Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set (65 page)

Read Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set Online

Authors: Maddie James,Jan Scarbrough,Magdalena Scott,Amie Denman,Jennifer Anderson,Constance Phillips,Jennifer Johnson

Tags: #boxed set, #collection, #anthology, #sweet romance, #contemporary romance

The three siblings raised their shot glasses in front of them with the unsalted hand.
“To Daughtry family drinking,” Adam said before the three licked their hands, drank their shots and sucked on their limes.

They each had on matching puckered faces.
“Oh, hold that face,” George called out before clicking a photo with his cell phone.

With eyes closed and a burning in her belly, Allison stumbled forward with her hands stretched out, reaching for the bar.

“Umph,” she said bumping into a hard body. The stars in her eyes began to evaporate, showing the pale-lit room. She focused on the face of the person she’d run into. A shadow casted across the person’s face, hiding features. Except for his eyes. Dark brown eyes stared back at her.

Excuse me,” she confessed stepping back. “I’m sorry. The lights from the camera were…bright.”

Not a problem.” Ryan ordered a beer from the bartender. His eyes remained on Allison as he tipped the bottle back.

The two watched each other with Audrey, Adam and George laughing behind them. She didn
’t know what caused their good mood but she was too distracted to turn around to find out. Since the lunch encounter and her confession to forget, she wondered where they stood. Partly, she didn’t think their relationship mattered since she’d be leaving town after the wedding, only to return for holidays. But she didn’t want to leave with him hating her.

Doing shots?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Yeah, Audrey doesn’t have to go home and she wanted to party.” Allison shrugged off her comment, acting as if it wasn’t a big deal. “You wanna join us?”

She wasn
’t fooling anybody and Ryan knew it. “You. And Adam. Hanging out with Audrey. Hmm. I guess anything is possible.” A twinkle in his eyes said more than him observing a simple drink among family. He knew better than most the relationship between the sisters had been strained or non-existent. “Be careful. Or have you forgotten how things ended the last time? I have a feeling Adam won’t let you sleep in his room again the night before his wedding.” He winked and walked away only to look back at Allison.

What did his wink mean? Did she still have a chance if George were out of the picture? Her eyes focused on George who leaned against the bar, playing on his cell phone. If she pretended to break things off with him, for her family
’s sake and moved home, would Ryan still be an option. Would her heart get a chance at love?

She shook her suspicions away and faced the small party developing at the bar. Adam and Audrey leaned in close, talking. Were things still strained between them, she wondered. She
’d been away, only to return on holidays when everyone was cordial to each other. With Adam living at home, had he gotten closer to Audrey? Did they have a common subject to talk about now that Allison was removed from the picture?

More importantly, if Adam and Audrey could move past their age differences and their lack of time spent together when they were younger and have a relationship, could the same be true for Allison and Audrey? Sure they agreed on trying at the church but words and actions were two different ideas. Watching Audrey and Adam laugh at a joke for their ears only, a smile tugged at her lips. A yearning in her heart burned to have more with Audrey. A feeling she hadn
’t been aware she wanted until it blew up in her face.

Feeling eyes on her, Allison glanced over her shoulder. Standing across the room with his arm wrapped around her mother while she talked to a couple nearby was her father. Same color hair as Allison but with her brother
’s matching height he smiled back at his daughter. A softness around his green eyes reminded her of a time when she was younger. She’d lied about something and as if she were Pinocchio, he knew. He always knew more than he let on. Her mother ran the house, keeping her and her siblings in line but her father was the silent watcher. One look from him and her composure collapsed and she remembered not only confessing to her lie but to previous ones he hadn’t even questioned. She wondered if he had the same effect on her after all these years. Would a minute alone with him break her will, forcing her to divulge her lie?

Allison returned his smile and turned back toward her siblings, avoiding any more face time with him. Her will was slowly collapsing between Ryan and now her father.

She squeezed into a spot beside George and leaned against him. His arm wrapped around her shoulders and she knew she could never risk what they shared.

I love you, you know.”

Oh, I know. And you know the feeling is mutual.” George offered, kissing the top of her head.

His familiar cologne lingered after she stood firmly against the bar. She slapped down her hand, looked to her brother and sister.
“Okay, next round is my choice.”




Chapter Eighteen



Water pelted against the wall of the shower indicating Grandma had vacated the bed she shared with Allison. Taking full advantage, she rolled to her back, stretching her arms and legs wide. The sheets, chilly against her warmed skin, forced her to pull back, shake and then ease her body back to the cold side.

Allison consumed less drinks the night prior than she did partying with her family enjoying margaritas. Only a faint nagging tugged inside her head. She chalked the beginnings of a mild headache to the tequila. The devil liquid had that effect on her.

And she wasn
’t sleeping in her brother’s bed, so she figured she’d came out ahead.

Ignoring the slight rumble in her head, she rolled to her stomach, buried her face between the two stacks of pillows and breathed deep. She
’d eventually get up, take some aspirin and hit the shower. For the time being, she inhaled the reminiscent scent of her grandmother’s perfume, White Shoulder, and enjoyed the last few minutes of quiet before the craziness of the day.

