Sunset Tryst (8 page)

Read Sunset Tryst Online

Authors: Kristin Daniels

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

“But you didn’t have to,” she added.

“No,” he said, stroking her chin before leaning in closer to

His lips were warm, his kiss tender. She loved how he never
failed to leave her feeling breathless.

“She was walking out as I was walking in,” he went on. “I
stopped her and we talked. It still took me two weeks to get her number,
though. And another two weeks before she said she’d have dinner with me.”

“Playing hard to get?” Evan asked her.

“Not so much that as just being a little shy. I wasn’t
always this open and out there,” she admitted.

“It wasn’t as if she was so introverted, either,” Garrett
said. “She’s got a bit of a wild streak inside her. She just needed someone to
help her bring it out.”

“Which was you,” Evan said.

“Again, guilty as charged.”

Evan scooted closer, squeezing his wide shoulders in between
the front captain’s chairs. He went from staring into her eyes to gazing long
and hard at her lips. “I’m glad he did.”

Whoa. With the way he was eating her up with his eyes, she
was glad too. More than glad. She was downright ecstatic. And even though it’d
been ages since she’d had sex in the back of a car, she was seriously
considering getting a little down-and-dirty now. But with little to no room in
here, especially given the build of these two men, that option wasn’t exactly

“Let’s get this shopping over with,” she said as her heart
hammered. “I wasn’t lying when I said I had big plans for this afternoon. I
don’t want to waste any more time.”

“Goddamn,” Garrett muttered when she spun in her seat to hop
out of the SUV. Both men promptly followed her, bookending her so closely their
arms rubbed against hers as they headed inside the store.

They shopped quickly, filling the cart with steaks, chicken,
potatoes and vegetables. A few bottles of wine were added, as were the basics
for breakfast and a few different kinds of fruit for snacking on throughout the
day. Twenty minutes later, after they picked up everything they needed, they
worked their way toward the front of the store.

A display of bagged cotton candy stood at the end of their
checkout lane. Riley grabbed one off the rack and grinned. “Do you know how
long it’s been since I had cotton candy? I’m so getting this.”

Garrett chuckled. “Woman’s got a sweet tooth, no doubt about
it,” he said to Evan.

“I thought you were more of a chocoholic?” Evan asked.

“Well, yeah. That too,” she said. “But come on. Cotton
candy? With the way it dissolves on your tongue? And the pure sugar rush you
get afterward? It’s like the ultimate sweet-freak’s treat.”

“Huh. If you say so.”

He didn’t seem convinced, but she knew she could change his
mind. “I do say so. And later, I’ll even prove it to you. I’ll prove it to the
of you. And I can assure you that before I’m done, you’re both going to love
this stuff even more than I do.”

Evan started to unload the cart onto the checkout belt,
sliding her an intrigued look in between handling a carton of eggs and a quart
of orange juice. “I’m all yours, babe. Prove away,” he said.

“God, I love it when you get all defensive,” Garrett
whispered, coming up behind her to help with the groceries. He laid a quick
kiss on her neck, and she shivered. “It turns me on.”

She knew it did. And that knowledge only amped up her need
all the more, as did the thought of what she wanted to do with these two men,
with this sticky-sweet candy, and an entire afternoon all to themselves.

And with that sultry image rambling around in her head, she
smiled, plucked another bag of the cotton candy off the rack and threw it into
the cart.


The atmosphere inside the SUV buzzed with an almost palpable
sensual electricity during their short drive back to the beach house. None of
them said very much, but then again, they really didn’t need to.

A rush spun around them in the form of an unspoken
understanding. It was as if they were all traveling along the same wavelength,
with each of them knowing exactly what the others were thinking at precisely
the same time.

Get back to the house. Unload and put away the groceries as fast
as they could—and then get naked.

