Still Water (11 page)

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Authors: A. M. Johnson

Tags: #Romance

I felt him everywhere. This position had him completely wrapped around my body. He was deep inside me as I pushed against his final strokes. He thrust his hips, enfolding his hand in my hair and pulling me back forcefully as his body went rigid. He kissed my neck dragging his teeth across the surface. His stubble felt perfect against my tender skin. My legs shook as the overwhelming feeling of him engulfed me.

We were both out of breath, my back to his chest — our labored breathing felt synchronized. He pulled away just enough to rest his forehead on the back of my hair. I could feel his hot breath moving in and out of his mouth. I wanted to turn around and kiss his full, flawless lips. I was about to turn around when he spoke.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this, Lily. Our first time shouldn't have been like this. I never wanted to fuck you like a whore." Todd's deep timbre trembled with feeling.

My chest constricted. He was right. I let him attempt to fill the void in my chest by letting him pour his anger inside of me. I let him use me,
"like a whore."





I felt when I slowly pulled away from our connection, from her. I walked silently to the trashcan to dispose of the condom, too terrified to look Lily in the face. I meant what I said. I never wanted Lily to be just another notch on my bedpost. I didn't really know what I wanted, but this — this was not what I wanted for us. For her or anyone, anymore.

I needed a minute. I wasn't ready to face her, but I was standing in my kitchen buck ass naked. Figuring Seth could have come home at any minute, I decided I probably should pull my shit together. The walk from my kitchen back to her shouldn't have hurt as much as it did, but how else was I supposed to feel when I found her halfway out my front door… leaving?

"What the fuck, Lily?" I couldn't mask the pain in my voice as I watched her trying to sneak out, and it pissed me off. I snatched my jeans and boxer briefs off the floor and swiftly pulled them on, not really giving a shit about much else except stopping her from leaving. We needed to deal with this. "Where the hell are you going?"

She shut the front door, stepping back into the house, but she wouldn't turn to look at me.

"I drove you here, remember? You walking home? I think not, sweetheart." I was doubtful.

"Don't… do not call me that. I feel cheap enough as it is." Her head bowed down, and I felt ill, the taste of pennies coated my tongue.

"Lily… listen…" I took three large steps tearing up the distance between us. Yeah, I was so pissed right now — at myself, at her, at this whole damn messed up situation — but this distance between us was building, and I couldn't fucking breathe. It was too heavy, and there was nothing I could do to stop the weight of it from crushing me. My hands rested on the back of her shoulders. "Please, look at me. I need you to hear me."

Eyes filled with tears met mine, the salty water making the yellow color of her calico irises stand out and shimmer. I inhaled sharply; the sight of her took my breath away. Lily's face was still flushed from our encounter, her copper hair was everywhere, and her tropical scent pulled me in. She didn't resist as I enclosed my arms around her and pulled her to my bare chest. What the hell was happening to me? The overwhelming sickness in my gut twisted even more once I felt her tears start to pour down my heated skin. She silently cried, and I knew then I was the biggest goddamn loser that ever walked this earth.





them, and I refused to let him hear me sob. I couldn't show him how this whole night destroyed me, how it took a small chunk of my heart and ripped it into tiny pieces. I hadn't any idea as to why this should have affected me so powerfully. I wasn't in love with Todd. This wasn't some silly insta-love crap I read about in books. This was lust, an irresistible pull that I had no control over. I just kept focusing on the words he'd said like they were a train in my head. My tears fell against his warm skin intensifying that soapy cedar smell that was purely Todd, making it that much harder to pull away.

"Lily, I'm sorry, we shouldn't have—"

I couldn't hear him say it. It would cause the dam of shame to shatter, and I wasn't ready for him to see me break completely. The past few months of my life had been gradually chipping away at the surface of my hard shell. I blamed myself for everything — for my cheating ex, my school issues, my father's death. If I hadn't said I hated him, if I hadn't blamed him for losing my stupid music scholarship, maybe he would still be alive. This
with Todd had the potential to be that final hit on the proverbial nail.

"Stop it, I can't… I just don't want to hear it," I spoke as I pushed hard away from his chest.

"You need to hear what I have to say—"

"Please just stop, I said—"

"Goddamnit, Lily! Just fucking listen…" Todd's voice shook, his face was pale and his eyes were hard. "Please," he said in a much softer tone. My heart was racing and trying to beat its way out of my chest. "What just happened… that was completely messed up. But I don't regret it in the way you think I do. I regret the
of it all. I should have taken my time, memorizing every inch and curve of your body. I should have tasted every piece of you, savored your sweet fucking scent, let it cover my lips. Damn it, Lily, you're flawless, and I treated you like some cheap lay. You're more than that."

My world entirely tilted on its axis — his words were scorching across my flesh, turning every bit of fear, every insecure thought, all my doubt, into ashes. My chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace as he framed my face between his palms.

"See, the thing is… I'm sort of out of my league with you. Hell, I've known you less than a week, and you've totally jacked up my game." He smirked down at me. "I like you, Lily… and I'm afraid what happened tonight, just ruined any damn chance I had with you." His rough thumbs caressed my cheeks, lightly wiping away my leftover tears.

I wasn't sure a relationship that started like ours could every really work, but I had been lying to myself. There was no way I just wanted one night, and the minute I felt shame for what I'd chosen to do, was the minute I realized he was more than that to me as well.

"I like you too, Todd… but I don't regret what happened tonight. I can't. I wanted you… I want you, and I can't feel bad about that."


