SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (75 page)

So what does one make of all the Nazis lurking in the background of the JFK assassination?

The “Brotherhood,” like all the other weird players and connections – the anti-Castro Cubans, the Mafia, the Cold Warriors in the CIA and the Pentagon and the FBI, big oil, international banking – had its reasons to act and to enter such a multifaceted conspiracy, perhaps even to orchestrate it. Like them, it was hiding something; like them, it was protecting something.

Mae Brussel was, after all is said and done, right about the Nazis and the assassination, for America has continued the slide to fascism. Dummycrats are indistinguishable from Republicrooks and one conspiracy-ridden scandal – Iran-Contra, October Surprise, Watergate, BCCI, the Savings and Loan debacle, Nugan Hand, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, 9/11 – follows and blurs into another. Elections are rigged by computer ballots, constitutional crises are tried on for size in Florida, two presidential candidates from the same secret society run for president while the “winner”, a “conservative”, allows millions of illegal aliens to pour across the borders while claiming to fight a war on terror with a camera on every stoplight in America.

If, with the distance of time from the event, the players in the JFK murder now seem to blur and run together, perhaps that is due not to our failing eyesight or faded memories, but to the fact that the coalescence of interests that brought that conspiracy together have merely continued to coalesce. They will continue to do so, as long as there is a technology that threatens their base of power, a technology – and a
science -
that needs to be suppressed, controlled, and weaponized. They have merely exchanged the black and silver SS uniform for the charcoal grey business suit.

….but be sure and check their ring fingers. And make sure they’re not holding the apron strings. Old fraternities die hard.


Tom Bearden,
Energy From the Vacuum: Concepts and Principles,
(Cheniere, 2004, ISBN 0-9725146-0-0), p. 211.

As Mae Brussell once pointed out, nowhere and at no time did the Warren Commission ever seriously consider more than one shooter, using a silenced rifle.

Energy From the Vacuum: Concepts and Principles,
pp. 211-215.

Nick Redfern,
The F.B.I. Files: The FBI’s UFO Top Secrets Exposed
Simon and Schuster, 1998), pp.198-199.

General Samford is also the US Air Force general who gave the Pentagon’s first, and
, press conference-briefing on the UFOs, after the UFO sightings over Washington, D.C., in 1952.

Nick Redfern,
The F.B.I. Files
, pp. 199-200, emphasis added.

Joseph P. Farrell,
Reich of the Black Sun,
pp. 319-330.

Nick Redfern,
The FBI Files,
p. 200, emphasis added.

Nick Redfern,
The FBI Files,
p. 202.


Nick Redfern,
The FBI Files,
pp. 203-204.

Nick Redfern,
The FBI Files,
pp. 205-207.

An interesting sideline on this is that Redfern also mentions the unusual Nazi connections of the famous 1950s “contactee” George Adamski. See p. 315. Redfern is not alone in noting these connections.

It should be obvious by now that Von Braun did not “escape” Germany, having worked for Hitler right up to the capitulation.

Steven M. Greer, M.D.,
Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in modern History
(Cromer, Virginia: Crossing Point, Inc., 2001), pp. 255-256.

Ibid., p. 257.


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