Read STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (30 page)


Don't you need to work?


Not if I don't want to work and tomorrow I don't want to work.


That's very generous of your employer,

Bekka said.


I'm my employer and my employees are happy when I take time off and leave them alone.


In that case, it's a date and thank you.  We're staying at the Waldorf Astoria and I'll give you my room number.

    On the dance floor as Cray held her close in a slow dance, Angelica said,

I can't take long strides in this tight skirt.  I never dreamed we'd be dancing tonight.


As long as you're tight against me,

Cray said,

I don't care if we do nothing more than sway.


Do you like my family?


Of course I do, honey.  Your parents are wonderful and so appreciative.


They're overwhelmed.


Yes, I can tell,

Cray said,

It took courage for them to come here.  It shows how much they love you and want to be with you on our wedding day.


Thanks to you and your parents for bringing them here.  I could have afforded it, but the expense would set me back a bit.


Angel, I'd do anything in the world for you and so would my folks.

    Three couples returned to the table to freshen their drinks and catch their breath.  Jackson sauntered toward them and Angelica said,

Where's Darja?


See that huge crowd of men by the bar?  She's in the center of it holding court and the men are lapping up every word she utters.


But you're immune,

Freddie said.


Hell, no, I'm outnumbered.

    Angelica stood and said,

This isn't right.  You made a special effort to meet us here on a minute's notice.  I'll talk to her.

    Jackson put his hand on Angelica's arm and said,

No, please don't cause a problem with your sister for my sake.  She's not obligated to stay with me for the evening.

    Bekka said,

She does that all the time when we go out for an evening.  I won't go with her anymore.

    Cray checked his wristwatch and said,

It's close to two.  Is everyone ready to call it a night?

  They nodded. 

I'll get Darja.

    They watched him saunter through the crowd, towering above almost everyone.  He got to the cluster of men surrounding Darja and said,

Fellows, excuse me.  It's time for Cinderella to return to her carriage.


    He wedged his way next to Darja, put his arm around her waist and said, 

Dance with me.

  She had no choice but to follow him as he danced her toward the group waiting for them.

    She looked up at him with her big blue eyes. 

Are you rescuing me?  I wasn't in danger.

    He smiled at her and said,

We're ready to leave and we wouldn't go without you.


You acted like you own me.  I don't appreciate that Cray.


Sorry, sweetheart.  Would you rather I stood at the edge of the crowd and whistled for your attention like an over protective big brother?

    She grinned. 

No, that would be embarrassing.  You don't approve of my behavior.


Darja, the first night I saw your sister she stood in the center of a crowd of men and I did exactly what I did tonight.  My intentions were different, but it had the same effect.


I've been watching you since we landed.  Every time you look at Angie your eyes soften and get all dreamy.

    He smiled. 

I didn't realize that, but what you see on my face is the way I feel inside, too.  I adore your sister.  I'd do anything in the world for her.  We consider ourselves lucky to have found each other.

    The days passed with dress fittings, shopping, sightseeing and in the evenings Cray and Angelica took her parents to quiet dinners, Broadway shows and the opera while the rest went seeking the nightlife that New York City provides better than any other city in the world. 

    Dirk and Mona indulged in a bit of petting and necking, but decided they were better suited as good friends who found each other hysterically funny.  Freddie and Bekka formed a deeper bond and spent any spare time they could grab together exploring his city as he called it.

    Cray walked into the condo after spending a couple of hours at work taking care of a few things only he could handle.  He listened to Darja's raised voice coming from the den.  She said,

I've seen everything New York City has to offer.


A gross exaggeration if I ever heard one,

Dirk said.


I want to go to White Plains and meet Birch.  He's probably my one and only and we need more than a couple of days to get to know each other.

    Angelica spoke,

Darja, you're acting like a petulant child.  There are more people than you to consider.  I thought you had fun going out every night with Jackson.

    Dirk said,

Jackson insulted her last night and she's furious.

    Cray stepped in the room and said,

Insulted you Darja?  What did he say to you?


He called me a wild child and I don't like the implication.



Dirk said,

don't defend her because she doesn't deserve it.  Jackson has been a gentleman and he's put up with Darja's shenanigans, the way she throws herself at men and the provocative way she dances, it's no wonder he called her a wild child.  He didn't say it in a nasty or mean way.


