Read Taken by the Wolf King (Gladiator) Online

Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Romance

Taken by the Wolf King (Gladiator) (16 page)

Before she could turn away from him, Leif snagged her around the waist, pulling her tightly against him. The steel of his erection pressed tightly into her belly, letting her know exactly how aroused he was. “Fierce as any she-wolf.
Fierce as a wolf queen!
” Then he took her lips in a searing kiss.

Lust and pleasure nearly overwhelmed Elsa with the first touch of his body against hers. With that first wicked thrust of his tongue, her knees gave out. Leif simply held her tighter, holding her up as he continued to ravage her mouth.

One arm was clamped around her waist. The other hand gripped her ass, squeezing the flesh there. A fire she had no hope of dousing or even containing seemed to be raging through Elsa’s bloodstream. Despite his distrust, despite his cruel promises to take another lover, Elsa responded to Leif on a primitive level. She could almost hate him for that. Could almost hate herself.

Finally, he broke away, his breathing just as ragged as hers. Looking into his eyes, she saw not disgust or anger but…pride? “My queen,” he rumbled. “My woman.”

She shook her head, “Not your queen. You said never.”

Again he kissed her, growling into her mouth before nipping her bottom lip sharply. When she yelped, he set her on her feet, taking her face in his hands.

my queen.
Always my woman
.” He lifted her again, moving them to the pallet. “Why I ever doubted your loyalty, I will forever wonder. To my shame.”

“What?” Elsa wanted to go on kissing him yet needed to think. She had to figure out what had happened to change him so drastically. “Stop. Leif, stop.”

He did, but only to lick down her neck, leaving little stinging nips in his wake. “Had I taken the time to get to know you, I would have realized there had to have been a good reason for what you did.” She tried to pull back, but Leif refused to let her go. “Jorak is awake. Not only did he confirm your story, but she reminded me that I’m not always…reasonable in the face of something I see as a betrayal.” His brows knit and he sighed, resting his forehead against hers. “Elsa, I was wrong. Dead wrong. About everything. You were as honest with me as you could be from the very beginning. What I was asking of you, even before everything went so horribly wrong, was unreasonable. I recognized you as the one woman I could have peace with and demanded you give yourself to me. Never once did I doubt I could make you grow to love me. What I didn’t consider in my arrogance was that you’d need time. Things are different in your world than in mine. I was as much the reason you felt you had to act as you did as the chancellor was. For that, for everything, I’m sorry.”

She blinked. “I—Leif, none of this was your fault. I remember thinking I had two choices. If I trusted you to keep us safe, I had to risk you might be unable to make good on your promise. Not to mention all I knew was that for some reason you wanted me. I had no expectation you’d want my children, too. There were so many things that could go wrong neither of us was able to control. At least with the chancellor I had a fifty/fifty chance of getting them
While I knew I couldn’t trust him, I had to go with the odds.”

“You don’t have to explain, Elsa.”


Leif silenced her with a kiss, sweeping his tongue inside briefly before looking steadily into her eyes. “Would you try to explain it to me if those two brave young ones were my own? Which, by the way, is yet another thing I have to pay for. To think I’d even considered taking your offspring from you.” He closed his eyes, wincing in pain. “Those two children fought for you against impossible odds because they love you. It’s obvious you’ve been a wonderful mother to them.”

She blinked rapidly. “I—”

“You said you’d gladly have sacrificed yourself to save your children.”

“Without hesitation.”

“Then how could I expect less for myself? Had I been thinking more like a mate and father and less like a king, I would have seen it in your eyes. And if it meant keeping those two children safe and with their mother, I’d go through it all again. A thousand times.”

A sob escaped her then, emotion welling. “Y-you forgive m-me?”

, there is nothing to forgive

Chapter Twenty-Three


To her utter horror, Elsa dissolved into tears, sobbing great gasps against Leif’s chest. When he scooped her up, she rained kisses over his face and neck until he settled her on her back on the bedroll. He lay above her, resting his weight on his elbows, his body between her thighs. The look he gave her was similar to the one he’d given her in his room in the embassy. But this time, that tension inside her eased. That elusive fairy tale she’d longed for was within her grasp. All she had to do was take it.

“Leif,” she sighed, lacing her arms around his neck. His kiss was as sweet as it was fierce, and she reveled in it.

“I want you, Elsa. Now. Tonight.”

“You know I’m yours. I always have been.”

“Will you trust me?”

Did she? After everything they’d put each other through? It hadn’t been that long ago he’d told her she’d be the same as a sex slave in his home. His to do with as he wished. That any offspring she conceived with him would be kept from her. Could she trust him with her heart now? Because she knew that was what he was asking of her.

