Spotlight (28 page)

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Authors: Krista Richmond

Lily laughed. “If you insist, Mags. And yes, it was incredibly thoughtful. It will be so good to see him again. All the phone calls and e-mail and Skype sessions have helped us get to know each other, but it’s not the same. Does it sound weird for me to say that I miss him? I know we haven’t known each other that long.”

Colette shook her head. “I don’t think it sounds weird at all. The beginning of any relationship always has that pull to be around one another as much as possible—that time when you can’t get enough of the other person. That has to be rough for the two of you not to be able to see each other.”

Lily nodded, her eyes closed as Maggie smeared her face with the green goo. “Yeah, it is. In a way, I’m glad we had the boyfriend-girlfriend conversation. It helps to know he’s at least that committed to me.”

Maggie wrapped her now clean hands around Lily’s shoulders. “Lil, if it can work out for William and Anna, Bridget and Mark—even Cher and Josh—then you have nothing to worry about. Make a commitment to see each other as much as you can, and let go of what you can’t control. You just have to prioritize this a little differently.”

“You make it sound so easy, Mags.”

Maggie’s tone became insistent. “Oh, no. This isn’t going to be easy. In fact, I suspect this is going to be difficult. But that’s what you have us for. We promise to do our best to keep you calm and sane.”

Colette nodded in solidarity.

“Thanks, girls. I’m lucky to have you both,” Lily said.

Maggie swatted Lily’s shoulder. “Sheesh. Enough with the sappiness!”

They spent the rest of the evening watching their movies while enduring various treatments in the name of beauty. At eleven forty-five, they turned the television to
New Year’s Rockin’ Eve
. As the clock struck midnight, the girls hugged and clinked their champagne flutes, welcoming the New Year.

Lily’s phone beeped just after midnight. She smiled when she saw the text message.

Happy New Year, love. I wish I was there to kiss you. Hope you’re having fun. Call me later today.

Lily caught Maggie and Colette smiling at each other knowingly and rolled her eyes before typing out a response.

I wish you were here, too. More than you know. Hope you’re having fun at your event. Will call you later. XO

As Lily put her phone down, Maggie leaned her head on Colette’s shoulder, sighing. “Aren’t they precious?”

Lily tried to look serious as she hurled a coral throw pillow from Maggie’s sofa in their direction, but her laughter gave her away. She was way too happy to mind her friends’ good-natured teasing.

Chapter Eighteen

The winter months were cold, but before long, buds appeared on branches and buttercups bloomed. Lily could feel spring in the air—and that meant more than sunny skies and warmer temperatures.

She stayed late at the office the last week of February, hoping to finish her work before taking a week off. Her flight to Los Angeles left Saturday morning, and she’d be up early to drive to the airport. With one last look at her to-do list, she checked off the final item and shut down her computer at 7:00 p.m.

She dialed Nate’s number as she got in her car.

“Nate Brennan.”

“Hey, babe.”

“Hey. It’s good to hear your voice.”

She laughed. “Yours, too.”

“How was your day?”

“It was good. Pretty busy, actually, finishing some things up before I leave. I think they’ll survive without me for a few days now.”

She hoped Nate could hear the smile in her voice. “I don’t know. You’re pretty invaluable.”

Lily laughed. “And you’re biased.”

“You’re right. And I make no apologies for it.”

Her cheeks warmed at his compliment. “You’re pretty invaluable, too. How has your day been so far?”

“Good. I’m on my way to my last meeting of the day. But my schedule should be almost clear for the next few days so I can spend time with you.”

“Well, if there are things you need to do, please don’t let me stop you. I’ll be fine on my own—”

“Lily, I
to spend as much time as I can with you while you’re here. I’ll have to go to the office a couple of days, but the rest of my time will be spent with you.”

Lily sighed. “I’m looking forward to that.”

“Me, too. So your flight lands at two my time, right?”

“Mm-hmm. I’ll let you know if there are any delays.”

