Sweet Justice (24 page)

Read Sweet Justice Online

Authors: Christy Reece

Tags: #Suspense

Though the girl had said she was unconscious, he couldn’t help but try to talk to her. “Honor, can you hear me?”

No response.

“Sweetheart, moan … make some sort of sound to let me know you’re awake.”

Still nothing.

They had to have knocked her out with something. A Taser gun incapacitated but shouldn’t cause unconsciousness, unless it was a stronger charge than normal.

When she was conscious again, he knew, she’d tell him everything she could. They still had no idea what this bastard did with these girls. What was with his daughter saying that Honor wasn’t their type? Hell, was this some sick, twisted sex game he and his daughter played with the young women?

Seth blew out a disgusted sigh. He could speculate all night and still not come up with the right answer. Thinking like the sick, perverted bastard would get him only so far.

The best he could do was be ready to go after her if this went to shit. Yes, he would save Kelli and the other girls, too, but damned if he’d sacrifice Honor to do it. If it appeared she was in mortal danger, he was going after her. No matter what.

The elevation of the road rose with each mile. Did this guy have a cabin in the mountains? Was that where he’d taken the other women?

As the RV started up a winding road, a light snow began to fall and Seth held back a little farther. This late at night, with the possibility of bad weather, there were few enough vehicles. He didn’t want the guy to get even an inkling of a suspicion that he was being followed. The road was curvy, but he could see well enough.

He’d wait and hope that Honor would wake up soon. And if sugar went to shit, he prayed he’d be close enough to save her.


A strange lethargy pulled at Honor as she fought for consciousness. Unable to process where she was or what had happened, she remained still and quiet. Waiting. Seconds, minutes later, memory trickled like the slow drip of a faucet. A young woman … Tabitha. Walking beside her … pain … her body spasming out of control. Tasered.

Abducted … she had been taken. How odd that she was so unconcerned about it all. Shifting to a more comfortable position, she realized her hands and feet were tied together in front of her, much the way a steer is tied. Even that knowledge didn’t produce the furious reaction she knew it should.

Drugged. There could be no other explanation. What should have made her spitting mad and screaming at the top of her lungs barely drew an emotional response.

Blinking, she tried to focus on what she could see. She was in a dimly lit room. Lying on her side, she could make out a bed above her, so she must be on the floor. Moving her head slightly, she spied a dresser and a mirror. Straining her neck … a television. She must be at someone’s house.

No, not a house. She felt movement beneath her. They were traveling. An RV?

A little voice whispered:
That’s how they transport them

Them? Who was “them”? Why did that come to her mind?

She shook her head rapidly. Comprehension at last flooded through her, and the thick haze of confusion cleared. She had been taken by the bastard. Dimly, she remembered the girl’s voice … Tabitha’s voice.

Seth! Where was he? Behind them? Yes, he would be following. She looked down at her arm and saw that her watch was still on. Praying that her earbud was still in place, she spoke softly: “Seth?”

“Honor? Thank God. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Are you behind us?”

“Yes. You’ve been traveling for several hours. Looks like he’s headed up into the mountains. Right now, you’re on the Cody Highway, headed toward Yellowstone.”

“Did you alert Noah?”

“Yeah, he’s gathering the team. As soon as the RV stops, I’ll let him know where you are. How are you feeling? You were out a long time.”

“I’m okay. Got Tasered, then shot up with some sort of knockout drug. I’m fine now.”

“Are you tied up?”

Honor grimaced. If only he knew. “Yeah.”

“As soon as you get a chance, get rid of your earbud. We can’t risk him finding it.”

“Will do.”

“Keep your watch on at all times. Okay?”


“Honor, I—”

Voices and the light sound of footsteps headed her way. “Gotta go.”

“Just remember, I’m close. Say the word and I’ll come in and get you.”

Honor closed her eyes. Yes, he would do that, but she had to play this all the way through. Locate the girls, communicate what information she could, and then an LCR team would swoop in and rescue everyone. Now she had to survive to put that plan into place.

“You’re awake.”

The cold, hard tone of the childlike voice was creepy. Honor twisted her head so she could see. Continuing her role, she said, “What happened? Who are you? Why am I tied like this?”

