Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set (52 page)

Read Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set Online

Authors: Maddie James,Jan Scarbrough,Magdalena Scott,Amie Denman,Jennifer Anderson,Constance Phillips,Jennifer Johnson

Tags: #boxed set, #collection, #anthology, #sweet romance, #contemporary romance

Rob!” she said again, but this time with less force.

Let me love you.”

Now his voice was low and husky, heavy with desire that sparkled in his eyes. Electricity crackled between them. He caught her hips and pulled her against him. Her eyes widened when she felt his erection.

“You see what you do to me?”

Thomas had never spoken to her like that or pursued her with such intensity. The old Rob had never been like this either, always respecting her wishes about their hidden relationship. Their one night together had been the first for both of them.

Not any more. No, not any more.

Kelly reacted to his arousal like a mare ready for a stallion. She grew wet fast. Her whole body burned, especially in her most private place.

What am I going to do?

Let me love you,” he urged again.

Her breath turned shallow. She couldn
’t speak. She needed to get away while a shred of sanity remained.

His head dipped, and his mouth sought hers, greedily working over her lips, kissing her as if tomorrow would never come. She heard herself whimper.

Rob’s hands investigated her hips, scrunching up the skirt of her dress and then dropping down to her cotton panties. He grabbed her bottom. Her body arched against him, seeking his hardness against her soft spot. She kissed him back with a bewildering passion that seemed to spring up from nowhere. It was as if she could not get enough of him, his taste, his feel, his heart.

I have condoms in my bedroom,” he murmured pulling her even closer, gripping her hard.

She wanted to jump inside his skin—be a part of him as she had so long ago. The ache, the drive was irresistible and she didn
’t resist. Saturday she would be gone. Today she needed this release, this closure. She could go to North Carolina with a clear mind, no longer wondering what if.

Kelly rocked against his erection. She grabbed his face between her hands and drove her tongue into his mouth as frenzied in her desire as he.

“God, Kelly, I can stop now but not much longer if you keep this up.”

I don’t want you to stop,” she said gasping.

And he didn



Chapter Twelve



Making love didn’t change a thing and it changed everything. Kelly still planned to leave on Saturday, and now she had even more reason to go.

Turning her head, Kelly peeped at Rob sleeping soundly beside her. They were lying in his king-sized bed, having spent the night together making love three times. She had counted them, wondering about the stamina of the man she had once loved and lost.

A sense of disbelief tore through her. Was she crazy? She licked her lips and turned on her side to stare at Rob’s gray bedroom walls.

What must she have been thinking to have sex with Rob? Oh, that
’s right. She hadn’t been thinking. Her urges had taken over, sweeping her away when he swept her into his arms and carried her to his bed.

Have I made the biggest mistake of my life?

Carefully, so not to wake him, Kelly eased the sheet back and crawled out of bed. Her panties were discarded on the hardwood floor. So were her sandals. Her bra was nowhere to be found. Kelly slipped on her panties and picked up the sandals. Padding out of the bedroom, she went through the great room and found her bra in the middle of the kitchen floor right next to her rumpled sundress.

Last night Rob had pulled the tie at the back of her neck and the bodice of her dress had toppled down around her waist. He had unbuckled her belt and then the dress had fallen to the floor leaving her standing in front of him with her head held high. He had unsnapped her bra, lifting it off and kissed her non-stop, his hands moving, cupping, caressing, and stimulating her beyond caring. Even now her nerve endings felt on fire simply remembering.

Kelly put her bra back on and struggled into her dress. Turned toward the French doors and the bright morning sun streaming through them warming her face, she reached behind her neck to tie the halter.

Let me help.”

His deep voice sent chills skittering down her spine. His strong hands hovered near her neck tying the tie. She longed to lean back against his chest and experience his arms around her one more time, but she couldn
’t. Not now. Not ever again.

Without saying a word, Rob took matters into his own hands and hugged her against him, kissing the top of her head and squeezing her tight.
“You feel so good,” he murmured. “God, how I love you.”

No, this wasn
’t right. She had made enough mess of things simply by sleeping with him.

When she didn
’t reply, he asked, “What are you doing up so early?”

We never finished icing the cake.” Kelly inclined her head toward the now cool pans. “And I need to get home. Today is my mother’s wedding day.”

Ah, yes. I conveniently forgot.” He let her go. “Can I help?”

No.” She turned to face him. He was naked.

Rob grinned down at her expression.
“What? You’ve never seen a naked man before?”

