Star Crossed (12 page)

Read Star Crossed Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

He shook his head, his brow wrinkling with a look of confusion. “What does that have to do with us?”

“That has everything to do with us. If we make this hard, it’ll be too difficult for me to ever come back. I don’t want that to happen.” With a shaking hand, she wiped away a tear as it slipped down her cheek. “You’re a monarch for crying out loud!”

“And you’re a commoner, is that it?”


“That won’t hold water with me and you know it.” He took a step closer, his hand gently wiping away another tear. “My mother was a commoner, Mikayla is as well.

You’re making excuses, Krista.”

“I’m trying to be realistic.”

“This is realistic,” he said as he dipped his head and lightly touched his lips to hers.

“You and I are real. What’s between us is real.”

His breath whispered across her lips like a soft breeze, and she swallowed the desire to feel his lips against hers again. She couldn’t let him do this. Shaking her head, she opened her mouth to argue, but Stefan interrupted.

“I’m not willing to walk away from this and I’m not going to let you either.” His mouth captured hers in a kiss that robbed her of speech and breath.

All she could do was melt against him and surrender to the passion raging between them. His arms slipped around her waist, pulling her tightly against him. Her aching breasts pressed into his chest and she moaned, trying to bring them closer.

Tongues mated with a fierceness that made her weak and hungry for more. Stefan’s hands moved between them to the front of her shirt. He jerked it apart and she gasped as buttons broke free and hit the metal walls of the ship with pings.

“I’ll buy you a new one,” he whispered against her lips as he pushed the shirt down her arms.

He was making love to her in anger, trying to prove a point. She knew it but couldn’t bring herself to stop him. Her body wanted this too much.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she groaned as his hands covered her breasts and squeezed. Slowly his kisses gentled, his touch becoming more tender, loving. This was the Stefan she knew, the Stefan she loved with all her heart.

He broke the kiss and laid his forehead against hers. The gentle touch of his hands against her cheeks sent tingling sensations to the pit of her stomach.

“I’m not letting you go,” he whispered.

“Why?” Swallowing down a lump, she continued, “Why can’t you just accept this is what I want?”

“If you can look me in the eye and tell me this is truly what you want I’ll agree to let you go. Can you do that? Can you tell me you have no feelings for me at all?” She shook her head as more tears slipped free. Of course she had feelings for him.

She loved him. His lips kissed away her tears and that only made more fall.

“Don’t cry,
,” he sighed against her cheeks. “I never thought I would ever love anyone. Until you. Your stubborn, opinionated, sarcastic attitude stole my heart.” She smiled and sniffed, trying to keep the tears at bay. “I’m not stubborn.”

“Not stubborn, my ass.” A chuckle rumbled through his chest as he held her tight.

“I love you so much, Kris. Commoner or not, you’re the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. The woman I want to have my children.” She shook her head and looked up at him, her eyes pleading for him to understand.

“I have no idea how to be a countess.”

“I’ll teach you.” He kissed her forehead with a grin. “It’s not that hard.” Lifting her chin with his finger, he forced her to look at him. “Is that all that’s bothering you?” She took a deep breath before replying. “I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you.” He shook his head, a tender smile spreading his lips. “Kris, you could never disappoint me. I have faith in you.”

Relief tugged at her heart. Could they really make this work?

“I love you,” he whispered just before his lips captured hers in a soul-stirring kiss.

One full of promise and love.

Sliding her arms around his neck, she clung to him and kissed him back with everything she had in her. His lips left hers to nibble along her neck, sending goose bumps down her arms. The tip of his tongue touched her pulse point and she gasped.

Heat spiraled down between her legs and she gripped his shirt in an effort to remain upright.

With deft hands, he removed his clothes as well as hers and turned her toward the bed. “Lie on your back.”

She did as he demanded, then grinned devilishly. Spreading her legs, she locked her gaze with his and let her hand roam down her body. Her fingers pinched her nipples and his eyes darkened a shade. Moving lower still, her fingers settled between her legs, rubbing and circling her clit.

She could tell by his desire-filled expression he liked what she was doing. Moving closer, he grabbed her hand and brought her juice-coated fingers to his lips, licking off every last drop. The bed was so high his cock rested easily against her dripping pussy as he stood between her thighs. The head of his shaft teased her sensitive clit, gently rubbing against it.

She moaned and moved her hips in rhythm with his.

