Read STROKED (The Stroked Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Meghan Quinn

Tags: #General Fiction

STROKED (The Stroked Series Book 1) (37 page)

“Maybe I don’t want to know,” he practically growls, interrupting me.

I shake my finger at him. “Uh-uh, you asked, so I have to answer.”

“I’m good.” He waves me off. “You sucked some guy off, good enough for me. I really don’t need to hear about your perfect lips on some other guy’s dick. They belong to me and me alone.”

Rolling my eyes, I cross my arms over my chest and say, “You asked, so I’m going to tell. I snorted out his cum.”

Reese’s eyes bug out. “What? How the fuck does that happen?”

“I thought you didn’t want to know,” I tease.

“Well, now you have me intrigued with how the hell cum comes out of your nose.”

“It wasn’t pleasant. But I’m pretty sure I was mid sneeze when it happened, sucked some shit up the back of my nose and then squirted it out of my nose. Not my finest moment. The guy didn’t want to see me after that. I mean, who really wants to date a girl who sneezes out his semen?”

“Fuck.” Reese chuckles and rubs his face. “I would keep you around just as a party trick.”

“Wow, thanks.” I laugh with him. “Truth or dare?”

“Dare, of course.” He smirks, causing my breath to hitch just from how gorgeous he looks with his grin spread across his face.

“I dare you to take my bra off—”

“Shit, that’s easy.” He goes to take my bra off but I stop him.

“I dare you to take my bra off and stare at my tits during this game without touching them.”

“Are you fucking crazy, woman?” Distress rings through his features and his voice.

“You have to do it, you chose dare.” Without pausing, I grab the hem of my dress and yank it off, leaving me in my bra and matching thong.

Biting on his bottom lip he stares at me in frustration. “You’re not playing fair.”

“There were no rules laid out, not my fault. Now strip me.”

Reluctantly, his fingers find the front clasp of my bra and undo it quickly, letting my breasts pop free. Taking off the straps, he frees me of my bra and tosses it into a pile with my dress. He runs his hand over his face as he stares at my chest. Thanks to the light breeze coming off the ocean, my nipples are incredibly hard, making my piercings stand out that much more.

“I really hate you right now.” Sighing, he says, “Truth or dare.”

“Truth,” I respond, not skipping a beat.

His jaw is tight. He so badly wants me to say dare, but I refuse to give in.

“Have you ever masturbated to my picture?”

I roll my eyes. “No.”

“And why not?”

“You get one question, buster.”

Her stares at my chest, and I can see him weakening. “Come on, baby, you’re already torturing me with your tits. Give me a follow-up question, and I swear to God, if you say something like you’ve twiddled yourself crazy to a picture of Bodi Banks, I will refuse to ever fuck you again.”

That causes me to throw my head back and laugh. Reese just groans as my hips move on his rapidly stiffening erection.

Mumbling, he says, “You’re killing me. Just answer the damn question.”

“I haven’t masturbated to a picture of you because I’m either at your place having sex, or we are doing FaceTime. But if you want me to, while you’re gone, I will stroke myself while staring at a picture of you. Would you like that?”

“No,” he huffs. “You’re not allowed to touch yourself unless I’m around.”

“I make no guarantees.” I grin, then ask, “Truth or dare.”


“Hmm.” I tap my finger to my chin, already aware of what I’m going to do but I like to prolong his wait. “What to do, what to do—”

“Paisley . . .” he warns.

“Oh, I got it.” I shift on his lap, getting more comfortable. “I dare you to hold the back of the chair and let me grind on you for one minute.”

He shakes his head. “Fuck, no. Not happening.”

“What do you mean not happening?”

His eyes harden as he says, “Do you really think I’m going to let you hump my hard-as-fuck dick right now, topless, while I do nothing but just sit here, with no chance of touching you?”

“Uh yeah,” I answer nonsensically. “It’s called truth or dare, you have to follow through.”

“I choose truth then.”

“You can’t do that.” I chuckle from how adamant he is. “Once you choose you have to follow through. So you can either let me grind up against you, or I can go home.”

“You wouldn’t,” he dares.

“I so fucking would, handsome.”

Grinding his teeth together, he reaches behind him and locks his hands over the back of the chair. Feminine pride surges through me from being able to tame an alpha male who makes my insides quiver.

