Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set (69 page)

Read Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set Online

Authors: Maddie James,Jan Scarbrough,Magdalena Scott,Amie Denman,Jennifer Anderson,Constance Phillips,Jennifer Johnson

Tags: #boxed set, #collection, #anthology, #sweet romance, #contemporary romance

I told him that he couldn’t handle your talent and that you were wasting it on him.”

You had no right.” Fire burned along her neck. The force pushed her to her feet standing face to neck with Ryan. “You can’t just walk in here…”

Will you let me finish?” He reached down, grabbed Allison’s wrists. She pulled against him as he brought her arms toward him, forcing her to stand up close to him. Her breathing sped up with the force she exerted. His hold was firm and tight, not budging. Allison tried one more time, using the weight in her body as she yanked from his hold. “I’d be a fool if I didn’t steel you up. Talents and all. Can’t you see what I’m telling you?”

No.” Her mind swirled. She didn’t understand anything except he went into her boss’ office and resigned for her.

I love you, dammit. And you’re going to leave this job. This city. Come back to St. Louis where you can work with me. Where I can spend every minute of every day with you. Where your talents will be appreciated and where you can challenge me. I’m not letting you go this time.”

She heard his words but none of them made sense.
“And then what?”

And then I’m going to make up for the years away from you. I know we have something between us. I knew it then but was too stupid to understand. I need you in my life and not just as my friend’s sister.” Ryan’s breath matched Allison’s pushing from his lungs. Ryan held her wrists within his strong, but gentle hands. She itched to erase the distance between them. His hands tightened and tugged, giving Allison exactly what she wanted. They stared into each other’s eyes, never faltering. She was almost afraid to breathe, fearing it would put unwanted space between their bodies. She quickly noticed his initials embroidered across the cuff of his shirt. The letters R.J. nagged at her but she couldn’t focus on their meaning.


Because I’ve thought about you almost every day since I darted from your bedroom all those years ago and if I think about you that much and we weren’t together. I can only imagine the toll you’re going to take on me if we are together.” He pulled her closer. “You will be the end of me. I can already see that I’m not going to get any work done and I’ll probably have to close down my business.”

Allison couldn
’t believe what she was hearing. In a matter of minutes, he’d turned her world upside down and shook it like a snow globe. Was this what Adam wanted to talk to her about? Did he know all of Ryan’s plans? She didn’t have a second to dwell on her thoughts because one second she was staring into his brown eyes and the next, her lips were pulled into his with crushing force. Ryan’s were warm, melting the nerves spiking up her spine. Butterflies dive-bombed her stomach. He released her wrists only to wrap his steady hands around her waist, pulling her tighter to his chest. Her hands became trapped between their bodies. She didn’t mind getting a chance to appreciate the muscles beneath his silken shirt. Her fingers itched to unbutton his clothing to explore.

’s lips held her captive with pleasant pressure. His lips seared the skin along her jaw, pulling more heat to pool beneath her skin. With each soft lick, sparks like lightening shot to her toes before settling in places she’d only read about in dirty books. A moan escaped her lips when his kiss and find expedition ended with a gentle tug at her ear lobe.

Alli,” he mumbled against her skin.

His words pulled her from his kissing induced fog. Reluctantly, she pushed against his chest, breaking the seal of his lips against her neck.

Ryan eased his hold around her waist, allowing space between them. With heavy lidded eyes, he gazed upon Allison keeping a satisfied smile on his face. His wet lips from their brief kiss begged to be kissed again but she shook the idea away.
“Did you just quit my job, hire me and then what? Ask me to be your girlfriend?”

Don’t forget I apologized for being an ass.”

Yeah, that too.”

Yes.” A sparkle in his eye persuaded Allison to believe. She wanted to believe that everything she wanted was within her grasp if she only took the next step. She wasn’t sure if there was a next step since he hadn’t given her a question to answer. More like statements. Matter of facts.

She stepped back from his embrace watching his hands and face fall. She hated the look on him but she needed space between them in order to think. His kisses, scent and muscles clouded her thoughts, dragging her to his side without allowing her a say in her life.

“What if I don’t want to leave?” She questioned, turning her back on him. He needed to know that she wasn’t a prize or a piece of property. She had a say in things. “What if I don’t want to leave my job, move back home and work for you?”

If I’m out of place, I’m sorry, but…”

And you come in here, sweep me off my feet and hope everything will be okay just because you say.” It was her turn to interrupt.

I just thought…”

Now she had him re-guessing.
“And you expect me to run off and be with you.”

