Read Taken by the Wolf King (Gladiator) Online

Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Romance

Taken by the Wolf King (Gladiator) (13 page)

“So much I ache with it,” he snarled. “I want to pierce these nipples with the symbol of my crest, forever branding you as mine. My possession. I want to tie you to a post and lash that lovely skin until it bears my marks, letting you know you’ll never be free of me. My cock aches to plunge into your little cunt, to push past the ring of your ass until you feel my size so completely you’ll never forget my touch. I want to take you so long and hard you pass out only to take you again when you wake.” His grip on her breast tightened, but surprisingly, Elsa arched into him. So he shoved her pants out of his way and slid his other hand into her panties, cupping her sex.

“I bet you ache with the need to be filled with my cock, don’t you.” He made it a statement. Not that she tried to deny it. Good thing too because she was soaking wet. Had she done so, it would only be another mark against her, another lie.

Leif pinched her clit, tugging the sensitive nub until she shivered in his arms before releasing her to stroke her sex again. Fingers wet with her desire, Leif rubbed little circles over her clit to ease the ache he’d instilled. But not too long. He didn’t want her to come. Not yet.

“I’ll bend you over a rail and take you from behind in front of my men. You’ll be bound and naked for all to see while I take my revenge. Just as I proclaimed you my mate-in-waiting in front of them, I’ll let them all know you’re no longer my cherished mate. You’ll be nothing more than a vessel for my pleasure.” His fingers found their way inside her cunt, two,
three plunging inside her with faster and harder strokes. “Ah, you’re growing wetter at the thought. Being my whore probably turns you on more than being my wife.”

Elsa whimpered, not denying his brutal words, but not acknowledging them either. Her silence made his anger all the more heated. He wanted to hurt her, wanted her to protest so he could remind her over and over she was at his mercy. Instead, she seemed to accept her lot in life, and her place in his.

“Perhaps I’ll share you with my men. Long days on the battlefield away from women or any means of pleasure. You’ll be the camp whore. How would you like that?”

“I wouldn’t,” she whimpered. “But I’ll accept whatever punishment you see fit.”

Leif wanted to howl his frustrations. Did nothing shake her?

“Why do you not beg for my mercy?” The question was harsh as he nipped her ear, a small punishment for her not acting as he’d expected.

“Would it change your mind?”

“No,” he growled.

“Then if I’m to be humiliated, I’ll go to it with as much dignity as I can manage. But I won’t fight you. I wronged you, Leif. No matter the reasons, I hurt you. However you feel the need to punish me, I’ll accept it. It’s no less than I deserve.”

With a frustrated snarl, Leif reached lower, sliding his fingers from her pussy to find her anus. “You think I won’t ream this little hole?”

“I have no doubt you’ll do everything you said and more,” she said without hesitation, her voice steady.
Brave little female

“Yet you don’t beg me to spare you? I had no dignity in that cell. What makes you think I’ll allow you any?”

“Dignity isn’t something you’re allowed to have. Not something you’re given. It comes from inside, measured by how you handle a given situation. If you choose to strip me down and take me in front of everyone, I can’t stop you. But I won’t beg you not to. I won’t cry or plead. I’ll take my punishment as well as I can and hope that you’ll someday believe I’ve paid my debt to you.”

Pulling her tightly against him, Leif plunged a finger into her ass, fucking her there as he might her pussy. Elsa whimpered, but actually rocked against his fingers subtly. With that shift in her body, Leif’s cock shot hard as rock. He’d been stirring before, but the idea that his little mate might like what he was doing to her even as he punished her made visions of carnal sex and sadistic pleasure flash through his mind with unadulterated, aggressive lust. Possibilities shot straight to his brain, things he’d only ever dreamed about doing but never thought to experience. He’d do them with her. Every single one of them.

“You like this, don’t you? You want me to fuck your ass as hard and long as I need to. I bet you’d come from it.”

