Read Speechless (Pier 70 #3) Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Speechless (Pier 70 #3) (19 page)


TEAGUE HAD PURPOSELY slipped out of his apartment when Hudson had come home a short time ago. He’d even left his phone inside, so he wouldn’t be tempted to answer it should the man choose to summon him. That disappearing act Hudson had pulled rubbed Teague the wrong way, and he didn’t trust himself around the guy right now.

There were a million things on his mind, all of which were better left unsaid, so rather than risk running into Hudson, he decided to spend some time by himself.

And here he was, sitting on the deck of the marina’s boat, his feet dangling off the edge as he watched the water rippling beneath his feet. It was nice out tonight. Still humid, but the breeze had taken the bite out of the afternoon heat. The marina had long ago closed, the dock and pier locked up for the night. Anyone who wanted to come out on the lake would have to do so on the opposite side, which left Teague completely alone.

He didn’t mind it so much right now. Some days he hated the feeling, others he welcomed it.

The sound of footsteps had him turning his attention to the dock. He made out the silhouette of the man moving his way long before he made it to the boat.

So much for trying to get away from the guy.

Teague turned back to face the water as Hudson boarded. When a couple of minutes passed and Hudson didn’t come over, he turned to see Hudson sitting in one of the chairs. He was leaned back, hands behind his head as he stared out at the night sky.

He didn’t need to ask Hudson why he was there. From the look on his face, he hadn’t come to find Teague. He’d probably come out here to be alone, the same way Teague had.

Figuring he could give him that time, Teague got to his feet and headed back into the boat so he could move to the dock. As he passed by Hudson, he expected the man to ignore him. When Hudson’s arm snaked out and grabbed his wrist, Teague stopped and stared down at him.


Hudson’s eyes locked with his, but he didn’t make a move to sign anything. Teague didn’t know what to think about that. Hudson’s eyes were heated, but there was something else there. Something Teague wasn’t used to seeing, but he didn’t know what it was.

When Hudson tugged on his arm, urging him closer, Teague resisted. He was still pissed at Hudson for disappearing the way that he had. Maybe he didn’t have a right to be, but that didn’t change the fact that he was.

Hudson tugged again and this time Teague wavered, stepping closer.

They never broke eye contact as Hudson got to his feet, pulling Teague against him.

Hudson’s mouth claimed his softly, gently. It wasn’t one of those dominating, controlling kisses, yet it affected Teague the same as if it had been. Teague wasn’t sure what to do, so he kissed Hudson back, keeping his hands at his sides. He wanted to wrap them around Hudson, to pull him close, to feel the man’s body, but he didn’t dare.

Then when Hudson’s hands trailed down and unbuttoned Teague’s shorts, he started to pull away, but Hudson’s arm slipped around him, holding him close. Unable to resist thanks to the undeniable force pulling them together, Teague relented once more. The kiss continued until Hudson had managed to strip them both.

Teague straddled Hudson’s legs when Hudson sat back down, pulling Teague with him while continuing to gently thrust his tongue inside Teague’s mouth.

He should’ve argued, he should’ve turned and walked away when he’d had the chance, but it was too late now. Hudson finally pulled his mouth away, and Teague stared into those mesmerizing green eyes while he tried to catch his breath.

Hudson took Teague’s hand, then pressed a condom and lube packet into his palm before releasing him. Once again, Hudson leaned back and put his hands behind his head, staring back at Teague. It was clear he was giving Teague the choice as to whether or not they moved forward from here. Since they were naked, it only made sense.

Or that was his excuse, anyway.

Swallowing hard and resigning himself to giving in to this man—even though he wished he was strong enough to resist—Teague eased backward on Hudson’s legs so that he could reach the thick, throbbing cock that was waiting for him, teasing him.

Rolling the condom down, then greasing Hudson’s dick, Teague continued to stare at Hudson’s face, never breaking the eye contact. He wanted Hudson to see the frustration he felt, see that he wasn’t happy about this.

Only he realized he wasn’t as frustrated as before.