“Good boy.” I wink at him and then pull up the stopwatch on my phone. Pressing start, I start my torturous dare.

Running my hands up to the back of my head where I pull my hair together, I move my hips on top of his and prop my chest out just to torture him some more.

It doesn’t take him long to become fully erect. In a matter of seconds I can feel his cock pressing through his thin athletic shorts up into my pussy, begging to be freed of the confines of fabric blocking him.

Even though this was meant to torture him, I know I’m wet and pleasure starts to move through my bones just from the friction I’m creating between us.

Glancing down at Reese, his eyes are fixated on my breasts—heady with lust—his chest muscles pulsing with desire, holding back the thin layer of control he has left.

“Mmm,” I quietly moan, closing my eyes for a second and rolling my head back, loving the way his dick is providing pressure against my soaking clit. I know if I pull away, I would see how wet I am on his shorts, my arousal marking him.

“Fuck,” he says out of breath. “Hell, Paisley.”

The tension in his muscles grows tighter, the tick in his jaw is moving at a more rapid pace, and I can feel a pulse in his cock with every single grind of my hips.

Moving my hips over his crotch has me panting; it has me throbbing to the depths of my center, causing every synapsis to fire up with need. My body starts to tingle; my limbs start to turn into rubber, and my grinding picks up at a rapid pace as I feel like I can’t catch my breath. Every move, every swipe of his thick length against my folds, is a blast of pleasure through my body. Falling forward, I grip his hips and thrust harder, spurring on the inner orgasm building rapidly.

I’m dry humping the shit out of Reese and loving every second of it. My toes start to curl, my stomach bottoms out, and the only true feeling I have is between my legs, soaking up all the erotic pleasure flowing between us.

I’m on the verge of tipping over, ready to fall when my phone goes off, indicating one minute is up. Before I can finish, Reese scoots me off him and puts a little distance between us.

“What are you doing?” I ask, short of breath and a throbbing clit practically screaming at me to finish.

Between us, in his navy blue shorts, his cock stands at attention, and even in the dark night you can see our arousal. It’s sexy, it’s hot, it only spurs me on more.

“One minute, that’s all you got. Now what do you want, truth or dare?” he asks me, turning the tables in a way I didn’t expect.

I sit on the lounge, my pussy begging me to stick my fingers between my legs and finish what I started, but I don’t want to show him how desperate I am. So to please him, because I know he wants to be pleased, I say, “Dare.”

A grin spreads across his face and I get ready to finish what I started. I know he can’t hold out that long—his dick is screaming to be freed of his shorts.

“Good choice.” He winks. I scoot closer to him, ready to hop back up on his lap. “Paisley, baby . . .” he pauses for effect, “I dare you to howl like a wolf.”

I’m halfway moving to his lap when I stop myself and look up at him. “What?”

“You heard me, howl like a wolf.”

“You’re kidding.”

“I’m really not.” He presses his finger to my nose like it’s a button and then leans back in the lounge chair casually, fucking dick poking through his shorts. It’s quite the vision. “Howl, baby.”

Nostrils flared in annoyance, I sit back on the lounge and hate every second of this. But I know if I howl really quickly, I can dare him to let me finish, so sucking up my pride and self-respect, I tilt my head back and howl.

“Aaarrrrrooooooo!” Heat washes over me from embarrassment as Reese claps his hands together and laughs . . . erection still present. I really dislike him right now.

Poking him in the chest, I say, “Stop it. My turn.” He quiets down and I say, “I dare you—”

“Excuse me, I believe I get to pick truth or dare.”

“We both know you’re going to pick dare, Reese.”

“Incorrect, baby. I chose truth.” The smarmy look on his face is smack worthy right about now.

Huffing out my frustration, I say, “Fine, have you ever jacked off over visions of me?”

“Yes,” he says with heat in his eyes. “The day we saw each other at the beach, when I went to clean myself off, I jacked off so fucking hard because there was no way I would make it through lunch with you in that bikini if I didn’t.”

I’m breathless, stunned, electrically charged, so fucking horny for the man sitting in front of me that I can’t hold it back anymore. The words pop out of me before I can stop them. “Fuck me, Reese.”

Tsking at me, he says, “I don’t think we’re done with our game. Give me one more truth or dare, Paisley.”

So beyond done with this game, I say, “Dare and make it quick.”

