Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set (54 page)

Read Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set Online

Authors: Maddie James,Jan Scarbrough,Magdalena Scott,Amie Denman,Jennifer Anderson,Constance Phillips,Jennifer Johnson

Tags: #boxed set, #collection, #anthology, #sweet romance, #contemporary romance



Chapter Fifteen



The night was hot and sticky. No air moved in the darkness. Only a few fireflies flickered among the trees as Kelly turned off her headlights and climbed out of her car.

Fear cramped her stomach, and her limbs felt weak. Her sandals crunching on the gravel path, she could hardly walk toward Rob’s log cabin. The distant noise of insects buzzing in the dead, country silence was the only other sound she heard.

Kelly stepped up one short step to the front porch and pushed the doorbell without hesitation. If she thought about it, she might turn away. Sucking in a huge breath, Kelly waited, rocking back on her heels and trying to control her trepidation.

The door opened. Light from the great room flooded the porch, blinding Kelly for a moment. Rob stood quietly at the threshold, surprise glinting in his eyes until he hid it behind hooded eyelashes.

You invited me,” Kelly said, her voice cracking.

Rob stared until her skin prickled. When he didn
’t speak, she asked, “May I come in?”

He stepped back from the door. Kelly marched past him with a confidence she didn
’t feel. She turned in the middle of the great room and watched Rob slowly shut the front door.

He turned and made eye contact. She fought to keep her chin high and shoulders squared.

How do I tell him? What do I say?

I thought you were leaving.” His statement was an indictment.

Kelly cleared her throat.
“I am. But I have something to tell you first.”

He nodded toward the sofa.
“Have a seat.”

Kelly sat down hard, feeling as uncomfortable as a grade school kid in the principal
’s office. She clutched her hands in her lap. This time Rob took the easy chair, pushing back and propping his feet on the ottoman, as if he had no care in the world.

This didn
’t bode well. “I don’t know where to begin,” she said begging for his understanding.

Start at the beginning.”

He gave no quarter, not in his posture or his direct gaze.

Heart surging into her throat, Kelly hesitated, looking away. She wrung her hands.

Get on with it. You came to confess. Do it!

Eyes remaining downcast in fear, she said softly, “I learned something on this trip home.” Kelly glanced up at Rob’s stony face. “My mother confessed something to me before she married your father.”

He said nothing. She dropped her gaze again to her hands.

“She told me that she and my father had to get married, because she was pregnant with me.” Kelly raced on, “And that’s why he treated me the way he did while I was growing up. He didn’t want the same thing to happen to me.”

Rob dropped his feet to the floor and sat up. She had his attention.
“That’s why he made you wear those ugly clothes and stupid hair style?”

Kelly nodded.

But you got pregnant anyway.”

Kelly nodded again. Feeling her heart contract with the weight of her admission, she moved uneasily on the sofa.
“Ironic isn’t it?”

It is a cruel irony.” Rob stood up and crossed over to the sofa. He sat down next to her and took her hand, squeezing it gently.

She straightened her back and looked away.
“He was angry with me and disappointed. I can see that now.”

You didn’t deserve his anger. I can’t believe he wanted you to get an abortion. I would never have asked that of you.”

’s lower lip quivered. “Oh, God, Rob. I’ve so misjudged you.”

He caressed her cheek.
“No crying now. It’s over.”

I haven’t told you everything.” Tears pooled in her eyes.

I’m listening.”

I’ve never said this out loud to anyone. I don’t know how to tell you.”

Rob pulled her toward him, wrapping her in his arms. She snuggled close, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. His action gave her strength to go on.

“I did so many things wrong back then, Rob,” Kelly admitted with a sob. “I deceived everyone, and once I started on that path, I didn’t—couldn’t—deviate. I thought only about C.B., ‘er, Colleen. I had to keep her safe. I had to protect her.”

You did a wonderful job,” Rob murmured and kissed her forehead.

But I should have done it differently. I couldn’t. Not then. Not at eighteen. Not after your mother warned me away from you.”

My mother?”