This wasn’t terrible. They were outside, under the stars. Hudson wasn’t trying to ask questions or talk, which was a plus.

In fact, it looked as though Hudson was giving himself to Teague.

If Hudson wanted to offer up his body for Teague to use, who was he to argue?

HUDSON HAD INITIALLY come down to the boat for some peace and quiet. He had wanted to spend some time thinking before going to Teague’s place. His intention wasn’t to find Teague out here, nor had he planned to strip them both, but it’d happened, and Hudson wasn’t going to change the direction they were headed now.

Especially not after Teague suited him up, slathered his dick with lube, then lifted himself up and lowered right onto Hudson.

Hudson’s hands immediately went to Teague’s thighs as the kid’s ass choked his dick.

Ahh, fuck. It was so good.

After the mental war he’d had with himself today, Hudson was all tapped out. He wanted nothing more than to sit here and watch Teague ride his dick until he came. He didn’t even care if he got off, but he did care that Teague did.

But it felt so good. He closed his eyes while Teague rocked forward and back, taking Hudson’s cock deeper and deeper.

“So good,” Teague moaned softly. “Open your eyes, Hudson.”

Hudson forced his eyes open, meeting Teague’s gaze. It was dark, but not too dark that Hudson couldn’t see every expression on the man’s face. He looked both angry and content, which made no sense at all.

“Is this what you want me for?” Teague asked, increasing his pace.

Hudson couldn’t tell the kid the truth. He couldn’t tell Teague that he wanted so much more from him. It wouldn’t matter. Teague wouldn’t want to hear it. If Hudson thought they could solve this by talking, he would’ve told Teague exactly how he felt. But he knew better.

So he would settle for this.

Sitting up straight, Hudson wrapped his arms around Teague’s waist and pressed his face into Teague’s chest, holding on while Teague continued to ride him. Hudson never wanted this to end. He wanted to spend the rest of the night lodged deep within Teague. It felt so good, the way Teague’s ass clenched around him when he lowered back down.

Hudson was surprised when Teague wrapped his arms around Hudson’s head, holding him in place while he continued to shift and move, fucking himself on Hudson’s cock. Minutes passed as they remained just like that, lost in the pleasure.

“Need more,” Teague mumbled.

Hudson reluctantly released him, sitting back to give Teague more room. When Teague stilled, Hudson met his gaze head on. He could see the determination there and he understood it. Whatever this was, Teague was denying it. It was evident that he knew something was at work, something far stronger than sex, but he wasn’t willing to accept it.

Exactly how Hudson had expected it to be.

His own frustration bubbled up inside him. He didn’t want the kid to fight this, but he had known this going in. Hudson had known that sex was all Teague was willing to offer, so he had to make do with that.

Wrapping his arms around Teague once more, Hudson surged to his feet, holding Teague on his dick. He moved over to the controls, propping Teague on the edge before he began slamming his hips forward, driving into Teague deep and hard while Teague’s fingers dug into Hudson’s shoulders as he tried to hold on.

Hudson pummeled him hard, fucking him deeper, faster… He wanted to send Teague over the edge, wanted to make him cry out his name. Not once had Teague moaned the way he usually did. He’d been verbal, but only when he wanted something else.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. Teague was clearly pulling away, and Hudson didn’t want that. He wanted to bring Teague closer.

“Fuck me,” Teague bit out. “Fucking make me come.”

Hudson drove his hips faster, sweat coating his entire body as his muscles strained.

Gripping Teague’s hips, Hudson jerked him down with every upward thrust, going deeper. When Teague took his cock in hand, Hudson watched as his hand blurred, he was jacking himself that fast.

“Hell yeah…”

Hudson kept his eyes riveted on Teague’s dick while he continued to thrust into Teague. When he saw the first spurt of cum shooting out, he let himself go, filling the condom while Teague came all over them both.

It sucked that it had to be this way, but Hudson knew he was willing to take what he could get from Teague. Which meant keeping his feelings to himself was critical.

Otherwise, this was going to be over long before Hudson was ready for it to be.