He nods and looks around his backyard, contemplating what he wants me to do. Turning back to me, his eyes light up and he says, “Strip down and go skinny-dipping with me.”

I don’t need to say anything, he already knows my answer. Hell, anyone within a two-mile radius can probably feel my answer, from the horny and needy vibe vibrating off me.

Standing, I pull down my thong and toe it to the side. I turn toward the pool, glance over my shoulder at Reese—who’s perusing my body, his hand rubbing his jaw—and dive into the pool, letting the cold water hit me hard, cooling off some of the fire lighting up in my body.

Reese makes quick work of his shorts and stands at the edge of the pool, naked and in all his glory. His body reeks of power, every muscle in his body flexes as he gets ready to enter the pool. Diving in head first, I wait for him to rise to the surface, which he does by swimming to me underwater and surfacing in front of my face.

Not taking a second to let him catch his breath, I wrap my legs around his waist and connect our mouths, pulling on the back of his head so harshly that our teeth clash at first. I don’t care. I welcome the pain.

“Damn, baby. You’re going to knock a tooth out,” he says in between kisses.

“I don’t care. I need your cock, Reese.”

He chuckles and says, “You know you did this to yourself, right? You’re the one who decided on grinding on my dick.”

“But you’re the one who broke the contact. I was seconds from having an amazing orgasm. You stole that from me, and I want it back.”

“My poor baby,” he coos in my ear right before he grips the lobe with his teeth and pulls down. “Do you want me to fix the ache between your legs, Paisley? Do you want me to end the burning sensation building up inside you?” Biting again, he says in a low hum, “Do you want me to fuck you?”

“Yes,” I respond, letting his lips glide down my neck to my collarbone. I’m getting ready for him to attack my other ear when he lifts me out of the pool and places me on a pretzel-shaped floaty that is in his pool. “What are you doing?” I ask, trying not to flop around too much.

“Hold still,” he demands, stopping me from moving. With both his hands on my legs, he slides me down on the pretzel and then spreads my legs to either side, exposing my burning sex to the cool night air. Gliding me to the shallow end, he stands before me, winks, and then lowers his head to my inner thigh.

“Ohhhh,” I moan as his beard rubs against my sensitive skin and his lips ride up to my bikini line. Despite the cold water I’m resting in, I start to break out in a sweat as his breath hovers over my aching pussy. With his fingers, he spreads my lips and very slowly places his tongue over my clit. He doesn’t move, he doesn’t even flinch, he just rests there, his tongue against my bundle of nerves. “Reese,” I moan, trying to move in the water but he holds me still. “For fuck’s sake, just get it over with.”

Never in my life has my clit throbbed so hard to the point I want to cry. I need release. I’m begging for release with my body.

Reese moves his tongue along my clit with his tongue flat, not applying too much pressure, just enough to let me know he’s down there.
Noted, I get it. You’re between my legs, buddy, stop torturing me.

Licking upward, he runs the length of my slit and then pulls away, his beard scratching my thighs. I’m about to scream when he performs the same movement, placing the flat of his tongue on my clit and not moving.

“Oh fuck,” I say in distress, trying to encourage him to keep moving by threading my fingers in the curl of his hair, but he refuses to let up. At the same pace, he runs his tongue up my slit and repeats the process, over and over again. His tongue never pressing hard enough, his mouth never working fast enough, only providing me a long, arduous torture where I can’t feel anything in my body anymore. Every last inch of my body is vexed, my limbs aren’t able to move, and if it weren’t for the float providing me buoyancy, I would be drowning right about now.

I cry out in frustration, my head moving back and forth, my hips begging for more, my pussy desperate for more.

“Please,” I beg softly, trying to convey the pure torture with one syllable. I must finally get through to him because right when I think he’s about to do one more round of misery, he forms a point with his tongue and flicks my clit rapidly at a rate that is incomprehensible.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck!” I cry out, my head lifting off the float, shooting my gaze to where he’s looking up at me, his tongue running a mile a minute. His eyes blaze up at me and his fingers grip into my ass, keeping me in place.

I don’t have time to even breathe as white-hot pleasure rips through my entire body, splitting me in half and sending me into a downward spiral of erotic bliss. He pounds into my clit with his tongue. I roar in euphoria, letting everyone in the area know that Reese King is fucking me with his tongue to the point that I’m pretty sure my clit it about to fly off.

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