“Leif,” she whimpered, sweat coating her body as she continued to rock on his fingers.

“You need to come?”

“Would you let me if I admitted it?”

almighty! If she’d phrased that any other way, if she’d sounded bitter at the prospect he might not let her come, he’d have happily denied her. Now, Leif wasn’t certain he could if he’d tried.

“Try it and see.”

“Oh, God, yes,” she whispered brokenly. “I need it so bad it hurts!” She looked over her shoulder, meeting his gaze with her fevered one. It hit him what she was doing. He’d told her the same night she’d betrayed him to always look him in the eyes when she came. Demanded it of her. She was complying with his wishes now. And he couldn’t follow through.

Putting his hand over her mouth, Leif forced her head back around so she looked away from him as he snarled at her ear. “Then come for me.” At his command, Elsa’s little anus contracted around his fingers tightly, her body convulsing slightly even as she bit down on his hand to keep from crying out. Leif decided he must be a sadistic bastard because while she came he continued to whisper harshly at her ear. “That’s it, little mate,” he bit out. “Come for me. Every wolf here knows what you’re doing, can smell your lust. They know I’m doing this to
you, that
you’re coming so hard for me. Tomorrow, they’ll look at you, covet what I took tonight. Only time will tell if they’ll have their turn at you.”

She continued to come around his fingers. Briefly, Leif thought about taking his cock out and sliding it into that impossibly tight little ass, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to take that step yet. To bring her to orgasm was one thing. To take her in that manner with others all around something else entirely. So he settled with letting her ride out her pleasure until she stilled beside him, her body continuing to quiver.

Once the tremors had stopped, he righted her clothing and wrapped his arms around her. Again, he rubbed his face against hers, kissed her cheek tenderly before catching himself. The wolf in him had had that overwhelming anger sated and needed to praise his mate for her responses. The man still felt the need to punish. Wild as he still was, the wolf won out. Leif enfolded her in his arms, even finding himself untying her hands so she’d be more comfortable as she slept.

More confused than ever, Leif let her warmth seep into the cold that had settled around his heart. Had he forgiven her? No. The pain was still too fresh in his memory for that. It would take more than a round of raunchy sex to forgive her. But Leif found something inside him settling. He might still have reservations, but he was no longer convinced it was over between them. She hadn’t behaved as expected, never denying his right to punish her, even admitting she’d wronged him. Perhaps there was honor in her. He’d have to wait to see, though. Until then, he’d see where this new aspect of their relationship went. Perhaps he no longer wished to punish her but to please them both.

Thoughts in turmoil, indecision weighing like it never had before, Leif closed his eyes and let the healing light take over. Perhaps the night would give a fresh perspective on the day.

Chapter Nineteen


Elsa lay in silence for long hours, not daring to move. The moments they’d shared were the most erotic of her entire life. No man had ever touched her like that. Hell, she’d never
a man to touch her like that. Yet, somehow, through the anger and aggression, Elsa felt like Leif had somehow begun a bonding process with her. She certainly had with him. But even though anger still thrummed through him, he held her protectively. It wasn’t to restrain. If that had been his aim, he’d have left her hands bound. Now, he lay with his body wrapped around hers like she was something precious he needed to protect. She knew he still had issues to work out, but the ache in her chest eased somewhat. That didn’t mean she was out of the woods yet.

Unable to sleep, Elsa thought about everything that had happened over the past few weeks. Before now, she hadn’t dared focus on anything other than getting her children out and then who to get to help her find Leif and free him. Now, there was a hard truth to realize. Someone had betrayed Leif. Someone close to him. Whether it was because of her or some political undercurrent she couldn’t comprehend, Elsa didn’t know. It just meant she had to keep her guard up. She didn’t trust any of his elite guard any more than she trusted the chancellor. Had it not been for the fact that John’s people were with Jaccob and Surriah, there was no way she’d have left them. Apparently, John had the same apprehension because when the woman, Astrid, insisted on going, John had flat-out refused, not backing down an inch when the woman railed at him. Several of the guard had taken exception to being left out, but John had reasoned that they would do better with a small force of people who had worked together in the past. He hadn’t mentioned that Elsa had never been part of the group, simply including her in their small rescue party. Thought she loathed leaving her children, Elsa knew they were safe, and she owed it to Leif to be there for the rescue attempt.