“Yes,” she breathed before she could stop herself. In that one word, she knew she did trust Leif. With everything.

“Then I’m going to take you tonight. I can’t claim you in the conventional sense, but I will fuck you.” His course words were still gentle, but considering how he’d been with her in the past, they should have given her pause. Instead, the implied meaning sent a wicked thrill through her. Especially when he tossed down a tube of medical lubrication. His intention was abundantly clear.

And, wouldn’t you know it, she wasn’t broken up about it. At all.


“Oh…” Elsa’s eyes widened. Leif knew he’d shocked her. Would she back away from him? Get up and leave? “Oh, my.” No. She wasn’t running. Her breathy moan said she might even like the idea.

“I promise I’ll be careful. If you’ll give me a chance, I’ll make it good for you, Elsa.”

She jerked her gaze to his, her eyes bright…with excitement? “I’m willing to give it a try,” she said with a grin. “Just take it slow and I should be all right.”

Slow. Right. He knew he had to be careful, but it was going to be hell for him. He would, though. For her. How had he ever thought he could hurt this woman? Even the thought sickened him now. His beautiful, brave female… Gods! He’d wronged her!

“I will make everything up to you, Elsa,” he vowed. He cupped her face in his hands as he brushed kisses over her lips and eyes, licking the teardrops from her lovely cheeks. “I swear it.”

“No, Leif. We both wronged each other. Tonight, we start a new relationship between us,” she said, sliding her own hands down to cup his face. “No regrets.”

“No regrets,” he confirmed.

Then it no longer mattered because he was kissing Elsa as he’d longed to do since the first time he’d kissed her. With all the feeling he had inside him, Leif languidly stroked her tongue with his, savoring her moans of pleasure. The debilitating tension inside him began to unfurl with each sound she made, with every stroke of her tongue against his. She was his to win. No wolf could be more determined to win his mate than Leif.

Before he settled in to feast, Leif gave her one last, hard kiss before getting to his feet. He’d ordered them to not be disturbed, but he was taking no chances. The nature of this encounter was already going to be trying for him. There was no way he was risking being stumbled upon to complicate things.

In his bag, he’d stowed a tarp along with a hammer and spikes to string a metal line running the length of the alcove entrance. Once he’d hung the tarp, satisfied there would be privacy, he stripped off his shirt before joining her on the bedroll once again.

“Take off your clothes for me, Elsa,” he commanded, his voice rough. She did, without hesitation. Leif watched, his attention rapt, before growling in frustration. There simply wasn’t enough light in this bloody cavern to see her the way he wanted to.

Several chemical glow sticks were still in his pack. He broke them now, shaking the fluorescent material until they illuminated the small area. He tossed them throughout the small space, placing several together in a pile on a rock overhang. The lighting wasn’t great, but he could see her better. He wanted to see everything. As she lay on her back, spreading her legs in invitation, he could make out the glistening flesh of her sex as her body readied itself for him.

“Sweet gods, Elsa,” he breathed. “You have no idea how close I am to saying to hell with tradition and simply feasting on everything that lush little body of yours can give me.”

In response, she cupped her breasts and rolled her hips. “Take what you want, Leif.” Her voice was husky with need, almost his undoing. “I trust you to do what you feel is right. I follow where you lead.”

“Which is why I’ll only have that sweet ass tonight,” he groaned. Then he shivered. “Ah, Elsa. To have this pleasure from you… “

“Anything, Leif. Anything you want.” Her trusting smile shot a jolt of need through him. This was actually going to happen. Leif could count on one hand the number of times in his life a woman had allowed this pleasure. Hell, it had never been something he’d been overly fond of before, but now, since he’d made up his mind how he’d take her tonight, Leif found he was obsessing over it. As Elsa pulled her knees higher, opening herself fully to him, the little ring of her anus seemed to beckon him.

“You’re so…fucking perfect,” he whispered in awe, meaning it with everything in him. He knelt between her legs, hooking his arms around them before spreading her sex with his thumbs. “This will doubtless devolve into a hard fucking,” he said, shooting her what he hoped was a wicked grin. He was so desperate to have her, though, it might have been more a menacing baring of his teeth. “But before then, I intend to worship you with pleasure.”

“Ah, God! Leif!” She thrust her hips at him, need displayed all over her face. Had a woman ever looked at him with such desire? Such lust? Fitting it was his woman who did now. His woman who made him notice how much she wanted him where no other ever had before.

With an animalistic growl, he fell upon her, his mouth fastening to her dripping cunt as if he intended to devour her.

