Star Crossed (15 page)

Read Star Crossed Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

“Did you see a woman with him?” Stefan asked.

“I haven’t actually seen her, but I was able to get close enough to scan the cabin and there is a female inside. It could be her.”

It has to be
, Stefan thought trying desperately to keep his composure.

“How does the area surrounding the cabin look, Dev?” Sidious asked.

“It’s in the center of a clearing. Sneaking up on him is out of the question.”

“What about the body cloak I fixed for Sidious during the rebellion?” Taron asked, getting everyone’s attention. “I still have the one that Sidious used when he set the bombs on board the
. I could replicate them and have everyone fitted in less than two hours. There are side effects, though, that kick in after about thirty minutes.

But we’ll be invisible to Carlone.”

Devlin shrugged as he stood from the speeder. “I’ll try most anything once.”

“Stefan?” Sidious asked, looking at his brother.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to get Krista back. You know that,” he replied as he stared intently at his brother.

“All right. Let’s get back to the
and get this started. We’ll work out the details while we’re waiting on Taron.”

* * * * *

Kaylar stood at the side of Hayden’s bed, watching him sleep. Fondly, she remembered her own sons when they were that age. Hayden looked so much like his

father but even at his young age they could already tell he had his mother’s temperament.

Damon walked in and put his hands on his wife’s shoulders. “Everything is going to be fine, Kaylar.”

“The boys are good at what they do, I know,” she sighed. “But I still can’t help but worry about them. Any number of things can happen.”

“I know,” he said as he kissed the top of her head.

Kaylar turned to face her husband. “How’s Mikayla holding up?”

“She’s okay. Right now she’s trying to take her mind off things by working in the garden. She said she and Krista were talking about planting more flowers down by the pool, so she went there to see if she could get started.”

“She’s not alone, is she?”

“No, Kain went with her to help with the digging and the heavy lifting. Why don’t you go down and help her as well? I’ll keep an eye on the boy. Being outside might help to take your mind off things.”

“You’re probably right.” Turning, she smiled slightly in thank you and gave him a quick kiss before leaving to head to the pool.

* * * * *

Transporting down just inside the line of trees that surrounded the cabin a good fifty feet away, the men talked quietly amongst themselves.

“There’s only one way into the cabin,” Devlin said as they studied the scanner.

“That means there’s also only one way out,” Taron added.

“Well, only one way that we know of,” Stefan said.

Sidious nodded. “You have a point. Maybe a couple of us should stay outside and make sure we don’t see him exit the cabin some other way.”

Devlin took his gun out of its holster and checked the ammunition. “Taron and I will stay outside, one on either side, while you two go inside.”

“Speaking of going inside, how are we doing this? Are we remaining cloaked or are we just barging in?” Sidious asked.

“We should probably go in cloaked and try to position ourselves to our best advantage before we turn these things off,” Stefan said. “I want to do whatever would be best for Kris. If we barge in we might inadvertently put her in danger.” Sidious raised an eyebrow. “Glad to see you’re a little calmer and thinking like yourself again.”

“Yeah well, can’t guarantee I’ll stay that way.”

“All right, let’s get this over with.” Taron raised his wrist to hit the control button.

“Wait.” Devlin put his hand up and stopped him. “How are we going to keep from running into each other?”

Taron smiled. “Push the button and you’ll see.”

All of them pushed their buttons at the same time and looked at each other. A red glow outlined their bodies, making them visible to each other.

“Interesting,” Devlin said with a slight smile.

“I took a few minutes and interconnected them so that we are all on the same wavelength. They do this whenever they cloak multiple ships so they can see each other when they’re cloaked,” Taron explained. “We also have a phase shift attached. With that we should be able to walk straight through the door as opposed to opening it.” Stefan put his hand on Taron’s shoulder and propelled him forward. “We’ve got thirty minutes before the side effects kick in. How about we get going?”

* * * * *

Krista sat silently at the table, watching the man sitting across from her eat his dinner. He had set a plate of food in front of her as well but she was afraid to eat it for fear he’d drugged it somehow. “Why am I here?”

“I told you why you are here,” he replied as he stared angrily at her.

“What do you want with Stefan?”

“That’s none of your concern,” he replied nastily.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “I think it is.”

He caught her by surprise when he reached across the table and slapped her hard.

Her head snapped to the side and lightning flashed behind her eyes. The sting took her breath and she blinked rapidly, trying to stay conscious. She refused to show fear and stared at him angrily.

