Sun Sign Secrets (6 page)

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Authors: Amy Zerner


Venus—known in astrology as the planet of love, affection, values, and sensuality—rules the sign of Taurus. Sociable Venus also rules over parties and pleasurable meetings. She accomplishes her goals by attracting only what she wants and rejecting the rest, thus making taste and values two of her special talents. The love and beauty of Venus have the power to both unite and heal us. Venus also rules our senses of touch, taste, and smell.
Like Venus, Taurus can be highly affectionate and fond of the good life, as long as it is a peaceful, secure existence. Taureans rarely deviate from their personal code of what is right, even in the search for pleasure. Those whose birth charts have a strong Taurus influence tend to possess a firm set of personal values.

Bringing Up a Young Taurus

Young Taurean children respond to practical direction and common sense. They don't like to be pushed or forced, but instead tend to listen and respond to calm and gentle direction, especially if it is delivered with patience and a soft tone of voice. Generally well behaved and sweet tempered, Taurean children can also be highly stubborn and will dig in their heels when confronted with new challenges, such as sharing with other children. Take your time with Taurean youngsters, as the slow-and-steady approach works best. In dealings with them, stressing routine and sticking with established goals are advantageous.
Physical affection is essential to the healthy growth of any Taurean child. Young Taurus also needs a harmonious environment in which to flourish. Colors, sounds, and smells will affect these children quite deeply. Surrounding them with shades of spring green, light blue, pink, and rose, as well as soft music, provides reassurance and comfort.
It is good to teach Taurean children about the importance of ethics and commitment. Teaching by example is crucial and will result in their learning important lessons that they can take into their teen years and adulthood.

The Taurus Child

The typical Taurus child:
  • responds to comfort and affection
  • is generally good-natured
  • may excel in singing or other forms of music
  • possesses more strength than one would suspect
  • is usually cuddly, calm, and affectionate
  • can be obstinate
  • may dislike scratchy or woolen clothes
  • may be prone to sore throats
  • usually works slowly but steadily at school
  • may be selfish with toys or other possessions
  • should be encouraged to play sports
  • is likely to have many friends

Taurus As a Parent

The typical Taurus parent:
  • is judicious in dispensing discipline
  • encourages music lessons
  • believes in taking children to cultural events
  • teaches the importance of good grooming
  • enjoys singing to her child
  • encourages his child to have friends
  • creates an atmosphere of harmony at home


Taureans usually enjoy good health throughout their lives, but when they do experience issues, the problems tend to occur in the sinus area, throat, and lungs. These parts of the body can be subject to repeated infections. Neck and voice problems are also common complaints, as the body part that Taurus rules is the neck.
Taureans tend to like sweet desserts, which, eaten frequently or in abundance, can eventually lead to weight issues. Fatty, high-calorie cuisine should be avoided. Taureans should also stay away from foods that are high in sodium or caffeine, as these can have a troublesome effect on their systems. To maintain their health, Bulls should exercise regularly, and, in particular, should take long walks. Taurus loves the outdoors, so meditative time spent in gardens and fresh air would be a healthy habit to develop.
David Beckham
Candice Bergen
Pierce Brosnan
James Brown
Carol Burnett
Catherine the Great
Kelly Clarkson
Penelope Cruz
Salvador Dalí
Tony Danza
Queen Elizabeth II
Sigmund Freud
Audrey Hepburn
Jay Leno
Shirley MacLaine
Tim McGraw
Willie Nelson
Jack Nicholson
Al Pacino
Michelle Pfeiffer
William Shakespeare
Barbra Streisand
Uma Thurman
Orson Welles


May 21–June 20

white, yellow
sweet pea, lily of the valley, mint
quartz crystal, tiger's eye, topaz, bicolored tourmaline
Personal qualities:
Witty, changeable, versatile, talkative, well read


We call the following words “keywords” because they can help you unlock the core meaning of the astrological sign of Gemini. Each keyword represents issues and ideas that are of supreme importance and prominence in the lives of people born with Gemini as their Sun sign. You will usually find that every Gemini embodies at least one of these keywords in the way she makes a living:


social skills






life of the mind

rumor mill


quick wit



the media



sound bites


Gemini's Symbolic Meaning

Thousands of years ago, the ancient sages were wise to pick as the symbol for Gemini a pair of twins. For it is as if there exist within the Gemini two different people with two different sets of values and opinions. Personifying this concept of duality, Geminis are known for functioning best when they have two or more things to do at the same time.
Those born under the sign of the Twins are among the best communicators of information, in terms of both relaying what they've learned and expressing their opinions. However, though they speak clearly, their tendency to use big words and long sentences often results in others having difficulty understanding the precise nature of what Geminis are trying to say.
Interested in everything, Geminis become skilled at anything they put their lightning-quick minds to. They are also the most versatile of signs: It is rare for a Gemini to do only one thing extremely well. Additionally, those born under this sign have great mental dexterity. Their desire to comprehend and communicate quickly produces both an endless curiosity and an ability to take every side of an issue.
Gemini is one of the four Mutable, or changeable, signs of the zodiac. (The other three are Sagittarius, Pisces, and Virgo.) Mutable signs are flexible and variable—they know how to adapt and adjust. Geminis are curious to know everything there is to know, and they are more than willing to adjust their beliefs when information that appeals to them comes along. All Mutable signs possess a talent for duality, but because Gemini is the sign of the Twins, this trait is strongest in them.
Gemini has an abundance of intellectual energy, which ties in to its being one of the three Air signs (the other two are Aquarius and Libra). Air signs have in common the desire for communication and freedom of expression, thought, and movement. Air is a metaphor for the invisible thoughts and ideas that motivate Gemini.

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