“You’ve not slept.” Leif’s warm breath fanned her cheek and over her ear. “The night will be hard going with no rest.”

“I dozed,” she said. “My mind was too busy to sleep much.”

He sighed heavily. “Did I hurt you?”

Elsa knew he meant figuratively as well as physically. “No.” Not really a lie. There’d been more pleasure than pain, but his words—though erotic at the time—gave her pause once the heat of the moment was over. She’d known he’d needed to satisfy his own sense of justice, had needed to punish her. “I meant what I said. I wronged you.”

“Hush.” His breath caught, and Elsa actually felt his heart speed up, he held her so tightly against him. “I—I can’t talk about this. Not now.” He gripped her tighter, as if the mere thought of bringing up her betrayal would take her from him. “It’s all too fresh. The rage too close.”

“Just know that I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.”

“No!” He growled, shuddering almost violently before he spoke again. “Do not speak of this. Just…don’t!” Several moments passed while Elsa held as still as she could. She could only imagine what had happened to make such a strong male react so viscerally. Her betrayal had likely hurt him, but she had the feeling there was way more to it than that. Finally, Leif spoke, seeming more in control of himself. “The humans at that facility…study our kind. They try to find our weaknesses but mainly are focused on our healing abilities, trying to create a serum to replicate our regeneration rate. It’s even gone so far that they experiment on younger and younger children to see at exactly what age the ability kicks in and when it is strongest.” At this, he shuddered again, apparently at some remembered event. “During my time there, I know of at least three children they…vivisected. I could hear the screams through the ward and could do nothing but howl my rage in return. It was all I could think of to do so they’d know they weren’t alone.”

Elsa bit back a sob. Had any of the children they’d rescued been among that number? “How could anyone be so cruel?” Her whisper was strangled, her throat tight with emotion.

“The people you delivered me to
this,” he snapped. “Perhaps you should have investigated exactly what you were doing before you did it.”

“Leif, I—”

“Save it,” he bit out. “Just get some rest before we start out. You have maybe a couple more hours.” He got up, snatching the cloth he’d used to bind her wrists and tying her hands behind her back once again. “I’ll be back to get you when it’s time to go. If you leave this pallet, you won’t like the consequences.”

As Leif left Elsa, he fought his wolf for control. The rage simmered just beneath the surface once again, and the beast protector wanted to shield him. Strangely, it was still drawn to Elsa, as if none of this were her fault. Leif wanted to believe that there was a simple explanation, but the memories of his recent torture were still too fresh. Gods, he needed to talk to Jorak! And where was Astrid? He couldn’t help but feel she could shed some light on the situation.

Stretching, Leif assessed his body. There were a few twinges, but mostly he was healed. Jorak would definitely be out for the day, but the others should be good to go.

“Is there a way for us to make a litter for Jorak?” The human, John, had proven to be trustworthy and a great help to his people thus far. Leif found he had a grudging respect for this man. If he were caught, there was no doubt he wouldn’t fair well. While Leif’s people might be recaptured, the humans helping them—including Elsa—would likely be killed. Just one more facet of this situation he needed to contemplate.

“I have one ready for when we continue. We could remain an extra day if you wish. It would give him more time to heal.”

“I’m uneasy,” Leif admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “I still smell someone following us, but the scent is camouflaged somewhat. I’m not comfortable here. Is there any possibility this place is known? Is there another way to your safe camp other than the usual route? A back way in?”

“Of course. One known only to me. If you feel it necessary, we can go that way. It will add approximately one day’s travel. Not long. The downside is there are very few supplies along the way and no UV lamps to strengthen your people.”

