SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (69 page)

The man is senior occultist and member of the Thule Society - the secret society that midwifed the Nazi party into existence – Dietrich Eckhart, who told his disciples shortly before his death to “Follow Hitler: he will make the world dance, but it is we who have written the tune.” All this marks Bormann as a possible practitioner of the most classic form of occult black magic: the secret control and manipulation of weak people (Hitler) through their weaknesses and fears.

And Bormann’s own choice of Ingolstadt as a home mirrors perhaps a deeply hidden association of its own, for after World War One, Bormann, like many disenchanted German veterans, joined one such society, the Society Against Presumptuousness of Jewry.
In any case, these odd characteristics of the two Nazi leaders would tend to fuel the theory of some that Hitler was deliberately manipulated and placed into power, and secretly manipulated behind the scenes by more powerful forces than even he publicly wielded, and, when he had served his purpose, was deliberately sabotaged and cast aside.

b. Bormann’s Surrender of the A-Bomb to the USA: The Hydrick

In any case, it is Bormann’s role in establishing the secret strategic evacuation plans for Nazism after its military collapse that interests us here. It was evident to Bormann, as to other high-ranking Nazis, that after the disaster of Stalingrad in early 1943, it was only a matter of time before the military collapse of the Reich if its secret weapons projects did not bear fruit in time. Bormann and other top Nazis, representatives from the agencies of armaments of the Reich, from industry, and of course, from the SS gathered in secret meetings to establish the pipelines for the transference out of Germany of enormous amounts of liquid assets, personnel skilled in scientific research or covert intelligence operations, and of blueprints of weapons and other technologies.

As regards scientific matters, there is an interesting fact presented in Linda Hunt’s book
The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990.
In that book, Hunt gives the following account of how the United States was so quickly able to find and acquire the German scientists and technologies it sought in connection with Project Paperclip:

One of JIOA Director Gruhn’s first actions as overall administrator of the project was to compile a hiring list of the best-qualified German and Austrian scientists that was used by both the United States and Great Britain as a recruitment tool for decades. Although this list has been mentioned in the past by journalists and historians, no one ever noted that it was partially compiled by Werner Osenberg, the notorious wartime commander of the Gestapo’s scientific section. The decision to use Osenberg was made by U.S. Navy Captain Ransom Davis after consultation with the (Joint Chiefs of Staff).

During the war, Osenberg was in charge of a special SS research
council directly subordinate to Reichsmarschal Herman Göring. Osenberg sent his Gestapo agents to investigate work in progress at scientific institutes and report back on each scientist’s political reliability. From those reports and the Gestapo’s files, Osenberg compiled a list of fifteen thousand names of scientists in the Third Reich. He wrote comments next to the scientists’ names regarding their political affiliations, such as SS membership, and his opinion of their scientific abilities. Of course, those scientists who held fanatic Nazi views and SS membership were also those whom Osenberg considered best qualified.

Osenberg had been captured in 1945 by the Alsos team and interned in a camp in Germany. Soon after the JIOA expressed an interest in him, intelligence officers whisked him out of Germany to Versailles, France, where he set up business as usual, sifting through his files to suggest names of those he considered the best scientists in the Third Reich.

Note then, that with Osenberg one has confirmation of a number of themes that have been suggested earlier in this book, as well as in my previous book on this subject,
Reich of the Black Sun

1. As a member of the Gestapo and SS, Osenberg’s files would, via “Gestapo Müller”, have surely been known to Bormann, thus giving Bormann extensive knowledge not only over
was being researched, but
was doing it.

2. Thus, while Himmler may have, at one time, tried to keep Bormann out of the loop on the extent of Nazi secret weapons research being conducted by the SS, he would have known about it via other private channels available to him.

3. Bormann was thus faultlessly well-informed not only of the state and extent of these projects – and therefore, not only knew of Germany’s atom bomb project and its actual state, but of the more exotic areas of research represented by the Bell –
but also of the political reliability of the scientists conducting the research

4. With such a list in hand, Bormann and his allies in the strategic evacuation operation would have known exactly who, and what, was to go where, and, via their knowledge of each individual person’s political views and loyalty, could have limited the risks to any planned continued
development of the projects already begun, as well as of any planned infiltration of any host country’s military and intelligence angencies. With such a list in hand, they could have ensured at least a partial continuance of these projects, provided a network of coordination could be established to do so. Establishment of coordination would have taken advantage of each host country’s own “compartmentalization” of security and research, exercising a hidden center of direction.

5. The “Network” in question most likely would have included, but was not limited to, General Gehlen’s organization or SS Major Otto Skorzeny’s “Fascista Internacionale.”

6. Finally, the Osenberg list and evident American interest in it seems to corroborate another speculation, namely, that American knowledge and the nature of its
, as reflected in General Patton’s unerring military drives to the nerve centers of Kammler’s secret research departments, could only have come from inside Nazi Germany itself. Since Carter Hydrick has argued a convincing case that it was Bormann himself who directed the surrender of Germany’s atom bomb secrets to the United States, it may be reasonably asserted that it was Bormann ultimately coordinating the flow of other sensitive information concerning the Kammlerstab to American intelligence, since he, clearly, is in the position to be the best informed about the nature, extent, and personnel involved with all of Germany’s black projects.

With this knowledge at his disposal, the thesis of Carter Hydric, that Bormann helped engineer not only the transference of the enriched uranium of the U-boat 234 to the United States, but also that he may have engineered the transference of a functioning bomb to the United States as well, gains credibility.