Still so oddly innocent-looking and almost too beautiful, the girl smiled with a mocking sweetness. “You’ll get your answers soon enough.”

“I’m so groggy.”

“Just a mild sedative, nothing that will affect you permanently. We don’t approve of recreational drugs or alcohol.”

“ ‘We’?”

“Silence!” Thin, delicate-looking fingers grabbed Honor’s right nipple through her clothes and twisted hard. Unable to control the gasp, she closed her eyes and fought the need to cry out. Seth didn’t need to hear her pain.

Finally the pressure eased on her nipple and Honor opened her eyes to see the excitement on Tabitha’s face. “You’re going to be one of them, aren’t you?”

“One of what?”

“The stubborn kind. Pretending you’re not scared. Acting like what we do to you doesn’t hurt. Those are my favorites.”

“There are others?”

Going to her knees beside Honor, Tabitha whispered softly, as if sharing a secret: “I’m not allowed to cause permanent damage or severe bruises, but if you ask another question, I’ll show you some methods I’ve learned that provide excruciating pain without leaving a mark anywhere. Want to test me?”

Honor shook her head. If asking questions would give her pain but no answers, she’d wait.

“Good girl.” Tabitha rose to her feet and sat on the bed above Honor. “Now, there’s something else you need to know before we get home.”

Unwilling to risk another cruel pinch or worse, Honor merely looked at her.

A smug smile curved Tabitha’s lips. “You’re a fast learner. That will be most pleasing to your new mate. However, there is something you need to understand.” She leaned down and whispered again: “Father has taken a liking to you. I don’t know why. You’re skinny, ugly, and have freckles all over you. Whatever the reason, know this: do not try to come between us. He may allow you in his bed and even give you his seed to bear a child, but he is mine. You’ll die before I’ll allow him to take you as his mate. I’ve done away with three of them, including my mother. One more will not make any difference to me.”

Grabbing a fistful of Honor’s hair, Tabitha jerked hard until her neck was painfully strained. “Do you understand?”

More chilled than she wanted to admit to herself, Honor whispered, “Yes.”

Apparently satisfied that her warning had been heard and understood, Tabitha let go of Honor’s hair and stood. Lifting her foot, she nudged Honor’s shoulder, causing her to roll over onto her back. “Get used to being on your back, whore.”

Honor watched as Tabitha straightened her dress, finger-combed her hair, and smiled into the mirror as though practicing. Then she turned and strolled out of the room.

That bitch had hurt Honor. He’d heard everything. The gasp had been telling … the silence even more so. And he knew the reason she’d held back. Honor didn’t want him to know she was suffering. They’d agreed that unless she was in imminent danger, he wouldn’t come in after her. And though he’d known he would have to listen to shit that was going to drive him crazy, damned if he wanted her to hold back her need to scream if necessary.

Well aware that speaking too loudly with Tabitha so close would be dangerous, Seth kept his voice low and even. “You okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“Honor, do not hold back for me.”

Her soft voice held a trace of amusement. “Trust you to read my mind, Cavanaugh.”

Not feeling the slightest bit humorous, he said, “Just don’t. Okay? You hurt, you scream. Burst the bitch’s eardrums. Understand?”


Breathing only slightly more easily, he asked, “I’m assuming she’s gone?”


“Let’s go over what she said.”

“She mentioned there were others.” The excitement in her voice warmed him. That was so like Honor. “That means the girls are most likely alive.”

“That’s what I’m thinking. And she said something about mates.”

“You think that’s why he’s taking the girls?”

“Could be. Which means there’s going to be more than just Tabitha and her father to deal with. I’ll alert McCall … make sure he brings enough people.” And because it was an additional complication, he added, “Sounds like the creep’s got the hots for you.”

“And his daughter doesn’t like it. Apparently they have some sort of sexual relationship going.”

Deviant minds and sick, sadistic behavior had long since stopped surprising him, but he had to admit that this seemed sicker than most. “Watch your back. She’s not going to tolerate him giving you attention.”

“I can handle her … don’t worry. So, where are we now?”

“Still on Cody Highway.”

“Okay, I’ll—” She stopped abruptly.

Seth tensed. Had something happened? Had he lost contact with her?

