Taking Shots (Assassins) (17 page)

No, pop, she had glass seat season tickets, down there by the penalty box.”

No shit,” Mark gasped as he looked down at the ice, not like you could see anything but empty seats, but his father still looked. “She’s rich?”

She owns her own business, she’s a photographer.”

Wow, how old is she?”


Good, she pretty?”




When do I get to meet her?”

I don’t know, she’s sort of skittish. I’m trying to take it slow.”

Wow, this girl is nothing like what you’re used to, huh?”

Nope, not at all.” Shea smiled as he shook his head, “But damn she drives me nuts, with just one look, pop, one look and I’m gone.”

I’m impressed; I want to meet her soon.”

I’ll do my damndest. Like I said she’s skittish.”

Who’s skittish, honey?” Shea turned to see his mother, Jenna, coming in with Amelia on her hip. Grace and James with Ryan came in right behind her.

Hey, mom.” Shea said, kissing her cheek, he hadn’t seen his parents in a few months, but she hadn’t changed. People would say that she was Grace’s sister instead of her mom, that’s how young Jenna looked. She was only eighteen when she had them, so she was still young, or as she would say, “I’m forever young.”

Who’s skittish?” she asked again as Shea kissed Amelia, then Grace, before picking Ryan up over his head. Ryan’s giggles filled the box, and everyone smiled, as Shea chose to ignore her again.

Unky, where’s Miss Elli?”

Well, hell.

Who’s Miss Elli?” Jenna asked again.

Ryan’s met her?” Mark asked.

She was the photographer for Shea’s party, pop, she also did the promo shots for the team, that’s how they met,” Grace said, taking Amelia from Jenna and giving her a juice box.

Met? Who? Huh? Someone tell me something before I blow up!” Jenna yelled. Everyone starting laughing, leaving Jenna to be confused. Sometimes she could be a little dramatic.

Mom, Elli is Shea’s new girlfriend,” Grace said with a grin for Shea, he rolled his eyes.

Girlfriend?” Jenna said with her hand over her heart, a dazed look on her face.

We’re taking it slow,” Shea said sticking his tongue out at Grace. “Don’t go planning my wedding, mom.”

How long have you guys been together?” Jenna asked.

Just a couple weeks, it’s new,” Shea insisted. “We’re just dating.”

She’s really nice, Jenna. I met her at the party, she loves kids,” James added. Shea cut his brother in law a look, but James just smiled.

She loves kids! Is she still in child bearing years?”

Jesus, mom!” Grace yelled, as Shea shook his head. “If you do meet her, please don’t ask her that.” Grace shook her head, making a plate for the kids as she did it.

What? It’s a logical question!” Jenna insisted as she turned her attention back to Shea. “How old is she?”

Twenty-seven,” he repeated.

What does she look like?”

Um, she’s about this tall,” he said bring his hand to the base of his throat, “Real dark curly hair, cute little nose, these lips, mom, Jesus, they have that little cupid bow look to them, and rosy cheeks, but the best part is her eyes, they are as green as moss, the kind of eyes that make you stop, look, and stare.” Shea took a deep breath, wishing Elli was there, “She’s gorgeous.”

Jenna had a dreamy look on her face as she covered her mouth. For a minute there, Shea thought she might cry.

Yeah, mom, all that and get this, she isn’t a Barbie doll,” Grace added, Shea looked over at her.

Of course not, she isn’t blonde.”

No, I mean, she isn’t a size zero, she’s got meat on her, she’s kinda thick.” Shea gave Grace a dirty look, and Grace held up her hands as she laughed “Whoa there, killer, I’m not saying she’s fat, but she sure isn’t skinny.”

Really?” Jenna asked, as Mark gave Shea a surprised look, too. Shea knew this was news. He understood the surprise but still did he really date nothing but Barbie dolls before? No wonder Elli had a complex about this.

Yeah, I guess,” Shea said with a shrug, “I think she is perfect.” Jenna smiled, cupping his face.

Well, good, I can’t wait to meet her. Has she been married?”

Jesus, mom!” Grace groaned as she shook her head “Leave him alone! It’s only been two weeks.”

Still, he’s head over heels for her; I need to know this kind of stuff.”

Whoa, head over heels?” Shea asked, looking up at his mother “What the h-e-l-l does that mean?”

Thanks, Shea,” Grace said with a grin, as she kissed Ryan’s head. Ryan had been so bad about repeating whatever anyone said. So everyone had been doing a lot of spelling lately.

You know what it means, you’re in love,” Jenna said so sure of herself, that Shea kinda believed her for a split second.

The h-e-l-l you say!” That had everyone laughing, as Shea got madder by the second. “I care about her, but no way do I love her. I’ve never been in love. I think I would know if I was in love. I mean, it’s been two weeks,” Shea complained. Jenna just smiled as she leaned her head on Mark, looking up at him lovingly. Shea got disgusted and went to Ryan, kissing his head.

Unky, win for me?”

Of course,” Shea said kissing him again before kissing Amelia.

You didn’t eat, Shea,” Grace complained.

I’m fine,” Shea said through his teeth as he kissed her then went towards the door. Just as he was about to go through, his mother decided that was the time to say, “There will be a wedding this time next year, I feel it. You guys be ready-”

Shea walked out before he heard anything else. There was no way he was in love. Elli was amazing, perfect even, but he didn’t love her. Not saying he would never love her, but right now, no…there was no way…right?


Elli was beyond excited; she had her number six jersey on while Harper was decked out in number two gear. They both had their faces painted with their favorite guy’s numbers and Elli had to admit, they were too damn cute for words. Harper was leaning back, drinking a beer as she looked around the filling arena. Elli was basically bouncing in her seat; she was so excited about the game, about seeing the guys on the ice for the first time since last season, about seeing Shea.