One odd occurrence – one again not in harmony with the postwar Allied Legend about German incompetence in nuclear bomb engineering – is the fact that German physicist Rudolf Fleischmann was flown to the USA for interrogation prior to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Why the urgent need to consult a German physicist prior to bombing Japan? After all, the Allied Legend would have it that we had almost nothing to learn from the Germans about atom bomb physics.

c. Bormann’s “Special Evacuation Command” and Kammler’s Bell: the Nick Cook Thesis

It is against the backdrop of Bormann’s probable survival of the war and his possible arrangement to transfer atomic bomb materials via the U-234 to the United States, if not of a functioning bomb itself, that his establishment of a special “SS Evacuation Command” at the war’s end should be viewed. As was seen in my earlier book,
Jane’s Defence Weekly
author and journalist Nick Cook, following the research of Igor Witkowski, notes that Bormann had established this command, placed it under the direct jurisdiction of SS General Hans Kammler, and also placed a special
unit of ultra-long range Junkers transport aircraft also under his exclusive command. After the establishment of this command, whose aircraft were, “coincidentally” based in Lower Silesia, Kammler, the Bell, all associated papers concerning the Bell, and the enormous Ju 390 that most probably carried it out of Germany, disappeared completely. Where did it, and the advanced physics and technologies that it carried, go?

One answer, is, of course, to America.

d. Continuation of Ultra-Black Projects and German “Independence” at White Sands and NASA

Whatever their engineering skills may have been, the German scientists at NASA also appeared to be very adept at political maneuvering as well. We have already noted in chapter three how Werner Von Braun himself managed quickly to befriend not only J. Edgar Hoover, but the powerful Democratic Majority leader in the US Senate, Lyndon Baines Johnson, a man whose views on the necessity for space travel, and space
, are well-known.

German independence from their American hosts became apparent very early on, in the so-called “Juarez Incident,” where a modified V-2 of extended range was test fired at White Sands. The project was called, oddly enough, Project Hermes, and was under the direction of Paperclip scientist Ernst Steinhof. The rocket went astray, and landed in Juarez, Mexico. Steinhof, who could have ordered the rocket destroyed in mid-flight when it went off course, did not do so.

The controversy over the Juarez incident overshadowed a more serious problem at White Sands and Fort Bliss Army base in Texas. What happened there is a flaring example of the military’s total lack of control over enemy aliens who were judged to be a threat to the internal security of the United States. Even though there were allegations of sabotage and evidence of gross violations of base security, as one intelligence agent bluntly put it, there was absolutely “no attempts to place them in anything like custody.” Army officers in charge of the group maintained little or no surveillance over the Germans’ activities either on or off the base.

Later on, the German paperclip scientists at NASA under Debus, Von Braun, Arthur Rudolf and others in fact showed so much independence that an entirely different concern began to manifest itself.

James Webb, NASA’s second administrator, complained that the Germans were circumventing the system by attempting to build the Saturn V in-house at the center. Rocco Petrone, who became the Marshall Director in 1973, said that Webb felt the group needed to be more tightly managed.

In other words, the Paperclip Germans were attempting to circumvent the normal contract and bidding process of the American government and, using NASA itself as the constructing agency, build the giant Saturn V Apollo boosters on their own. Perhaps they were simply fed up with the bidding process and bureaucratic inertia. Or perhaps there was a more sinister agenda.

But the news from France was not good either. There, employed in projects that would eventually give France its own space booster capability as well as its own land-based and submarine-based ballistic missiles, France’s version of the German Paperclip scientists were apparently up to the same sort of thing. Colonel Frank Reed was concerned about security leaks by the Paperclip personnel, because

He had just returned from visiting Saint Louis, France, where a comparable group of German rocket engineers worked for the French government. While there, the French commandant told Reed he suspected the Germans under French control were receiving orders from Germany and working toward a reemergence of the Third Reich.

In other words, regardless of whether or not one accepts the speculation of continued independent Nazi development of their secret projects, the behavior of the German scientists in at least two of the wartime Allied countries that became their subsequent hosts indicates
continued connection and coordination between them from some unknown quarter, and the only possible quarter that could conceivably command their continued allegiance and loyalty in this respect is some version of the Gehlenorg, or of ODESSA, or some other similar international network of Nazism.

Nor is this merely idle speculation. Operation Paperclip researcher Tom Bower drew attention to the fact that American intelligence, very early on, was aware that some sort of command structure was still intact and functioning among the German rocket scientists:

Three Peenemünde scientists, all anti-Nazis who had refused American contracts, confided to Osborne that the rocket team’s strict hierarchical structure under Dornberger, Axster, and von Braun had remained intact despite the German surrender. Before every interrogation, each German was carefully briefed by the triumvirate and their lieutenants about what could and could not be disclosed. The guidelines were explicit: divulge no more than required to arouse technical and scientific curiosity and avoid going into technical detail that would render employment by the Americans unnecessary. …After every interrogation, each German was debriefed in the presence of his colleagues, so that the others knew precisely what was the Americans’ current state of knowledge. Osborne also discovered that those scientists who criticized or failed to obey Doenberger’s edicts were punished.

E. Skull and Bones and “Secret Germany”

1. 2004: Bonesman Bush “versus” Bonesman Kerry

But the German and Nazi connection behind the JFK murder, and behind the alleged MAJIC-12 group, is not merely an historical matter of a relatively distant past. It is every bit a contemporary and lasting legacy of power, influence, and corruption.

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