“Gotta go. Something’s up.”

With his eyes trained on the RV far ahead of him, he saw the brake lights come on. “Looks like he’s about to stop.” And because he couldn’t not say something, he added, “Don’t do anything foolish, Honor. Promise me.”

“We make a good team, Cavanaugh. I’m not going to screw that up now.”

The lump in his throat developed quickly. His bright, courageous Honor. He might never have the future he’d once fantasized about with this beautiful woman, but one thing he could guarantee: she would live through this mission. No matter what he had to do, Honor would survive.


It was with immense satisfaction and a sense of peace that Alden drove into the storage container that housed the RV through the winter. Shifting into park, he sprawled in his seat and breathed out a long sigh of relief. Tranquillity was only about thirty miles away. Soon they’d be going through her gates, secure and safe from the outside world. He and his people would stay nestled together for months, content with the paradise he had created for them.

Hunting season was now over. The woman he’d found was as unique as a mountain orchid. A couple of men would no doubt be disappointed that they wouldn’t have the chance to bid for her, and Brother Baker would have to make do with the stable girls for one more year. Their disappointment was nothing. He was their leader; his happiness meant much more than any of theirs. They knew this.

His daughter, on the other hand, was a different matter. Even though she understood that his happiness should always be her ultimate goal, apparently she needed a stern reminder. Her defiance when he’d told her to bring the woman to him wasn’t something he would tolerate. How dare she not want him to have what he desired.

Though he knew he should be weary from such a long trip with no respite, the excitement spiraling through him prevented true exhaustion. The woman who called herself Maggie had kept his adrenaline going, and now his blood felt like it was on fire. With every hour that had passed, his anticipation had built. Now he was ready to see, up close and personal, the uniqueness that had drawn him to his future bride.

He stood and stretched his big body, wincing as his muscles protested and his bones popped. A long soak in his hot tub would ease the aches. And Tabitha would take care of another ache. Normally he would reward her with a job well done by allowing her pleasure. This time, he would be the only one to achieve satisfaction. Her punishment needed to be swift. The next few days would be critical as he oriented his new addition. And then for months, all of his time would be spent initiating the four new women to their future life.

“She’s ready, Father.”

Alden eyed his daughter suspiciously, noting that the mutinous tone was back in her voice. “You gave her just enough to knock her out for about an hour. Correct?”

Blue eyes skittered away as she said, “I didn’t know you wanted her awake so soon.”

“Daughter, I have reached the end of my patience. How long will she be unconscious?”

“Only a few hours. Enough time to get home and allow you rest before you begin the grueling days ahead of you.” She blinked innocently up at him. “I was only thinking of you.”

He continued his perusal of his daughter for several long seconds. Tabitha’s defiance was getting out of hand, making him wonder if her punishment should be more severe than he’d first considered. She knew he was displeased. However, instead of feeling distressed, she was aroused by his anger. He could see the tight, hard peaks of her nipples through the material of her dress, and her eyes glittered with a hot, greedy light he often saw seconds before they coupled.

Alden made a decision that would be painful for them both. However, he had no choice. “You will not share my bed for at least a month.”

Her eyes wide with shock, she fell to her knees. “Father, I’m sorry. I won’t defy you again. Please don’t deny your pleasure on my account.”

“I will be finding pleasure. You can be assured of that.” He felt not the slightest remorse as he headed to the bedroom, where the woman lay. “Start the Hummer. I’ll bring the woman.”

Leaving a desolate Tabitha to prepare for the last leg of the journey, Alden entered the bedroom and stood, transfixed, over his new mate. To make carrying her easier, his daughter had untied her. Now she lay unconscious and vulnerable on the bed. Desire pulsed through him, and it was all he could do not to strip her here and wake her with a long, hard ride. He wouldn’t. There were rules and rituals. He had created them as safeguards against the lust women deliberately incited in men. Ignoring his own rules just because this woman teased him like no others would make him appear weak.

“The vehicle is ready.” The husky tone in Tabitha’s voice told him she’d been weeping piteously. That pleased him.

He scooped the lovely woman into his arms and carried her from the bedroom. She mumbled something he couldn’t make out. Not that it mattered. Every thought, word, and action would soon be given to her. Her only desire and wish would be for his comfort, pleasure, and happiness.

