Stay the Night (26 page)

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Authors: Kate Perry

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

It’d been a good decision to be alone today; she hadn’t wanted to share her misery. She’d left the house pre-dawn to avoid running into anyone. Not that anyone knew it was her birthday anyway. Except Nick, her brother, though his life was so busy that she doubted he’d remember.

She winced, turning her teacup by the handle so at least it looked like she’d touched something. It was unfair that she hadn’t told Lady Jacqueline or the girls about her birthday. The thought of the day was too painful, and she didn’t want to put upon the Summerhills. They’d been so
to her. She was the illegitimate daughter of their father and his mistress. They should have sent her packing.

Instead they welcomed her into their home and hearts. All her life she’d been on the outside and had thought they wouldn’t want to accept her, especially after she’d inherited half the estate. But they’d taken her in with love.

It’d amazed her. It was humbling.

She’d never expected to fall in love with them. Especially Jacqueline, whom she’d always viewed as the wicked stepmother. She’d come to find out that Jacqueline had actually paid Summer’s way through school, just like she’d done for all her daughters, because Jacqueline hadn’t believed Reginald would.

“Is everything all right, miss?”

She looked up at the waiter, tears prickling her eyes. Sometimes it felt like nothing was ever going to be right. She resettled the sunglasses on her nose, just in case. “Just the check, please.”

The waiter looked over her table. She’d picked at the finger sandwiches and hadn’t consumed much else, not even the tea. She wanted to reassure him that everything was perfect, but it hadn’t been, not when her mum wasn’t there.

She turned her head and pretended to be interested in the piano music, but her mobile rang. She glanced at the screen—Jacqueline—and frowned. Why would Jacqueline call her?

Because it was Lady Jacqueline, and because she admired and loved the woman so much, she answered despite her state of mind. “Hello?”

“Summer, darling, you need to come home right away.”

Jacqueline spoke in her Countess of Amberlin voice—imperious and unyielding. Summer had never had it directed at her. “Did something happen?”

“I’ll explain when you get here. Please hurry.” She hung up.

Standing, she paid quickly and rushed out. She’d planned on walking home, but the doorman whistled for a taxi for her.

The South Street house wasn’t far, so the trip was short. She gave the driver enough money and hurried up the walkway to the front door of the Summerhill house.

She took her keys out and unlocked the door. Who would have ever thought she’d own a grand house like this? Half, technically, but she liked to think that she owned the whole with the rest of the Summerhills.

In a manner of speaking, the fairy tale was happening. Here was the castle. She had fancy clothing, not to mention the wedding dress Rosalind had designed for her. Prince Charming was the only thing missing.

Now wasn’t the time to think about that. She’d see what had happened and then, hopefully, would retire to her room, no one the wiser about this black day. She turned the knob and opened the door.

The door hit something solid.

,” a masculine voice uttered, and it was followed by a feminine giggle.

She peeked into the opening to see what—or rather, who—was lodged in her way. “Portia?” she said with a frown. “Why are you sitting against the door?”

Jackson climbed to his feet and held his hand out for his fiancé. “Hey, there, Summer. Happy birthday.”

Portia slapped a hand over his mouth. “
. She doesn’t know we know it’s her birthday.”

He bit the pad of her hand and then pulled her to his side. “Well, cat’s out of the bag, sugar.”

Summer frowned at Portia. “How do you know it’s my birthday?”

“Nick told Rosalind, who told Mother, who told Fran, who told the world. Basic Summerhill phone chain.” Portia shrugged. “I’d think you’d be used to it by now.”

She touched the blue diamond around her neck. It’d been given to the first Countess of Amberlin by a secret admirer, and Portia had given it to her—grudgingly. But Summer knew how important family artifacts were to her new sister and that this was Portia’s way of welcoming her to the family. Summer wore it all the time.

Jackson nudged Summer’s shoulder. “Ready to act surprised?” he asked.

She shook her head. “Gigi’s the actress in this family.”

“I don’t know. Seems like all you Summerhills have a touch of the drama.”

