Stars of Mithra Box Set: Captive Star\Hidden Star\Secret Star (15 page)

She saw too much, he realized. More, perhaps, than he'd seen himself. “This isn't about me.”

“Yes, it is. No one's stuck with you, but I will. No one loved you enough, but I do.” She skimmed her hands up his shoulders until they framed his face. “That makes all this about us.
I'm going to be there for you, even when you try to play hero and shake me loose.”

He was losing, and knew it. “You could start being there tomorrow.”

“I'm already there. Now, are you going to kiss me, or not?”


Her lips curved as they met his. Then they softened, and opened, and gave. He felt himself slide into her—a homecoming that was both sweet and exciting. The kiss heated even before she slipped her hands under his shirt, ran them up his back, then down again with nails scraping lightly.

“I want you,” she murmured, moving sinuously against him. “Now, before we go—” she turned her head, nipped her teeth into his throat “—for luck.”

His head swam as she reached between their bodies and found him. “I can always use a little extra luck.”

She laughed, tugged him away from the car. They fell on the ground together and rolled over grass still damp with dew.

It was fast, and a little desperate. As the sun grew stronger, burning through the morning mist, they tugged at clothes, pawed each other.

“Let me…” He panted and dragged at denim. “I can't—”

“Here.” Her hands fumbled with his, dragged material aside. “Hurry. God.”

She rolled again, reared up and raced her mouth over his bare chest. She wanted to feast on him, needed to feast of those flavors, those textures. Sate herself with them. She would have sworn she felt the ground tremble as he turned her, hooked his teeth into her shoulder, one hand taking her breast, and the other…

“What are you… How can you…” Her head fell back as he ripped her viciously over the edge. Breath sobbing, she reached up, locked her arms around his neck and let the animal free.

She was with him, beat for beat, her body strong and agile. Her need was as greedy and as primal as his. Perhaps his hands bruised her in his rush, but hers were no less bold, no less rough. She turned her head, took his mouth with a wild avidity that tasted of the dark and the secret.

It was she who twisted, who dragged him down to her. “Now,” she demanded, and her eyes gleamed like those of a cat on the hunt. “Right now.” And wrapping herself around him, took him in.

He drove hard, burying himself in her. She met
each rough, wild stroke, those tilted cat's eyes wide and focused on his. The heat of her fueled him, and through that edgy violence of need he felt his heart simply shatter with an emotion just as brutal.

“I love you.” His mouth clamped on hers, drank from it. “God, I love you.”

“I know.” And when he pressed his face into her hair, shuddering as he poured himself into her, she needed to know nothing else.

“Jack.” She stroked his hair. The sun was in her eyes, his weight was on her, and the grass was damp against her back. She thought it one of the finest moments of her life. “Jack,” she said again, and sighed.

He nearly had his wind back. “Maybe there's something to country living after all.” With a little groan, he propped up on his elbows. And felt his stomach sink. “What are you crying for? Are you trying to kill me?”

“I'm not. The sun's in my eyes.” Then, feeling foolish, she flicked the single tear away. “It's not that kind of crying, anyway. Don't worry, I'm not going to blubber.”

“Did I hurt you? Look, I'm sorry, I—”

“Jack.” She heaved another sigh. “It's not that
kind of crying, okay? And I'm done now, anyway.”

Wary, he studied those gleaming eyes. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Then she smiled. “You coward.”

“Guilty.” And he wasn't ashamed to admit it. He kissed her nose. “Now that we've got all this extra luck, we'd better get going.”

“You're not going to try to pull a fast one, are you?”

He thought of the way she'd taken his face in her hands and told him she was sticking. There had never been anyone in his life who ever made him that one simple promise.

“No. I guess we're a team.”

“Good guess.”


M.J. waited until they were back on the highway, heading toward civilization, before she asked. “Okay, Jack, what's the plan?”

“Nothing fancy. Simplicity has fewer pitfalls. The way I see it, we've got to get to whoever's pulling the strings. Our only link with him, or her, is the guys in the van and maybe the Salvinis.”