He couldn’t wait to get started on training her for her new life.

As her eyes blinked open this time, Honor woke up angry. Tabitha had jammed a needle into her neck with the glee of the truly sadistic. Odd: she remembered waking earlier with a nice, lethargic buzz. Not so now. She hurt everywhere, her lips were dry, her tongue felt swollen and parched from lack of moisture … and she badly needed to go to the bathroom. Her arms were above her head and tied to something she couldn’t see. Her legs were bound together at the ankles.

She moved her head left and right, realizing that she was in a different location. Apparently that was the reason she’d been knocked out again. The room was small and, with only one overhead bulb turned on, dimly lit. No window; the walls were pale-cream-colored—squinting, she peered closer—cement blocks.

Seth was probably going crazy not knowing what had happened to her. She glanced up at her arm, relieved to see that her watch was still intact. What about her earbud? She hadn’t been able to get rid of it. Had they found it?

Figuring there was a camera somewhere, Honor turned her face against her arm to hide her mouth “Seth?” she said urgently.

No answer. Her heart pounding with dread, she spoke again, this time louder: “Seth, can you hear me?”

Still no answer. Crap. Did that mean they’d found the earpiece? Or had it fallen out? If they’d found it, she’d just tell them she was hearing-impaired and the earbud was a device to assist her.

Even though she could no longer hear Seth’s voice, she knew he was listening. She had to give him as much information as she could—though, admittedly, she didn’t know much more than she had before. Dammit, she had to make sure she stayed conscious.

“I’ve lost my earbud, so I can’t hear you. I’m all right. They drugged me again. I’m in a room, almost like a cell. I’m tied to a bed. There are no windows.” She closed her eyes and concentrated on what she could hear.
. Where were the missing girls? Were they close?

“I can’t hear anything. It’s dead silent. I’m going to call out and see if anyone answers.”

She shouted, “Can anyone hear me? Is anyone there?”

No answer … just the same eerie quiet.

Honor blew out a resigned sigh. If the girls were close, she would love to give them some hope and reassurance. However, since she could hear nothing, chances were, they couldn’t hear her, either.

Turning her face against her arm again, she said, “I can’t hear anything, so there’s no way for me to know if the other girls are close. I know you want to come in, but you have to wait. Until I know where they are, there’s no point in blowing our cover. If they’re here, we could be putting their lives in danger even more. If I think you need to come in, I’ll tell you.”

A key jiggling in the lock told her someone was coming. “Someone’s at the door.”

Honor held her breath as the door opened and a large man entered. Middle-aged, maybe early fifties, salt-and-pepper hair, sherry-brown eyes, and an oddly ingratiating expression on his hard, weathered face.

“Welcome to my home, Maggie.”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Alden Pike.” He sat beside her on the bed and patted her cheek. “Alden means ‘old friend.’ Did you know that? Very soon, we’ll be the very best of friends.” Apparently not expecting a response, he continued: “You may call me Brother Alden. Later, when we know each other much better, we’ll discuss a different title.”

“Why am I here? What’s going on?”

“I know you’re afraid, but you have no cause to be. I mean you no harm. You’re in a new home now, filled with people who will love and care for you.” He smiled again and added, “You’re in Tranquillity.”

“But … why?”

“My daughter described you to me. I sensed your deep loneliness. Your need of a place to belong. A people you can belong to. In Tranquillity, you’ll find everything you’ve ever dreamed of and you’ll never want for anything ever again. I’ll make sure of it.”

“But what if I don’t like it here?”

“You will, my dear. I promise you that. In Tranquillity, you’ll have everything you could desire.”

“But I’m a student. I have to go back for my classes.”

“We have schools here. Excellent teachers. You’ll learn everything you need to know. You’ll have a family, friends. Everything you could want.”

Honor was fast getting the picture of why’d she’d been taken. And she could only assume the other girls had been taken for a similar reason. Part of her felt enormous relief. If they’d been brought here, then they should still be alive. Another part was furious that this creep believed he had the right to kidnap people and impose his will. She looked forward to wiping that smug smile off of his face.