Portia smirked. “He’s thinking about how we played cowboys and pirates last night.”

“Cowboys and pirates?” Summer’s eyes widened as she imagined her sister in an eye patch.

“I gave him a map to find my hidden treasure.”

“Because I love your booty,” Jackson said, pretending to chase her.

Laughing, Portia ran away from him, her eyes bright with love.

Summer watched them, both happy and envious. Portia had found her Prince Charming. So had Rosalind, and Gigi, and Titania. She didn’t begrudge them a moment of bliss, but she wouldn’t have minded having a few moments of her own.

More slowly, she followed them, preparing herself to smile like she was joyous when, on the inside, she felt anything but.

She followed them into the study.


The loud cheer stunned her even though she was braced for it. She blinked, stunned by the decorations and all the people.

The room had been transformed. There were balloons all over, and lit candles on most surfaces. Above the fireplace, which also had candles lit inside instead of a wood fire, there was a sign: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUMMER!

And everyone was here. Beatrice and Viola leaned against the fireplace, obviously chatting before she’d walked in. Chloe sat in a chair looking less than thrilled to be there. Then again, she was a teenager and never looked thrilled about anything.

Luca was back, Summer saw. He stood with Rosalind and Nick, though he was angled to watch Beatrice. She wondered how Bea felt with him back. She wondered how Bea felt about him, period. Luca’s feelings were written on every line of his face, the poor man.

Niamh stood with them, along with a handsome stranger who spoke to Rosalind. The man held Niamh’s hand tenderly, and she looked up at him as though she was hearing the most amazing love song ever.

Gigi and Merrick cuddled on a couch, cozily entwined and starry eyed. Titania stood to one side, probably because the light was better, behind her camera like always. Ian MacNiven stood directly behind her, legs braced and arms crossed as though standing guard over her.

Fran beamed from her spot next to a table laden with treats.

Her coworkers Em and Joe were there, holding hands. Em’s stomach was gently rounded with her first baby, and Joe looked at her like she was the sun of his world.

Lastly, Jacqueline sat in a chair, close to Chloe but somehow separate from everyone, the way she always was. She had a slight furrow between her eyebrows, as though she could see Summer’s inner unhappiness.

She wouldn’t put anything past Lady Jacqueline. Anyone who dismissed her as a pretty jewel on the Summerhill crown had a revelation coming when they got to know her.

Jacqueline approached her first. She gathered Summer in a warm embrace. “Happy birthday, darling. I hope I didn’t worry you overly.”

Summer shook her head, unable to reply over the emotions.

Nick came up to her, taking her from Jacqueline and squeezing her tight. “Happy birthday, Summer. You okay?”

She blinked at the sudden tears. “I’m trying.”

“I couldn’t get them to stop,” he whispered in her ear. “Especially once they found out what a production Tabitha made each year.”

She shook her head, trying to smile. “It’s sweet really.”

“They love you.”

She nodded, unable to speak for the lump in her throat. Come to find out, she loved them, too.

Luca descended on them, pushing Nick out of the way. “
, I am giving you the best birthday present you will ever receive.”

She lifted her cheeks as he bent to kiss them. “What is it?”

.” He held his hands out. “Here I am.”

“Is Beatrice okay with that?”

He glanced at the woman he’d been chasing for months, his expression clouding before he turned to her sunny again. “Today you are my

“Thank you, Luca,” she said, touched. “You’re a smashing prince.”

“You only now realize?”

“Move, Luca, you’re blocking the subject,” Titania said, pushing her way between them. She had her camera in her hand like she always did and a frown on her face—also a habitual thing. She looked at the others. “Run along while I take a close up of Summer.”

“You want to take a close up of me?” Summer asked, confused. Not that long ago, Titania hadn’t been overly fond of her.

“I do, only I’m afraid you might crack my lens you look so sad.” The youngest Summerhill got in her face, her voice low. “What’s wrong with you?”

How did Titania know? She shook her head, not sure what to say.

The woman crossed her arms. “That’s not going to work with me, you know. I looked at the pictures I took when you walked in, and Psyche never lies. Something’s wrong with you.”