Kelly tried to draw away, but he wouldn
’t let her go, continuing to hold her in his arms. She started to cry—long, heaving sobs that took her breath away. “Oh, God, Rob, I’ve hurt you and C.B. so much. It wasn’t fair, but I didn’t know what else to do.”

Rob didn
’t speak, but there was a noticeable shift in his posture—a pause as if he knew what was coming.

Before you went away to college, your mother had told me to stay away from you. My father wanted C.B. dead.” Words tumbled from Kelly’s lips. “The only person who understood was Aunt Bess. So I just packed my bags one day and got on a bus to Louisville. Aunt Bess took me in.”

She made one more try to pull away. Rob
’s arms were like steel bands holding her. “Oh, Rob, it could have been different. I see that now. I shouldn’t have lied to you. I know now you would have done the right thing.”

She felt Rob
’s breathing hitch. He put his hands on her shoulders and gently shoved her back so he could look in her eyes.

What are you saying to me, Kelly?” he asked quietly.

Kelly placed a hand to his T-shirt, feeling the wet spot she
’d made with her tears. “I’m trying to tell you that Colleen is your child.”

But you said there were others.” Rob’s hushed voice held disbelief.

She shook her head.
“There never was anyone else. Only you. I lied. I was afraid you’d hate me for never telling you.”

He didn
’t say anything.

She pushed back, curling her trembling fingers into the fabric of the T-shirt as she raised her gaze to his face.
“Maybe you do hate me. I’ll understand if you do.” Kelly swallowed hard. “I’m sorry, Rob” She drew in a deep shuddering breath. “Maybe I better go now.”

I’m a father?”

She nodded and wiped away her tears.



I thought she looked like my grandmother.” His smile radiated down on Kelly. “I
I was the only one in high school.”

Yes.” She smiled up at him.

My God, Kelly, I’m really a father?”

Nodding again, Kelly touched his cheek.
“I’m sorry you’ve lost so many years. I’m sorry you never knew our daughter before tonight.”

He caught her hand and kissed it.
“I can’t believe this! But I do believe it, because I believe in you, back in high school and today. Kelly Baron, you are one remarkable, loving woman.”

Shame rushed through her. She didn
’t deserve his words. “I did the best I could.”

I should have been there for you.” Rob squeezed her hand.

You didn’t know.”

He shook his head.
“I should have suspected, but when you never came to me, it was easier to assume I had nothing to do with your baby.”

Rob dropped her hand and ran his fingers through his hair, tousling his blond locks like a small, anxious boy.
“My mother was a strong woman. You know that. She had big plans for me, and it was easier to go with the flow. I’m sorry she hassled you, Kel. If I’d known, I might have mustered some courage, but I sorely lacked it at the time.” He took a breath. “I might have stood up to my mother and things would be different today.”

Rob kissed her, his fingers cupping her face, his lips demanding and quick, full of emotion and longing.
“I’m so sorry, Kelly, for screwing up your life.”

You didn’t screw up my life,” she replied. “I had Colleen.”

You’re too generous.” Rob gazed lovingly into her eyes. “I’m at fault in this too.” Kissing her once more, he murmured, “Marry me.”

Marry you?” she muttered back, hardly understanding or daring to hope.

I have to marry the mother of my child.”

But she’s all grown up.”

All the better.” He kissed her long and hard. “We don’t have to deal with diapers.”

Kelly choked and pulled away.
“Are you crazy?”

No, serious.”

Seriously?” She shuddered, hope fluttering in her heart.

I’ve never been more serious in my life.”

Joy overcoming her, Kelly threw her arms around Rob
’s neck. He surrounded her with his embrace, and for the first time in her life, Kelly felt safe and secure. She liked that feeling. She was finally home.

I suppose I’ll have to call Rachel and tell her I’m not coming to North Carolina,” Kelly said already thinking ahead.

You’d better.” His fingers found the front-clasp of her bra under her T-shirt.

The heat and vitality of the man pulsed against her sensitive breasts. She gasped a breath.
“Then I suppose we’d better go to Louisville and talk to Colleen.”

We will,” he said, pressing his lips against hers again in a needy affirmation. “Tomorrow.”