“But I don’t know what it looks like here. How will I know if I like it?”

Pike’s face brightened. Apparently she’d said the right thing.

“Let me take you around, show you your new home.”

Twisting her head, she looked up toward the ties on her wrists and tugged. “Why do I have to be tied?”

“Because I was afraid you’d try to run away and become lost. You’re far up in the wilds now, and it’s bitter cold. If you wandered off, we’d never find you. You would freeze to death or be eaten by bears. It’s for your protection.”

“If I promise not to run, will you take the ties off?”

“Of course I will. I want you to feel at home here.”

“May I go to the bathroom?”

“Absolutely.” He stood and drew out a knife, cutting the ties at her hands and then her feet. Honor sat up slowly, not wanting to startle him and make him think she would try to make a run for it.

“Let me help you up.” A giant hand, almost twice the size of hers, was presented to her.

Maintaining an “I’m too stupid to know you’re a perverted freak” expression on her face, she placed her hand in his and allowed him to pull her up.

Honor rarely felt at a disadvantage. She was above average height, strong, and well trained in self-defense. She had taken down large men before. However, not only was Alden Pike tall and thick, but she could feel the strength in him. It was going to take stealth to bring down this gorilla. That or a gun.

As he led her out of the room, Honor tried as inconspicuously as possible to look around. Ten doors in the hallway, five on each side. They looked identical to what she had just left. Was each one filled with a young, terrified woman?

He opened a door that led to another, similar room. Instead of a bed, it held a toilet and a sink. Thankful that relief was in sight, she walked inside and the door was shut behind her.

“I’m right here, waiting on you.”

Not caring where he went as long as she was left alone, Honor hurriedly took care of personal matters, feeling enormous relief. Standing at the sink, she washed her hands thoroughly and then cupped her hands to hold water and drank her fill. She rinsed her face to erase the remaining grogginess and dried her hands on the paper towels beside the sink. Finally she felt almost human.

Holding the watch to her mouth so she wouldn’t have to talk as loud, she said, “I’ve seen ten doors, similar to what I just left. The girls could be there, but I still didn’t hear anyone. Will let you know as soon as I learn something.”

She took a step to the door and was startled when Pike pushed it open.

“You were taking too long, my sweet. We have rules everyone must abide by, so this will be a good opportunity to let you know. Only five minutes are allowed for a bathroom break.”

As if a time limit on a bathroom visit was a totally acceptable concept, Honor nodded her understanding and followed him out the door.

He held out his hand again and gave her another oddly kind but creepy smile. “Come, let me show you your new home.”

Seth’s breath created puffy clouds as he leaned against a tree for a quick rest. He’d parked the Wrangler and half-run, half-climbed the last mile. The terrain had gotten steeper with each step. Wouldn’t have taken near as long to get here, but he’d had to hoist on his gear and then spend time hiding the SUV in the woods, covering it with shrubbery. Having someone notice it would cause suspicion they couldn’t afford.

An hour ago, he’d watched a large, middle-aged man load an unconscious Honor into a Hummer. The girl, Tabitha, had calmly gotten into the passenger seat, acting as if it was an everyday occurrence to have kidnapped a woman. Hell of it was, for them, it
a common occurrence.

The only bright spot, and he was digging deep to find it, was that after the Hummer had taken off, Seth had driven slowly by and had seen something glistening on the ground. Honor’s earpiece. He’d stopped and grabbed the thing. Though it’d been a small worry—they’d discussed explaining it away by saying she had a hearing impediment—at least now she didn’t have to think about it.

The road the Hummer had taken had been a carved-out path in the midst of wilderness, but easy to follow. Now Seth was about three hundred yards from a giant iron-and-brick gate. Though he hadn’t seen the vehicle go inside, the path it had taken dead-ended at the gate.

Before the RV had turned off Cody Highway, he’d made another call to McCall to give an update on the location. An LCR team would arrive in a few hours. While he waited, he planned to scout out the area. If nothing else, that would keep him from going crazy, thinking about what Honor was going through.

After they’d started off in the Hummer, there had been very little back-and-forth conversation between the father and daughter. Whenever the bastard did say something, it had been terse and his daughter’s response had always been a “Yes, Father.”

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