Suddenly Married (22 page)

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Authors: Loree Lough

That practice may seem heartless to us now, but only until we realize how different life was for our grandparents and great-grandparents, whose happy endings came from doing what was best for their families…and boundless belief in the Creator.…

My maternal grandparents were the products of such a union. Young, naive, unable to speak English, my grandpa, Francesco Citerony, came to the New World to make a life for himself and the shy girl who waited for him in the Old Country. When the time was right, he sent for his Theresa. Romantic love wasn’t foremost in their minds during those early years of struggle and toil, but a deep and abiding love grew from the roots of their self-sacrifice. Their love endured and intensified… even outliving Grandpa, who died shortly after their thirtieth anniversary.

Their love story inspired
Suddenly Married.

eISBN 978-14592-5774-0


Copyright © 1999 by Loree Lough

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