Read Switch on Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health Online

Authors: Dr. Caroline Leaf

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Switch on Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health (32 page)

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Recommended Reading

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Recommended Reading

Feuerstein, R., M. Jensen, S. Roniel, and N. Shachor. “Learning Potential Assess-

Assessment of Exceptional Children
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The Developmental Psychology of Jean Piaget
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Fodor, J.
The Modularity of Mind
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Recommended Reading

Gould, S. “Commission on Nontraditional Study.”
Diversity by Design
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The Mismeasure of Man
. New York: Norton, 1981.

Griffiths, D. E. “Behavioural Science and Educational Administration.” In
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Gungor, E.
There Is More to the Secret
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Guse, J. “How the Marx Brothers Brought Norman Cousins Back to Life.”

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Guyton, A. C., and J. E. Halle.
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Healy, J. “Why Kids Can’t Think: Bottom Line.”
13, no. 8 (1993): 1–3.


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Recommended Reading

Hinton, G .E., and J. A. Anderson.
Parallel Models of Associative Memory
. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1981.

Hochberg, L. R., M. D. Serruya, G. M. Friehs, J. A. Mukand, M. Saleh, A. H. Ca-

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Holford, P.
How Children Fail
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The Optimum Nutrition Bible
. London: Piatkus, 1997.

Optimum Nutrition for the Mind
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The 30-Day Fat Burner Diet
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Hubel, D. H. “The Brain.”
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Hunter, C., F. Hunter, and F. Contreras.
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Away with a Giggle a Day
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Hyden, H. “The Differentiation of Brain Cell Protein, Learning, and Memory.”

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Hyman, S. E. “Addiction: A Disease of Learning and Memory.”
American Journal

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Left Brain–Right Brain Differences: Inquiries, Evidence, and New Approaches
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Iran-Nejad, A. “Active and Dynamic Self-Regulation of Learning Processes.”

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Understanding Reader’s Understanding
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Iran-Nejad, A., and B. Chissom. “Active and Dynamic Sources of Self-Regulation.”

Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Associa-

tion, Atlanta, Georgia, 1988.

Iran-Nejad, A., and A. Ortony. “A Biofunctional Model of Distributed Mental

Content, Mental Structures, Awareness and Attention.”
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Iran-Nejad, A., A. Ortony, and R. K. Rittenhouse. “The Comprehension of Meta-

phonical Uses of English by Deaf Children.”
American Speech-Language-

24 (1989): 551–56.

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