Not one as handsome as you,” she said truthfully.

He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her hard, breaking off seconds later.
“If I keep this up, I won’t stop.” He backed away. “I’ll go get cleaned up and then take you home.”

Great.” She was breathless. Bemused. Determined.

She offered him a half-hearted smile and turned back to the kitchen counter as if ready to ice the cake.

When she heard him leave, Kelly rocked against the counter and put her hands on the surface to steady herself. Deep in her heart she felt that familiar remorse and an ever-deeper sense of panic. She had lived with those feelings over twenty years, never getting closure or peace, always on the wrong side of things simply because of one big secret that hung around her neck like that dead albatross in the poem she read in college.


Rob took her home but they didn’t say much to each other on the way. Unaware of her lies and misgivings, and the terrible dread she lived with, Rob wore a self-satisfied look, like a cat that had caught a mouse. He must think everything was fine, that they were starting to explore a new relationship. He loved her, he said. That’s all that mattered.

I’ll take the cake on to Dad’s and go to work for a while before I go back home and dress for the ceremony,” Rob told her as he pulled up to the curb of her mother’s house.

Kelly stilled for one heartbeat before turning to face Rob. His compelling blue eyes bore into hers as if stripping her bare or searching her soul. The shadow of his beard added to his ruggedly handsome, manly beauty while his tousled blond hair reminded her of a small boy. She couldn
’t help but smile at the thought.

Rob smiled back, reaching out to touch her chin, urging her lips toward his. She didn
’t want to kiss him, but couldn’t resist. Leaning forward, Kelly brushed his lips with hers, quivering at the gentleness of his kiss so full of poignancy and longing.

We’re good together, Kelly,” he said when she sat back.

She glanced away, her heart hammering with recurring fear.
“I’ve got to go.”

Yes,” he murmured. “I’ll see you this afternoon.”


Kelly opened the door and climbed out of his Beemer. Almost sprinting to the house, she didn
’t want to think about his sudden declaration. She also didn’t want to do this wedding thing. She wanted to run and hide. Turning the key, she let herself into her mother’s cluttered living room.

Arms folded across her chest like a disapproving schoolmarm, Grace stood in the hallway blocking the way.
“You didn’t come home last night,” she said.

Kelly hesitated, blinking with confusion.
“I’m forty years old, Mother, for heaven sakes.”

You’re in my house as a guest. I was worried about you.”

I was okay,” Kelly said, brushing past her mother and stomping up the stairs to hide in her bedroom as if she was seventeen all over again.

Why did she turn into a blithering, idiotic teenager when she came into this house? Why did she act like she had never lived on her own and successfully raised a child? Kelly felt suddenly ill-equipped to deal with her emotions. She sat down on her bed, shoulders slumping, and fought real terror that bubbled up from within.

Her mother came up the steps and stood in the doorway. This time her arms weren’t folded. She looked sad and unhappy. Guilt raced through Kelly’s heart. She shouldn’t react like this with her mother. If it had been C.B. out all night, she would have been just as upset.

I am getting married today,” Grace said quietly. “It is the happiest day of my life, but I don’t like seeing you so unhappy, Kelly.”

I’m not unhappy,” Kelly replied suddenly on the defensive.

But her mother would have none of it.
“You most certainly are. I didn’t have the strength to do anything about it when your father was alive, but I do now.”

She joined Kelly on the bed and put a gentle hand on her daughter
’s bare knee. Kelly tried not to shrink at the touch. Where was this going? She fought down the compulsion to spring to her feet and flee the room.

I want to apologize to you,” her mother said in a voice so hushed that Kelly could hardly hear her words.

Whatever for?” Still on the defensive, she didn’t want to hear an apology.

I didn’t stick up for you when you got pregnant.”

Kelly made a dismissing gesture with her hand.
“That was a long time ago, Mother.”

But it’s still eating away at you, dear. I know it. You don’t have to say anything for a mother to know.”

Well, it’s my problem.” Kelly tried to sidestep the issue. “I’ll deal with it.”

’s fingers pressed Kelly’s knee. “It’s my problem as well. I want to start my new life with the demons from my past exorcized.”

Oh, come on, Mother,” Kelly scoffed. “You don’t have any demons.”

I have secrets just as you do, Kelly.”

’s lips parted in surprise. “You’re the most self-effacing woman I know. What possible demons can you have to hide?”

Your father was a hard man, but a good man.” Grace cast her gaze downward. “But I didn’t love him.”