Chapter Twenty-Four


The wicked promise in Leif’s expression made Elsa’s sex clench in need. While she normally wasn’t into anything too kinky, with Leif she’d try all the kink he wanted to indulge in. Given the way he’d made her come before, she had no doubts he could do it again.

Her pussy wept for him as he plunged his tongue in and out while rubbing her clit with his thumb. The sight of Leif’s dark head buried between her thighs was as erotic as hell to behold. His tanned hands and arms were still a pale contrast to her dark thighs. Arching to his mouth, Elsa bit down on her arm to keep from crying out. Leif might have put up the privacy barrier, but if the children heard her scream, they’d come running.

His hands found her breasts, his forearms pressing her legs to her chest as he did. When she found his gaze, he gave a little suck on her clit before letting it go.

“I think my little queen likes oral sex.”

She couldn’t help but grin. “I hate it.” She tugged at his hips, her intent obvious. Leif took the hint and lay beside her so that her lips were at his cock while his were on her sex.

Without another thought, Elsa took Leif into her mouth, swallowing him deep. His masculine groan seemed to vibrate from her cunt throughout her entire body. So she sucked him harder, this time cupping his balls with one hand while she griped his ass with the other. Elsa let go of his shaft only long enough to slip one of his balls into her mouth and give it a gentle suck.

“Ah, sweet Mother,” Leif gasped. “Do that again!”

Elsa happily complied, taking his other testicle between her lips. Licking and sucking him, she wrung every groan from him she could.

When he slid his fingers through her wet sex to circle her anus before slipping one finger inside, it was Elsa’s turn to gasp. The invasion was so sweet torment, the pressure as wonderful as it was sinful. She rocked to Leif as she took his cock back into her mouth just as he slid another finger inside her.

The pleasure was indescribable. Elsa thought it had been wonderful before, but knowing he’d soon slide that thick cock she currently had in her mouth deep inside her ass to replace his fingers made everything so much more intense. Sweat slickened both of them, their skin sliding erotically against each other.

Mind in a frenzy of lust, pleasure searing her body from the inside out, Elsa wrapped her arms around Leif’s body and took him as deep as she could. The head hit the back of her throat and she swallowed, trying to work him just a little deeper. Leif’s arms tightened around her as well, but he let go to swat her ass in a stinging slap.

“Fuck,” he growled. “Your little cunt is dripping for me. Fucking dripping!”

She moaned, digging her fingers into his ass. When she didn’t let go of his shaft, he swatted her two more times. The sting likely meant her ass was red with his marks. And Elsa reveled in it.

“Let me go,” he commanded. So naturally, she dug her nails in deeper. Again, he swatted her ass, but this time he rubbed it tenderly before smacking it again. “Fuck. You

She let him go just long enough to mumble a quick, “Hate it,” before swallowing him deep again. The orgasm was so very close. Just a little flick of his tongue or maybe another slap on her ass, and she’d come. Before she could, however, Leif managed to work himself free of her. Elsa collapsed onto her back, breathing hard. Her legs spread, arms over her head, she watched with wide eyes as he readied himself.

Pushing her knees to her chest, Leif parted his own thighs so that her bottom rested between them, resting on the tops of his legs to prop her up. The position gave him easy access to her back entrance. Snagging the bottle of lubricant, he coated himself liberally before squeezing out a generous amount to ready her flesh. He eased two fingers inside her, ensuring she was stretched a little. He wasn’t a small man in any sense of the word. Seeing his care in preparing her made Elsa’s heart ache. Maybe he truly had moved past what she’d been forced to do. Surely a man still bent on revenge would use this to his advantage.

“Tell me if I hurt you, love. I never want this act to hurt you…unless you want it to.”

His gruff admission and the implied promise of wicked, kinky sex sent Elsa over the edge. With a strangled cry, she bit the inside of her cheek as she came in a wet rush, clamping down on Leif’s fingers.

“Ah, that’s it, baby. Come hard for me.” His wicked grin was sinful in itself, as if he knew what he’d done and intended on doing it again. And again. And again. The spasms seemed to go on forever, the pressure in her lower body so intense she pushed through it.

Straining with all her might, Elsa half sat on the bedroll, propping herself on her elbows until the wave finally crested and faded. With a gasp, she fell back, dazed. “Oh, wow,” she breathed. “Oh…

Before she could fully come down from that euphoric feeling, however, Leif pressed the head of his cock to the entrance of her ass, parting the little ring of muscle until he slipped inside. At first, Elsa was afraid it would hurt and she tensed.

