Read STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (21 page)

    Cray took her seat in front of the camera. 

Angel is overjoyed and a bit overcome with happy tears.  Allow me to introduce the rest of my family.

He introduced his brothers and Mona and they shared pleasant conversation among the two families.

    Darja sat down in the chair in front of their computer in Norway and said,

Cray, please let me talk to your brother Birch since you're taken.

    Birch moved forward and pretended to shove Cray out of the way. 

I'm here, sweet lips.


Hi, Birchie, baby,

Darja said. 

It sounds like we'll meet in person in a few short months.  In the meantime, I advise you to dump any current girlfriends because I'm staking my claim on you for two weeks the month of May.


There's no one in sight at the present, you sweet thing, and I'll keep it that way until you're in my arms.

    Mona made a gagging sound and Cray laughed while he put his arm around Angel and hugged her. 

Looks like they're making a connection from thousands of miles away.

    Darja said,

Birch, before we get too far along in the conversation, my pesky brother wants to know how to text your sister.

    Mona stuck her face in front of the camera and spouted the information.  Birch said,

Not gagging now I see.


Quiet, Birchie, baby.

  She laughed and so did he.

    The rest of the families wandered from their respective rooms, leaving Darja and Birch to get further acquainted.


What a lovely family you have, Angelica,

Gwen said.


The siblings of both families are much the same.  I believe that's why I feel so at home among you.


Please leave your parent's phone number with us,

Gwen said,

I'm sure as the wedding plans progress, you'll keep your mother apprised, but we mothers love to discuss these things between us.  Will the language barrier be a hindrance?


My parents pretend not to understand as much as they do.  We kids used English that we learned in school in front of them to keep things from them.  It took us a while to realize they were aware of everything we said because they were one step ahead of us.  They continue to do it and I don't know why.

  She laughed and said,

Habit, I guess.  You'll be surprised what a chatterbox my mother is when the two of you talk.  Gwen and Alex, I do so appreciate your efforts to smooth the way for their visit.  I'm convinced it made a difference in their decision.



Chapter 11




I will not be on Birchie baby's team,

Mona said an hour later as they chose teams for a game of Trivial Pursuit.


Come on, Mona,

Birch said,

I'm good on the sports questions and you excel at history.  However, if you don't stop calling me Birchie baby I won't be responsible for my actions.

    Mona laughed. 

You didn't object when Darja called you that.


Did you get a good look at that Cupie Doll?  She can call me anything she wants as long as she calls me.

    Mona leaned over and whispered in Birch's ear. 

Get out of here,

he said howling with laughter.

    Cray shook his head and Angelica grinned.  Gwen and Alex entered the den and Gwen said,

Children, do you mind if your father and I don't join in the game?  The Baxters recently moved to an assisted living home and their son who was visiting got called away for an emergency.  He's a doctor.  They invited us to see their new place.  In truth, I suspect they're lonely and trying to decide if they made the right decision.


Go, Mother, we're fine,

Lake said. 

Give them my best.


Thank you.  The refrigerator is full of good things to eat.  Help yourself.  We'll be home later and we'd like you to spend another night with us.

    Mona said when they listened to the front door close behind their parents. 

She still calls us children.



Birch said,

and you'd be getting your mouth washed out with soap if she heard what you whispered to me.

    Angelica, Cray and Mona played against the three brothers.  They were rowdy and loud with plenty of laughter throughout the game.  Angelica enjoyed the obvious love between the five Phillips siblings.  The male team won the game and before they started another, they adjourned to the kitchen for a late lunch or an early supper.

    Ladd and Angel made sandwiches while the rest set the table and got a variety of delicious food from the refrigerator and set it on the table.  Ladd said,

Will you tell me about your sister Bekka?


Oh, of course.  She's a quiet girl and I didn't think she had goals, but it turned out she did.  When she graduated from high school, she went to work in a secretarial position, lived at home, saved her money and a few years later she enrolled in nursing school.  It surprised everyone because she never mentioned her desire to be a nurse.  I imagine she realized that our parents couldn't help her financially, so she kept her goals to herself.  If I had known, I would have helped her as much as I could, although I had my hands full putting myself through college and graduate school.