Knock. Knock.

“Come in,” she called with her face still buried.

Moments later her bed dipped from the weight of her visitor. Covers were ruffled sending a chill against her bare legs. She wasn
’t sure who her visitor was yet but since they knocked, she was certain she was okay.

A body snuggled close beside her.
“I’m getting married today.” Her brother’s breath blew across the back of her neck.


A second later, his fingers grabbed at her sides pulling a loud shriek from her.
“Stop,” she yelled as her brother tickled her. She twisted and turned, breaking his hold on her. “Okay. Stop.”

Well, when your little brother tells you he’s getting married…today, you better offer up more than a muffled acknowledgement.”

Fine.” Covers flew from her body when she kicked her arms and legs in the air, shaking them. “Woohoo! Adam’s finally making an honest woman out of Sarah.”

Ha, ha.”

After a few moments of listening to each other
’s breathing slow to a normal pace from their cheering and the continual patter of water from the shower, Allison pushed herself to a sitting position. “Seriously. You know I’m over the moon happy for you two, right?”

Yes,” he said patting her leg. “It’s too much fun to watch you squirm.”


Anytime.” The water in the bathroom shut off. “Can I ask you a personal question?” Adam rolled over onto his side. His brown eyes stared up at her causing tightness in her stomach. In all their years together, he’d never asked her permission to ask her about something personal. He’d always just asked.

Um, sure.” With one finger, she pushed the corner of her lips against her teeth and chewed on the soft skin, preparing herself for his next words.

Are you happy? With George?”

’d asked her the same thing a day earlier and she figured her answer was enough to satisfy him. She loved George. As a friend. She always had fun with George. As a friend. Her answer to her Adam wouldn’t be a lie. Yet she wondered if throwing in the additional information would make her feel better. The guilt of her secret ate at her insides.

Before you answer, hear me out first.” She nodded for him to continue. “You told me yesterday that you kissed Ryan and that it was no big deal and not to say anything to George. And I like George. I’ve told you. He’s a really nice guy. But after your confession, I watched you two yesterday and I don’t know. You two don’t really act like a couple. You smile and lean into each other, but it seems more as friends than two people planning on spending their entire life together. And when you look at your hand and that ring, I swear, it looks like you think your skin is on fire. When Sarah and I are…”

Yeah, not everybody can be like you and Sarah,” Allison snapped. As soon as her sister-in-law’s name left her lips, she clamped her hand across her face. Heat licked along her skin from her emotional outburst. Keeping up her lie were getting the better of her. “Adam, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that.” Taking a note from her childhood memories, she scooted back beneath the covers, matching her brother’s position. “I didn’t mean to snap at you. I guess I wasn’t prepared for your question.”

This is what I’m talking about. What’s going on with you? And before you tell me I’m wrong. I know you better than anyone, even after all these years, and I can tell something is bothering you. Tell me.” Adam’s eyes zeroed in on her.

Telling him would be easy. Making him understand would be hard. Could she do that to him on what was supposed to be the happiest day of his life?

Her resolve cracked.

Adam don’t do this to me today. Not on your day.”

Who gives a crap whose day it is? You’re my sister and obviously something’s bothering you. Just tell me. Maybe I can help fix whatever it is.”

You’re not supposed to be the one to fix things. I’m the older one.”

Bull and you know it. That’s not how we roll in this house. Especially between you and me. Remember in grade school when Bobby Simpson wouldn’t let you play tetherball at recess? For an entire week, he’d push you aside, not letting you have a turn and none of the teachers did anything about it. What did I do?” Allison nodded her head, remembering his reason for detention that following week. “I pulled down his pants and showed everyone that he still wore Spiderman underwear.”

But you got into a lot of trouble.”

Totally worth it. You know why? Because you got to play tetherball with your friends. I’d do anything, short of murder, for you. Especially when you’re hurting.”

I’m not hurting.”

Not physically. But something is bothering you.” Adam reached up and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

She enjoyed being taken care of. She
’d been on her own in Chicago for so long, she almost forgot what it felt like to have help. George was there but he wasn’t family and had his own life.

Her emotions fought within her body, forcing her to leave the warmth of her bed. The carpet rough against her bare feet with every step she took pacing across her brother
’s line of sight. Behind the bathroom door, she made out the sounds of her grandmother digging through her make-up bag. Since home and rooming with the woman, Allison knew her morning ritual by heart. Shower. Make-up. Blow dry hair. Get dressed. “Nonsense, she told her. I don’t wear anything I have to shove my head through. Besides, I like to blow dry my hair naked. I get too darn hot.” After the brief conversation, Allison made a mental note to never question her about anything ever again. Trying to erase the images of the woman fixing her hair were enough to cause chills along her spine. But her quirks were what made Allison love her more.

Come on Al. Talk to me before Grandma comes out and makes me leave.”