Ryan closed the space between them in a few steps. He scooped her up in his embrace, holding her body close to his. His face buried into her soft brown hair, taking in deep breathes.
“You know you’re happier at home. I saw the light in your eyes during your brother’s wedding.”

I think that was all the alcohol.”

Sure, that too.” He pushed back, still keeping a firm hold on her. “Admit it. You want to come back. Listen, you don’t have to stay at your parents. Did you know your job comes with moving expenses as well as a rent stipend until you receive your first paycheck?”

Allison wrapped her arms around his neck, holding his head buried into her hair.
“I love you,” she whispered to him. “But next time, let me quit my own job.”

Ryan leaned his head back with a raised eyebrow.
“Um, next time, you’ll be working for me. I hope you won’t have to quit.”

Wait a second. You mean working with you.”

Right.” He answered, cutting her further words with a kiss.

When he finally released her lips, he set her back on her feet.
“I think there’s only one thing left to do.”

She scrunched her face.

I’ve met George. Now I need to meet the other male in your life.”

Confused, she stared at him. He knew everybody in her life. Did he think she was dating someone? But before she could set him straight, he cut her off again.
“I need to meet your cat before you bring him back to St. Louis. I mean, if I’m going to be around, I think he and I need to at least meet.”

Okay. By the way. What’s the name of your company?”

R.J. Industries. Why?”

She figured as much. Her now former boss
’ biggest competitor happened to be the biggest crush of her life.

Allison knew everything was going to be all right. Life had an interesting way of working out. She had her brother
’s wedding to thank for her newfound life.




Jennifer Anderson


Mommy, wife, cat owner, review coordinator for Turquoise Morning Press and author. Needless to say, my plate is full. Even though I
’ve spent many years on either coast, a majority of my life has been spent in the Midwest. Here is where my heart grows with the love and support of my family and friends, and here is where I find inspiration for my stories.


You can find me on Twitter @JenniA8677, on my
or check out my


Book list:


Ice Princess

Prince Charming

Queen Mean

King of the Lake


My Brother’s Wedding

Knight in Armor,” short story in
Men in Uniform



Jennifer Johnson

’re all mad here.

~The Cheshire Cat


When Cheris McDowell wakes up in a hotel room next to the husband she doesn
’t remember meeting, she decides the only practical solution is a quiet divorce.

Too bad the rest of the world disagrees.

As an Internet advice guru, Cheris ought to know how to fix the mess she woke up to, but when her own web master conspires to keep the marriage going, Cheris is at a loss.

Geoff Arrowood III, her new husband, isn
’t helping the situation. He’s way too charming and looks a little too good in a Tuxedo.

Will Cheris choose a little storybook madness or the sensible advice of the wisdom she
’s followed all her life?



Drink Me


I dare you,” her companion murmured.

I don’t take dares,” Cheris replied shooting him a disdainful look.

What about a double dog dare?” He winked, and Cheris’ stomach fluttered. “Do you take those?”

It was silly, really, letting this stranger impel her to anything. Squaring her shoulders she stepped forward into the looking glass and retrieved the drink. Bringing it to her lips, she sipped once and discovered it to be mild yet sweet—similar to cantaloupe in the peak of its season.

“Mmm. Very nice.” She tilted the cup and drained it. “I’ve never tasted anything quite like it.” She licked her lips and tilted her head. Picking up another glass, she set the empty one in its place. “Go over there and drink one.”

The man raised his eyebrows, but walked to the chair. They faced each other as he determined the correct glass to pick up.

“Yes. That’s the one.” Cheris drank from the second glass enjoying the cool liquid. “I’ve got to find out what this stuff—oh!” She gasped as she tripped over the frame.

At once he was at her side steadying her.
“Careful there, Alice. It’s the rabbit hole you’re supposed to fall into.”

Oh. My. Goodness.

Cheris’ hands were on his arms, her fingers sliding over the material, reveling in the solid flesh underneath. She raised her face and blinked up at him. “Whoever you may be,” she drawled. “I have always depended on kindness in strangers.”




Chapter One


I wonder if I’ve been changed in the night? Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I’m not the same, the next question is ‘Who in the world am I?’ Ah, that’s the great puzzle!

Alice in Wonderland
by Lewis Carroll


The vice tightened around her skull waking Cheris with its torment, and she gripped her head.

Was she dying? She had to be. Nobody in this much pain could be

Nausea gripped her stomach. Cautiously, she opened her eyes, thankful, at least, that the room was dim. The curtains were drawn, though the lightened edges attested to the fact that the sun was up. With her hands pressed against her scalp in an effort to stave off the deathly ache, Cheris turned her head slowly.

Where was she anyway? This wasn’t her bedroom. This looked like a hotel room. She scanned the rest of the room. Nice but…

There was a man in bed with her!

