STROKED (The Stroked Series Book 1) (23 page)

Read STROKED (The Stroked Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Meghan Quinn

Tags: #General Fiction

He thrusts again and all I can do is nod in agreement. Hell, I would agree to just about anything right about now, as long as he keeps hitting that hidden spot deep down inside me.

“Let me hear it, baby. Tell me you’re going to be in my bed in Omaha.”

He pauses, waiting for my answer, his forehead pressed against mine, our sweat mixing together from the pure euphoria building up inside us.

“I will be there,” I barely get out, needing him to start moving in and out of me again.

That’s all he needs to hear. His once-sweet position—of him staring into my eyes, begging me to answer him—is switched to animalistic power, pounding into me with a force so strong I’m afraid I might break through the wall right into Mrs. Kalideapea’s bathroom.

“Fucking hell. I can’t get enough of you.”

His admission is mutual. I want to claw myself all over him, mark him as my territory. If I didn’t have to pack for Omaha today and make sure Bellini is ready for her trek to where “the children of the corn live,” then I would spend the day worshipping Reese’s body.

My back rubs up and down the wall, my sweat-soaked skin making it easier to glide up and down. Reese’s thrusts are overpowering, and all I can do is raise my arms above my head, palms to the wall, chest pressed out, and revel in the feel of Reese’s thick cock devouring every last inch of my pussy.

“Yes,” I scream, unable to hold back anymore. Poor Mrs. Kalieapea. I just hope she’s not in her bathroom. “God, yes. Fuck me harder, Reese.”

He grunts, grabs hold of one of my nipples with his teeth and bites down, eliciting another scream from me. Every nerve in my body ignites as if on fire, sending my body into an erotic frenzy. The throbbing in my clit takes over, my mind goes blank, and I’m transported into a world full of pleasure.

My eyes close, shutting out the rest of the world surrounding us, leaving me with only the feel of Reese pushing my body to its limits. A deep burn coils within me, centering in the depths of my core, enflaming my body with desire for the man buried inside me.

His mouth releases my nipple as his head falls back. I open my eyes to see the veins in his neck pop, his control wavering. Every sinew in his body is working, making him a statuesque piece of muscular perfection.

Thrust after thrust, I’m thrown into an endless oblivion of all-consuming bliss. Right when I feel I can’t take anymore, he drops my position so I’m at eye level, positioning my hips at a different angle. That’s all it takes. Bursts of pleasure skyrocket through me, sending me spiraling out of control.

Through my erratic breathing, I scream, “I’m coming.”

Reese is right there with me, grunting out his pleasure, picking up his pace, burning me—branding me—leaving me spent and useless, unable to move any limb in my body.

“Jesus Christ,” he breathes out, lowering me to the ground. His lips fine mine, and I have just enough strength to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

Cock still hard, he picks me up off the ground and takes me to my bed where he lays us both down, our lips never parting. He straddles my body and positions himself on top of me, letting some of his weight fall heavily on me. I welcome the warmth of his body.

His arms straddle my head as his hands run through my hair, and his lips continue to seek mine. His frantic kisses turn into light ones, occasionally slipping his tongue in my mouth, letting me know that even though he’s being sweet, he’s still very much naughty.

The position we are in is intimate, tender, almost loving. It makes me want things I’ve never had before. It makes my stomach flip in excitement. Knowing something is blossoming between us, at this very moment, is all I need to continue down this road paved with lies and deceit.


“You don’t get any kind of alcohol until you tell me what the hell last night was all about,” Jonathan says, setting a beer down in front of me but not letting me have a sip.

After a long day of thinking about Reese, his gorgeous eyes and throbbing cock, and helping Bellini pack—which was a total nightmare thanks to her inability to decide what to bring for the short trip—I’m keen to guzzle the beer down in one gulp.

Playing everything off as casual, I kick my feet up on the coffee table and shrug my shoulders. “What about last night? Did you get laid?”

“Of course I got laid. Should that even be a question? It’s a guarantee where I’m concerned.”

“Wow.” I look around the room. “When did the douche nozzle walk in the room?”

