Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies (31 page)

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Authors: Nick Bostrom

Tags: #Science, #Philosophy, #Non-Fiction

Superimposed on local fluctuations, history shows a macro-pattern of initially slow but accelerating economic growth, fueled by the accumulation of technological innovations. The growing world economy brought with it a commensurate increase in global population. (More precisely, a larger population itself appears to have strongly accelerated the rate of growth, perhaps mainly by increasing humanity’s collective intelligence.
) Only since the Industrial Revolution, however, did economic growth become so rapid that population growth failed to keep
pace. Average income thus started to rise, first in the early-industrializing countries of Western Europe, subsequently in most of the world. Even in the poorest countries today, average income substantially exceeds subsistence level, as reflected in the fact that the populations of these countries are growing.

The poorest countries now have the fastest population growth, as they have yet to complete the “demographic transition” to the low-fertility regime that has taken hold in more developed societies. Demographers project that the world population will rise to about 9 billion by mid-century, and that it might thereafter plateau or decline as the poorer countries join the developed world in this low-fertility regime.
Many rich countries already have fertility rates that are below replacement level; in some cases, far below.

Yet there are reasons, if we take a longer view and assume a state of unchanging technology and continued prosperity, to expect a return to the historically and ecologically normal condition of a world population that butts up against the limits of what our niche can support. If this seems counterintuitive in light of the negative relationship between wealth and fertility that we are currently observing on the global scale, we must remind ourselves that this modern age is a brief slice of history and very much an aberration. Human behavior has not yet adapted to contemporary conditions. Not only do we fail to take advantage of obvious ways to increase our inclusive fitness (such as by becoming sperm or egg donors) but we actively sabotage our fertility by using birth control. In the environment of evolutionary adaptedness, a healthy sex drive may have been enough to make an individual act in ways that maximized her reproductive potential; in the modern environment, however, there would be a huge selective advantage to having a more direct desire for being the biological parent to the largest possible number of children. Such a desire is currently being selected for, as are other traits that increase our propensity to reproduce. Cultural adaptation, however, might steal a march on biological evolution. Some communities, such those of the Hutterites or the adherents of the Quiverfull evangelical movement, have natalist cultures that encourage large families, and they are consequently undergoing rapid expansion.

Population growth and investment

If we imagine current socioeconomic conditions magically frozen in their current shape, the future would be dominated by cultural or ethnic groups that sustain high levels of fertility. If most people had preferences that were fitness-maximizing in the contemporary environment, the population could easily double in each generation. Absent population control policies—which would have to become steadily more rigorous and effective to counteract the evolution of stronger preferences to circumvent them—the world population would then continue to grow exponentially until some constraint, such as land scarcity or depletion of easy opportunities for important innovation, made it impossible for the economy to keep pace: at which point, average income would start to decline until
it reached the level where crushing poverty prevents most people from raising much more than two children to maturity. Thus the Malthusian principle would reassert itself, like a dread slave master, bringing our escapade into the dreamland of abundance to an end, and leading us back to the quarry in chains, there to resume the weary struggle for subsistence.

This longer-term outlook could be telescoped into a more imminent prospect by the intelligence explosion. Since software is copyable, a population of emulations or AIs could double rapidly—over the course of minutes rather than decades or centuries—soon exhausting all available hardware.

Private property might offer partial protection against the emergence of a universal Malthusian condition. Consider a simple model in which clans (or closed communities, or states) start out with varying amounts of property and independently adopt different policies about reproduction and investment. Some clans discount the future steeply and spend down their endowment, whereafter their impoverished members join the global proletariat (or die, if they cannot support themselves through their labor). Other clans invest some of their resources but adopt a policy of unlimited reproduction: such clans grow more populous until they reach an internal Malthusian condition in which their members are so poor that they die at almost the same rate as they reproduce, at which point the clan’s population growth slows to equal the growth of its resources. Yet other clans might restrict their fertility to below the rate of growth of their capital: such clans could slowly increment their numbers while their members also grow richer per capita.

If wealth is redistributed from the wealthy clans to the members of the rapidly reproducing or rapidly discounting clans (whose children, copies, or offshoots, through no fault of their own, were launched into the world with insufficient capital to survive and thrive) then a universal Malthusian condition would be more closely approximated. In the limiting case, all members of all clans would receive subsistence level income and everybody would be equal in their poverty.

If property is not redistributed, prudent clans might hold on to a certain amount of capital, and it is possible that their wealth could grow in absolute terms. It is, however, unclear whether humans could earn as high rates of return on their capital as machine intelligences could earn on theirs, because there may be synergies between labor and capital such that an single agent who can supply both (e.g. an entrepreneur or investor who is both skilled and wealthy) can attain a private rate of return on her capital exceeding the market rate obtainable by agents who possess financial but not cognitive resources. Humans, being less skilled than machine intelligences, may therefore grow their capital more slowly—unless, of course, the control problem had been completely solved, in which case the human rate of return would equal the machine rate of return, since a human principal could task a machine agent to manage her savings, and could do so costlessly and without conflicts of interest: but otherwise, in this scenario, the fraction of the economy owned by machines would asymptotically approach one hundred percent.

A scenario in which the fraction of the economy that is owned by machines asymptotically approaches one hundred percent is not necessarily one in which the size of the human slice declines. If the economy grows at a sufficient clip, then even a relatively diminishing fraction of it may still be increasing in its absolute size. This may sound like modestly good news for humankind: in a multipolar scenario in which property rights are protected—even if we completely fail to solve the control problem—the total amount of wealth owned by human beings could increase. Of course, this effect would not take care of the problem of population growth in the human population pulling down per capita income to subsistence level, nor the problem of humans who ruin themselves because they discount the future.