“Sounds good. I’ll be there to pick you up.”

“If you insist. But I can take a cab.”

“No, the sooner I get to see you again, the better. I’ll meet you at baggage claim.”

Lily grinned. “Okay. I’ll see you there.”

“Good,” Nate said. “I’ve got to head to my meeting, love. Safe travels tomorrow. Call me if you need anything.”

“I will. See you in less than twenty-four hours!”

She heard his quiet chuckle and goodbye before she ended the call.

Daylight had just started to illuminate the sky when Lily left her apartment at seven the next morning. Excitement and caffeine kept her going on her drive across town to catch her flight. She sighed happily as she pulled her Cavalier into a spot in the long-term parking lot. She didn’t even mind lugging her heavy suitcase to the terminal. She’d been lucky to find a direct flight to LAX and would be seeing her boyfriend in just a few hours.

Lily waited in the long line to check her bag, fidgeting with her tote. Things seemed to be running on time, though, which calmed her nerves. She’d dressed comfortably, opting for dark skinny jeans, a light cashmere sweater in deep purple, and gunmetal flats. She hoped to sleep on the long flight, eager to spend as much time with Nate as possible.

As she boarded the plane, butterflies began to flutter in her stomach. She wasn’t nervous about the flight. She’d flown enough to cure her of any fear of flying. She was nervous about essentially living with Nate for a week. Lily had never spent that much consecutive time with a boyfriend. No weekend getaways, no staying over several nights per week, no vacations together. And from their conversations, she knew that Nate had never lived with a girlfriend before. Lily gathered that he was protective of his personal space, and she wondered how she would fit into it.

What have I gotten myself into?
she wondered as the plane reached cruising altitude. All she knew was that she wanted to see Nate again.

Four hours later, Lily stepped onto the escalator that led to baggage claim, her fingers drumming anxiously along the rail. She spotted Nate right away and was happy he hadn’t yet seen her. She was eager to wrap her arms around him but glad for the time to take him in after being apart for so long.

His form-fitting sweater hugged his broad shoulders and toned arms. His dark jeans and brown leather shoes completed his casual look. She also noticed the flash of green behind his glasses.
Well, that’s a sight for sore eyes
, Lily admitted to herself.

Nate looked up to see Lily smiling down at him, and a smile of his own lit his face. Any nervousness she felt disappeared when their eyes met.

When she stepped off the escalator, Nate pulled her into his arms without a word and rested his cheek on the top of her head as she snuggled against his strong chest. She sighed with contentment, despite her racing heartbeat. Nate’s hands moved in soothing circles on her lower back, helping calm her. The buzzer signaling the arrival of the passengers’ bags jolted them back into reality.

Lily laughed. “Hi!”

“Hi,” Nate said, bending down to quickly kiss her lips.

“Thank you for picking me up.” Her cheeks warmed and her lips tingled as she took his hand.

“You’re welcome, love. I’m glad you’re here.” Nate gave her hand a squeeze and moved to look for her luggage.

“That one’s mine,” she said a few minutes later. She had briefly rested her head on his shoulder but hurried to grab the dark gray suitcase when it slowly approached.

“Let me,” Nate insisted, easily lifting the heavy bag. He winked and reached for her hand again. “Ready to go?”

Lily nodded. “Let’s get out of here.”

Nate led her to his car and stowed her baggage in his trunk. As they exited LAX, he asked what she’d like to do during her visit.

“Well, I’d love to see more of the touristy sights.” Nate grinned at her response, taking her left hand in his right. “I also wouldn’t mind spending more time in Santa Monica. And I’ve never been to Malibu. Do you think we might be able to go there?”

“Your wish is my command, milady. But I thought, for tonight, you could get settled in and I’d cook you dinner. How does that sound?”

Lily smiled. “That sounds perfect. As long as you let me help with dinner.”

