Read Surrender: Erotic Tales of Female Pleasure and Submission Online

Authors: Rachel Kramer Bussel,Donna George Storey

Surrender: Erotic Tales of Female Pleasure and Submission (26 page)

“How is Blake?” I asked.
Wayne’s hand slid down my belly, seeking the place between my legs. I opened my thighs for him. When he spoke, his voice was sensuous and filled with promise.
“Blake is looking forward to seeing you, baby.”
I sat very still. The tone of my husband’s voice said all I needed to know, but it took a moment for it to sink in. Wayne said nothing else, just rested his lips lightly on my shoulder, waiting for the thoughts to form in my head. He knew I wouldn’t say no—if Wayne wanted me to do something, I would do it. It was my pleasure to please him. We had never talked about having another man in bed with us, but Wayne wasn’t one to let me know all that was on his mind, either. He liked surprises just as much as he liked suspense.
“I know you like him,” Wayne said softly. “I’ve seen the way you look at him.”
“That doesn’t mean…”
“I’ve never questioned your faithfulness.”
The silence fell between us. The ticking of the clock was very loud. Wayne simply sat and listened to it while he let me sort through my thoughts. There was an impossible jumble of them.
“Can I ask a question?” I said.
“Go ahead.”
Wayne seemed prepared for any question I might ask, save that one. It took him aback.
“Why?” he repeated.
“Yes. Why?”
Wayne contemplated that while his hands slid up and down my arms.
“You know it doesn’t make me happy when you question me.”
“Yes,” I said.
Wayne kissed my shoulder. “I could say it’s about pleasing me. I could say it’s about pushing you further than you’ve been before. I could say it’s a test of your trust.”
I nodded, waiting.
“It is all those things. But it’s also a treat for you. Blake is your type, isn’t he?”
The scarlet blush rose from my chest to my face, lighting me up with heat.
“You’ve never said it. But I’ve seen the way you get turned on when you read about a woman with more than one guy. I know how you get when I use more than one toy on you.”
As he ran his hands up and down my arms, I realized Wayne knew me much better than I knew myself. Had the way I looked at Blake really been that obvious?
“You’ve never been into threesomes,” I pointed out, shifting the attention from my actions to his. Wayne said nothing, and by doing so he acknowledged that he wouldn’t let the conversation waver from the point. He kissed my shoulder one more time before he stood up from the bed. From the look in his eyes, I knew the discussion was over.
He left the room and when he returned, Blake was with him.
Wayne looked pointedly at the quilt I had pulled up over my body. Understanding what he wanted, I let it fall to the bed. My nipples immediately hardened.
Blake took a deep breath as he looked at me. I studiously met his eyes, unwilling to look lower, though every part of me wanted to see just how excited he really was. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the slow grin on Wayne’s face. He settled against the dresser and watched as Blake and I faced each other over the ten feet that separated us.
“You’re beautiful,” Blake finally said, and the blush that heated my face seemed to go all through my body and settle between my thighs.
My hand trembled when I reached out toward Blake. He stepped forward to take it. I looked back at Wayne, and he slowly nodded his head. In his eyes was an expression I couldn’t even begin to read.
I pulled Blake onto the bed with me.
It was the strangest feeling, to have an unfamiliar man’s body in bed with me. Blake was taller than Wayne. Where Wayne was stocky and muscular, Blake was leaner. Where Wayne had straight, short hair, Blake had curls that wrapped around my fingers as I pulled him down to kiss me.
Blake whispered something against my lips. It sounded like “Are you sure?” I kissed him deeply enough to leave no doubt that I was sure. It wasn’t just about pleasing Wayne, though that was part of it—I wanted to please Blake, too.
Wayne abruptly pushed away from the dresser and came to the bed. He stood beside it and looked down at me. I met his eyes while Blake kissed a trail down my throat. Wayne didn’t say a word. When Blake’s tongue found my nipple, I let out a moan. Only then did Wayne blink and tear his gaze away from my face.
Then Blake was sliding his hand between my legs, and suddenly Wayne was the last thing on my mind. I arched up to him and silently begged for more.
“Tell me what you like,” Blake said. I did better than that—I showed him. When I put my hand over his and taught him how to make me weak with pleasure, Blake paid attention. Soon he was doing it all himself, rising above me on the bed, looking down at my body as I lost myself in what he was doing. He kept it up, moving his hand in a steady, deep rhythm. The familiar tightening felt almost foreign this time, and I suddenly realized it was because a different man was doing the things that drove me wild.
I was staring at my husband when Blake made me come.
“Good girl,” Wayne whispered.
Blake’s cock was hard against my thigh. I reached for the buttons of his shirt. Together we pulled it off. When I unbuttoned his jeans, I was very aware of Wayne watching. I pushed the jeans down. The boxers underneath them hid nothing at all. Blake groaned from deep in his throat when I circled my hand around his dick and slowly stroked him.
“You’re so damn good at this,” Blake murmured into my ear.
When he started to move away, I followed him. On my knees, I opened my mouth and licked the head of his cock. Blake shuddered and ran his fingers through my hair. I looked up at him while I took him into my mouth, one slow inch after another.
Wayne’s hand on my hip was like a jolt of electricity, making me jump with the surprise of it. He ran his fingertips lightly over my skin. His other hand slid up to my neck. He took my hair in his hand and moved it away, so he could see what I was doing to Blake.
“Do a good job, baby,” he encouraged, and I sucked Blake deeper into my mouth.
Wayne’s hand rose from my hip and came down, lightly slapping my ass. He did it a second time, then a third, until he had built up a rhythm. Each time his hand came down on my ass, I sucked Blake into my mouth. Between the spanks, I pulled back until he was almost free of my lips. When Wayne sped up, so did I.