“I’ll take it,” Leif said immediately. “We go that way as soon as we pack. Take as much from here as we can.”

“Give me an hour to get everything together,” John said. “We’ll have to carry Jorak rather than drag him. Are your people up to it?”

“They will be,” Leif answered.

An hour later, the three other males helped Leif heft Jorak’s litter, carrying him as swiftly as possible through the cavern. Several times, they exited only to enter through another natural vent. Another hour into the trek, two human men silently joined the group, taking the litter to give Leif’s men a break. They nodded respectfully to the shifters, urging them to take up spots around the still injured Jorak while the humans took their burden. Leif noticed the humans teaching his people how to switch out in short intervals so that no one person had to carry the heavy end of the litter very long at a time. None of them said a word, simply patiently directed until the group worked as one, Leif included.

He still kept a close eye on Elsa. Though he was confident enough not to grip her hand the entire way—or tie her to him bodily—he did keep her hands bound behind her. It made for difficult going for her, but Leif forced himself to harden his resolve. It was no less than she deserved. What surprised him more than anything was how the children congregated around her, never leaving her side. For whatever reason, they felt safe with her. Pity he didn’t.

Unfortunately, that distrust did nothing to diminish his hunger for her. Leif needed her like he needed air to breathe. She moved with a sensual grace he’d never seen, the back-and-forth swish of her ass mesmerizing him. Even tied as she was, Elsa was his wettest dream come true. After their last exchange, he’d discovered a new element to their attraction. If it had been good before, now he’d take them to new heights of pleasure. She might regret it after the heat of the moment had passed, but he didn’t care. Like he’d told her—what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted.

They traveled over the rocky terrain for several miles, all the while taking intervals at Jorak’s litter. Though tired, Leif found that the humans found a pace and rhythm to all the shuffling about that allowed them to continue longer than they could have otherwise. It was a technique developed more than a century ago to transport an injured man quickly over long distances to avoid leaving him behind, even when under fire. They’d said the team who originally came up with it hadn’t even considered leaving their injured comrade behind, even though he’d had to be carried out on a field stretcher, his unconscious body dead weight. So it was with Jorak.

Always, Leif scented the air, trying to gauge the whereabouts of the party following them. They appeared to have slowed, drifted off to the west slightly,
longer headed in their direction. That didn’t mean they had stopped coming altogether. Simply meant they could be looking for a different way to reach them. Wherever they were headed, Leif had now doubt they’d be far enough away by the morning he couldn’t scent them. Perhaps they’d caught a break.

When they finally stopped, John hurried ahead, urging the team to continue at their present pace. “I’ll have the entryway open and ready by the time you get there,” he said. “Just follow Beth and make sure to cover everyone’s tracks.” He nodded at Leif. The two men had discussed this at one of the brief rest stops. Leif had been surprised John had consulted him in this decision. He’d explained that they’d been marching on a winding route with many double backs and intersecting paths. He and Beth were the only two in the group who actually knew how to find the hidden entrance or how to open it. Even if it was discovered, no one could get in. And no one was going to find it.

Leif was eager to get inside even if it was underground. He needed to see to Jorak. Though the warrior was his captain in the guardian’s absence, he was also one of Leif’s oldest friends. Once Jorak had healed, Leif needed the wolf’s advice. Desperately. He also needed answers. Jorak had been with Elsa’s children. He’d know what happened. If anything had. Leif was still skeptical on that point.

Had he completely misjudged Elsa? Was she the kind of woman to turn him over to be mutilated? Was she the kind of woman to use her children as an excuse to hide behind? Gods, he didn’t have internal struggles! He made a decision and stuck to it. Second-guessing himself wasn’t even an option. Yet now, he found himself reluctant to believe what he’d witnessed with his own eyes. Elsa had turned him over to Chancellor Nathan’s men. Period. For that, she would pay.

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