“Stop deflecting.” He laughs. “What would possess you to come into the living room last night and let my date know she was making you horny? In case you didn’t notice, that was high on the creepy scale.”

Yeah, I didn’t feel good saying it last night, but it was the first thing that came to mind.

I thought about the conversation all day, and I couldn’t come up with a good excuse to protect my secret with Reese. Anything I said, Jonathan was probably not going to believe so I decided not to tell him anything.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I think the sun got to me. I’m sorry if I made things awkward for you.”

He eyes me suspiciously. “It wasn’t awkward; she was quite excited after her conversation with you.”

“See, and here I thought I was doing you a disservice.” I reach for the beer, but he stops me.

“Funny thing though, when I came into your room this morning, I saw a man’s hooded jacket on your floor and a pair of shorts. Care to explain those?”

Shit, shit, SHIT!

I force myself to stay calm, to not freak out and have diarrhea of the mouth where I tell him everything just so he can yell at me for failing once again.

“Borrowed them from you.” I nod my head, loving my reasoning. Quick thinker, that’s what I am.

“I don’t own a red hoodie,” Jonathan states, cutting my victory dance in half.

“Um, that’s because I’ve had it for so long you’ve forgotten about it. You can have it back if you want.”

“Sure, go get it for me.”


Of course, Reese wore it home this morning. Couldn’t he have walked out of this apartment complex naked?

I snap my finger in disappointment. “Oh darn, I um, put it in my hamper today. It’s probably musty. I will give it a good cleaning and then return it.” I reach for the beer again, but he scoops it up and holds it in his hand, his arms crossed over his chest.

“Get me the sweatshirt, Paisley.”

“But it’s musty,” I try to justify.

“What’s a little must between friends?”

“Um, I think I put it on top of my dirty underwear. You’re not going to want that sweatshirt. I do weird things in my underwear.”

what I wanted to say, definitely not what I wanted to say at all.

Disgust is written all across the expression in his face, and I don’t blame him. “Why would you say something like that?”

“Just being friends.” I smile.

He shakes his head, probably trying to rid the thoughts of my dirty underwear from his mind. Hell, I’m trying to do the same thing. “Just get me the damn sweatshirt, Paisley.”

He’s a persistent little bitch tonight.

Knowing my ladybug sweatshirt won’t be able to be masked as the red one he saw, I give in. “It’s not here.”

“And why not?”

Do I tell him?
He’s been my best friend for years. Would he be able to handle the truth? I think back to our night together after my first day with Reese and Bellini. He was incredibly adamant about me not getting mixed up with Reese. Kind of crazy persistent about it. Would he understand?

Deep down I want to believe he would, but I know that’s not the case.

“Fine, there was a guy here last night, BUT before you go and start asking questions, it’s new and I don’t want you scaring him away just yet, okay? Guys tend to freak out when they hear my roommate is a handsome heterosexual man with a giant penis.”

“Giant?” He quirks an eyebrow at me, a smile on his face.

“Don’t push your luck.”

“Was he in your room this morning?”

“Maybe,” I say, picking a piece of lint off my shirt. “But I made him hide because I didn’t want him seeing you. It was bad enough that he heard you call me sweetheart.”

“Well, that’s never going to change so whoever this loser is, he can deal with it.”

“He’s not a loser,” I say, warning myself not to go into detail. That’s exactly what Jonathan wants me to do.

“If he’s too intimidated by me, then he’s a loser.” As a peace offering, he finally hands over the beer I’ve been drooling over. “So where did you meet this mystery man?”

Taking a longer sip than normal, I buy myself some time before I have to answer.

“On a photo shoot with Bellini,” I answer, not lying. It’s true. I met Reese at their photo shoot.

“Is he in production?”

Hmm, was Reese in production? Well, technically, he is, since he is part of the show. I saw him lift a couple things at the pool, assisting production assistants. Yeah, he could be in production.

“Yup.” I nod, not elaborating.

“What’s his name?”

I shake my head. “Not going to happen. I’m not going to tell you his name so you can meander on Facebook and stalk him. Just let me figure this out on my own. Okay?”

Jonathan doesn’t look pleased, but he will learn to live with my decision, at least until I figure out how I’m going to handle this.