“Like that?” he asked, lifting her legs over his shoulders.

She nodded, her eyes closed tight against her oncoming orgasm.

“Do you want me to fuck you, Kris?”

Again, she nodded.

“Tell me how you feel.”

Her eyes flew open. Slowly, he pushed the head of his cock into her tight channel before quickly withdrawing it and continuing his teasing massage.

“You know how I feel,” she whispered.

“Then say it,” he demanded, his shaft poised to enter her hungry flesh.

“I love you.”

With a growl he penetrated so deep and hard she cried out in pleasure. With each thrust he took her higher, ever closer to that elusive height. Resting his hands by her shoulders, he leaned forward, pressing himself even deeper. His grinding hips against her swollen nub caused sensations to scream through her, making her body shake with the intensity of her release. Within a second Stefan tensed above her, his own growl drowning out hers.

With a shift of his arms he lowered her legs and laid his forehead against hers. His eyes closed as he tried to regain control of his breathing. Her hands feathered along his ribs and back, listening to the sound of their sighs mingling in the quiet room.

“You’re mine, Kris.”

She opened her eyes and caught his possessive gaze. The love she saw reflected in the depths of his gray eyes took her breath.

“I’ll always be yours,” she whispered.

“Don’t ever forget it,” he snarled playfully.


Chapter Eleven

After dinner that evening on Daego, everyone decided to take desert and coffee on the veranda. It was an unusually cool night and the men decided there would probably be a storm moving through later. Storms on Daego were scary. They made Earth storms look like spring showers.

Krista walked out and placed the cake platter on the table in front of Mikayla. With a glance toward Stefan, sitting on the wicker sofa, she began to pour coffee into cups.

He looked so gorgeous she couldn’t stop staring at him.

Picking up the knife, Mikayla looked around at everyone. “Okay, who wants cake?”

“I’ll take a piece if you come with it,” Sidious said as he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Pointing the end of her knife at him, she smiled slightly. “Behave yourself.”

“Never,” he growled as he leaned down and kissed the side of her neck.

Laughing, Mikayla tried to wiggle away from him.

“Excuse me,” Stefan drawled, teasing the two of them. “But some of us are still waiting for our cake.”

Sidious looked at his brother and scowled. “I’ve got your cake.” He picked up a small piece and started to throw it at him.

“Sidious, don’t you dare!” Mikayla hissed as she grabbed the cake from him.

“You’re not about to start a food fight on my veranda.” With a raised eyebrow, he looked at her. “Since when did it become yours and not ours?”

“The minute you tried to start trouble,” she said, making Sidious chuckle.

Smiling, Krista grabbed her cake and coffee then sat down on the wicker sofa next to Stefan. She loved being around these people. Growing up it had only been her and her mother so all this family interaction was new to her.

She loved the way they were with each other. They could tease without becoming angry and could even argue. It was obvious they were all very close. But what she loved the most was just sitting around and listening to them talk amongst themselves.

As she ate her cake Stefan slipped his arm around the back of the sofa and slid his hand under her hair at the base of her head. With a featherlight touch he ran his fingers along the back of her neck. Goose bumps rose along her arms and she shivered.

“You should save some of that cake for later,” he whispered as he ran his fingers down the side of her neck.

“Why?” she asked, trying to ignore the goose bumps that his fingers were leaving along her skin.

Leaning down, he softly whispered in her ear what he planned to do with the cake, then chuckled when she almost choked on her coffee.

“You can’t be serious,” she said, wiping the coffee from her lower lip. The heat of a blush moved up her cheeks as she visualized what he’d just said.

“Stefan, what in the world are you saying to her?” Kaylar asked, which only made Krista blush even more.

Damon jumped in, a teasing glint in his eyes. “Probably nothing that I haven’t said to you at one time or another.” Leaning over, he nibbled the ticklish spot behind Kaylar’s ear, making her giggle.

“Take it upstairs,” Sidious said dryly. Damon shot him a glare while everyone else laughed.

“I don’t know, Sidious,” Stefan said with a snicker. “At their age a trip up a flight of stairs may just do them in.”

“Speak for yourself,” Kaylar replied as she looked down her nose at her son.

“Don’t encourage them, Stefan,” Sidious said with amusement.

“Sounds more like a challenge to me,” Damon said with a slight smile.

“Maybe I’m just trying to get rid of you,” Stefan countered.