That’s your secret?” Kelly wasn’t shocked by her mother’s admission. She had found her father hard to love as well.

Grace withdrew her hand to rub her temple.
“Your father loved you, Kelly. That’s why he was strict when you were growing up. He thought if he could control your clothing, your friends and activities, he could protect you.”

Kelly crossed her arms as if to shield herself from old anger and resentment. Her mother was right. It still churned in her belly as roughly as it had been over twenty years ago.

“And then you got pregnant,” Grace’s voice died away.

Best mistake I ever made,” Kelly said sharply, tired of defending what
turned out to be the most wonderful thing in her life—her daughter.

But you see,” Grace said, “that’s exactly what he was trying to prevent.”

I’m sorry I disappointed him.” The sarcasm rang in her voice because Kelly wasn’t sorry. She was defiant in her anger.

’s eyes brimmed with tears. Her lower lip quivered. “But he was disappointed, you see, because it’s just exactly what had happened to us.”

’s heart stilled. She turned to stare at her mother.

I had to marry your father, Kelly.” Grace paused, letting her words sink in. “Because I was pregnant with you.”



Chapter Thirteen


Friday afternoon

Five o’clock


In a corner of Howie’s living room, a four-piece string quartet played soft chamber music. The furniture had been removed and replaced with folding chairs arranged in a semi-circle facing the floor-to-ceiling windows. The plantation shutters had been shut to provide a backdrop of white, and in front of them, a table held a cascading arrangement of yellow and lavender roses and other flowers Rob couldn’t name.

His aunt and her husband, his four cousins and their spouses, were already seated. The minister and his dad were in the kitchen where Howie was making life difficult for the caterer and her staff. The ceremony only waited for the arrival of Kelly
’s daughter and husband who were stuck in traffic on I-65 coming out of Louisville.

They’re five minutes out,” Kelly said coming down the steps to the foyer.

Rob looked up and for the first time since he dropped Kelly off this morning, he gazed upon the love of his life. The thought resonated for him, seeming right, as if meant to be. Sure, he was taking a giant leap of faith with this relationship. Kelly was hesitant, not committing to him. He knew that. But he had committed last night, if only in his mind, heart, and soul. She was what he wanted. Needed.

He must convince Kelly of that need.

I’d give you a wolf whistle if it wasn’t for the guests,” he said nodding his head toward the living room where his family waited.

What?” Kelly reached the bottom of the stairs and peered at him as if not understanding.

A wolf whistle to let you know you’re beautiful.”

And she was—wearing a royal blue, V-neck, sleeveless dress that hit just above the knee and fitted her figure like a glove. Her legs were bare and she wore black, high-heel pumps. Diamond teardrop earrings dangled from her ears.

She blushed. “Don’t.”

Don’t what? Compliment you? You’re the most beautiful forty-year-old woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”

Now, really don’t!” A glint of humor returning, her eyes flashed. “I don’t like to be reminded.”

He chuckled.
“I can’t help myself.”

She grimaced and swatted his arm playfully.
“Women don’t want to talk about their ages.”

I’ll remember,” Rob conceded.

Oh, good grief. Who dressed you?”

What do you mean?”

Who put on that boutonnière? It’s crooked and too low.”

Howie.” Rob shrugged. “Will you fix it?”

Of course, I can’t let you wear it like that.”

Kelly stepped nearer and unpinned the white rose on his lapel. She smelled of vanilla, subtle but sweet. His body throbbed with desire at her touch. Could he convince her to come home with him again tonight? Could he make her understand that leaving her years ago was the biggest mistake of his life?


Kelly pinned Rob
’s boutonnière to the lapel of his navy Brooks Brothers’ suit, an intimate action that she found disconcerting, to say the least. Her fingers tingled on the finely woven Italian wool as she drank in the subtle masculine scent of Rob’s aftershave. He wore a light blue, traditional shirt with French cuffs and a silk navy and light blue paisley tie. He looked mighty handsome.

But not as handsome as he
’d looked in the flesh. She wasn’t bold enough to tell him that. In fact, there was nothing bold about her at the moment. Only hours earlier, she had come to a sort of closure with her mother. In a small way, she was able to forgive her father and feel sorry for her mother, who had put up with a bad marriage, in part, for Kelly’s sake.

That she could be truly happy for her mother and her upcoming nuptials was a good thing. That they could hug and make up was the best. Yet it had been hard to soften her heart for fear that if she did, somehow her mother would stab it again. But she risked it. For once.