"Yeah." My lips pulled into a small smile. I took a deep breath as he leaned toward me, my lips parted, eager to taste him again. Todd's lips were indulgent. This kiss was a whisper, it was like kindling on a fire that was about to burn hot and light up the night's sky with bright oranges and reds. Todd's mouth felt like heaven against mine, our lips moved with languid precision as he pulled us into alignment. Two pieces of a puzzle, snapping into place, the sweet kiss lasted for just a moment, but it was exactly what we needed.

He drew away just enough that I could feel him smile against my lips. "God, Lily, I don't think I could ever get sick of that." Todd was smiling that rare boy-next-door, two-dimpled smirk, and the rest of my apprehension faded.

"Mmm… I should hope not." My hands rested against the surface of his chest. Todd's complete upper body was covered with tattoos. It was one big mural; his right side was covered in vibrant colors — drawings of flowers, animals of all sorts, and the ocean and the sun were all intertwined with a huge colorful tribal. Whereas, on the left side, he was covered in skulls, dying flowers, creatures, wraiths, and a quote that I couldn't really decipher at the angle I was in. These
images were entangled within a scrolling labyrinth of knotted tree limbs. The light and the dark met naturally in the center of his chest. The contradicting images blended together creating the most unbelievable piece of walking art I'd ever seen.

"This is so incredible," I said, as my eyes combed across the surface of his sculpted chest and stomach. "What does that say?" I moved away enough to read the script across his rib cage. I watched his skin erupt into small goose bumps under the touch of my fingertips as I traced the lettering.

Todd recited the words, "
'Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.'
It's from —"

"Edgar Alan Poe. I know. Todd this is—"

"Sad," he interrupted, capturing my gaze with his bottomless eyes.

"No, I was going to say beautiful." Todd had been cut wide open by something, someone. Elizabeth really must have done a number on him. "She really hurt you, didn't she?" Todd's easy posture turned rigid.

"I think tonight has been a shit show enough without dredging up all that. Yeah?" Todd's expression begged me to drop it, so I did. The two of us had had enough drama for one evening, besides it was late, and I needed to get home.

"Right." I reached up on my tiptoes and placed a small kiss on his lips. Todd's warm, strong arms encapsulated me again, pulling me in for one last deep kiss. I don't think I'd ever get used to how absolutely crazy his mouth, his lips, and that sexy as hell thing he did with his tongue made me feel. The sensation of his teeth dragging against my bottom lip caused me to moan, sending heat through my entire body centering between my legs. He was addictive.

"Stay," he whispered against my neck. "Let me show you what you're worth." The mix of adrenaline and his words and taste were clouding my judgment. I almost said yes. God, I wanted to say yes, but I had to step on the breaks if we ever wanted to get past today.

I leaned my forehead against his chest and inhaled, committing his smell to memory, wanting to take every piece of him home with me tonight. I wanted to be bathed in all that he was, and I found the courage to say the words I had to say. "I want to, but I think we'd better call it a night, boss." I stepped back and locked my eyes with his as I gave him a flirty smirk.

He chuckled. "I'm glad one of us is thinking with their brain."

My shoulders bobbed with laughter. "Take me home, idiot." I shook my head playfully as I swatted his arm. "You might want to put a shirt on."

"What, you can't handle all this hotness?" He quirked his eyebrow.

I giggled. "Oh my hell, get dressed and take me home before I change my mind about you."



as we turned onto the street where my sister lived. The night's events started running through my brain, and I began to feel uneasy. I absentmindedly spun my father's ring around the silver necklace as I wondered whether or not this
with Todd was really going to happen. I wanted it to; I wanted him more than I thought possible. The butterflies in my stomach were flying full speed as we pulled into the driveway.

"You're always playing with that. Nervous habit?" He nodded his head toward my hands as I fiddled with the large silver ring. Todd's easy smile was a balm to my nerves; the deep tone of his voice soothed me for some reason.

"Yeah, you could say that." I looked down at my lap.

"Don't be nervous… okay?" He reached across the center console and placed his palm against my cheek, and I leaned into the touch. "I think… we're good, yeah?"

"Yes." I smiled. Todd's dimples popped as he smiled back.

"Good. Whose ring is that anyways?"

I tried not to let my face fall; this moment between us was nice, but I couldn't help it. I missed my father so much. "Shit, babe, what did I say?" Todd frowned as worry creased his brows.

"It was my father's. I just miss him."
It's my fault he's dead.

"I can't even imagine what that would be like, losing a parent. I sometimes wish I could die before anyone in my family does. Is that weird?" He looked at me with serious dark eyes. The thought of losing Todd, or anyone for that matter again, had pressure building in my chest. I had to inhale deeply to release the building anxiety.
Chill Lily.

I shook my head. "Not weird, no. Morbid maybe." An awkward giggle escaped my lips.

"Hey, shit happens, you know? But life moves on, and you have to just keep floating." Todd gave my thigh a comforting squeeze with his broad palm. "Well, that's what my mom always says."

"She sounds like a smart lady." He took my hand in his and entwined our fingers, the small gesture completely filling the moment. Just an hour ago we were linked in the most intimate way possible, but him here, holding my hand, felt more real, and I have never had real before.





brushed her lips across my knuckles, her mouth was like satin against my coarse skin, and it felt fucking outstanding. I was starting to feel something again, and I wasn't sure if I should be scared or just run with it. I decided then that I had nothing left to lose. I've failed miserably at being happy, at being anything more than just okay. I needed to jump off the platform, find my groove. I felt as if I was back at a swim meet, waiting for the blow of the whistle, for the water to run through my fingers as I pushed myself fast through the impossible current created by those around me swimming also. I could do this. I wanted this win. I needed this win.

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