To her horror, tears filled her eyes.

“Oh shite.” Titania took her arm and led her out of the study. In the hallway, she turned to her with a severe look. “You know I’m not good at this, right? You picked the wrong person to get watery on.”

She sniffled, wiping under her eyes. “It’s your fault. You should have minded your own business.”

“Please.” Titania rolled her eyes. “You live in this house. You know there’s no such thing as
your own business
. Which is why I moved back out as soon as I had money.”

That wasn’t true, and they both knew it. Titania had moved in with Ian, her new boyfriend, because she was completely and utterly in love. She had money again, yes, because her photo essay of Ian had brought in a small fortune. But Summer had a feeling if Titania hadn’t been in love with Ian, she’d still be at home.

“So do I need to go get Gigi?” Titania shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. “Or Bea. Bea can have people’s legs broken for you, if you need.”

Tears sprang to her eyes, but this time they were tears of gratitude. Knowing Titania would cringe but not caring, she threw her arms around her.

Titania stood stiffly against her, patting her back. “I’ll get Gigi. I think she played a psychologist once. She can help you.”

Summer laughed at the panic in the younger woman’s voice. Letting go, feeling lighter, she brushed the tears from her cheeks. “No, everything’s good.”

“Really?” Titania looked at her disbelievingly.

“Really.” She slipped her arm through Titania’s. “Let’s go have cake.”

They walked back into the study. “We need cake,” Titania yelled, untangling herself the moment there were eyes on them.

Fran clapped her hands once and then pulled out a long lighter. “Cake we have plenty of. I made your favorite, Summer. Orange cream.”

Luca held his arm out with ceremony. “Come.”

She took his arm and let him guide her to the table.

The family gathered around her. She would have thought she’d feel closed in and crowded, but all she felt was loved and appreciated.

Portia poked her in the back. “Make a wish so we can have some. I’ve been waiting for hours already.”

Smiling, shaking her head, she focused on the candles. A wish.

Once upon a time, she wanted to be one of the Summerhill princesses. To live in the castle and have a magical dress and live happily ever after with Prince Charming.

She had the house, and the clothing, but more importantly, she had the love of her family.

The only thing left was the prince.

She stared at the flickering candles. Concentrating hard on her wish, she blew.

The candles flickered and went out. Everyone clapped, whistling and cheering.

But then one candle stuttered and flickered back on.

She blinked, and everyone went quiet.

Portia cleared her throat. “I hope you wished for cotton underwear or something equally hideous.”

She’d wished for
—the one she felt certain was the perfect man for her. He was everything she wanted in a man. Handsome and caring about other people. He did a lot of pro bono work and supported all sorts of charities. He wore lovely suits and had eyes the color of the London sky in winter.

His name was Ryan Huber.

If only he realized she existed.


Lose yourself in the next Summerhill novel,
Once Upon a Dream

Summer Welles wants the fairy tale.

The illegitimate daughter of Reginald Summerhill, the Earl of Amberlin, she listened to her mother’s stories about the Summerhill girls all her life. In her mind, Summer was part of the stories too—living in the castle, wearing fancy dresses, and falling in love with Prince Charming.

Her wish came true. Mostly. She lives in the Summerhill mansion. She has stepsisters—nice ones who don’t make her clean the chimney. She even has a magical wedding dress waiting for her special day. The only thing missing is the perfect man.

She knows exactly who he is, and she’s going to confront him at the annual Midnight Masquerade Ball. What Summer didn’t count on was mistaking a masked frog for her prince.

Once she kisses the mysterious man, he won’t go away. And he’s not sweet or charming or princely. He seems more interested in ravishing her rather than riding off into the sunset with her, and—worse—she’s tempted to let him.

Her fairy tale at stake, Summer’s faced with her own quest that neither frog nor prince can rescue her from: sacrifice her Happily Ever After, or turn her back on the one man who makes her feel alive?

Once Upon a Dream


Don’t miss the rest of the Summerhill series!
Check out all Kate's books here

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