“Am I going to have to ring the bell and send the three of you back to your corners?” Mikayla asked as she walked to stand beside Sidious’ chair. Reaching up, Sidious grabbed her hand and pulled her down onto his lap.

“It wouldn’t be dessert and coffee without the three of them going at it,” Kaylar said with a grin.

“We do not go at it.” Stefan looked at Sidious, then the two of them began to chuckle. “We have spirited discussions.”

Mikayla smiled and scooted down on Sidious’ lap slightly so that she could lay her head against his shoulder.

“Tired, baby?” he asked, kissing her forehead.

“A little.”

“It is getting late,” Kaylar said as she looked at her watch.

“Come on, old woman.” Damon stood and held his hand out to his wife. “Let’s see if we can help each other up these stairs and into bed.” Krista smiled as she watched the two of them walk into the house. It was so wonderful to see two people that had been married as long as they had still love each other like they did.

“I think I’m about ready for bed, too,” Mikayla said sleepily from her position on Sid’s lap.

“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go.” Sidious helped Mikayla to stand and they headed into the house.

“Good night, you two,” Mikayla said.

“Good night,” Stefan and Krista offered in unison.

“It’s about damn time they left,” Stefan grumbled with a slight smile and leaned down to nibble below her ear. Hearing the low rumble of thunder in the distance, they both looked up at the darkening sky.

“Do you suppose it will be a bad one?” Krista asked. She’d always hated storms, even as a child.

“Probably.” Stefan grabbed her chin turning her to look at him. “But we’ll be fine.” He leaned down and softly brushed his lips across hers. “Matter of fact, I can just about guarantee you won’t even hear it.”

“Is that a fact? Awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

“I know my strengths,” he replied with a smile as he gently kissed the corner of her mouth, sending little jolts of awareness through her veins.

“And to think, you don’t believe you’re arrogant.” Slipping his arm under her knees, he lifted them and turned her so he could place them crossways over him. She didn’t think she would ever get used to the way he made her feel. She had thought once she made love to him some of the attraction would wear off, but instead it only seemed to have made it worse. Before, she could only image what being with him would be like. Now she knew, and that seemed to be all she could think about.

He was gentle and attentive, always seeming to know what she wanted even before she did. Breaking off a piece of cake, she waved it in front of his face before popping it into her mouth. He grinned as he watched her, his finger softly tracing her jawline.

“Want a piece?” she asked before placing another one on her tongue.

“I would love some.” He leaned forward and captured her lips in a passionate kiss, expertly taking the cake she had just put in her mouth. Breaking the kiss, he smiled mischievously at her.

“I don’t believe you just did that.”

Chuckling, he broke off another piece of the cake. “It’s the best way I know of to eat cake,” he said just before he placed another piece in her mouth and once again kissed her.

She giggled and pulled away from him with a blush. He could do some of the wildest things sometimes. His deep gray eyes roamed over her face as though trying to memorize every line.

I must be out of my mind to even be considering this
, she thought as he put his finger under her chin and brought her lips to his. But the second he kissed her, she forgot all about her misgivings and lost herself in his touch.

Framing her face with his hands, he continued to place one gentle kiss after another against her lips. Long, slow kisses that made her body melt and her heart race furiously.

She had completely forgotten about the approaching storm until a clap of thunder sounded so loudly it shook the cup on the table next to them.

Just as they pulled away from each other rain poured down in heavy sheets, drenching them in seconds. Krista squealed and laughed. The two of them quickly jumped up and took off toward the house, trying to get away from the deluge. Once inside they shut the door against the increasing wind.

“God, that rain is so cold,” Krista said as she hugged her arms around her.

Grabbing her, Stefan pulled her wet body against his. “I’ll warm you up.”
I have no doubt about that
, she thought as she opened her lips beneath his. She already felt as though she were on fire inside. He put his hands at her waist and walked her backward. “Where are we going?”

“The den,” he whispered against her lips.

Once in the den, he shut the door behind them and started a fire in the fireplace.

Helping her to remove her wet clothes, he set them on the chair next to the fire to dry.

Throwing a couple of pillows and a blanket on the floor, he took Krista’s hand and pulled her to the floor with him.

There they spent the rest of the night making love by the warm glow of the flames.

And Stefan had been right—she didn’t hear the storm at all.