“Does he at least make you happy?”

Last night—I know it’s going to sound lame—I saw stars. Reese brought me to a place of pleasure I’ve never experienced before. And then this morning, tangled in his limbs, making out and holding each other, it was romantic, sweet, memorable. I spent the entire day with a smile on my face, unable to stop thinking about the man.

“He does,” I say shyly, my hands twisting in my lap from the need to text him.

“Holy shit, he does. Look at you, you’re all giddy.”

“Am not.” I turn away from him, bringing the beer to my mouth so Jonathan can’t see the smile plastered across my face.

“You are giddy. Damn, Paisley. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this.” I just shrug my shoulders, entirely too shy to talk about this with Jonathan. “Can I just ask you one thing?”

“I’m not telling you his name,” I respond, exhausted.

“I’m not going to ask that. This is serious.” He takes a deep breath and stares directly into my eyes. “Does he have a bigger penis than me?”

I roll my eyes and get off the couch, giving him my leftover beer. “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”

“Where are you going?”

“To bed,” I call out over my shoulder. “I have an early flight in the morning. Bellini was kind enough to let me book a middle seat in coach on the earliest flight out to Omaha while she is taking her private jet. But don’t worry. I have a list of chores I have to do to her hotel room before she arrives. Who knew hiring a priest to bless a room upon arrival was a thing?”

Jonathan laughs. “So glad I got you this job.”

“Me too,” I answer, secretly grateful for the chance to meet Reese.

“But seriously, is his dick bigger?”

Knowing this will never end, I say, “Yes, by a few inches.”

“Bullshit,” he calls out. “You’ve seen it erect. It’s not a fair comparison. Let me get hard for you. Then you can make an accurate assessment.”

“Don’t even think about it.” I slam my bedroom door and run straight to my phone where there is a text waiting for me from Reese.


Reese: You owe me big time for ditching me tonight for your other lover.


Why are the men in my life completely impossible? I quickly get ready for bed, change into another tank top, this one less revealing, and a pair of boy shorts. I have a roommate for when I’m staying in Omaha, so I’ve packed all my clean and non-revealing pajamas. Once ready, I hop into bed, turn off my light, and text Reese back.


Paisley: Poor baby. How could I ever possibly make it up to you?


He must be relaxing because he texts me right back.


Reese: Send me a picture of your tits. That should hold me over until tomorrow.


Paisley: Sorry big man. I don’t sext pictures of myself. Don’t you learn anything from social media?


Reese: Do you really think I would ever show anyone a picture of you topless? I can barely stand the fact that you live with another man.


Paisley: I’m not saying you would, per se, but there are some really good hackers out there. My tits are going to have to live on in your memory.


Reese: And here I thought you were in the business of making things up to me.


Paisley: Are you pouting?


Reese: Yes


I laugh. Such a giant baby. Puffing my hair up and pinching my cheeks. I turn the camera around, angle it high so at least he gets a good shot of my cleavage, and send him a picture of me. Once the picture is uploaded, I wait impatiently for his response. I’m not wearing makeup and I have some dark circles under my eyes thanks to him. Hopefully he still finds me attractive.

Minutes tick by and he doesn’t text me back. Nerves start to set in and I wonder if maybe we weren’t at the point in our new relationship where we send each other pictures.

I’m about to text him again when my phone starts to ring. FaceTime. From Reese.

A little nervous to see him again, since we are still getting to know each other, I fix my hair quickly and then answer. A vision of Reese pops up lying in bed with one hand behind his head. He’s bare-chested, glorious muscles on display, floating in a sea of pillows.

“Hey baby.” He smiles seductively at me, licking his lips, lips that I want so desperately all over my body. This was a terrible, terrible idea. I should have ditched Jonathan for some more Reese time.

“Hey you.”

“Sorry if I’m bothering you. I just had to see you after you sent that picture. You’re a little fucking tease, you know that?”

I laugh and sink deeper into my bed, holding the phone up. “And here I thought you didn’t like the picture since it took you so long to respond.”

“Had to get ready for bed. Wanted to fall asleep to your sweet voice.”

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