“You’ll watch your tone with me,” he said as he sat back down in his chair.

“If you’re going to kill me I think I deserve to know why,” she snapped.

“This is why!” he snapped angrily as he pointed to the scars on the side of this face.

“I was a prominent general. I was Rigora’s right-hand man. I could have had anything I wanted but Stefan took all of that away.”

“How did he take that away?” she asked. He wasn’t making any sense to her.

“Stefan was in charge of the rebels. Stefan is the one that organized them, the one that led them, the one that is solely responsible for these,” he said, pointing to the scars again. “I got these trying to escape from the ship that Stefan blew up.” Looking at him strangely she started, “There were—”

“Shut up!” he shouted and once again slapped her.

She bit her lip, trying not to cry out. Blood filled her mouth and she gagged. He grabbed her chin and turned her face toward his. Krista winced and tried to ignore the pain his grip caused.

“Stefan will come looking for you and when he does I’ll catch him and then force him to watch as I do to you what he did to me.” With a nasty smile he added, “Then I’ll kill both of you.”

Letting go of her chin, he sat back down in the chair and continued eating. She knew she should keep her mouth shut and not antagonize him, but for some reason she couldn’t resist. “What makes you think that he won’t kill you?” He jumped from his chair and make a lunge for Krista. She screamed as he grabbed her and pinned her against the wall with his hand at her throat. Her feet dangled several inches off the floor. She was terrified but looked him dead in the eyes, refusing to show any more fear. She would not give him that satisfaction.

Her feet kicked against the wall as she fought the blackness that threatened to consume her.
Oh God, he’s not going to wait, he’s going to kill me now

Slowly unconsciousness overtook her, and she slid silently to the floor.


Chapter Fourteen

Stefan heard Krista scream and his chest tightened in fear. He stepped through the front door of the cabin, his heart in this throat. Where was she? Immediately, Sidious’

hand was on his shoulder, holding him back, reminding him to stay calm—to find her before he flew off the handle.

His brother was right and he was thankful he was there. Glancing around the room, he found her lying on the floor against the wall. Bile crept up his throat as he rushed to her side, silently praying she was still alive. Placing his hand on her throat, he found her pulse and breathed a sigh of relief.

Anger immediately took its place. Her lip was bleeding and swollen, her eyes already turning black, a sure sign Carlone had hit her.

I’ll kill him

Standing, he glanced around the small room, spotting the swine in a chair, eating his dinner as though nothing had happened. His brother was closer but damn it, he wanted Carlone. He wanted to wrap his hands around his throat and strangle the very life from him.

Raising his wrist, he ignored his brother’s warning and turned off the cloak.

Carlone’s eyes locked with his and widened before quickly he reached for his gun on the counter. Stefan was too quick for him.

“You son of a bitch!” Stefan roared.

He lunged for Carlone and smashed his jaw with his fist, feeling it shatter beneath his knuckles. When Carlone fell to the floor Stefan sat on him and continued to pummel him, over and over. He had never been so angry or had such a desire to kill someone as he did at that moment.

“Stefan that’s enough,” his brother yelled, but he ignored him and continued to beat Carlone senseless, unable to control the rage that held him in its grip.

“I said that’s enough, damn it.”

Sidious grabbed him by the shirt collar and pulled him off Carlone. Stefan tried to catch his breath and go back after him, the need to kill him rushing through his blood.

“Stefan, stop.”

Sidious jerked him around to face Krista. She sat against the wall, trying to wipe the blood from her lips. She looked exhausted and frightened. Her lower lip trembled and his gut clenched. “Go to her. Let me handle Carlone.” Stefan nodded and made his way toward her. She stood and launched herself into his arms, holding tightly around his neck. “Oh, God. You’re okay,” she whispered. “I love you so much. I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you and stay at the house.” He held her close, never wanting to let her go. “It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s over. I’ll never let you out of my sight again.” Framing her face in his hands, he studied her.

“Are you all right? He didn’t…”

She quickly shook her head. “No. He didn’t touch me, other than to smack me. But that was my fault. I should have kept my mouth shut.” He gave her a slight shake. “It was not your fault. Don’t ever think that.” She nodded, swallowing down a lump. Now that it was all over she felt an overwhelming desire to cry. She was so relieved that he was okay and the assassin wouldn’t get the chance to kill Stefan as he’d intended. Instead, he lay motionless on the floor, his face a bloody, swollen mess.