“So far, I'm with you.”

“I need to have a little chat with them. To do that, I have to lure them out, maintain the advan
tage and convince them it's in their best interest to pass on some information.”

“Okay, there are two guys with guns, one of whom is the approximate size of the Washington Monument. And you're going to convince them to chat with you.” She beamed at him. “I admire your optimism.”

“It's all a matter of leverage,” he said, and explained how he planned to accomplish it.


Thunder was rumbling in a darkened sky when he pulled up in the lot at Salvini. It was a dignified building, separated from a strip mall by a large parking lot. And it was locked tight for the Monday holiday.

In the smaller, well-tended Salvini lot sat a lone Mercedes sedan.

“Know who owns that?”

“One of the creeps—Bailey's stepbrothers. Thomas, I think. Bailey said they were closing down for an extended weekend. If he's inside, I don't know why.”

“Let's poke around.” Jack got out, wandered to the sedan. It was locked tight, its security light blinking. He checked the front doors of the building first, scanned the darkened showroom, saw no signs of life.

“Offices upstairs?” he asked M.J.

“Yeah. Bailey's, Thomas's, Timothy's.” Her heart began to race. “Maybe she's in there, Jack. She rarely drives to work. We live so close.”

“Uh-huh.” And though it wasn't part of his plan, the worry in her voice had him going with impulse and pressing the buzzer beside the door. “Let's check the rear,” he said a moment later.

“They could be holding her inside. She could be hurt. I should have thought of it before.” Toward the west, lightning forked down like jagged blades. “She could be in there, hurt and—”

He turned. “Listen, if we're going to get through this, you've got to hold it together. We don't have time for a lot of hand-wringing and speculation.”

Her head jerked back, then she squared her shoulders. “All right. Sorry.”

After a short study of her face, he nodded, then continued to the back, where he took a long look at the steel security door. “Someone's been at the locks.”

“What do you mean, ‘at'?” She leaned over his shoulder as he crouched down. “Do you mean someone picked the locks?”

“Fairly recently, no rust, no dust in the scrapes. Wonder if he got in.” He rose, examined the
sides, the jambs. “He didn't try to jimmy it or hammer against it. I'd say he knew what he was doing. Under different circumstances, I'd say it was just your average break-in, but that's stretching it.”

“Can you get in?”

That wasn't part of the immediate plan, either, but he considered. “Probably. Do you know what kind of alarm system they've got?”

“There's a box inside the door. It's coded. I don't know the code. You punch some numbers.” She caught herself before she could indeed wring her hands. “Jack.” She struggled to keep her voice calm. “She could be in there. She could be hurt. If we don't check, and something goes wrong…”

“Okay. But if I can't deal with the alarm, and fast, we're going to get busted.” Still, he got his tools out of the trunk and went to work.

“Watch my back, will you?” he told her. “Make sure none of those holiday shoppers next door take an interest over here.”

She turned, scanned the lot and the strip mall beyond. People came and went, obviously too involved in the bargains they'd bagged or those they were hunting to take notice of a man crouched at a security door of a locked building.

Thunder walked closer, and rain, long awaited, began to flood out of the sky. She didn't mind getting wet, considered the storm only a better cover. But she shuddered with relief when he gave her the all-clear.

“Once I open this, I've probably got a minute to ninety seconds before the alarm. If I can't disengage it, we'll have to go, and fast.”


“No arguments here, M.J. If, by any chance, Bailey's in there, the cops'll be along in minutes, and they'll find her. We'll take our show on the road elsewhere. Agreed?”

What choice was there? “Agreed.”

“Fine.” He swiped dripping hair out of his eyes. “You stay right here. If I say go, you head for the car.” Taking her silence for assent, he stepped inside. He saw the alarm box immediately, lifted a brow. “Interesting,” he murmured, then signaled M.J. inside. “It's off.”

“I don't understand that. It's always set.”

“Just our lucky day.” He winked, took her hand, then flipped on his flashlight with the other. “We'll try upstairs first, see if we get lucky again.”