He's condescending and patronizing,

Darja said.

    Cray looked at Celena and Agust sitting beside each other on the sofa with their heads bowed, shame and anguish on their faces because of their youngest daughter.  He crossed the room where Angelica sat in a chair at a right angle to them.  Cray perched on the wide arm of Angel's chair and placed his hand over Celena's hands folded in her lap.

    Celena looked up at him and he said,

I talked to my parents this morning and they expressed how anxious they are to meet you.  It occurred to me that you might enjoy spending a few extra days with them and since the dress fittings are finished we can leave any time for White Plains.  Does that appeal to you?


You are so kind,

Celena said,

and such a generous man.

  She glanced at her husband, saw his nod. 

Yes, that would please us.


Angel, you and I will drive your parents to White Plains this afternoon after lunch, when they've packed their bags.  Mona, may I depend on you to make arrangements for the rest to get there when they've checked out of the hotel?


Sure, I can do that.  I'll rent a van.


I thought you didn't own a car,

Darja said still sounding like a spoiled brat.

    Cray turned to her and said,

I never said that, Darja.  I do own a car although I seldom use it.

    Mona said,

Bekka, I realize that Freddie invited you to meet his parents tonight at their home for dinner.  Don't change your plans.  You can stay at my place and Freddie planned to come to White Plains over the weekend so he can drive you if you don't mind being alone at my place.


I don't mind one bit and thank you.  I'll call him now and tell him the plans to make sure it's okay with him.

    Mona laughed and said,

Trust me, he's going to love the change of plans.  Is everybody happy?

she sing-songed.  Cray and Angelica laughed.


Chapter 16



The travel plans changed again before everyone departed Cray's condominium.  Cray and Angelica needed to pack for the week in White Plains, so Mona called for a limo to take the elder Anderssons, Dirk and Darja to the hotel to pack their bags and check out of the hotel while she arranged for a rental car that would hold everyone's luggage for the trip to White Plains later that afternoon. 

When Bekka called Freddie, he told her he'd meet them at the hotel for lunch and see that she got to Mona's condo with her luggage.  Cray said that Angelica and he would meet Celena and Agust at the hotel at two after lunch.

As the door closed behind the group, Cray embraced Angel and said,

Alone at last.

Angel buried her head in his shoulder. 

I'm sorry my family is causing these problems.  You're being so nice about it.  They're driving me crazy.


Honey, I'd do anything for you.  Hold on to the thought that in another week or so you and I will be spending the next three months alone.


They walked to the bedroom and began to pack the clothes they'd need for the coming week.  They'd be back in New York City after the wedding before they left for Europe.  Those suitcases already had a lot of items in them.


My mother asked if we will spend at least a week in Oslo with them towards the end of our honeymoon.  Do you object to doing that?


No, not at all.  I should have thought of that.  I'd love to spend time where you were born, visit the schools you went to, meet your friends and have you show me what you did for fun.  We don't have a specific itinerary while we're abroad.


My mother meant it when she said you're kind and generous.


I could tell she did.  Darja is embarrassing them with her outspokenness.  I feel bad for them, but I don't want to tell them it's okay because I doubt they'd believe me.


She's acting childish and it's not becoming in a twenty-eight year old woman.  Since none of the men she met worked out here in the city, she's ready to pounce on your brother, Birch.  You should warn him about her.

Cray laughed. 

He's no novice when it comes to demanding women.  He seems to attract that kind.  He'll do one of two things.  Either he'll put up with her for the short time she's here or he'll put her in her place, they'll call a truce or he'll give her the cold shoulder.  They've been talking on line for months now.  I doubt that she's been coy and demure the entire time.

An hour later, Cray's phone rang.  Mona said,

Put me on speaker so Angie can listen.  Everyone is at the hotel getting packed.  I hopped a cab to my place to pack for the week and I'm meeting them back at the hotel as soon as the rental agency drops off the car at my place.  Angie I love you like a sister, but your youngest sister is driving me nuts.  She wants to know the exact time when she'll meet Birch.  Hell, he's not even aware we're arriving early.  Your poor parents are mortified, but given the fact that Darja is a grown woman they can't control her.  I didn't call for advice, I called to bitch.

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