Surrender to Love (13 page)

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Authors: Julia Templeton

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western

    Her eyes widened at the compliment, and she grinned. His heart skipped a beat, making him feel like a boy again.
    "You're welcome," she replied, a soft blush creeping into her cheeks.
    They sat in companionable silence for a while, content on watching the children. She sat forward, rubbing the muscles along the base of her neck.
    Seeing her discomfort, Shane took the seat beside her. "Turn around," he said, brushing her hands away. His fingers gently kneaded the muscles along her neck and shoulders. The feel of her soft skin beneath his fingertips was wonderful as they moved up along the base of her neck, running along the silky tendrils that escaped from her bun. He yearned to bring the golden tresses to his face, to smell the sweetness, to feel the silkiness.
    No matter how hard Kari tried to relax, she found it impossible. When Shane stood, she thought he was going to bed, but when his hands moved to her shoulders, she was more than surprised--she was terrified. Her heart was thumping so erratically she was sure he could hear it. But if he did, he wasn't letting her know it, for he continued his slow ministrations until she finally began to relax.
    "Loosen up," he said against her ear. Rebecca glanced up at them, her face a sweet smile as she turned back to the game. Thank goodness someone else was in the room because if they weren't, Kari was afraid of the direction his assistance would take them.
    Closing her eyes, allowing herself to enjoy what he was doing, Kari let her mind drift, imagining what it would be like to feel those hands on other parts of her body. Her wicked thoughts conjured up all kinds of images of the two of them together, much like all of her dreams lately.
    His hands moved up either side of her neck. His fingers splayed, moving lightly over her ears. She swallowed hard as goose bumps covered her skin. His gentle touch was torture. A part of her wanted him to stop, and yet she dreaded the moment he would.
    Shane glanced down at the beauty he was massaging. What had made him offer to ease her tight muscles? He was wishing he hadn't touched her, because now he wondered what it would be like to touch her entire body. It had been months since he last had a woman in his bed, and then it had been a prostitute he visited.
    Kari sighed, making his thoughts turn even more vivid.
    Why didn't he just admit it to himself? He was scared. Plain and simple. And he was terrified to give his heart to someone, only to lose that person again. Always he'd been so certain there was never anyone who could take Lily's place. Yet lately the thought of spending the rest of his life alone was bleak and desolate.
    As his fingers brushed the soft curls at the nape of Kari's neck, he wondered if she wanted to find another husband. It had taken him a lot of years to get to this point, while it had only been months since she'd lost her husband.
    Kari moaned softly, bringing his thoughts back to the present. "You've great hands, Mr. Catalono," she whispered in a low husky voice.
    She has no idea how that sounds, he thought to himself, as his hands slipped down her neck, his fingers lightly grazing her collarbones before moving back to her shoulders. "Call me Shane."
    Kari's heart leapt in her breast as his fingers lightly touched her collarbone, coming dangerously close to the swell of her breasts as his thumbs kneaded the knots from her neck. Her whole body was alive, and as his fingers lightly traced a path up nearly to her jawline, the innocent contact tugged at her innards. Surely this was wrong, and much too intimate. Feeling heat rise to her cheeks, Kari pulled away. "Thank you, Mr. Cat--Shane."
    Thankfully, he stopped, his fingers lingering only a moment before he stepped back. Instantly she wished he was massaging her again, but as he sat beside her, she thought the best she could do right now was to go to her room, and try to gain control of her warring emotions again.
    "My pleasure, Kari." His voice was soft and sensual.
    "Well, I'd better be getting to bed now, I have an early morning." Not waiting for a reply, she jumped from the couch, hoping he didn't stop her, yet hoping he did.
Chapter 17
    SITTING BESIDE the pond, Jordan held the flower to her nose. She put it behind her ear, her gaze returning to the spot where she and Gray Hawk had made love last night. A grin tugged at her lips, hoping she would experience the magic again.
    When she heard someone approach, she quickly came to her feet. Her heart hammering, she brushed off her skirts, and looked up just as Gray Hawk stepped from the trees.