“Fuck—fuck, I’m going to come,” Blake warned.
Blake thrust into my mouth. I slid my hands up his hips and held him closer, encouraging him to go deeper. His legs trembled. His breathing became ragged. He said my name and then there was nothing but a long, tortured moan as he started to come.
The first shot of come had such force behind it, I almost gagged. Wayne ran his hands into my hair and held me steady. I couldn’t back away—I had to take whatever Blake gave me. I sucked hard, swallowed again, and caressed his cock with my tongue until he pulled back with a satisfied sigh.
Wayne suddenly let me go. I fell sideways onto the bed and looked back at him. He was watching me with the tiniest smile on his face. He opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out the paddle.
“Get him hard,” Wayne ordered. “Then ride his dick.”
I stared at the paddle, then looked back up at Wayne. His face was calm and quiet, but his eyes gave him away—they were burning with desire.
I turned to Blake. He let out a pleased sigh as I began to suck on him again, stroking him to life with my tongue. It didn’t take long before he was standing up straight, his erection proud and thick. He went willingly onto his back, and I climbed over him.
Blake tangled his hands in my hair as I kissed his throat. I worked my way over his chest, kissing him everywhere, teasing him down below by rubbing my pussy just over his cock but not letting him inside me. I kept it up until Blake’s body was trembling with tension. Only then did I sit back on his cock, sliding him into me with one long, delicious thrust.
Just as I took him all the way in, the paddle came down across my ass. It was a hard, stinging spank. I gasped at the sudden pain of it.
“Fuck him,” Wayne said. “Fuck another man while your husband punishes you for it.”
Blake pulled me down for a kiss. All the while I was moving up and down on him. Each time I slid all the way down, Wayne spanked me with the paddle.
“Do you want to make him come?” Wayne asked. Blake was sucking on my nipples while I rode his cock. Wayne was spanking me with the paddle every time I came down.
“Yes,” I said.
“Do you want him to come inside you?”
“How much are you willing to pay for it?”
I looked over at Wayne. My motion stopped. Blake looked up to see what had caused the sudden shift, and I heard his quiet gasp.
Wayne was holding a leather whip.
He lashed it against his palm. The red mark rose immediately, blossoming on his skin like a flower of pain. Blake’s cock twitched inside me, harder than ever.
“Fuck him,” Wayne said. “Make it worth every last stripe of this whip on your ass.”
I looked back at Blake. His eyes were wide. He reached up to touch my face, brushed the hair back away from my forehead, and softly kissed my mouth. He took my hands in his, holding them tight, holding me steady.
“Fuck me,” he whispered against my lips.
I rose up on his dick. Then I slid down, taking him all the way, focusing on the way he stretched me with every stroke. The whip whistled through the air and cracked against my skin, making me cry out. It stung like a line of fire poured across my ass. The second strike whistled down and this time I buried my face in Blake’s shoulder. His hands tightened on mine, holding me down for the punishment I was earning with every thrust.
I rode Blake hard. I put all the force I had into the thrusts. Our hips slammed together. I fucked him hard enough to hurt, even while the whip came down again and again across my ass and my thighs. I was giving Blake pleasure, but taking equal pain for doing so. The combination was heady, the most twisted mind fuck Wayne had ever come up with.
Abruptly, Wayne stopped. Before I could turn to look at him, he grabbed my hair in his hand and yanked my head back. “Make him come,” he ordered. “Make him come in my wife’s cunt.”
Blake didn’t need much encouragement. He was right on the edge. When I sat straight up and took him as deep as he could go, he cried out with the pleasure of it. Wet heat flooded me as he arched up, pushing his body hard against mine, letting go into me.
When I caught my breath, Wayne was standing beside the bed, waiting. His clothes were gone. He was breathing hard. Blake slid out of me and I moved to face Wayne, silently asking what he wanted.
“Let me see what he did to you,” Wayne said. “Lie down. Show me.”
I lay down on the bed and spread my legs. Wayne groaned as he looked between them. Then he was on the bed, coming up between my thighs and driving home with one smooth thrust. His fingers found my nipples and he pinched down hard. Blake sat on the edge of the bed, watching with rapt attention as Wayne’s cock slid in and out of the same cunt he had just fucked.
“You’re going to take my come too, aren’t you?”
Wayne squeezed down harder on my nipples. The pain roared through me, bringing tears to my eyes. That was what it took to send Wayne over that final edge. He yelled out with pleasure as he emptied himself into me. When he pulled out, wetness trickled down my thighs. The sensation was delightful enough to make up for the burning pain of my ass. Wayne sat on the bed and looked at me until my breathing calmed.
“You didn’t come.” I shook my head. “That’s all right. Blake will make you come again. Won’t you, Blake?”
Both men looked at each other. It was a question, but the tone of it was more like a demand. I immediately recognized the situation for what it was—if Blake was going to be a playmate for his wife, Wayne wanted to make sure he still had the upper hand.
Blake picked up the whip. He touched the tip of it as he looked it over. Then he slid it gently against my thigh, drawing a shiver. He gave me a wicked smile.
“Absolutely,” he answered.
Clancy Nacht
’m naked and it’s cold in the room. Very cold. It feels like a meat locker and for all I know, that’s what it is. Hemp rope prickles my arms and I can feel it there, solid, holding me snug.
It’s not just some cheap kidnapping, nothing so tacky as just being restrained. I am bound, bound head to toe by an expert, and I have been suspended from the floor.
I was not allowed to watch any of it. The first thing that he did when I answered the door to my apartment was to hold up a satin sash. It waved gently to tease my nose, and I giggled out of nervousness. I didn’t know what this could mean.

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