suddenly didn’t give a fuck that they were in the repair shop. Anyone could walk in at any time, but since it was close to the end of the day, he knew the chances of that were slim.

Regardless, he didn’t fucking care.

Pulling back from Teague’s mouth, Hudson then released Teague’s cock. He worked the buttons on his shorts, then pulled out his own dick and nodded for Teague to get on his knees. Without hesitation, Teague went to the floor, sucking Hudson into his mouth with fervor. The vibrations from Teague’s strangled moans made his dick throb.

Fuck, it felt good. The warm, wet suction of Teague’s mouth… Ahh, fuck, yes… He could get used to this. He took his time, teasing Teague’s lips with the head of his dick, brushing it over Teague’s tongue, before sliding inside again, letting the warm suction consume him.

Damn, Teague was good at this.

Teague wasn’t trying to rush, his hands flattened on Hudson’s thighs while Hudson controlled the pace, pushing in, sliding back. After another minute, Hudson pulled out of Teague’s mouth, not ready for this to be over yet, then moved back so that he could rest his ass on one of the shorter tool carts. He motioned for Teague to come over, which he did, again without hesitancy.

Before Teague put his mouth back on Hudson’s cock, he signed for the kid to take off his clothes. It was a risk, getting Teague naked in the shop, but he didn’t give a shit. He was too worked up to care.

While he watched Teague, Hudson pulled out his wallet, snagged the condom and small packet of lube he’d stashed there that morning, and set them down beside him. Teague kicked off his flip-flops, then shoved his shorts down to the floor, stepping out of them. Since he’d already been shirtless, that was one less article of clothing they had to worry about.

Hudson pointed to his dick, and Teague understood him, coming back to take him in his mouth. For a few minutes, Hudson relished the way Teague moaned and sucked, bobbing his head and taking Hudson as far down as he could. Sliding his hands into Teague’s silky blond hair, he helped control the pace by guiding Teague’s head.

Fuck yes. So damn good.

With his other hand, Hudson worked his palm down Teague’s smooth, warm back, then reached for his ass, squeezing one of his cheeks hard. Teague didn’t lose his rhythm, continuing to blow Hudson in the best way possible. Using his own saliva, Hudson slicked his finger, then returned his attention to Teague’s ass, sliding inside up to his first knuckle.

Teague groaned, pushing his hips back to take more of Hudson’s finger. He gave him what he needed, pushing in deep, massaging Teague’s prostate while the kid moaned, sucking exuberantly on his dick.

Hudson needed to be lodged inside Teague now.

Pulling his finger out and freeing his cock from Teague’s mouth, he kept his eyes on Teague while he ripped open the condom and rolled it down his throbbing length. The lube came next, and he coated his cock and generously lubed one finger before signing for Teague to turn around.

When Teague spun around and presented his ass to Hudson, his breath lodged in his chest. Fuck. He’d been thinking about this all damn day, eager and aching to bury himself inside Teague’s tight ass.

With the slick digit, Hudson worked Teague’s ass with one finger, then two, fucking into him while Teague gripped on to the toolbox across from him, using it to keep him from moving. When Teague’s ass was loose enough, Hudson gripped his hips and pulled Teague back, sinking his dick into the guy’s welcoming body.

“Oh, fuck yes,” Teague hissed.

Hudson slowed his movements, watching as he pulled Teague back onto him, then pushed him off, his eyes locked on his dick as it eased into Teague’s beautiful ass. He took his time, fucking him slow and easy, loving the way Teague groaned and begged for more. Hudson wasn’t ready to give him more; he wanted to enjoy this for a while. The way the tight ring of muscle clamped down on his shaft, the way Teague moaned louder when Hudson bottomed out inside him… It was fucking phenomenal.

But he could only take so much before his balls started drawing up tight to his body and the telltale tingle in his spine warned him of his impending release.


Gripping Teague’s hips tightly, Hudson stood and rammed in deep, fucking Teague faster, harder … so fucking deep. He was brutal, and the way Teague begged and pleaded for more only ratcheted up his need. He dug his fingers into Teague’s hips as his release barreled down on him. He couldn’t hold back, slamming home, retreating, slamming home again. Over and over, he impaled Teague, watching where their bodies were joined until he couldn’t take any more.

With one final punishing thrust, Hudson came hard. The breath rushed out of his lungs as his dick pulsed inside Teague’s ass. He could’ve stood there like that until his heart rate slowed, but Teague hadn’t come yet, and Hudson fully intended to make that happen.

Pulling out, he dropped to his knees and turned Teague around. Without preamble, he took Teague’s dick into his mouth and stared up at him.

Teague’s eyes widened, his hands sliding into Hudson’s hair.

Yes, he was handing over control and Teague understood that.

“Oh, fuck,” Teague muttered low, his fingers linking into Hudson’s hair as he drove his cock past Hudson’s lips. “Holy … fucking … hell.”

Teague began pumping his hips, fucking Hudson’s face while Hudson kept his eyes on Teague. He watched all the emotions flitter across his features as he chased his release. It didn’t take long, but Hudson hadn’t expected it to.

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