    Her stomach flipped as Gray Hawk's eyes moved over her hungrily. Staring at his tall, lean frame, Jordan marveled at the strange new emotions that were rising to the surface as he came toward her in long strides. To think that she knew this man intimately, that he knew her like no one else did. His grin was boyish as he lifted her in his strong arms and kissed her soundly.
    The smell of him, the taste of him, the feel of him was nothing short of exquisite, and as his arms tightened around her, she experienced none of the nervousness from the night before. Instead she shared his excitement, knowing what was to come.
    With her arms locked around his neck, her breasts pressed tight against the hard wall of his chest, she marveled at his strength. He kissed the tip of her nose. "I thought about you all day."
    "And I thought about you."
    His hands moved to the buttons on the back of her dress, his excitement obvious as he quickly pulled it from her shoulders, until it pooled around her feet. She noticed his eyes darken as they moved down her body. With lithe fingers, he took off her chemise until she stood naked before him.
    He kissed her, his hands moving down her bare back, splaying at her waist before moving over her hips. He stepped away and started shedding his clothes.
    Jordan's heart hammered heavily as she stared at his beautiful body, and that part of him that had brought her to a pinnacle she'd never known possible. When she thought she could no longer stand the waiting, he pulled her down with him to the ground.
    He wanted her to feel, to know the extent he cared for her, and he showed her with his hands, his lips, and his tongue, until Jordan's passion was at a fever pitch. "Please," she whispered as his mouth once again returned to her lips.
    "What do you want?" he asked against her mouth, hovering, waiting for her answer as his rigid manhood pressed against her slippery warmth.
    "I want you."
    Gray Hawk hadn't intended to make love to her tonight, knowing that she was probably sore from the night before. He also didn't want her to think that this was all he cared about, because it wasn't. But when he saw her standing there, looking so beautiful, remembering the feel of her soft skin, he couldn't help himself. And her response to him made him realize that she wanted the same.
    Kissing her softly, he reveled in the feel of her body at his side. His hands moved over her ripe young breasts, her nipples swelling under his touch.
    When her fingers moved tentatively to his chest and further down, his breath caught in his throat. A second later she wrapped her fingers around his hard arousal. Covering her hand with his, he guided her, teaching her how to bring him to the edge of climax.
    Jordan thrilled to the feel of his rock hard manhood in her grasp. Glancing up, she saw the fire in his eyes, could hear his ragged breathing and was awed that she could have such power over him.
    His fingers moved down her ribs, past her belly, to the very core of her, playing with her until she writhed against his hand. His lips claimed hers, and then nudging her knees apart, he thrust within her.
    Jordan wasn't sure if it was the anticipation she'd been feeling all day, or her need for him that sent her spiraling to climax so quickly. But soon the sensations began to build all over again, with even more power than moments ago. With a few quick thrusts, he took them both to the heights of passion.
    Her fingers threaded through his hair, savoring the weight of his body on top of her. He kissed her neck, then pulled her to his side. She was so happy. She yearned to tell him exactly what she was feeling, but was afraid to share her thoughts so soon.
    She smiled as his hand moved lazily up and down her back. Resting her head on his shoulder, she closed her eyes feeling more relaxed than she'd been in a long while. All the months of being scared and looking over her shoulder faded away like a morning mist as she lay in his strong arms.
    That was her last thought before Gray Hawk woke her, telling her it was time to return to the ranch. "Why didn't you wake me?" she asked, as he helped her into her dress.
    "I know you haven't been sleeping very well and you looked so content, I couldn't wake you. Plus, you felt so good in my arms, I didn't want to let you go."
    Gray Hawk had enjoyed watching her the last hour. In sleep she looked so innocent and fragile, yet he knew the woman had nerves of steel. When she started talking in her sleep, he found it endearing, especially when she'd spoke his name and then whispered I love you. Though he knew it was only a dream, the words had a twofold effect on him. What they shared was more than just shared physical attraction. There was a bond between them that went beyond lovemaking--but was it love? The last time he had given his heart, it had been thrown back in his face. Samantha had loved him behind closed doors, telling him all her secret desires, promising him that she would leave her husband for him. Everything she said had been a lie. She never intended for anyone to ever find out about their affair. She had simply used him.