His back was to her, but it was definitely a guy, still asleep.

What happened last night?

Trying not to jar the bed to wake him up, Cheris slipped from the mattress and gulped. Whose white button-down shirt was she wearing? Probably his. How low had she sunk? A one night stand.

Her? Not in a million years. No way.

But the evidence was so damning.

Cheris searched the carpeted floor for her clothes, and spotted her bra but not the ruffled blouse Janie, her best friend, insisted she wear to the art gala last night. Some of Janie
’s painted work had been featured and the private party had been lively even at five o’clock when Cheris had arrived.

’d held a glass of champagne and pretended to drink it for the toast. The only other beverage she’d consumed had been some punch. It must have been alcohol.

Oh, no.

What an idiot she was. A stupid, stupid…

She grabbed her linen skirt with her panties tucked inside hanging from the shade of the lamp on the bedside table.

Cheris McDowell did
throw her clothes on the furniture. She placed them neatly in a pile in the dirty clothes hamper. The man in the bed sighed and turned onto his back, flinging his arm across the bed to where Cheris had been. In sleep, his face was relaxed, his dark hair tousled. She glanced at him noting his bare shoulders and chest as she tiptoed past the bed.
Ah, thank you
, she thought as she spotted her purse on the dresser. She grabbed it and entered the bathroom. She didn’t dare turn on the light or even close the door afraid of waking him, whoever he was.

Who was he? How could she do this?

She stripped off the shirt without bothering with the buttons. The scent of male cologne wafting from the material triggered an image of tawny eyes behind trim glasses gazing at her from the face in the next room.

ou may kiss my hand, sir.”

Her voice and her outstretched arm.

Her hands shook so badly, it took her several tries to get her bra fastened and her straps on her shoulders. Wrenching her arms into the big shirt, she tried not to think about its owner. Quickly, she tugged on her panties and skirt. Who knew where her blouse was, or her shoes? She wasn’t going to look for them. She had to get out of here before he woke up.

Talk about awkward.

Hello. I’m Cheris. I know we slept together, but I didn’t catch your name.

’ throat closed up.

She hurried out of the bathroom and quietly opened the door leading to the hallway. Clicking the door shut behind her, she sprinted down the passage to the elevator.

She entered the lobby attempting to act nonchalant, as if she knew where she was, as if she didn’t have a headache the size of the iceberg which sank the Titanic, as if she were wearing shoes.

A woman behind the desk smiled at her.

“Do you have today’s paper?” Cheris asked her as she rifled through her purse.



Cell phone?




We have
The Herald Times
The Mountain Journal
, and
The Independence
. Which would you like?”

Since Cheris had only asked for the paper to find out where she was, she answered,
“The local one.”

The woman handed her
The Mountain Journal

The news of Serenity, Kentucky
, the paper touted. Serenity was a tourist hideaway and about an hour and a half away from Cullsbaeir, her home.

Why had they come here, and how was she going to get back?

Cheris massaged her temple with one hand. She spotted the doorway next to the counter labeled ‘Sundry’ and went to find something for her head.

After purchasing a bottled water out of the machine, a travel pack of Aleve, and a pair of flip flops, Cheris asked the clerk about the closest car rental place.

“Is something wrong with your car?” the young woman asked.

Cheris debated on her answer.

“You’re in room forty-three twenty, right? I checked you in last night. I had to pull a double.” She stuck her tongue out in exhaustion. “The morning desk help didn’t show up so I’m here until three.” Typing on the keyboard in front of her, she peered at the screen. “I remember you giving your husband a hard time because he didn’t know your license plate number.”

My husband.” Cheris rubbed her closed eyelids attempting to relieve her agony. “Right.”

Blue Prius?”

Relief washed over her. Her car! Her car was here. Oh, thank the Lord, her car had made it to this side of the nightmare. Cheris raked the flip flops off the counter and shoved her feet into them.
“Of course. I should take my car. Thanks.”

She strode toward the front door hoping the parking lot wasn
’t too big. Asking the woman where they parked might make her suspicious. Cheris pressed the unlock button on her keyring and listened for the telltale beep.

And there it was in the second row. Cheris heaved a sigh of relief.

This could have been so much worse. So much. Guilt niggled at her for leaving the man in the hotel room without a shirt or a way home, but too bad.

’s what he gets for having a one night stand and lying to the hotel clerk about being married.

What a piece of scum. Revulsion crawled up her spine.

Cheris opened the door of her car and sat inside. Hmm. Her feet didn’t reach the pedals which meant someone else had driven them here.

Him, probably.