She stopped pacing and resolved to fidget with her fingers.
“Okay. But you’ve got to swear on your future children to not say a word to anybody, not even Sarah.”

That’s a little ext…”

Swear it,” she snapped for the second time since he’d crawled into her bed.

Fine. I swear.” Adam sat up in the center of the bed with all the sheets and covers pooling around his lap.

Allison slowly moved to the edge of the bed and sat down. To keep from playing with her hands, she tucked them beneath her thighs. Was she really going to do this? If there was anybody she could trust with her darkest secret, it
’d be him.


Allison and Audrey opted to do their own hair for the wedding instead of going to the salon like the remainder of the wedding party. Allison’s reason was she hadn’t booked an appointment in time and Audrey said no one knew her hair better than she. Instead of riding in the limo with the girls after their updo’s were done, Allison and George rode with her brother to the church.

Getting nervous?” Allison asked to break the silence in the car. After her confession Adam left her alone. He didn’t say anything indicating how he felt about her news. Her biggest fear? He hated her. She hoped he admired her honesty, even though it came a few days late.

Yes and no. I mean, I’m not nervous about whether I made the right choice. I’m nervous about whether she thinks she made the right one in agreeing to be with me for the rest of our lives. It’s really scary.”

Oh come on. You know she is head over heels in love with you. Always has, always will.” Allison said matter of factly.

You think?” A thin line of sweat broke out across Adam’s forehead. At each stop sign he rapidly tapped his fingers against the steering wheel to a beat that wasn’t playing in the car. His nerves were getting the better of him and driving Allison nuts.

Adam, calm down. Everything will be fine. Look.” She pointed at her chest. “I’m even wearing the right dress. So just take a deep breath.”

I get it.” George chimed in from the back seat. “You know what you’re thinking and you understand what she’s said about your love but you’re not sure what she’s thinking. And maybe I’m wrong and I’ve only known you a few days, but you can see the love between you two.”

’s hands gripped the steering wheel. He looked up into the rearview mirror at George and for a split second, Allison saw a challenge in his eyes. But as quickly, it vanished along with the tension creased along his forehead. He loosened his hold on the wheel. “Thanks. I think you’re right. I know how she looks at me and she doesn’t look at any other guy the same way.”

Allison knew his words were meant for her. Was he daring her to say differently? Did he want George to know he knew? That the gig was up?

Her stare begged him to look her way and when he did, she silently pleaded with him to not say a word. She resisted reaching across the center console to touch his arm. Instead, she said, “Listen to me carefully and repeat after me. I love Sarah and she loves me. We are getting married and will live happily ever after.” And carry your secret to the grave, she wanted to add.

Adam hesitantly repeated his sisters words back to her.

“Do you feel better?”

They pulled into the church parking lot and took notice of the black stretch limo parked in front of the church.
“I do a little. Thanks.” Adam parked his car and sat staring out the front windshield as if he were driving. He focused on something Allison couldn’t see. She noticed the tension leaving his face as he wiped a steady hand across his brow. He turned to his sister and a soft smile blossomed on his face. Allison could only describe the look as happiness. Peace. “I’m so glad you’re here. You have no idea how much that means to Sarah and myself.”

Even with a huge secret hanging between them, she wouldn
’t change a single moment if it kept the look of happiness on her brother’s face.

Now, this is your day. Let’s go get you married to the woman of your dreams.” She gave his hands one last squeeze before they exited the car. George followed behind, adjusting a dark pair of aviators over his eyes. He looked sharp. Black coat and jacket. White shirt and somehow he’d managed to bring a blue tie matching her dress.

The sun shined down glittering off the rhinestones wrapped around Allison
’s wrist. She weaved her bare arm through her dates, snuggling close to fight the light fall breeze blowing. Her dress billowed around her legs as her shoes tapped against the asphalt.

The couple followed Adam up the cement stairs to the patio and then through the front door. Inside, people bustled around adding final touches to the decorations. Sarah
’s mother pointed out areas needing adjustments followed by Allison’s mom, nodding with each change.

Keeping her brother close and avoiding any accidental spotting of Sarah, Allison pulled her brother through the vestibule and into the sanctuary. A few guests waited for the wedding to begin while altar boys moved around lighting candles and placing books on the podium.

Allison patted her brother’s arm once they entered the church. She tugged on their interlocked arms down the center aisle, thankful for his support even though he was the one getting married. Her stomach flipped a few more turns before she stopped in front of the lectern. “Okay, I want you to go back in the little room to wait. There should be something to drink and snacks in there. Relax a bit.” She opened the door to find the rest of the groomsmen waiting. All eyes looked up when they entered. A pair of dark brown ones held her attention first, halting her steps. Air caught in her throat at the sight of Ryan in a tuxedo. She couldn’t deny how he made her feel looking like he stepped from a men’s fashion magazine. His dark hair slicked back away from his strong structured face. His eyes were hooded as if the sight of her did funny things to his train of thought.

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