    He knew he was Jordan's only lover, but would that still make a difference? And would she go with him to his village if he desired to return? Would his love be enough?
    "What's the matter?"
    He lifted a brow, not realizing his thoughts were clearly written on his face. "Nothing." He smiled reassuringly and she grinned, going into his outstretched arms.
    "Tomorrow I have a day off. What do you say we spend it together?"
    "I'd love that," she said, hugging him tighter. "I have to run into Brogan in the morning to pick up some supplies. Why don't you come with me?"
    Since he'd been at the ranch, he'd never once ventured off Shane's property. The thought of seeing the town, and meeting other people made him hesitate, but seeing her wishful expression, he said yes.
         GERALD KINCAIDE, Sheriff of Brogan, lounged against a post outside his office. Lately things had been awful slow, and he secretly yearned for some kind of argument to break out, maybe even a shooting.
    He crushed his cigarette beneath the heel of his boot, watching with boredom as a rather large woman made her way into Mrs. Craven's dress shop across the street. He could see Kari Hoffman standing near the window. A bright smile lit her face as she talked with a customer.
    For weeks now he'd been watching Kari, hoping that she would notice him. Unfortunately, aside from a friendly wave, she never spoke to him, and he still hadn't got up the nerve to ask her to lunch.
    Kari Hoffman was by far the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and he secretly yearned to make her his wife. He knew he wasn't handsome, but he did have a lot to offer a woman. For one, if she were married to him, she wouldn't be working as an apprentice in a dress shop. Instead, she'd keep his house and raise his children...their children. The thought of her round with child was heartening, and fire raced through his veins at the thought of bedding her. He would be the envy of every man in Brogan.
    He'd asked Mrs. Craven questions about Kari, but she didn't know very much, aside from the fact that she was staying at the Triple T ranch, along with her family. He wondered where exactly she was sleeping. Surely she didn't sleep in the bunkhouse with all those men? It disturbed him to know she lived under the same roof with Shane Catalono. The rancher had been a confirmed bachelor since the death of his wife. He'd come close to marriage one time, but apparently had been spooked since the wedding was called off and his fiancée abruptly left town, a woman Gerald at one time coveted as his own. A fact that burned him to no end.
    Nodding to a few passersby, he walked down the street toward the livery. Kari was coming out with her wagon just as he was heading in. Her smile was warm as she looked at him from the wagon where she was seated. "Sheriff Kincaide, how are you?"
    He tipped his hat. "Just fine, Miss Hoffman. It's a beautiful day now, isn't it?" he said, staring at her delicate features, wanting desperately to touch her.
    "Indeed," she replied, shifting the reins from one hand to the other. A few awkward moments of silence followed before she said, "Well, I really do need to get going."
    "Oh, right." Stepping back from the wagon, he nodded as she circled around and headed down the dirt road. "Miss Hoffman," he yelled before he could stop himself.
    She pulled upon the reins, stopping in the middle of the road. She turned toward him, her brows furrowed together. "Yes, Sheriff?"
    Her face was pale despite the warm sun, which was odd, especially when he was sweating bullets. He approached her, wiping the sweat with his handkerchief before reaching her. "I was wanting to know." He ripped his hat from his head. Here he was thirty-two and acting like a schoolboy with his first crush. "Well, that is...would you have lunch with me tomorrow?"
    Relief etched her features and she sat up straight. "Well, I sometimes don't get a chance to stop for lunch. I'll just have to see how busy we are tomorrow."
    "Surely Mrs. Craven will allow you time to eat," he said, hoping his objections would spark an acceptance.
    "We'll see," she repeated, before setting out again. "Good day, Sheriff."
    A `we'll see' was better than a flat out no. "I'll be waiting for your answer," he called after her. To his disappointment she didn't turn as she made her way out of town.
         ALL THE WAY home Kari thought about the sheriff's offer, even after picking up the children. Though she made small talk with them, her mind was elsewhere. She'd managed up to this point to avoid the sheriff, yet today it had been impossible. It seemed every time she looked out the window, there he was watching her, making her wonder if he suspected that she and Jordan were on the run.