This is cool, I guess,” Harper said. Elli looked over at her, a big grin on her face.

It's amazing!” She gushed, causing Harper to shake her head.

Apparently, Jakob’s family is here from Russia or wherever the hell he’s from.” She was looking around at the boxes. Elli looked up at what she knew what Shea’s family’s box.

Did you meet em?”

Hell no, we aren’t together like that. He asked, and I, of course, said fuck no,” she said nonchalantly.

Harp, come on now, y’all are together.”

No, we ain’t, we’re just screwing around, and he’s the one trying to take this to a level it ain’t,” she said with a shrug.

I’m gonna point this out because of how you ousted me to our friends, but aren’t you wearing a number two on your face along with the jersey?” Harper looked down at her jersey, then back at Elli.

It means I’m proud of who I’m screwing, plus he said if I wear his number he’ll make it worth my while and, of course, I want that.”

Oh, of course,” Elli said with a shake of her head. Harper was impossible. This was the first guy that had lasted more than a week with Harper. They had been going strong for almost a month, even though Harper wouldn’t talk to him for days at a time, Elli knew there was something there. She also knew that Harper was scoping the place out; she was looking for any sign of Jakob, probably seeing if she could find his family’s box, which Elli knew was the one by Shea’s.

Screaming irrupted, causing Harper to jump as Elli popped up screaming along with the fans because the guys were coming out to warm up. Shea was the last one out and when Elli saw him, she grinned. He looked amazing all suited up with no glasses covering his blue eyes and in a way she missed them. His helmet sat on his head, but it wasn’t buckled underneath, something she knew he wouldn’t do until the game started. He skated around twice before he saw her, and the grin that came over his face was so bright, it could have blinded someone. He skated over to where she sat, and just smiled, then pointed to his face.

Elli shrugged, saying “So, I’m a fan.”

Turn around.” It was hard to hear him, but she heard him and did as he asked, when she faced him again he was smiling extra hard. He pulled his glove off and held up three fingers, then kissed his palm pressing it to the glass; she pressed her hand against his, and then said, “Good luck,” before he skated off with a nod.

Oh. My. God. Y’all disgust me that was straight out of some sappy love story, blah.”

Oh, shut up,” Elli said with a huge grin. She loved it.

What the hell did that mean, anyway?”

He’s gonna score me three goals.”

Okay, that’s pretty hot, not as hot as Jakob is right now, but hot.” Elli shook her head, falling into her seat.

That man was gonna drive her bat shit crazy. She held up her hand ordering another beer, as she watched the show of the guys warming up. They were playing the Sharks tonight, a cut throat kind of team and it was gonna be a good game. People were filing in, getting to their seats as they cheered for the guys. Elli laughed as she saw the females pressing their breast against the glass with Adler written across their chests. She also saw the kids with their signs for Shea. He always made it a point to go give them his stick or a puck, and it was so cute when they would run off to their parents jumping up and down.

He hasn’t even knowledge me yet!” Harper complained. Elli looked up at her, then back at the ice where Jakob and Shea were shooting back and forth to each other.

Harp, he’s warming up,” Elli insisted.

Shea came over, did his little thing, where’s my little thing!?” Harper whined, Elli shook her head, aren’t together her ass. Harper might have found her match. Jakob was hot as hell and from what Shea said, a really great guy too. Just then, Jakob looked up, seeing Harper. He smiled, nodding his chin at her, Harper smiled back, turning around to show his number to him. Jakob just grinned, watching as she twirled around for him, doing a little dance. She pointed to her face, before blowing him a kiss which he in returned by making a kissy face back at her.

It was downright disgusting and Elli couldn’t wait to tell everyone.

The guys began skating off, but Shea did give Elli one last look before skating off leaving her breathless. Harper dropped into the seat beside her, grinning her ass off.

Aren’t together, huh?” Elli asked. Harper shot her a look before downing her whole beer and muttering, “Shut up.”


Shit,” Elli complained as she walked back to Harper’s car, “Shit, Shit, Shit.”

I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to be happy when they win, Elli. I mean I know this was my first game, but still I think that’s the way it supposed to go.” Elli cut her a glance as she climbed into the car. Yup, they had won. Five to two, Shea had scored four goals and after each one he threw Elli a grin.

Damn it.”

What’s wrong!?” Harper finally yelled.

If Shea scored three goals and they won, I am supposed to show him my underwear.” Harper giggled as she started the car.

Now that is definitely hot, you have pretty undies on right?”

They are my Shea Adler underwear!”

Awesome,” Harper said with a laugh, as she turned onto West End, heading towards the restaurant where they were meeting the guys for drinks.

He’ll see my tummy, Harp.”

No, he won’t, just leave your jersey on, lower your jeans just a little, no big deal.”

Elli let out a little scream of frustration and smacked her thighs, “Why did I make that bet!”

Cause you like him,” Harper said with a grin as she pulled into PF Chang’s. They got out of the car and headed inside; giving the name that Jakob had told Harper to give the hostess. The hostess smiled and asked them to follow her, which they did. They passed some curtains to a booth set for four.

Can I get y’all something to drink?” the waitress asked.

A beer, please,” Elli said.

Me, too,” Harper added as she placed her purse beside Elli’s on the booth. Harper pulled her phone out and smiled. “They’ll be here in a few.”

Elli nodded as the waitress came back with their drinks and asked if they wanted an appetizer. They declined, saying they were waiting for their dates and the waitress left with a smile. Elli took a long pull of her beer, completely nervous to see Shea. She knew he was expecting her to own up to their bet, and she would, but it didn’t mean she would like it.

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