Switch on Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health (33 page)

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Authors: Dr. Caroline Leaf

Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Christian Living, #Mental Health, #Christian Books & Bibles

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Recommended Reading

Jensen, E.
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Johnson, D. W., R. T. Johnson, and E. Holubec.
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King, D. F., and K. S. Goodman. “Whole Language Learning, Cherishing Learn-

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Recommended Reading

Konnikova, M.
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Wet Mind: The New Cognitive Neuroscience

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Langer, E., and M. Moldoveanu. “The Construct of Mindfulness.”
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Larsson, G., and B. Starrin. “Effect of Relaxation Training on Verbal Ability, Se-quential Thinking and Spatial Ability.”
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Lazar, S. W., and C. E. Kerr. “Meditation Experience Is Associated with Increased Cortical Thickness.”
16, no. 17 (2005): 189–97.

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Wisdom: Don’t Live Life without It
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Leaf, C. M. ”An Altered Perception of Learning: Geodesic Learning.”

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Learning.” Unpublished DPhil. dissertation, University of Pretoria, South

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Recommended Reading

———. “The Mind Mapping Approach (MMA): Open the Door to Your Brain

Power: Learn How to Learn.”
Transvaal Association of Educators Journal

(December 1992).

———. “The Mind Mapping Approach: A Technique for Closed Head Injury.”

Unpublished master’s dissertation, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

———. “Mind Mapping as a Therapeutic Intervention Technique.” Unpublished

workshop manual, 1985.

———. “Mind Mapping as a Therapeutic Technique.”

(1989): 11–15. A publication of the South African Speech-Language-Hearing


———. “The Move from Institution Based Rehabilitation (IBR) to Community

Based Rehabilitation (CBR): A Paradigm Shift.”
Therapy Africa
1, no. 1 (August 1997): 4.

Switch On Your Brain 5-Step Learning Process
. Dallas: Switch on Your Brain, 2008.

Switch On Your Brain: Understand Your Unique Intelligence Profile and

Maximize Your Potential
. Cape Town, South Africa: Tafelberg, 2005.

Switch On Your Brain with the Metacognitive-Mapping Approach

Elkhart, IN: Truth Publishing, 2002.

———. “Teaching Children to Make the Most of Their Minds: Mind Mapping.”

Journal for Technical and Vocational Education in South Africa
121 (1990): 11–13.

Who Switched Off My Brain? Controlling Toxic Thoughts and Emotions

Dallas: Switch on Your Brain, 2007.

———.“Who Switched Off My Brain? Controlling Toxic Thoughts and Emo-

tions.” DVD series. Johannesburg, South Africa: Switch On Your Brain, 2007.

Leaf, C. M., M. Copeland, and J. Maccaro. “Your Body His Temple: God’s Plan

for Achieving Emotional Wholeness.” DVD series. Dallas: Life Outreach In-

ternational, 2007.

Leaf, C. M., I. C. Uys, and B. Louw. “An Alternative Non-Traditional Approach to

Learning: The Metacognitive-Mapping Approach.”
The South African Journal

of Communication Disorders
45 (1998): 87–102.

———. “The Development of a Model for Geodesic Learning: The Geodesic

Information Processing Model.”
The South African Journal for Communica-

tion Disorders
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LeDoux, J.
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Lehmann, E. L.
Non-Parametric: Statistical Methods Based on Ranks
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Recommended Reading

Leuchter, A. F., I. A. Cook, E. A. Witte, M. Morgan, and M. Abrams. “Changes

in Brain Function of Depressed Subjects During Treatment with Placebo.”

American Journal of Psychiatry
159, no. 1 (2002): 122–29.

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Lipton, B.
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter
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Lozanov, G.
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Lozanov, G., and G. Gateva.
The Foreign Language Educator’s Suggestopaedic

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L. T. F. A. “Brain-Based Learning.” Unpublished lecture series. Johannesburg,

South Africa: Lead the Field Africa, 1995.

Luria, A .R.
Higher Cortical Functions in Man
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Lutz, K. A., and J. W. Rigney.
The Memory Book
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MacLean, P. “A Mind of Three Minds: Educating the Triuine Brain.”
77th Year-

book of the National Society for the Study of Education
. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978, 308–42.

Margulies, N.
Mapping Inner-Space
. Tucson, AZ: Zephyr Press, 1991.

Markram, H. “‘Blue Brain’ Project Accurately Predicts Connections between

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Marvin, C. A. “Consultation Services: Changing Roles for the SLP’s.”
Journal of
Childhood Communication Disorders
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Maslow, A. H.
Motivation and Personality
. New York: Harper & Row, 1970.

Mastropieri, M. A., and J. P. Bakken. “Applications of Metacognition.”
and Special Education
11, no. 6 (1990): 32–35.

Matheny, K. B., and J. McCarthy.
Prescription for Stress
. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2000.

McAllister, A. K. “Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Dendritic Growth.”

Cerebral Cortex
10, no. 10 (2000): 963–73.


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Recommended Reading

McEwan, B. S. “Stress and Hippocampal Plasticity.”
Annual Review of Neuroscience
22 (1999): 105–22.

McEwan, B. S., and E. N. Lasley.
The End of Stress as We Know It
. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2002.

McEwan, B. S., and T. Seeman. “Protective and Damaging Effects of Mediators

of Stress: Elaborating and Testing the Concepts of Allostasis and Allostatic

Annals of the New York Academy of Science
896 (1999): 30–47.

McGaugh, J. L., and I. B. Intrioni-Collision. “Involvement of the Amygdaloidal

Complex in Neuromodulatory Influences on Memory Storage.”

and Behavioural Reviews
14, no. 4 (1990): 425–31.

“Meditation’s Positive Residual Effects: Imaging Finds Different Forms of Medita-

tion May Affect Brain Structure.”
Harvard Gazette
. http://news.harvard.edu/


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