* * * * *

Krista opened her eyes and looked around the bedroom decorated in shades of blue and burgundy. When had they come back to Stefan’s room? She smiled sleepily at the sight of Stefan lying next to her. He was on his side facing her, his eyes closed in sleep.

She couldn’t resist lightly touching his lips with the tips of her fingers. They were so full and always gentle. With a sigh, she realized they also had way too much power over her.

Their time together had been incredible. She was completely in love with him, and she knew in her heart she would never feel this way about anyone else. As she watched him sleep she thought about the night before, and that brought a smile to her face.

The man was certainly insatiable, but then so was she. All it took was a look or a touch and he would have her wiggling and pleading for him to take her, fuck her until she screamed. He knew every trick and position in the book.

“What’s that smile for?”

His sleepy voice broke her from the naughty thoughts running through her mind, and she glanced up at him. “I was just thinking about last night.” He took her hand and placed it over his rigid cock. Heat traveled up her arm to settle in the pit of her stomach. He was so large and always felt so good. “Apparently, so was I.”

Her fingers gripped him, roaming over his silken length. “I like how you do that,” he moaned.

“I like how you kiss.”

He grinned cockily. “Would you like another demonstration?”

“Most definitely.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she welcomed the onslaught of his warm tongue against hers. He was so slow, so unhurried, so seductive. His lips moved to the side of her neck and the entire length of her body trembled in response.

“They’re waiting on us downstairs. It’s time for breakfast.” Her words were a whisper as he softly bit the sensitive spot behind her ear.

“Breakfast can wait.”

She grinned and pulled away from him with a teasing giggle, turning to scoot off the other side of the bed. “But I’m starving.”

“So am I,” he growled as he grabbed her around the waist, pulling her back against him. “But not for food.”

His free hand moved up to cup her breast and she arched into his hand with a moan.

“What exactly are you hungry for, then?” she asked, a grin tugging at her lips.

“For you.” His lips continued to nibble along her shoulder as his hand moved downward, closer to that spot that ached for his touch.

Closing her eyes, she leaned her head back against his chest. The feel of his palms along her skin made her body burn. It was always quick like this—instant passion that never failed to amaze her.

“But if you would rather go eat…” he trailed off, waiting for her answer.

Panting breaths escaped her lungs as his fingers sifted through the hair at the juncture of her thighs. Her hips shifted, trying to get him closer to the spot that now throbbed with wanting him. “Like you said, breakfast can wait.” He chuckled against her neck, then gently sucked on her pulse point. The beat of her heart fluttered in her chest and she sighed, turning her head to give him better access. Bringing her hand up, she fisted it in his hair. His musky scent surrounded her, enveloped her, and she inhaled deeply, bringing his essence inside her.

His hard shaft pressed into her hip and she moved against it. A growl from deep in his throat rumbled through his chest, vibrating against her back. She liked it when she teased him to the point he lost control, but this morning he didn’t. He kept his control and drove her to the point of losing hers.

Teasing fingers shifted lower, toying with the wet opening to her sex. “I like it when you’re like this,” he whispered against her ear. “Hot and wet.”

“Stefan,” she sighed, moving her hip against his erection.

She tried to turn but he held her still, his fingers continuing to work their magic, teasing, delving. If he didn’t do something soon, she would scream. She wanted him inside her, filling her.

Lifting her leg, he slid his shaft between her thighs, rubbing the tip against her opening. “Arch your back.”

She did as he said then groaned as he slid himself into her. Her thigh rested over his as he continued to make love to her slowly, his lips kissing her neck, his hand messaging her breast. Placing her hand over his, she pressed his palm against her, encouraging him to squeeze harder.

Slowly his fingers slid lower, coming to rest over her swollen nub. Biting her lower lip, she tried not to scream, tried to let him lead her, carry her over that edge she clung to so precariously. In her ear she heard his whispered words, but they were in Tilarian.

For the first time she cursed not learning that language. Even though she didn’t understand him, his voice was so deep and seductive it still made her insides burn like molten fire.

Her blood pounded through her ears. Her tense body hummed with pleasure as his middle finger applied gentle pressure to her sensitive clit. Suddenly her whole body erupted into a mass of sensations as a scream tore from her throat. From behind her she heard Stefan’s groan as his own body tensed and his hot semen emptied into her spasming channel.

“I don’t think I could walk downstairs, even if my life depended on it,” he sighed in her ear.

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