. Push out a little against me, just like you were.” When she did, the pressure eased to be replaced by a wicked, kinky pleasure. Her eyes widened as she kept her gaze focused on him. “Ah, that’s it. Just let me take you easy.” He worked himself just a little deeper before sliding back out. After several shallow thrusts, Elsa relaxed completely. “Gods, you feel good,” he rasped.

“So do you.” She reached for him, pulling him down to lie on top of her. Sweat slickened his skin even more than before, as if it cost him to hold back. “Deeper,” she moaned. “Go deeper.”

He happily complied, finding a slow rhythm designed to let her body adjust
the invasion of his. With every surge of his body against hers, every time his cock pushed into that forbidden place, Elsa’s pleasure escalated mind and body. She found herself whimpering with need, rocking to him long before she thought she’d be ready. There was a small bite of pain, but it only accentuated the pleasure, building on it with every stroke.

“Leif,” she gasped. “Ah, God!”

Sweat dripped from his face to splash on her breasts like hot raindrops. Elsa arched her back, trying to get him deeper, trying to urge him to move faster, but Leif held himself back. How could something so decadent feel so wonderful? Wasn’t she supposed to hate this? A good girl might, but Elsa had long ago figured out she wasn’t a good girl. Now, she was glad. To miss this dark passion because she was too afraid of what anyone would think of her? Impossible. In that moment, she’d gladly take any ridicule her people or his wanted to throw at her with a secret smile and a promise to go back for more. Now, if he would only move

“If you don’t fuck me, Leif, I swear I’m gonna kill you.”

“Don’t want to hurt you.” His voice sounded strained as he bent his forehead to hers. “Too good.”


With a helpless growl, Leif surged inside her, taking her hard. He’d predicted this would turn into a hard fucking, but Elsa was sure he’d meant on his part. Now, Elsa was lost in her own pleasure, needing that hard fucking as badly as Leif seemed to. The forbidden had tempted her; now it fulfilled her in ways she’d never imagined.

Flesh slapped against flesh, echoing loudly in the dim lighting. Leif’s eyes glowed in his passion, that blue light seeming to look straight into her soul as he pounded into her. Dark lust swamped her, overwhelming her until she writhed mindlessly. Leif covered her mouth with a searing kiss, making her suspect she’d cried out. His tongue thrust as wickedly as did his cock. Both took her to heights of pleasure she’d only ever imagined. Every movement of his body against hers scraped her clit along the rough hair at his groin and just above until, finally, she came. Elsa screamed into his mouth as he held her head still for his kiss. She clawed at his sides, sinking her nails into his skin as if she were holding on for dear life. Her legs gripped his sides, her heels digging into his ass, urging him ever forward.

“Fuck, Elsa,” he whispered. “Fuck!” Without warning, she felt his scorching seed filling her. His balls were tight against her ass as he held himself as deep within her as he could. Jet after hot jet bathed her inside, making her long for it to bathe her womb. This was as perfect as she could ask for, but she wanted him to take everything she had to give him.

After several moments, Leif rolled them to their sides, careful to place his back to the privacy tarp he’d hung. That he sheltered her should there be prying eyes warmed her heart, filling her with confidence about the future. For the first time in longer than she could remember, hope blossomed inside Elsa. Perhaps this man would make good on the promises he’d made her earlier. He’d indicated he would before, but she hadn’t truly believed him. This time, she realized she did.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No. It was wonderful.” She turned her head to smile at him over her shoulder. “So very wonderful.”

He squeezed her, still semi-hard inside her and thrusting softly. “You have no regrets?”

“Leif, it truly was wonderful.” She cupped his face, kissing him softly. “I believe I was the one who turned it into a…how did you put it? A ‘hard fucking.’”

He chuckled. “Yes, I believe you did. I’ll likely wear your scratches for days.”

“Well it’s only fair since my bottom will be red from your spanking.” Elsa smiled up at him. “IT truly was wonderful, Leif. It’s an experience I expect to repeat.”

“Ah, hell,” he said, his shaft stiffening inside her, pulsing with renewed energy. Instead of taking her again, though, he pulled out.

Retrieving a towel, he cleaned them both before helping her dress then slinging on his own breeches. Sleep threatened. Elsa’s body was sated, her mind at ease for the first time she could remember. While she could take care of herself and her children, it comforted her in ways she couldn’t begin to describe to have Leif there to protect them all.

“My little queen,” he murmured against her shoulder when he’d settled himself beside her, pulling the blanket over them both. “My woman.” Her eyelids grew heavy, and Elsa sighed. The last thing she heard him say before sleep claimed her was, “My beloved wife.”

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