Is she involved with anyone?

Ladd asked.


Not to my knowledge.  She doesn't discuss those things with me when we talk.  I'll ask Darja.  As you might guess, nothing gets by her.


I'm attracted to her calm, quiet, refined demeanor.  I'd be happy to keep her company when she visits us.


Why don't I give you her direct contact number and the two of you can get to know a bit about each other before you meet?


I'd like that.  Thank you.  The four of you seem so different.

    Angel laughed and said,

I could say the same about the five of you.

    Ladd smiled and said,

Yes, that's true.  You've made my brother very happy.


Cray has made me delirious with happiness, Ladd.  We've both waited a long time to find the right one.


How did you know so fast?


I ponder that.  A lot.  I'm convinced it can't be articulated.  It just is.  Does that make sense?

    Ladd laughed. 

Not really.

    She laughed in return. 

No, of course, it doesn't.  We both recognized it instantly.  I doubt love happens that way too often, but for us it did and I don't question it.  We're not kids and we experienced life before meeting.  That helps I'm sure, because we knew it when it happened.  I'm talking in circles, aren't I?


What do the philosophers say about love?


If falling in love is as old as time, the ancient philosophers didn't wax ecstatic about it.  In fact, they seldom mentioned it and when they do it's cold and clinical.  Modern philosophers and that includes almost anyone who has something to say on any subject get flowery and downright sappy.  I teach both to my students.


I'd love to sit in on one of your classes sometime.


You're more than welcome to audit a class.



Cray said, walking up behind Angel and encircling her waist,

you're monopolizing my future bride.


I'm picking her fertile brain,

Ladd said.


On what subject?


Oh, this and that,

Angel said turning in his arms to face him and kiss his lips.

    Cray said returning her kiss. 

I'm letting you off easy since I'd rather kiss you than talk.

    She wrapped her arms around his neck and said,

Did I tell you this is the best Christmas of my life?


Ditto, darling, and I've had some wonderful, fantastic Christmases, but this tops them.

    At ten that night Alex and Gwen arrived home, said good night to the younger group and went to bed.  The four men and two women decided to play Texas Hold 'em for nickels and dimes.  They laughed and played while Angelica kept winning.  At midnight the doorbell rang and they looked at each other.

    Mona said,

I fold, I'll get the door.

  Mona opened the door and found Marcy Potter on the porch. 



I'm sorry to come here so late.  Is Lake here?

    Mona opened the door further and said,

Yes.  Come in.  We're in the den playing cards.

    Marcy stepped over the threshold and stood in the foyer. 

Would you ask him to come here?


Marcy, what's wrong?


I need to talk to Lake.


Okay, I'll get him.

  Mona entered the den and said,

Lake, there's someone here to see you.


At this time of night?  Who?

    Mona said in a soft voice. 

It's Marcy.


Not interested,

Lake said. 

It's Christmas for Christ sake.


Lake, she looks terrible.  Please, don't make me send her away.

    Lake slapped his cards on the table and said,

I fold, but I'll be right back.

  He strode to the front door.  The others couldn't hear the conversation taking place in the foyer, but a few minutes later he stuck his head in the den with his coat on and said,

I'll be back.  I don't know when,

his words terse and filled with tension.

    Ladd said,

That bitch has a lot of Goddamned nerve coming around here.  It's midnight.  What in the hell is she doing on Christmas night out on the streets at this hour?



Mona said,

She looked terrible.  Something must have happened.


I'll tell you what happened,

Ladd said,

the fucking whore ran out on our brother to fuck some punk rock acid head.  You didn't see what that did to Lake.  He's still not over the heartbreak so don't ask me to feel sorry for her because you think she's in trouble.  She deserves whatever trouble she's got and she doesn't need to come running to the man she  dumped.

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