After Garrett pulled into the driveway and parked in the
garage, they each grabbed a few of the grocery bags and damn near trampled each
other as they rushed into the kitchen. Riley dumped hers onto the center
island, digging through each bag until she found what it was she was looking
for while the guys went through the motions of putting the rest of their haul

She tore into the plastic of the cotton candy bag and
breathed in deep. The sugary aroma of the pink treat made her mouth water. She
tore off a piece, twisted the fluff between her fingers and slipped it into her

God, it tasted just as she’d remembered. Like a summer day
when she was ten. Or a springtime carnival ride that both scared and excited her.
They were memories spun of innocent sweetness, yet now, as an adult, she knew
each one held the potential for so much more.

She hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes while savoring the
flavor until she opened them and found Garrett and Evan fixated on her. Their
stares were reminiscent of last night—voracious and fierce and filled to
overflowing with so much arousal she wanted to groan.

“So yummy,” she said.

Evan lowered his eyelids just enough, morphing his
appearance from predatory to sensual with such quick ease her insides flipped.
“Looks sticky.”

She peeled another long strip off the candy and wrapped it
around the tip of her finger before tossing the rest of the bag on the counter.
“It is. And meltingly sweet.”

“What a fucking combination,” Garrett said, capping off the
statement with a growl as she stuck her finger in her mouth and sucked.

“It’s a good one,” she agreed. “But I can think of one even

His gaze matched Evan’s now—heavy-lidded, seductive and so
damn sexy. She moved slowly to stand in front of him, reaching out to fist his
t-shirt while keeping her eyes locked onto his.

“Jesus,” Garrett muttered as she stuck her hands under his
shirt and stroked across his tight abs. The dips and definition of his stomach
teased her fingertips as she caressed him, as she headed lower. Swiping a
finger under the waistband of his jeans, she found exactly what she was dying
to find.

His cock was deliciously thick and rock-hard. She brushed
over the tip gently, back and forth, as he gripped the edge of the countertop
and licked his lips. Evan leaned against the counter as well, crossing his arms
over his chest as he settled back, watching them intently.

Her movements were calculated and precise, and knowing she
was driving Garrett—and yes, even Evan—crazy… God, it gave her such a rush.
Garrett’s eyes were glassy now, but he was homed in on her and only her. His
pinpoint concentration drove her higher and spurred her on more than little
else ever could.

Except maybe the thrill of having Evan look on from where he
stood, not three feet away.

She thumbed the button on Garrett’s pants and lowered the
zipper, but she didn’t dive right inside to immediately free him. Instead she
stuck her thumbs in at the sides and wiggled his jeans down, pushing them past
his hips and thighs. As he helped her by kicking them the rest of the way off
and widening his stance, the muscles along his thighs bunched and tightened,
making her stomach react in much of the same way.

He loved this, loved the feel of her mouth on him. And she
loved it too. But this time around, she was going to add in a new little twist.

She bit on her bottom lip and coyly reached for the bag of
cotton candy. She unwound another long ribbon before gripping him with her
other hand. She squeezed and pumped him once, twice, three full times before
slowly twirling the spun sugar around the upper half of his penis.

“Your cock,” she whispered, “and this cotton candy?
the best combination. It’s perfect,” she added, and then slowly lowered to her

She licked up the length of him once she got there, taking
her time, reveling in his bold taste before adding the sweet sugar wrapped
around his tip into the mix. The candy quickly dissolved on her tongue, leaving
her to focus all her attention on the slick and sensitive head underneath.

Which she did. Over and over. And hell, over again.

He forked his fingers into her hair and held on to the nape
of her neck. But he wasn’t guiding her like he had last night. No, he left the
control to her this time, to do with him as she wanted.

What she wanted was for him to come. What surprised her was
Evan moving in beside her. He crouched down next to her and leaned in to
whisper in her ear. “Take him all in,” he said. “Let him slide down your
throat. Yeah, just like that.”

He kissed her neck, her jaw, her earlobe, as she swallowed
around Garrett’s cock. Garrett groaned while Evan breathed hard and unevenly
against her cheek. She matched his breaths, all erratic and crazy and
over-the-top out of control.

He slipped his hand between her thighs and cupped her
through her cut-off shorts. He held her firmly. Steadily. But it wasn’t enough.
He could grind his hand against her until she melted into the floor and it
still wouldn’t be enough.