Thursday, August 4

IT’D BEEN ALMOST two weeks since the first time Teague had been gloriously fucked by Hudson, and over the course of that time, it’d been a daily occurrence. Especially since the night on the boat when things had been a little weird.

Since then, Hudson seemed primed and ready at all times.

With the exception of the last … day and a half.

To be honest, Teague’s ass had been sore from all the fucking—something he’d never experienced in his life—so Hudson had given him a break. But now, as he helped Hudson carry in Dare’s long leather sofa—well, technically it was Noah’s—Teague’s anticipation was beginning to grow. He was ready for Hudson again.

He wasn’t sure how he hadn’t grown tired of sex, but it helped that Hudson was so fucking creative. The guy rarely did the same thing twice. On Sunday night, Hudson had spent a solid hour massaging Teague’s entire body on his couch before crawling over him, then sliding his dick right into Teague’s ass. It had been fantastic.

Then on Monday, Hudson had invited him to run to the store to pick up a few things so Hudson could make dinner. It’d been at night. And yes, Teague had given in to truck sex, riding Hudson’s dick in the parking lot of the marina when they returned. Needless to say, it was a good thing they hadn’t bought ice cream.

Oh, and then on Tuesday, when Teague had come home from work after Hudson... Before he could get into his place, Hudson had met him at his door, then fucked him right there against the wall in the hallway between their apartments.

Again, wicked awesome.

And then nothing since.

Only now, Teague’s anticipation was getting the best of him. It’d been almost two full days, and he continued to watch Hudson like a hawk. He was trying to predict what the man was thinking, but he’d learned that was damn near impossible.

However, it was making for an interesting day.

Hell, it was making for an interesting day every damn day.

The best part about it … this was all about sex.

Sex, sex, and more sex.

Things seemed to be going great between them. The weirdness he’d felt the day Hudson had spent the day at the gym had subsided, and they were back to normal. He and Hudson had established an easy friendship with benefits, and Teague wasn’t feeling the anxiety as much anymore. The fact that Hudson wasn’t pressuring him for anything made it easy, as well. He didn’t have to worry about spending the night at Hudson’s, or vice versa. Most of the time, they were having sex in random locations away from their apartments, which was perfect.

Teague couldn’t have asked for anything more. He didn’t have to worry about those pesky emotions interfering, and for that he was grateful. He certainly wasn’t looking for a relationship, and Hudson clearly wasn’t, either.

All the stupid shit that’d been going through his head was long gone. He’d moved on. The moment of insanity had passed, and he could accept this for what it was. Fucking for the sake of fucking.

“What’s the smile for?” Roan asked when Teague set his end of the sofa down in the middle of the living room.

Teague instantly wiped the smile off his face. He hadn’t realized he’d been smiling. Or that anyone had been watching him.

His first instinct was to look at Hudson, but he fought that urge. The last thing he wanted was for Roan or any of the others to become wise to what was happening between them. When other people knew that shit, they instinctively pushed for a happy ever after. Teague didn’t want a happy ever after. He was quite content with a happy ending, which meant he would come at some point in the day.

Roan chuckled. “Never mind. I must’ve imagined it.”

That made Teague laugh and his eyes cut to Hudson, who was also smiling.


He sobered immediately. It was as though Hudson knew what he’d been thinking about, and the smug smirk only pissed Teague off.

Turning around, he headed back out to the moving truck to find something else he could carry inside. The faster they got this over with, the sooner he could get home and possibly get laid. When he’d signed up for this, he hadn’t expected to have the scrutiny of so many eyes on him, but clearly Roan was looking to bust his balls, which turned his fairly decent mood sour all of a sudden.

Strong fingers landed on his shoulders, and Teague spun around to see Hudson standing behind him. “Don’t touch me,” he hissed, glancing around to make sure no one else saw.

Hudson frowned.

“The last thing I need is someone giving me shit because we’re fucking.” He knew he sounded like an asshole, but he couldn’t help it. Why the fuck would Hudson touch him now? When there were too many eyes around to see?