They continued to chat as Nate wound his way through the Hollywood Hills. She learned that he’d purchased a home in the same neighborhood as Daniel a couple of years before, liking the area.

“It’s relatively quiet here,” he said. “And after growing up in New York City, I like that there’s so little noise. It’s easy to forget you’re surrounded by such a large city in this neighborhood.”

Lily continued to glance out the window at the houses they passed. “Seems like it’s a safe area, too.”

“It is. Some people have iron gates and codes to get in, but I feel safe with the fence around the yard and a home security system.”

Eventually, Nate coasted into the two-car garage of an elegant house. It wasn’t quite the size of Daniel’s, but was still impressive. Once inside, he admitted he had worked with a designer, but the space still looked a lot like him—rich, dark brown woods accented by deep greens and warm yellows. It was modern and masculine but, at the same time, warm and welcoming.

“It’s a three bedroom. There’s a master suite and a guest room, but I use the third room as an office. Then there’s the living room . . . dining room—” he pointed to each as they passed “—and the kitchen, of course.”

“Your house is beautiful.” Lily slid her hand along the composite countertop.

“Thank you.” Nate grabbed her hand when she reached the end of the counter and pulled her to him.

Nate led Lily through the kitchen and outside. A covered patio area housed a small outdoor kitchen and bar area, including a fireplace surrounded by a couch and chairs, and a high-definition television perched over the mantle. Nate had strategically placed blankets and throw pillows throughout the sitting area. Just off the patio, a pristine pool gleamed in the late afternoon sunlight. Two lounge chairs and a round table with an umbrella and four additional chairs provided the perfect place to relax after swimming. Maybe it was a California thing—or a Hollywood Hills thing—but Lily couldn’t help but notice the similarity to Daniel’s backyard.

“Does everyone in LA have a pool?”

Nate laughed. “No. But in this neighborhood? Most of us do.”

Lily took in the palm trees in the corners of the yard and the large planters overflowing with flowers that only bloomed during the summer in Nashville. “It’s amazing, Nate.”

“I hope you’ll be comfortable here.”

She took his hand, squeezing it. “I should be thanking you for inviting me into your space.”

Nate squeezed her hand in return. “There’s no one I’d rather share it with.”

Lily grinned and then quirked an eyebrow at him. “So you said something about cooking dinner for me in that fabulous kitchen of yours?”

“Mm-hmm,” Nate murmured in amusement. “Just wait until I dazzle you with my awesome culinary skills.” He kissed her cheek and pulled her backward into the kitchen.

Lily laughed. “That’s a pretty bold statement, there, Big Boy. Just remember, I used to write a food column, you know. You’d better be prepared to back it up.”

Nate regarded her intently. “Oh, don’t worry, love. I’m more than
for the challenge. You’ll see just how
my statements are.”

Lily cleared her throat, her face heating. The spark that pulsed between them intensified tenfold, and she found herself lacing her own voice with innuendo.

“In that case, I’m looking forward to sampling your masterpiece, Chef. What will you be creating?”

Nate circled his arms around her and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Well, it’s early, so I thought I’d make lasagna. Simple enough, but it takes a while to put together.”

Lily moaned lightly in reaction to Nate’s breath in her skin—and the thought of cheesy pasta goodness. “Sounds delicious. I have a weakness for Italian cuisine.”

One corner of Nate’s mouth turned up in a grin and he kissed her neck. “Hmm . . . good to know.”

“Can I be your sous chef?”

Nate leaned back to look at her. “Of course, love. Dazzle me with
awesome culinary skills.”

They spent the rest of the afternoon boiling pasta, simmering a homemade marinara sauce, and layering their lasagna into a baking dish. The conversation flowed as easily as the red wine they shared. Laughter echoed across the kitchen as their knives shuffled across cutting boards, chopping onions and mincing garlic.

When they finished, Nate placed the dish in the oven and set the timer while Lily refilled their wine glasses. She sat on one of the stools at the island, surveying the damage. Nate sat beside her.

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