But that didn’t stop her from moving against him. With him.
Chasing down his hand when he lightened his touch, moving her hips with him
when he pressed a little harder.

He slid in behind her, bracketing her legs with his while
keeping his hand over her pussy. He snuck his other under her shirt to cup her
breast, teasing her nipple relentlessly with the pad of his thumb. Her clit
pulsed beneath the pressure of his fingers until she thought she’d go insane.

Still, he couldn’t break her concentration on Garrett. She
kept going, taking him deeper when she could, fisting and pumping his slick
cock when she needed a moment to suck back a desperate breath.

“He’s close,” Evan breathed into her ear. “God, it’s as if I
can feel it. It’s as if your mouth is on me too,” he said, holding her more
firmly while pushing his hips against her ass. The hard ridge of his cock dug
into the small of her back and she had to close her eyes at the feverish need
thrashing around inside her. “Make him come, Riley. Make him come so I can spin
you around and get these shorts off you. Make him come so I can slide inside
this hot pussy. Make him come, baby, so I can make you come.”

Oh hell yes. A dozen times,

He flicked the button on her shorts and worked his hand
inside without lowering the zipper. His hand fit so snugly against her skin and
his fingers were so warm. When she leaned back against him slightly, Garrett
followed her, lifting his ass off the edge of the counter to slip deeper into
her mouth.

“You want to know what’s sweet? This,” Evan said, gliding
his finger between her folds and brushing her clit before delving into her wet
heat. “You’re so soft and slick and taste so perfect. Who needs candy when we
have you?”

His breathy words had her head spinning. His talented
fingers had her clit throbbing. Much more of this and he’d make her come
without ever getting inside her. And oh, how she wanted him inside her.

When she moaned at the thought, Garrett pitched forward,
catching himself with an outstretched arm on the edge of the center island’s
counter. In one swift motion, he reached between his shoulders and yanked his
t-shirt off over his head, leaving him to hover over her and Evan in all his
delicious nakedness. His abs were drawn tight, veins popped along his neck and
his biceps alternately flexed and relaxed between each up and down stroke of
her lips and tongue. He was her own private slice of heaven floating just
inches above her, her own flesh-and-blood paradise, and she loved him so
achingly much.

But a pang of a different sort snuck its way into her heart
whenever she thought of, looked at or touched the man who knelt so closely
behind her. The piercing twinge didn’t diminish how much or how deeply she
cared for her husband. No, if anything, it heightened her love for Garrett even

He caught her gaze then, as if he knew exactly what she was
thinking. “Babe,” he said. “God. Babe.”

She knew that look, knew what those words meant. When he
held her nape tighter and stilled her only moments before groaning, shuddering
and bathing her tongue with his release, she covered Evan’s hand between her
legs with one of her own and pressed just hard enough to steal a little orgasm
away for herself. But instead of easing the thundering need inside her, all it
did was make her crave more—more of their touches, more of their bodies, more
of everything about them.

When Evan slipped his hand from her pants and helped her to
stand, Garrett leaned against the counter once more, breathing hard while
shooting her a diabolic smile. He pulled her toward him, kissing her hard and
fast as they both fought over the same elusive breath of air. Staying true to
his word, Evan reached from behind her for the zipper on her shorts and
shimmied the cut-offs and her panties down her hips. As she stepped out of
them, half of her was lost in Garrett’s kiss while her other half became
acutely aware of Evan reaching toward the counter for one of their beer-flight
souvenir paddles.

Oh fuck.

Not three hours ago, she’d told him she wasn’t opposed to a
little sexy spanking, and at the time she hadn’t been lying. But now…

Garrett broke from the kiss and pierced Evan with a look
filled to the brim with raging heat, but it was a look that also hurled a whole
lot of
you hurt her, and I’ll hurt you more
right along with it.

“Just a taste,” Evan said. “Don’t worry. I know what I’m

Riley didn’t know what got to her more, Evan saying he was
skilled in sensual spankings or the eager yet apprehensive rush swimming around
her insides at the thought of receiving one.

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