    That evening she helped Jordan set the table, and when she couldn't hold it in any longer, she blurted, "The sheriff has asked me to lunch."
    Jordan's brows shot up in surprise. "The sheriff?"
    Kari nodded.
    "What did you say?"
    "I felt so pressured that I told him maybe."
    Jordan ran a hand down her face. "Do you think he suspects something?"
    "I don't know. He stopped me on my out of town. I've noticed him watching me a lot lately. His office is right across from the shop, and I swear every time I look up, there he is."
    "Do you think he knows something?"
    Kari shrugged. "I don't know."
    Shane stepped into the kitchen, putting an abrupt end to the conversation, or so Kari thought.
    "Good evening, ladies." He sounded jovial as he took a seat.
    "Good evening," Kari replied at the same time as Jordan.
    As they waited for the children to join them, silence filled the room until Jordan said, "Maybe you should ask Shane what he thinks?"
    Kari stepped on her cousin's foot beneath the table, knowing exactly what she was trying to do. Jordan pinched her thigh in return.
    "Ask me what?" he asked, looking from Jordan to Kari.
    "Nothing," Kari said quickly, throwing Jordan a warning glance.
    "What?" Shane asked, his expression suddenly serious as the children sat down.
    "Sheriff Kincaide has asked Kari to lunch," Jordan offered much to Kari's dismay.
    Kari dropped her gaze to her plate, but could feel Shane's stare.
    "Dad doesn't care much for the sheriff, do ya, Dad?" Tanner said, joining in on the conversation.
    "He must be a good man if he's the sheriff," Jordan added.
    Shane snorted.
    Kari felt like sliding underneath the table. Her appetite had vanished, but she pretended interest in the roast, which she took great pains to cut into minuscule pieces. Anything to keep from looking up.
    "Well, are you going to have lunch with him?" Shane asked.
    She looked up and found his piercing gaze on her.
    Kari opened her mouth, ready to tell him no when Jordan said, "You may as well. After all, you wouldn't want to make an enemy of the sheriff."
    "Could we drop the chatter," Shane said, his voice low and ominous.
    "Geez, Dad, what's the matter?" Tanner asked, his eyes wide. "Your face is turning purple."
    Shane ran a hand through his hair, then sat back in his chair. "I'm tired. It's been a long day." He stood up so fast the table rocked. Everyone grabbed their glasses before they overturned, all eyes fastened on him. "I'll eat with the men."
    "Well, I wonder what's the matter with him?" Jordan asked innocently, hiding a mischievous smile behind her glass as their gazes locked.
    Suddenly Kari's mood took a turn for the better.
         SHANE STOPPED in mid-stride to the bunkhouse. He didn't want to eat with anyone. In fact, he wasn't even hungry. He backtracked to the house and set his plate on the porch rail. An image of Kari and the sheriff sitting at a little table in a quiet corner of
Oliver's Restaurant
tightened his gut into a tight knot. He should have known that once the men of Brogan saw her that she'd have them falling all over her, particularly Gerald Kincaide, a man he detested, who hated Shane just as much. He resisted the urge to slam his fist into the log columns.
    Through the open window he could still hear Jordan and Kari talking about the sheriff. He listened as his son shifted the conversation to his day at school.
    What did he expect from Kari? He'd been nothing but sarcastic since the day he'd met her. She was a beautiful woman that any man would desire. At least Gerald Kincaide was man enough to ask her out to lunch. It was more than he had ever tried to do.
    He drowned out their voices and instead listened to the sounds of the night around him. The women's laughter filtered out to him from the window and blended with the men's loud chatter coming from the bunkhouse. Although he was surrounded by the people he cared about, Shane had never felt so alone.
    His gaze moved past the bunkhouse to the small rise in the hill next to a cottonwood tree. Under the light of the moon, the white marble cross was clearly visible. "Lily, help me," he whispered, feeling a lump form in his throat. He stared for a long while, remembering all the good times they shared, as well as the bad. One moment he was on the verge of laughter, the next tears. He wasn't sure how long he'd sat there when a strange thing happened--a warmth filled him as though telling him everything would be all right.

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