In the long run, the economy would become increasingly dominated by those clans that have the highest savings rates—misers who own half the city and live under a bridge. Only in the fullness of time, when there are no more opportunities for investment, would the maximally prosperous misers start drawing down their savings.
However, if there is less than perfect protection for property rights—for example if the more efficient machines on net succeed, by hook or by crook, in transferring wealth from humans to themselves—then human capitalists may need to spend down their capital much sooner, before it gets depleted by such transfers (or the ongoing costs incurred in securing their wealth against such transfers). If these developments take place on digital rather than biological timescales, then the glacial humans might find themselves expropriated before they could say Jack Robinson.

Life in an algorithmic economy

Life for biological humans in a post-transition Malthusian state need not resemble any of the historical states of man (as hunter–gatherer, farmer, or office worker). Instead, the majority of humans in this scenario might be idle rentiers who eke out a marginal living on their savings.
They would be very poor, yet derive what little income they have from savings or state subsidies. They would live in a world with extremely advanced technology, including not only superintelligent machines but also anti-aging medicine, virtual reality, and various enhancement technologies and pleasure drugs: yet these might be generally unaffordable. Perhaps instead of using enhancement medicine, they would take drugs to stunt their growth and slow their metabolism in order to reduce their cost of living (fast-burners being unable to survive at the gradually declining subsistence income). As our numbers increase and our average income declines further, we might degenerate into whatever minimal structure still qualifies to receive a pension—perhaps minimally conscious brains in vats, oxygenized and nourished by machines, slowly saving up enough money to reproduce by having a robot technician develop a clone of them.

Further frugality could be achieved by means of uploading, since a physically optimized computing substrate, devised by advanced superintelligence, would
be more efficient than a biological brain. The migration into the digital realm might be stemmed, however, if emulations were regarded as non-humans or non-citizens ineligible to receive pensions or to hold tax-exempt savings accounts. In that case, a niche for biological humans might remain open, alongside a perhaps vastly larger population of emulations or artificial intelligences.

So far we have focused on the fate of the humans, who may be supported by savings, subsidies, or wage income deriving from other humans who prefer to hire humans. Let us now turn our attention to some of the entities that we have so far classified as “capital”: machines that may be owned by human beings, that are constructed and operated for the sake of the functional tasks they perform, and that are capable of substituting for human labor in a very wide range of jobs. What may the situation be like for these workhorses of the new economy?

If these machines were mere automata, simple devices like a steam engine or the mechanism in a clock, then no further comment would be needed: there would be a large amount of such capital in a post-transition economy, but it would seem not to matter to anybody how things turn out for pieces of insentient equipment. However, if the machines have conscious minds—if they are constructed in such a way that their operation is associated with phenomenal awareness (or if they for some other reason are ascribed moral status)—then it becomes important to consider the overall outcome in terms of how it would affect these machine minds. The welfare of the working machine minds could even appear to be the most important aspect of the outcome, since they may be numerically dominant.

Voluntary slavery, casual death

A salient initial question is whether these working machine minds are owned as capital (slaves) or are hired as free wage laborers. On closer inspection however, it become doubtful that anything really hinges on the issue. There are two reasons for this. First, if a free worker in a Malthusian state gets paid a subsistence-level wage, he will have no disposable income left after he has paid for food and other necessities. If the worker is instead a slave, his owner will pay for his maintenance and again he will have no disposable income. In either case, the worker gets the necessities and nothing more. Second, suppose that the free laborer were somehow in a position to command an above-subsistence-level income (perhaps because of favorable regulation). How will he spend the surplus? Investors would find it most profitable to create workers who would be “voluntary slaves”—who would willingly work for subsistence-level wages. Investors may create such workers by copying those workers who are compliant. With appropriate selection (and perhaps some modification to the code) investors might be able to create workers who not only prefer to volunteer their labor but who would also choose to donate back to their owners any surplus income they might happen to receive. Giving money to the worker would then be but a roundabout way of giving money to the owner or employer, even if the worker were a free agent with full legal rights.

Perhaps it will be objected that it would be difficult to design a machine so that it wants to volunteer for any job assigned to it or so that it wants to donate its wages to its owner. Emulations, in particular, might be imagined to have more typically human desires. But note that even if the original control problem is difficult, we are here considering a condition
the transition, a time when methods for motivation selection have presumably been perfected. In the case of emulations, one might get quite far simply by
from the pre-existing range of human characters; and we have described several other motivation selection methods. The control problem may also in some ways be simplified by the current assumption that the new machine intelligence enters into a stable socioeconomic matrix that is already populated with other law-abiding superintelligent agents.

Let us, then, consider the plight of the working-class machine, whether it be operating as a slave or a free agent. We focus first on emulations, the easiest case to imagine.

Bringing a new biological human worker into the world takes anywhere between fifteen and thirty years, depending on how much expertise and experience is required. During this time the new person must be fed, housed, nurtured, and educated—at great expense. By contrast, spawning a new copy of a digital worker is as easy as loading a new program into working memory. Life thus becomes cheap. A business could continuously adapt its workforce to fit demands by spawning new copies—and terminating copies that are no longer needed, to free up computer resources. This could lead to an extremely high death rate among digital workers. Many might live for only one subjective day.

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