The bad part was to come—when Rob faced his daughter for the first time. The daughter he didn’t know existed.

The doorbell rang almost on cue. Kelly turned. Heart in her throat, she stood fixed in her spot watching Rob go to the door.

“You must be C.B.,” Rob said swinging it open wide. “And you’re Daniel.” He offered his hand to the younger man. “I’m Rob Scott, Howie’s son,”

I would know you anywhere,” C.B. said in her cheerful, perky way. “Grandma described you to me.”

She did?”

Yes, she did. She seems to think you would be just the right man for my mother.”

C.B.” Kelly exclaimed, horrified.

Mom!” Smiling, C.B. rushed into the room and hugged her. “You look so pretty.”

You do too, pumpkin.”

Rob shut the door behind Daniel, who came in and gave Kelly a hug. When Daniel stepped back to take C.B.
’s hand in a possessive display of ownership, Kelly got the message. So that was the way it would be between them? Both vying for C.B.’s affection.

I have to agree with your grandmother,” Rob was saying. “She has excellent powers of observation.”

C.B. laughed and then stuck out her hand.
“I’m glad to meet you, anyway, Mr. Scott, and I’m glad my grandmother is going to be in your family.”

Rob took her hand. Their handshake connected them in what they must believe to be a fun-loving conspiracy. But it was more than that. Much more.

Am I the only one to notice the resemblance?

Kelly drew in a breath and held it, fearing Daniel would burst out with the truth because he was watching his wife and Rob closely.

She cleared her throat and said, “I think you two had better take your seats. They want to get started.”

Oh, yes,” C.B. agreed.

She and Daniel walked hand-and-hand into the living room leaving Kelly alone with Rob. Heart beating fast, she gazed up at him. Did he suspect anything? He would almost have to be blind not to notice.

“You’re daughter is beautiful, Kelly.”

Yes, she is.”

You’re very lucky.”

His words pierced her to the core. She swallowed hard.
“I don’t know about that,” she said, dismissing him. “I do know if I don’t get back upstairs to the bride, I’ll never be forgiven.”

With that she turned and fled up the stairs, once more evading the truth and what might turn out to be inevitable.


The small, intimate wedding concluded without a hitch. Rob stood up for his father, and Kelly—carrying a small, hand tied bouquet of white roses—acted as her mother
’s maid of honor. Afterwards, everyone followed the newlyweds outside to the garden where the caterer had set up a dinner complete with a choice of filet mignon or salmon. The string quartet transferred their chairs and instruments to the garden and continued playing the soft, soothing music.

I see my new stepmother is serious about matchmaking,” Rob whispered to Kelly, who was seated by his side. His engraved place card was situated next to hers.

Kelly paused taking a bite of her Caesar salad.
“Maybe she’ll have other things to think about now that she is married.” Her tone was dry and not amused.

I like the way her mind works,” Rob said.

Kelly swallowed her bite.
“She should
her own business.”

Ah, you sound upset.” He enjoyed teasing her. “Join me at my house tonight, and we can discuss the cause.”

Shooting him a hard look, Kelly dug into her salad.

“You can’t deny you enjoyed last night as much as I did,” he said.

I’m ignoring you.” She took a drink of iced tea and deliberately turned her head to speak to her mother.

Kelly couldn
’t ignore him forever. Rob let up, hiding a self-satisfied smile, and sat back in his chair. The guests were seated at a large round table covered by a white tablecloth. C.B. and her husband sat on the opposite side of the table so that Rob had a clear view of Kelly’s daughter.

He had expected C.B. to have Kelly
’s red hair, but it was blond. She had two cute dimples when she smiled and a pert little nose that was more pixie-like than Kelly’s. As he sipped a vodka and water, he watched her interaction with Daniel and one of his cousins on her right. There was something familiar about her. Something that made him think of his grandmother.

Rob sat up and placed his glass on the table. The question that was forming in his mind seemed so out of this world impossible. He fought for breath and for the quieting of his racing heart.

Could C.B. be his daughter?

Kelly had denied it. He
’d flat out asked her, and she’d said no. Now he wondered.

Rob picked up his glass again and brought it to his lips. Slowly, he took a sip and stared at C.B. over the rim as he struggled to tamp down his growing excitement.

It was safe to say C.B. didn’t know who he was. And no, he couldn’t ask Kelly again, not after she’d told him no. What if he got his hopes up only to learn C.B. was not his daughter?

Rob didn
’t think he could survive the disappointment.

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