Over Stefan’s shoulder, her gaze took in the scene. Sidious’s voice was low as he talked quietly to Tilarian security, giving them their location. The whole while, his gaze never left Carlone’s body. Another man, tall and dark stood in the door removing a band from his wrist before tossing it to the table.

Taron strolled in as well and tossed a pair of cuffs to Sidious. While Sidious’s attention was on catching the cuffs, she saw Carlone inch his hand toward something lying under the table.

“Stefan,” she whispered and Stefan turned to see what upset her before shoving her behind him.

Sidious moved with lightening reflexes and pointed his gun directly at Carlone’s chest. Carlone froze, his gaze watching Sidious in fear.

“Go for it, you vigic. I dare you,” Sidious snarled.

Krista was surprised at the menace and anger etched in Sidious’s face. Gone was the teasing, fun loving Sidious and in his place was the Captain Marcone that was so feared during the prime minister’s reign. She swallowed and wondered how Mikayla had had the nerve to stand up to that man when she’d first been captured. Silently Krista hoped she was never the recipient of that menacing look.

“You should have been hanged for treason,” Carlone rasped and spit toward Sidious.

“And you should have died in the rebellion,” Sidious snarled back and cocked the weapon in his hand. “Give me a reason to rectify that mistake, Carlone.”

“Sidious,” Stefan cautioned in a soft voice.

Sidious kept his gaze on Carlone as he held out the cuffs to Taron. “Tie this son of a bitch up, Taron before I shoot him.”

Once Carlone was secured, Sidious turned back to Stefan and tossed a small metal object toward his brother.

“Get her home, Stefan. Take my personal ship, the
. It’s in the docking bay of the
. The rest of us will handle this.” Stefan took Krista’s hand and pulled her from the cabin. On the way out she stopped to hug both Taron and Sidious. The other man she didn’t know, but he smiled

at her gently and touched her cheek. He was gorgeous, with black hair and a muscular build similar to Sidious and Taron, and just as tall.

Lekala tuinas vohla
,” he whispered.

Krista frowned. “What does that mean?”

He grinned, making his sapphire eyes crinkle at the corners. They were beautiful eyes, but so full of sadness. “Stefan is a lucky man.” She smiled in return and glanced at Stefan, next to her. “No. I’m the lucky one.”

* * * * *

Sidious leaned against the doorjamb of his son’s room and listened to Mikayla softly singing a lullaby. Hayden must be having trouble sleeping. Whenever he was upset Mikayla would softly sing to him and it would always calm him down. Her voice had the same effect on her husband as well. He loved hearing her sing.

Mikayla continued to softly hum as she walked over to the set of French doors on the other side of the room and opened them to let in some of the cool night air. Sidious had installed screens across the openings so that they could open the doors without fear that Hayden would get outside. Walking over to the crib, Sidious leaned down and spoke softly to his son.

When Mikayla turned back to her son’s bed she jumped slightly when she saw the figure leaning over the side, but immediately relaxed. She recognized her husband’s form. She would know it anywhere. Walking up beside him, she silently placed her hand on his arm to get his attention.

Turning to look at her, he smiled. “Hey, sweetheart. Was he giving you trouble?”

“He’s used to you telling him goodnight as I put him in the bed. You weren’t here and I think that upset him.”

Sidious smiled slightly and softly touched Hayden’s head. “Good night, little man,” he whispered.

Then, taking his wife’s hand, he led her from the room and down the hall to theirs.

“I noticed the
isn’t in the bay. Did Stefan not get here?”

“They were here earlier but Stefan wanted to take Krista someplace where they could be alone.”

“How was she?” Sidious asked.

“She may have nightmares for a while, but she’ll be fine. I think she was actually more worried about Stefan than herself.”

She sat on the edge of the bed and watched her husband undo his ponytail and remove his shirt. The sight of him with his long hair down and his bare chest never failed to make her heart flutter.

As he undid the last button and pulled the shirt from his pants to slide it off his shoulders, he sensed her staring at him. Looking at her through his lashes, he smiled.

“You keep looking at me like that and you’ll find yourself flat on your back.” Bringing her eyes back to his, she gave him a teasing smile. “Is that a threat?”

“No,” he replied as he walked over to her. Leaning forward, he pushed her to her back on the mattress and braced his hands on either side of her shoulders. “That’s a promise.”

She placed her palm against the side of his face. “I’m so glad you’re back.”

“Was there ever any doubt?” he teased as he rolled to his side and grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips to kiss her palm.