“Up these stairs,” she told him. “Bailey's office is right down the hall.”

“Nice digs,” he commented, scanning the expensive carpeting, the tasteful colors, while keeping his ears tuned for any sound. There was nothing but drumming rain. He blocked M.J. with an outstretched arm, and swept the light into the office.

Quiet, organized, elegant and empty. He heard M.J. let out a rusty breath.

“No sign of struggle,” he pointed out. “We'll check the rest of the floor, then downstairs before we go into phase one of plan A.”

He moved down the hall and, a full yard before the next door, stopped. “Go back in her office, wait for me.”

“Why? What is it?” Then she caught the heaviness in the air, recognized it for what it was. “Bailey! Oh, my God.”

Jack rapped her back against the wall, pinned her until her struggles ceased. “You do what I tell you,” he said between his teeth. “You stay here.”

She closed her eyes, admitted there were some things she wasn't strong enough to face. Nodded.

Satisfied, he eased back. He moved down the hall quietly, eased the door open.

It was as bad as he'd ever seen, and death was rarely pretty. But this, he thought, trailing the light
over the wreckage caused by a life-and-death struggle, had been madness.

Life had lost.

He turned away from it, went back to M.J. She was pale as wax, leaning against the wall. “It's not Bailey,” he said immediately. “It's a man.”

“Not Bailey?”

“No.” He put a hand to her cheek, found it icy, but her eyes were losing their glazed look. “I'm going to check the other rooms. I don't want you to go in there, M.J.”

She let out the breath that had been hot and trapped in her lungs. Not Bailey. “Was it like Ralph?”

“No.” His voice was flat and hard. “It was a hell of a lot worse. Stay here.”

He went through each room, checked corners and closets, careful not to touch anything or to wipe a surface when he had no choice but to touch. Saying nothing, he led M.J. downstairs and did a quick, thorough search of the lower level.

“Someone's been in here,” he murmured, hunkering down to shine the light into a tiny alcove under the stairs. “The dust's disturbed.” Considering, he stroked his chin. “I'd say if somebody was smart and needed a bolt hole, this would be a good choice.”

Her clothes were clinging wet against her skin. But that wasn't why she was shivering. “Bailey's smart.”

He nodded, rose. “Keep that in mind. Let's do what we came for.”

“Okay.” She cast one last look over her shoulder, imagined Bailey hiding in the dark. From what? she wondered. From whom? And where was she now?

Outside, Jack secured the door, wiped the knob. “I figure if you need to, you can get over to that mall on those legs of yours in about thirty seconds at a sprint.”

“I'm not running away.”

“You will if I tell you.” He pocketed the flashlight. “You're going to do exactly what I tell you. No questions, no arguments, no hesitation.” His eyes flared into hers, made her shiver again. “Whoever did what I found upstairs is an animal. You remember that.”

“I will.” She clamped down ruthlessly on the next tremor. “And you remember we're in this together.”

“The idea is for me to take these guys down, one at a time. If you can get to the van while I'm distracting them and disable it, fine. But don't take any chances.”

“I've already told you I wouldn't.”

“Once I have them secured,” he continued, ignoring the impatience in her voice, “we can use their van. I can have a nice chat with them. I think I can get a name out of them.” He examined his fist, then smiled craftily over it into her eyes. “Some basic information.”

“Oooh…” She fluttered her wet lashes. “So macho.”

“Shut up. Depending on the name and information we get, and the situation, we either go to the cops—which would be my second choice—or we follow the next lead.”


He opened the door of his car, waited until she slid over the seat, then picked up her phone. “Make the call. Stretch it out for about a minute, just in case.”

She dialed, then began to ramble to Grace's answering machine in Potomac. She kept her eyes on Jack's, and when he nodded, she pushed disconnect. “Phase two?” she said, struggling for calm.

“Now we wait.”


Within fifteen minutes, the van turned into the lot at Salvini. The rain had slowed now, but con
tinued to fall in a steady stream. In his position beside an aging station wagon, Jack hunched his shoulders against the wet and watched the routine.

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