Kelly gasped again.

I love you, Kelly Barron.”

I love you too, Rob Scott.”





One year later



“We’re an alert-looking bunch,” Kelly drawled, smile on her lips and happiness in her heart. She looked down at Grace, Howie, and Daniel’s parents who sat in a line of maternity waiting room chairs. Every tired eye was focused on the door to the labor and delivery rooms.

Rob sat at the end of the line, his long legs stretched out in front of him. She handed him a frosty can of Coke from the vending machine and sat down beside him in a hard hospital chair.

After nine long months, three with morning sickness, Colleen was finally in labor. The whole family had been waiting since noon, spending time in the labor room with the expectant couple until being asked to leave forty minutes ago. First babies were notorious for taking their sweet time, but this one, apparently was on his or her way.

Part of tonight
’s excitement was the suspense of learning the gender of the new baby. Colleen and Daniel had insisted on being old-fashioned and had refused to find out during the routine ultrasound. They had wanted to be surprised, but it was killing Kelly.

It’s two o’clock,” Howie complained, “and long past my bedtime. I’m usually in a prone position this time of the morning.”

Hush!” Grace slapped his sleeve in a good-humored way. “You’re here to support your granddaughter.”

I can do that just as well at home,” Howie growled, but Kelly was sure he didn’t mean it from the twinkle in his eyes.

Angling her chair, Kelly clutched Rob
’s arm and put her head on his shoulder, nuzzling against his sleeve. He felt good and solid, so safe and secure. She loved him so much. Could her dream really have come true? Sometimes she just couldn’t believe it.

And she couldn
’t believe her little girl—
daughter—was actually making them grandparents.

A year ago they had broken the news to Colleen, who had held Daniel
’s hand and wept. Kelly and Rob had wept too. It had been an emotional moment. And then Rob had been frantic to catch up. He wanted to know everything about his daughter, and Colleen wanted to share everything with him. Kelly had pulled out scrapbooks and photo albums from boxes in storage. There had been home movies to watch and stories to tell. Rob couldn’t get enough of his child and learning about the childhood he had missed. Colleen had blossomed from Rob’s attention, his acceptance…his love.

Finally after a week in Louisville, Rob had taken Kelly back to his log cabin and made love to her as if he couldn
’t get enough of her either. He insisted she move in. Grace’s sad, little house was left vacant for a while until Rachel came up from North Carolina for a visit and talked them into turning it into a bed and breakfast. After remodeling it, Rob hired Tara and Courtney’s mother to run it, giving the single mother a job that left her plenty of time for her children.

In October, Rob had taken Kelly to Gatlinburg. Amid the falling leaves and roaring mountain streams, they were married, for better or worse, richer or poorer.

They had their ups and downs, oh yes. Who wouldn’t? Two people, strangers really, trying to mesh their single lives into a workable union.

But it
working in a most beautiful way. And Kelly’s life had changed dramatically. She now volunteered at the children’s club in the afternoons. She took riding lessons, and Rob bought her a Saddlebred mare of her very own. They traveled, too, flying to Greece and Italy. Rob told her he was finally doing all the things he was always too busy to do.

Yes, life was so much better today.

Kelly exhaled a long sigh of contentment and gave Rob’s arm another squeeze. A year ago, she would never have believed creating a new life could be so easy. All she had to do was find Rob again.

Finding Rob caused her to truly find herself.

“Here he comes!”

Rob and Kelly jumped to their feet.

Daniel strode into the waiting room, a smile the length of a football field spreading across his face. He pulled a blue ball cap from behind his back and placed it firmly on his head. His mother took a step forward.

It’s a boy!” Daniel shouted. “I’m a father at last!”

As the rest of the family cheered and crowded around Daniel for details, Rob looked down at Kelly and smiled.
“It took me a long time to become a father,” he said. “Something tells me being a grandfather will be just as special.”

Kelly threw her arms around Rob and kissed him hard on the lips.
“And this time, we’ll be grandparents together.”

A last.” Rob hugged her tight. “Together, a family at last.”



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