Moving to her side to face him, she only smiled slightly in response. She would never admit to him that she had indeed doubted. She had been terrified that something would happen to him. He wasn’t immortal, after all.

Bracing himself on his elbow, he tipped her chin up with his finger. “It’s over and everything is fine,” he said and then added huskily, “So come here and give me a proper welcome home.”

She softly touched her lips to his. The feel of his hands on her body never failed to send her senses reeling. She shivered as his fingers worked her robe loose and slid it down her arms. “I love you,” she sighed against his lips.

“I love you too, baby,” he said as he softly brushed a stray hair away from her face.

“Now come here and show me how much.”

* * * * *

Krista watched Stefan hover over her like a child. He’d brought them to the old rebel camp yesterday and had been treating her with kid gloves ever since. She loved the fact he’d taken such good care of her, used the
to fix her cheeks and lip, but enough was enough.

“Stefan, please. You’re driving me crazy.”

He set a cup of coffee on the table and took the chair next to her. “I just want to make sure you’re fine.”

She smiled and placed her hand over his. “I am fine. Do I need to prove it to you?” He returned her smile and brought her fingers to his lips, placing a soft kiss to the backs of them. “I know you’re fine,” he said with a sigh against her knuckles. “I’ve just never been more scared in my life. If I’d lost you I don’t know what I would have done.”

“But you didn’t lose me. I’m right here.”

Standing, she moved to sit on his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she placed a soft kiss below his ear and reveled in the tremor she felt run through him.

“See,” she whispered, “I’m safe and sound.”

He smiled and settled his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. His lips were soft and warm on her temple, and she leaned into him more, wanting to get as close as she could.

“I have something for you,” he whispered and held something just under her chin.

With a gasp, she sat up and stared at the ring clasped in his fingers. It was beautiful.

Not large, but dainty and absolutely perfect. In the center was a round lavender stone

she recognized as a Rhenari
. Around it was a circle of blue Earth diamonds. “Oh, Stefan. I love it!”

“Lavender always reminds me of you and the day I fell held over heels in love.” She sniffed back her tears with a smile and placed her hand over her mouth.

“Marry me, Kris. Be my countess.”

A single tear slipped down her cheek, and she wiped it away and nodded her head.

“Of course I will.”

He slipped it on her finger, then kissed her. Softly, gently and full of promise for the future.

* * * * *

Two weeks later Krista was back to normal and extremely nervous about her and Stefan’s wedding. Mikayla’s mother Amy had arrived just in time and was thrilled that the young girl she considered her second daughter was officially going to be part of the family.

“Have we taken care of everything?” Krista asked Mikayla as they stood before the dressing mirror in Mikayla’s room, putting the final touches on Krista’s hair.

She had chosen a simple off-the-shoulder dress of ivory satin that looked perfect on her. Her shoes had been dyed to match and the toes of them just poked out under the hem of the long skirt.

“We’ve taken care of everything,” Mikayla said with a smile. “Relax.”

“I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” Krista said with a sigh as she fingered the string of pearls that Amy had given her to wear.

“All brides are nervous, dear,” Amy said as she handed her a bouquet of flowers made of twenty ivory rosebuds with two lavender
, flowers from Daego that were very similar to carnations.

“Where did this come from?” Krista asked. She hadn’t ordered flowers, there hadn’t been enough time. She had decided instead she would cut some from the garden and carry them.

“They’re from Stefan. He said there’s a note attached.” Krista pulled the note from the flowers and quickly read it, then smiled.

“What does it say?” Mikayla asked.

“Are you ready?” Damon asked as he stuck his head in the door, interrupting Krista. She handed the note to Mikayla with a smile.

“Yeah,” Krista said and nodded her head. She had been waiting for this day for twenty-seven years.

Damon walked Krista down the garden pathway to Stefan, who was waiting under the rose archway lit only by the light of the two full moons. The air smelled of the jasmine and roses that Mikayla had imported from Earth. The flowers as well as the lake just beyond the edge of the garden created a perfect backdrop for the ceremony. It was absolutely beautiful and there wasn’t a florist anywhere that could have recreated such a scene.

Placing her hand in Stefan’s, Damon leaned down to kiss her on the cheek before taking his place by his wife behind the couple.

It was a very small ceremony, with only the immediate family and closest friends present, Devlin included. That was the way they both wanted it. Krista had come to realize that she and Stefan were more alike than she’d initially thought. Although their backgrounds were different, they still basically wanted the same things out of life.

She smiled at him as he slid the gold band with three lavender stones on her finger.

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