Goodness knew she hadn’t needed to drive if she didn’t even remember how they got here. Cheris turned the key and cranked the engine. When she placed her hands on the steering wheel, she paused as she studied her left hand.

And the wedding band on her ring finger.

Putting the car in gear, the tires squealed as she tore out of the parking lot and got away from there as fast as she could.

Before she hit the main drag, she pulled the ring off and dropped it in the cup holder. It clattered as it settled.

What have I done?


When Cheris arrived at her apartment, she headed to the kitchen and retrieved another bottle of water from the refrigerator hoping to erase the not-quite-gone pain in her head. The pain reliever had taken most of the ache, but had done nothing for the regret of a night she couldn’t remember.

Why had she been wearing a ring?

Cheris drank half of the contents of the bottle before sitting it on the counter. Her next task was to take a shower as if she could wash away what she had done.

If anybody found out….

On her way to the bathroom, the doorbell pealed. Against her better judgment, she pivoted and walked to the door peering through the keyhole.


This was

She was the one who insisted Cheris come to the opening last night to support her best friend in the gala.

“You have to be here,” Janie’d declared. “My mom and dad won’t come because they have a bunch of my old fogey relatives in town who can’t take the vagina imagery of my
Secret Garden Grown Up
piece. I need you to video me with all the big wigs admiring my art.”

Where was Janie
’s Flip camcorder anyway?

Cheris grasped the knob and pulled.

“What in the heck are you wearing? Where did you disappear to last night?” Janie began without preamble as she walked in the apartment.

Hard to say,” Cheris hedged. She walked to her purse and rummaged through it. Where was the Flip?

Are you okay?”

Definitely not here.
“Umm. Why do you ask?” Cheris closed the bag, picked it up, and put it in its cubby hole under the counter separating the kitchen from the living room.

Janie collapsed on Cheris
’ couch and propped her feet on the coffee table. “Some people got into Gary Sheirer’s Drink Me/Eat Me stuff in his Wonderland exhibit, and it’s created mayhem throughout the tri-state area.”

Cheris raised her other hand to her head cradling it.
“The punch?” Yes. Cheris had been in the Wonderland room. She had eaten a petit four and drunk the sweet beverage from an oversized thimble.

It was an interactive exhibit. That’s why no underage people could be at the party.”

But it wasn’t—”

Labeled alcoholic? I know. Neither were the cakes. One or the other was fine, but combined?” Janie grinned and shook her head. “They had to pull a woman off a water tower she climbed after the gala. A man got arrested for streaking in downtown Central Park, and there is another man missing. Got any Diet Coke? I’d kill for one.”

Oh, Janie.” Cheris retrieved a can for her friend and handed it to her.

Most people got the message from the Drink Me and Eat Me signs, but I guess a few brave dummies thought it’d be cute to see if they’d shrink and grow.”

A flash of the sleeping man rushed through Cheris
’ memory. Last night he had stood in the Wonderland room with her.

I dare you,” he said.

I don’t take dares,” Cheris replied.

What about a double dog dare?” He winked, and Cheris stomach fluttered. “Do you take those?”

Cheris gasped at the recollection.

“What’s wrong?” Janie asked. “You didn’t do the
eat me, drink me
stuff, did you?”

Cheris sighed.
“Did I give you back your camcorder last night?”

Janie cocked her head at her friend ignoring her question.
“You did, didn’t you? Huh. Well, that’s surprising. Ms. Let-me-fix-your-life Hip Granny ate and drank unknown substances.”

Hip Granny, the web giant who organized homes and lives, who advised on health and relationships, who did
get drunk and wake up next to a strange man.

I’m not Hip Granny.”

Janie snorted.
“You are soo the Hip Granny.”

Annie Hill is the Hip Granny.”

That woman hasn’t done anything but interviews in over a year,

Janie was one of the few people who knew Annie had retired leaving Cheris as the practical advice guru. It was easy to impersonate the older woman via the World Wide Web when all people saw were typed words.

“Look, Janie, I’m going to go take a shower.”

you okay? You didn’t do anything crazy last night, did you?”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Cheris formulated an answer as she stepped to the door and opened it. On her porch stood what she did crazy last night.

A squeak escaped her mouth as she stared at him.

How did he know where she lived? How did he get here?

With a white plastic bag in his hand and wearing a snug undershirt with Tuxedo pants, the man stared back at her. His disheveled hair and unshaven face testified to the fact he had come straight here from the hotel.

“Hi,” he said.

Who is it?” Janie asked.

Good question.

Janie appeared next to her and pulled the door open wider. “Oh, hey, Geoff. What are you doing here?”

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