As he was turning back to the truck, Teague fell off-balance when Hudson grabbed his arm and jerked him around to the other side, out of the line of sight from the house.

The man was still frowning and Teague didn’t need to ask him why.

Hudson started signing, and Teague did his best to follow along.

Don’t freak out. So what if they find out?

“So what?” Okay, and now he sounded a little hysterical. “I don’t
them to find out. I don’t want
to find out.”


“Because it’s none of their fucking business, that’s why.”

Hudson didn’t say anything more, he simply nodded his head and turned away. Teague was pretty sure he saw disappointment flash in those green eyes, but he could’ve imagined it.

Shit. He had to have imagined it. No way could he and Hudson continue on like this if the guy was going to make this public. No one could know about this. That was the last damn thing Teague needed.

ONE MINUTE TEAGUE was cool, the next he was a fucking mess.

Go figure.

Hudson grabbed one of the small end tables from the truck and carried it into the house, doing his best to ignore the little scene Teague had made. He didn’t actually know what had happened, so it wasn’t that difficult. He only knew that the second Roan had razzed him about smiling, Teague had freaked out.

Which meant Teague was thinking about him. Had to be. That was one of his hot buttons, and based on the fact he evidently didn’t want anyone to know that they were fucking, Teague wasn’t interested in doing much more than that.

It kind of sucked. They’d had a good couple of weeks, and the last few days had been the easiest. Ever since Hudson had decided to go with the flow and ignore the fact that he’d started having feelings for the kid, things had been easier between them.

The sex was off the fucking charts, that was for damn sure. It seemed that no matter what Hudson asked of Teague, the kid was willing. Well, to a degree, anyway. They had yet to have sex in an actual bed, but Hudson had planned it that way. After Teague’s panic attack the time he’d fallen asleep at Hudson’s, he knew that would only be asking for disaster.

So he had steered clear of it, hoping to work up to that point.

Based on the frown that marred Teague’s forehead right now, it looked as though they might’ve taken several steps back, which wasn’t at all surprising. In fact, Hudson had been waiting for it.

He wished he could say he wasn’t disappointed, but he was. He’d thought they were making progress. And yes, he knew it shouldn’t matter, because this was only supposed to be sex, but still. He was. Disappointed. Greatly.

Somewhere along the way, Hudson had started to enjoy Teague’s company. Far more than he’d ever thought possible. They shared meals together, they worked side by side, and yes, they fucked. The past two weeks had been … enjoyable.

Only now, Hudson was wondering how the fuck he’d allowed it to get that far. When he’d made the offer to Teague, he’d fully intended to keep it all about sex. He wasn’t looking for anything more.

Well, technically he hadn’t been, but it would seem he’d started to at some point.

And that was just fucking stupid. Teague didn’t have anything more to give. Hudson knew that. He did. Teague was nothing if not completely forthcoming with that information. He had been clear from the beginning.

“Hey, man. You okay?”

Hudson looked up to see Roan studying him intently.

He nodded, brushing off his emotions. He didn’t give a fuck whether Teague wanted anyone to know. It was better that they didn’t. This thing wasn’t going to last long, anyway. Hudson would get his fill soon enough, and they’d have no choice but to go their separate ways. That was how he’d planned it.

No, what Hudson needed to do was take a step back from Teague. Put some distance between them. Maybe he should stay at AJ’s this weekend. Make sure he wasn’t tempted.

As he headed back to the moving truck to get another piece of furniture, Hudson pulled out his phone and shot a text to AJ.
Mind if I stop by this weekend? We can hang for a while.

Hudson shoved his phone back in his pocket. He would wait for his brother to text him back, and he’d figure out what to do at that point. Whatever happened this weekend, he needed to hit the gym, work off some of the pent up frustration.

Hopefully, by giving Teague a few days to figure shit out, they could get back to normal on Monday.

The question was whether or not it would still involve sex. Or if they would simply move on.

At the moment, Hudson wasn’t even sure which way he would prefer.

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